Blue (14 page)

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Authors: Jesilyn Holdridge

BOOK: Blue
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“But after three and one-half days, God put the breath of life into the two prophets again. They stood at their feet, and everyone who saw them became very afraid. Then the two prophets heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Come up here!’ And they went up into heaven in a cloud as their enemies watched.

“In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city was destroyed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and those who did not doe were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven.


“The second trouble is finished. Pay attention: The third trouble is coming soon.” Meganlynn took a breath and then looked back at Blue. She had been saying all of this stuff and secretly wishing that he was going through it at the moment. She was hopefully going to over-come this terrible wish. “Am I done?”

“Well, I kind-of want my seat back,” Lizzie said as she stood with her arms crossed and her hip cocked. She held her defeating gaze as Blue got out of her seat and off Meganlynn.

“Well um…” He mimicked back to her still having his hands on Meganlynn. “I guess you have to find a different one then don’t you?”

“Does it look like she really wants that?” Lizzie asked pointing at Meganlynn, wondering what was really going through her head at this moment.

“I don’t know, does it?” he asked looking back at Meganlynn.

“Oh, please,” Lizzie shot back.

“I really don’t care.” Meganlynn lied with a tear coming down her eyes. She was deathly scared and unable to say anything other than that. It was the first thing and the only thing that came to her mind when she was confronted with the question. She was heart-broken as her friend looked at her as if she was a chicken and then walked away. She knew what she gotten herself into.

Maybe I said the ri
ght thing,
she thought to herself.
After all
, I do deserve it fo
r letting it go on f
or so long. I probab
ly brought it on all
on my own. I deserv
e this, everything.

“Would you like to read to me again?” Blue asked Meganlynn as she closed her Bible.

“No, I honestly wouldn’t. I want to have a little bit of time to myself to think things over.”

“Fine, but I get to keep my hands on you all the time, don’t I?”

“Do I have a say?”

“No!” he whispered in her ears. Meganlynn took a deep breath and let the tears fall from her face onto her lap.

Blue had his hands on her all the way home. At this point he had one hand on her hands making her unable to write or do any of the other things that she wanted to do to get her anger out. He was hurting her, her hand felt as if her hand was going to fall off. But yet she couldn’t help herself any. She couldn’t even try. The other hand was placed heavily on her leg to make her even more and more uneasy. She was officially scared.

All Meganlynn could do was sit there and think. Her hands were not free from Blue’s grip on them. All she wanted to do was write, it was the only way that she knew how to get her emotions out from having all of the memories that she had been having. The images in her mind flashed back and forth from one image to the next in chronological order. She had her by the leg and by the hands.

Scared as she was, she then looked at her notebook that only had about fifteen pages left. The seventy-page notebook was sitting on the table behind the seat. She reached to for the notebook and grabbed it. Then she grabbed her pen and then began to then write things down. She wrote slowly, but she wrote it down.

She wrote, and wrote, and Blue never woke. He was holding her and touching her inappropriately, but she was happy that she could write all of her feelings down on the paper instead of thinking for the rest of the time about what he was doing and what he had done to her. The pen flew across the page and went to the next page just as soon as she had flipped the previous page. The plane ride may have almost been over, but Meganlynn was in for a rough night.

Practices every other night would soon follow the turmoil of band camp and make her want to die even more, but she would not. She knew that this was only a phase that she was going through in order to have all of the information to sue him and make him pay when she went to court for it. She was going to take him to court; she did not know how or when, she just knew that she was taking him to court.

Then, the flight attendant looked at where Blue’s hands were placed on Meganlynn, she wondered why he was allowed to place one hand on her boob and the other in between her legs. She had absolutely no idea that Meganlynn was being put through torture.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” the flight attendant whispered to Meganlynn. She was leaning over Blue, and she was also waking Blue up from the sleep that he was in the middle of.

“Yes?” Meganlynn answered.

“Is it okay with you that he touches you like this?” Meganlynn’s face told the whole story. She was very scared. If she said no, Blue would wake, but if she said yes, everyone around her would think that she was in-love with Blue and not able to love anyone else.

“It’s fine,” Meganlynn lied.

“Ma’am, I’m sorry to come into your life like this, but you don’t look very happy like this.”

“I really don’t care as long as he doesn’t wake. He gets upset and cranky and I really don’t want to sit next to someone like that for the next three hours.”

“Ma’am, I’m sorry, but we only have one hour left.”

“Oh, but still, I don’t want to wake him.”

“Okay, I am going to have to tell your band teacher.”

“Fine, I’ll make him move.”

“Okay, thank you, ma’am.” Then she left. Meganlynn kept her promise and then moved Blue’s hands from where they were.

Blue moved a little bit from where they were, but not enough to make a difference. She then moved his hands a little bit further away, and he began to wake.

“What did you get me up for, honey?” He woke to say as she began to move his hands farther and farther away from where they originally were on her.

“I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to have a little bit of freedom.”

“Well, then why didn’t you just ask?”

“You really would’ve moved your hands away from where they were?”

“No, but it never hurts to ask.”

“Wow.” She sat there and leaned her head back as he placed his hands back on her hands again not letting her do anything but sit there and think about whatever he was doing to her at that very moment.

All she could possibly think about was what he was doing to her at that exact moment. She had always hated him, even when they were little kids. He was her natural enemy and was never liked by her parents or any of her family members.

Blue still held her so she could not move. Meganlynn was a very laid-back person, but when you got her angry, she could be one of the meanest people ever.

A small, simple, little tear then fell from her check onto Blue’s arm. He was now fully awake and then he turned back around so he was facing fully toward Meganlynn and began to talk to her.

“Why are you crying, sweetheart?” he asked her. He sounded like he was all simple and sweet.

