Blue (13 page)

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Authors: Jesilyn Holdridge

BOOK: Blue
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“Until next year,” Johnny said, looking at Meganlynn one last time.

“E-mail and call? Promise?” she asked him as she moved an inch farther in line.

“Yes, come here,” he held her once, even closer and tighter, until the line moved forward, and they both would move in order to keep the people behind them happy.

“Bye, Johnny,” Meganlynn whispered in his ear.

“Yeah, good-bye.” He pulled her into one more kiss that she would remember until next year. Meganlynn picked-up her things and went through the check-in and then was gone from his sight.

“Meganlynn,” a familiar voice came. She knew exactly who it was and what he was waiting for.

“What Blue?” she asked as she walked farther and farther away from him down the hallway that held the airport. She missed Justin being on her side. She still felt like the Lord was with her protecting her, and she also felt as though Satan was right on her back, seeing her every move and giving everything he had to just make her life a disaster.

Johnny missed her as well. He missed the touch of her hand and the smell of the body lotion that she had been wearing ever since it had all happened. He missed every little thing about her, other than Blue stalking her that is, and he could not wait for the next year and for the first time that she would call and then write him. He could not wait for her to send him all of her books so then he could read them and tell her what he thought of them. He missed her more than anything.

“Well,” Blue started as he and Justin walked toward her. “I thought that it would be nice if we all had lunch together.”


He looked her up and then back down again. “So we can get to know each other a little bit better.”

“I don’t want to get to know you better.”

“You know that I want to and that all I care about is the care and well-being of you,” Blue’s teeth were gritted together and Meganlynn could tell that he was mad.

“What do you want from me?”


“How? You already raped me. Have you punished me enough already? “

“Yes, I had to punish you.”

“Then leave me alone.”

“No. If I was done punishing you, then I wouldn’t be here right now talking to you.”

“Then get the point.”

“Never will you be able to get rid of me, Meganlynn. Even if you go off to collage, I will still be there.” Blue had her cornered against the wall of the airport. They may have been ordered to be there an hour earlier than the plane was going to be there, but that was so everyone would get their shopping stuff all done. Meganlynn knew that she had to find one of her friends or a security guard.

“Blue, leave me alone please,” she begged.

“No, I love you too much.” He stroked her face. She started to cry harder than she ever had before.

“Let me go.” She stepped away from him and ran to the bathroom until the plane came.

An hour had almost passed when Meganlynn came out of the bathroom to try to find the gate that she was to go into for the plane. She walked into the gate with the rest of the band looking at her as if she had done something wrong. She knew that everyone was thinking different things about her. She wanted everything to stop: the whispers, the looks, and all of the thoughts.

“Look there’s the girl that ran away”
she heard one girl whisper.

“Really? Well, why did she run away?” the girl sitting next to her asked.

“I think it’s because she wasn’t up for the challenge.”

Meganlynn just walked on by and tried not to pay attention to the other people who whispered as she walked by until she got to her friends.

Once she got to her friends, Lizzie, Morgan, and Taylor were all sitting next to each other with one seat empty for Meganlynn to sit in. They knew that Meganlynn would want to sit next to them after everything that had happened. As she walked by to her seat they all stood up and hugged her making Meganlynn twinge little bit from the pain.

“Hey guys,” she said, sitting down as her voice was still shaking and hard to understand. She missed everyone and everything about every little detail of spending time with her friends.

“Meg!” Lizzie, Morgan, and Taylor all shouted at different times, one right after the other.

“Hey,” she said, sitting down.

“Why did you run away?” Lizzie asked. Meganlynn knew that someone was going to ask that question.

“Because of Blue.” Her voice was an inch away from crying.

“What did he do?” Morgan asked right after Meganlynn had gotten done saying why she had left.

“He raped me,” she whispered and put her head in her hands. While the rest of her friends just sat there with their mouths wide open.

“He did what?” Taylor asked with a very surprised look on her face. She knew what she had said, but she was very surprised about what had happened.

“He raped me.”

“Well, he was being nice wasn’t he?” Morgan said sarcastically.

“Yeah, and you want to know the worst part about it, though?” Meganlynn asked as she sat with her friends in the waiting room.

“What?” all three of them asked almost like one after another.

“Justin was standing right there watching.”

“He was what?” Lizzie asked as all of the other girls’ mouths were dropped to the ground.

“He was standing right there, watching.” Meganlynn was trying not to cry as she looked at the ground seeing everything that had happened that night flashing through her mind. Tears naturally ran down her face whenever she seemed to think about that night alone. She was crying now, not loudly but silently.

She stared at the ground for a few moments until the plane was finally called to board. As usual, Morgan, Lizzie, and Taylor were surrounding her. She was crying and the flight attendants were always asking her what was wrong when she got onto the plane. She couldn’t tell them, not yet at least.

Once the plane was up in the air, Meganlynn was writing a story on what she had been going through the past week. She was the main person for someone to go to if they needed to talk about their problems and issues, but Meganlynn could never find anyone to talk to about her own problems and concerns. Johnny had been the only person that would listen during the time that they were down there in Arizona.

