Blue (9 page)

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Authors: Jesilyn Holdridge

BOOK: Blue
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“Oh, so then who’s this? I don’t remember seeing him up there.”

“This is Justin. He’s my wonderful boyfriend.”

“But, you were supposed to be single,” Johnny said under his breath.

“Sorry that I’m not,” Meganlynn answered, confused.

“Well,” Johnny said, suddenly making it awkward with the two of them standing there.

“So I take it that you’re Johnny?” Justin asked.

“Yeah,” Johnny answered bluntly.

“Why didn’t you wait for me?” Johnny asked.

“Wait for what? For you to come back north? I don’t know. Maybe it was that I fell in love,” Meganlynn answered back.

“Fell in love? Oh please, you can’t even begin to spell love.”

“I’m sorry, Johnny, but I never thought that we would see each other again.”

“Fine,” he answered still disappointed.

“We better get going,” Meganlynn said standing up.

“Fine, but can I at least get your number?”

“Sure,” she answered getting out her phone. He programmed her number into his phone and she the same. Justin stood there with his arm around Meganlynn’s waist.

“Bye,” he said, hugging her good bye. After Meganlynn had left and was already half way to her aunt and uncle’s house, she looked back and saw Johnny looking out the window at her. She smiled at him and let out a little chuckle. She gave him a little wave and then went back into her aunt and uncle’s house.


Nothing about the morning was cold or hot. The weather was perfect for the day of band camp that was ahead of them. They ate breakfast and then went out onto the field.

Mr. Nolls had them set up where they were going to in the first place. Unfortunately, Blue was always right behind Meganlynn for the whole thing. Then Mr. Nolls had to do something with a different part of the group and wasn’t paying attention to Meganlynn’s section.

“Roses are red, violets are blue. Who really loves and wants you? How far will they go to get it?” Blue asked Meganlynn as they sat down on the grass.

“Shut-up, Blue.”

“Why should I?” he asked, rubbing her back. Unfortunately, Justin was on the other side of the field.

“Stop, please,” she begged. Tears were already starting to run down her face.

“What is your issue with me?”

“You’re sexually harassing me.”

“Deal with it,” he slapped her across the face softly. “Hon, you have to learn to deal with it. Life is filled with people like me, and you will just have to learn that life is never fair either. This is why you belong with me.”

“Don’t call me ‘hon’ I’m not your honey. I’m not even yours.”

“How do you know this?” He looked deep into her eyes, and then she had nothing to say anymore. She needed a comeback that was as good as the punch he had just thrown at her from behind.


“Because you’ve been asking for it to happen.”

“I never asked for it to happen.” She had her doubts about it not being her fault.

“Yes you did.” He was sure that he was right.

“How did I ask for it?”

“Your body,” he said, running his hands up and down her sides for a minute. “Your figure.” His face then touched her neck.

“Get off me!”

“You’re telling me to get off of you when you’re all on me?”



“Just let me go,” she cried.

“Break!” Mr. Nolls shouted out of the blue.

“Thank you, Lord,” Meganlynn said under her breath. Justin did not even rush over; he really just let her friends handle it.

“What happened?” one of her friends, Britney, asked.

“Nothing,” she answered, looking for Blue and Justin. Finally, she found Blue and she found Justin. They were talking together, freely. They were laughing together.

“Britney,” Meganlynn started out. “Why are Blue and Justin both talking to each other?”

“Maybe they’re in a fight.”

“When they’re laughing?”

“Good point.”

“Wow, what a dirt bag.”

“Give me one minute.”

“To do what?”

“You’ll see,” she answered walking over to where Blue and Justin were both standing.

“You jerk!” Brittany shouted in his face.

“For what?” Justin asked Britney as she was shouting in his face.

“Hmmm…let’s see—you’re chatting with your girlfriend’s sexual harasser! Wow you really are a jerk!” Then she walked back to Meganlynn. Meganlynn cried a little harder than she was already.

“Meganlynn, what was that about?” Justin came back over and shouted in her face.

“I don’t know! You honestly think that I had something to do with that?” she shouted back.

“Yeah! She’s one of your friends!”

“Doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have a mind of her own!”

“Fine, you want to play that game?” He was close to her face. She knew what was going to happen next.

“You don’t care about anyone but yourself!”

“Meganlynn!” shouted Britney.

“Don’t worry about it,” Meganlynn told her. She just took it as Justin was giving it to her.

“We’re done,” Meganlynn’s voice cracked, letting him know that she didn’t want to but felt as if she had to out of fear.

“Okay! I really never liked you in the first place! What am I saying? I really liked you, but after you did this, I don’t care anymore, and I do too care about other people!”

“No you don’t!”

“Bye!” Then she walked away. She didn’t cry out of sadness but more out of fear. She missed him already, but she knew that it had to end at some point.

Finally, it was time to go back out on the field. The band was trying to get from one place to the other, and they eventually made it. Then it was lunch time.

“What is this?” asked Blue as he grabbed Meganlynn’s

“That is my butt!” screamed Meganlynn as she turned around to face him, taking her butt away from him. “Keep your hands off it!” Then she walked away. She was trying to keep to herself together without crying even harder.

“Well, don’t know if I can quite do that.” He was trying to sound sexy.

“Then try your hardest not to!”

“Okay, but I just want to tell you something.”


“You’ll never be out of my sight.”

All lunch, he grabbed her sides and then tried to touch her where he would never be allowed. Meganlynn wanted to punch him if he touched her one more time.

She found a little hole in the ground and took her Bible out and read it. She had fifteen minutes to read it, and hopefully no one would ever find her right there. She decided to read a little bit more of Jeremiah.

“Jeremiah 33:11: Give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the Lord is good; his love endures forever,” she repeated this five times to herself to remember for all the time that she was at band camp. Then she read more out loud to herself to comfort herself more and more through these hard times.