“Nothing,” Meganlynn spat back out. She turned away from him and stared out of the window.

“Look at me!” he shouted in her ear in the worst sort of voice ever.

“No,” Meganlynn stated and still stayed facing away from him.

“Look, you really don’t have a choice. You are either going to look at me or you’re not. Get over it.” He grabbed her face and made her look at him.

“No, I believe that I am going to the bathroom, if you don’t mind.” The look on her face was a horrified look. She then got up walked over him and then started off to the bathroom that was, until halfway in the aisle way when he grabbed her leg, making her fall down in the aisle.

Of course, as she went down, she screamed and got back up, and gave him an extremely dirty look. She was then off to the bathroom.

She got in and sat down. She sat down and cried for everything that had been going on. Soon enough, there was a knock at the door.

“Someone’s in here!” she shouted as she cried and held her knees close to her chest.

“Let me in!” She recognized the voice that she had been hearing the whole time of the plane ride. She was scared. She knew that she almost had to let him in; she also knew that she had to stick up for herself. She stared at the door, while Blue tried his hardest to break it down. She knew that, to everyone else, she was invisible, and she was going to be raped and beaten just as she was at band camp and before. She had already been sexually harassed by this boy, and now, once again, he had started it. Then again, she was going to be raped, and it hopefully was not going to be something worse than that involved. He broke down the door.

“Well, that was rude!” he yelled, slapping her across the face. No one had heard him.

“Well, I was going to the bathroom,” she stated back as she was looking at the ground in pure pain and torture.

“I’ve already seen you naked! Nothing new to me!” Meganlynn continued to cry harder and harder as he yelled at her more and more.

“I don’t care.” She then looked up to see his face as he stared at her harder and harder as the stare of death was planted right in his eyes.

“You will care when I get done with you!” he then began to beat her. First, he punched her in the mouth, and then harder and harder in her face. Having braces, it meant that she had the marks of her braces imbedded in her lips. He then moved back down farther and farther on her body. He then beat her harder and harder as he went farther and farther down her body. He hit her harder as he beat her closer and closer to her stomach. Blood started to come back up her throat and then onto the floor of the bathroom. He then was done.

“There, that serves you right.” Once more he kicked her in the stomach. She lay there, dying on the ground. There were people out in the plane area and no one had asked where she was quite yet. Things were beginning to become very strange.

I am so invisible to the
naked eye,
Meganlynn thought to herself.
But, may
be I deserved this.
I did deserve this.
I am a horrible pers
on. I did this to my
self. If I had truly
wanted this to stop
, then I would’ve be
en able to. I guess
I wanted it to keep
on going. That’s why
. That’s why it didn
’t stop.

She sat and cried on the ground. No one knew nor cared where she was. All of her friends were asleep in their chairs and they were in their normal enough to keep in their own little private worlds and their own little silly dreams while Meganlynn was sitting on the bathroom floor, dying.

Meganlynn heard footsteps, a guy’s footsteps. She figured that Blue was coming back for round two. She breathed heavy and prayed silently that God would just take her life right there and then. She was scared that Blue was back there for her, finally. Thankfully, she was wrong.

He came to the doorway of the bathroom and found her lying on the ground. He stared for a minute and walked up to her. He bent down and lifted her head so he could see her eyes.

“Meganlynn, what happened to you?” he asked.

“Justin?” Meganlynn asked as she opened her eyes from being closed for the time that she thought Blue was on his way back.

“Yes,” he said. He held her close to his chest.

“Justin, help me,” she cried.

“I will, I promise. Who did this to you?” he asked as tears fell down her face.

“Thank you,” she forced out. She had had so much taken away from her already that she could not take it anymore. She had to have people be there for her. She needed everyone to know who had in fact done this to her. She needed
to know.

He walked out of the room to get help.

“I’ll be right back,” he told her as he went out the door.

“Okay.” Meganlynn was right back where she was. She was back on the ground, suffering once again. She wanted everything to stop. She wanted the horrible life here on earth to be over with and to just go up to Heaven.

Finally she heard footsteps again, male footsteps. She looked up with all of her might to find out who was standing in the doorway. She was terrified. She was lying there, looking up at Blue.

Blue stood there, in the doorway of the bathroom where Meganlynn was laying. She was trying to move away as fast as she could. She looked him right in the eyes.

“Hello,” he said as he walked over to her.

“Hi,” she said moving away from him.

“Hello, once again.” He moved closer until he reached her and, once she could not move any further, he bent down so he was right next to her.

“Stay away from me,” she whispered. She felt as though she was pleading for her life.

“No, I don’t think that I will.” He moved closer to her.

“Help!” she squeaked, but then was forced to stop when he kicked her in the throat. Justin, Mr. Nolls, Lizzie, Morgan, Taylor, and one flight attendant were all running to the bathroom where Meganlynn was laying, helpless on the ground.

“No one’s going to help you now,” Blue told her after he had kicked her. Justin, Lizzie, Morgan, and Taylor ran faster to the bathroom where she was while the others ran a bit slower.

“Justin!” she tried to scream in her hoarse voice, but it was not any use. No one was able to hear her now; it was almost as if she were dead and unable to say anything about what had happened that night.

“Blue! Get off her!” Justin screamed when he got to the doorway he pulled Blue off Meganlynn. Lizzie, Morgan, and Taylor were on the ground helping Meganlynn to sit up as she was laying now flat on the ground. They attended to her while the rest then went to get Blue out of the room.

Meganlynn was placed next to Justin until the plane was landed. She didn’t have a want or a need to believe that Justin had done anything to her. She couldn’t remember anything that had happened that night. He was supposed to help her off the plane, onto the stretcher, and to the hospital. She knew that it was all, finally, over. She knew that one way or another, Blue was never going to see the light of day again.

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