Meganlynn was sitting next to Lizzie with Taylor and Morgan behind them and two other people that Meganlynn could not see in front of them. Meganlynn started to scan the plane.
Where were Blue and Justin?
She thought to herself. She was scared that she couldn’t see them. They might have been in front of her, and that, to her, was the scariest thing in the world to her: sitting behind the two guys that had raped her.

Meganlynn had finally started to write again. She wrote about everything that had happened to her every day of that past week and also every day of that past year when he had harassed her to the breaking point.

She came out of her “own little place” once one of her friends tapped her on the shoulder and had made her stop writing. She noticed that she was on the last page of her notebook. She was surprised; she had only been writing for three hours. She normally didn’t write for three hours straight, but she wasn’t normally this upset about something either. She was confused and hurt. Once her friends made her stop, her hand hurt more than anything. She wiggled her wrist back and forth in order to try to make it feel a little bit better.

“I would ask you why you are crying, but you know, I already know why,” Morgan said, looking at Meganlynn. Tears had flooded the pages so bad that they looked even more fragile than the Declaration of Independence.

“Yeah,” Meganlynn said under her breath, just loud enough for Lizzie to hear her. The tears really started to run down her cheek, and her normal voice was now the pitch of the highest pitch they could do.

“Meg, only dogs can hear you sweetie,” Lizzie told her, placing her hand on her shoulder.

“Sorry, but it’s just that—it’s just—it’s just that I am so scared.”

“We know.” Taylor placed her hand on Meganlynn’s shoulder too and looked back up to Lizzie with what seemed to be a tear in her eye.

“Girls.” Lizzie started off looking at all the girls other than Meganlynn. “I have to go to the bathroom.”

“Yeah, and quiet hour starts soon,” Taylor said, sitting back in her seat.

“Which means that we can’t talk anymore and that we also have to try to sleep a little bit,” Morgan added.

“Ding!” The girls looked up to the front of the plane to see the little light on to show that it was quiet time and that passengers were not allowed to move around. Well, the only reason that they were allowed to move was to go to the bathroom. Lizzie was still in the bathroom by the time that Morgan and Taylor had fallen asleep from the pure exhaustion of the day of shopping and from band camp. Meganlynn was still wide-awake and thinking and re-seeing everything that had happened. She cried, but she didn’t mean to. She actually just wanted to have the visions gone from her head.

Her mind trembled inside of her trembling body. She shook while she sat there and waited for Lizzie to come back from the bathroom. She knew that she was not dead, but she also knew that she was not coming back from the bathroom. Then, her worst nightmare happened; Blue came and sat there and then started to talk to her, again.

“Hey baby,” he said as he sat down. He put his hand on top of Meganlynn’s leg just like he had many times before. Meganlynn was finally tired of all of the crap that Blue was trying to pull on her. She then picked-up her Bible and then began to read once again from it.

“Excuse me,” she said as she turned the pages to the one that she wanted. She finally found Revelation eleven and began to read it silently.

“What are you reading?” He then began to stroke her hair as if she had been his own personal prostitute.

“The Two Witnesses,” she answered. She refused to look at him for even a second. She knew that just looking at him would be a huge pain because of all of the things that he had done to her in the past week.

“What does it say?”

“Why should I tell you?” His mouth was now on her neck, breathing down it. Her hair was standing on end because she was so scared. She peeked at the aisle-way to see if Lizzie was anywhere to be seen, but she had no such luck. Blue was right next to her, and she had to deal with it as she had so many times before.

“Because if you don’t, I may just have to go back on my word of not killing you.” His hands moved up on her legs. “This is your fault, and you know it,” he whispered in her ear.

“Okay, fine, I will tell you everything that this says.”

“I thought that you would see it my way.”


“I was given a message stick like a rod, and I was told, ‘Go and measure the temple of God and the alter, and count the people worshiping there. But do not measure the yard outside the temple. Leave it alone, because it has been given to those who are not God’s people. And they will trample on the holy city for forty-two months. And I will give one thousand two hundred and sixty days, and they will be dressed in rough cloth to show their sadness.’” Tears were running down Meganlynn’s face like a river in the rain on a windy day. “These two witnesses are the two olive trees and the lamp stands that stand before the Lord of the earth. And if anyone tries to hurt them, fire comes from their mouths and kills their enemies. And if anyone tries to hurt them in whatever way, in that same way that person will die. These witnesses have the power to stop the sky from raining during the time they are prophesying. And they have the power to make the waters become blood, and they have the power to send every kind of trouble to the earth as many times as they want.

“When the two witnesses have finished telling their message, the beast that comes up from the bottomless pit will fight a war against them. He will defeat them and kill them. The bodies of the two witnesses will lie in the street of the great city where the Lord was killed. This city is named Sodom and Egypt, which has a spiritual meaning. Those from every race of people, tribe, language, and nation will look at the bodies of the two witnesses for three and one-half days, and they will refuse to bury them. People who live on earth will rejoice and be happy because these two are dead. They will send each other gifts, because these two profits brought much suffering to those who live on earth.

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