“Revelation 11:15, The Seventh Trumpet: The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever. The Harvest of the Earth, Revelation 14: I looked and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one ‘like the son of man’ with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, ‘Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come and the harvest of the earth is ripe.’ So he who was on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth and the earth was harvested. Revelation 15, Seven Angels With Seven Plagues: I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues—last, because with them God’s wrath is completed. And I saw what looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and over the number of his name.”

She needed the comfort from God, but she could not feel it anywhere she went. She knew that none of the stuff that was going on was God’s fault. She was panicking, and she knew it. She walked back into the cafeteria to find her friends that were normally right there by her side during everything.

“Meganlynn,” said Britney, pulling her over to where Justin and Blue were standing. Britney stood in between Meganlynn and Blue, but Meganlynn and Justin were standing right across from each other.

“Yes?” Meganlynn asked Justin.

“Why did you get mad at me like that?” he asked, giving her his puppy-dog look.

“I don’t know, Justin. Maybe because I am going through such an emotional time that I just may be so crazy I go all wrong all of the sudden like I did.”


“No, I have a brain.”

“Then, why did Britney come over and start yelling at me?”

“That was her own decision, not mine.”

“Yeah, right! You had a part in it!”

“No, I didn’t, I had nothing to do with that.”

“Justin,” started Britney, putting her hand on his back. “She really didn’t have anything to do with me yelling at you.”

“Oh, well, why didn’t you tell me that before?”

“You wouldn’t let me, and whenever she would try to tell you, you wouldn’t listen to her.”

“Okay, sorry.” He rolled his eyes.

“I’m not the one that you should be apologizing to,” Brittany snapped back.

“Why not? I didn’t believe you.”

“No, you didn’t believe Meganlynn over there. You believed me.”

“So what’s so wrong with what I’m saying? Am I that much of a liar? Have I ever actually told you a lie about me or what I have done in the past?” asked Meganlynn with her eyes huge and her voice crackling. A tear ran down her cheek.

“There’s nothing wrong with what you are saying. You aren’t that much of a liar; I was just being a jerk because I thought that you were trying to break us up. No, you have actually never told me a lie about you or what you have done in the past.

“Look, Meganlynn, I am so sorry,” Justin pleaded with her with his hands in a prayer position. He tried to hug her, but she could not handle it and pulled away.

“What are you sorry for?” Her eyes were now big, and you could see the deep blue that was in them. The pain, sadness, and hurt was also all shown in her eyes as she looked at him, asking him this question.

“Honestly, Meganlynn, I have absolutely no idea what you are so mad at me for!” He was shouting at her again.

“Then you can watch me walk away.” She turned to walk away, crying again.

“No, don’t walk away from me.” He grabbed her arm. “Can I have a few seconds with you?”

“Sure.” She walked forward a little to walk away.

“Meganlynn?” Britney asked Meganlynn.

“I can go on alone,” Meganlynn assured her.

“Okay.” Then Britney watched as Meganlynn, Blue, and Justin all went over to the corner of the hallway.

“What?” Meganlynn spat out when they were finally around the corner to where no one else could see.

“Why are you so mad at me?”

“If you can’t figure it out, then maybe you don’t need to know.”

“Yes, I do need to know, Meganlynn. I need to know because I want to know why you are so mad at me.”

“You want to know what I am so mad at you about, then you need to take a look at who and what you just started hanging around recently.”


“Yeah, there, now you know what’s been bugging me the whole live-long day.” Then she turned to walk away. She was about two steps away from the corner when she felt a hand on her shoulder trying to make her stay back with them.

“Blue,” she started removing his hand from her shoulder, and turning to face him. “Get your hands off of me.”

“Why should I?”

“Just because you are harassing me, doesn’t mean that you can treat me however you freaking want to.”

“Yes, it does.”

“No, it doesn’t.”

“Yes it does.” Then Blue struck her again. She sat on the ground in pain as the stinging in her face would not go away from where he had struck her this time. There was probably going to be a large bruise across her face from where his hand hit her face.

Meganlynn walked right back around to where they had taken her before and then looked at the two of them with her bruised face. She hoped that Justin and Blue both felt at least a little bit of remorse for what they had done to her. She hoped that they knew what they had done. She hoped that Blue got the point that the police could finally arrest him now for assault and for battery.

“Look,” Blue started as she walked by. He said this just loud enough so she could hear it. “She thinks, she’s going to go tell.” He said it kind of a sweet and innocent voice like he had done nothing to her. “You poor, poor thing.”

“Stay away from me.” She then walked away from them. Blue was not very happy with her anyway.

“You tell any one of your little brainless friends, and they will never ever find you again because you will experience the beating of your life to where it is so hard that even your grandchildren would have a bruise—if you were to have any that is, and the only way that you are getting pregnant from now on is from me.” He leaned forward to kiss her, but she pulled away just in time for him to miss.

She hated him, even more than ever before. She had not hated any one before in her life besides him. He had made her so mad, self-conscious, and scared all because he was a self-centered little spirit. “No, Meganlynn, we are going to do this right this time.”

“No, please.” Then he kissed her. It was the most disgusting thing in her life. The look on her face told all of it; he was all about himself, and she had not wanted that kiss to happen at all. He had just made it happen all on his own.

“You can go now, honey.”

“I’m not your honey,” she said as she ripped away from him and ran back to her cabin. She lay on her bed and cried for a minute. Then she whipped out her little journal that had everything that he had been doing and wrote the rest of the things that he had done to her that day. Then she got into her bag and pulled out a sweatshirt.

One of the girls who was in her cabin walked in to see her crying and noticed the journal lying wide-open on her bed. The girl picked up the journal and then looked at her.

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