Authors: Jesilyn Holdridge
“Well, at least my friends can’t say that you’re not worried about me, because you obviously are.”
“Has he touched you since the last day of band practice?”
“I haven’t seen him since the last day, thankfully.”
“If you see him outside of band and school, you just stay away from him, you understand?”
“Yes, sir!”
“Nice to see that you have your sense of humor back.”
“Only until tomorrow.”
“How long am I staying with you?”
“Church, and then we’re going to dinner with our parents.”
“Oh, yeah, so you can tell me everything that’s been going on with him.”
“I’ll tell you when I tell Nerverah,” she answered him. Nerverah was her best friend from her church that was a lot like Meganlynn herself. She was the person that Meganlynn would run to whenever she was dealing with issues with Blue beforehand.
“Will you tell her every little detail?”
“Well, I’ll try to, but whatever I don’t get to tell you there, I’ll tell you whenever I can. You’re going to see a lot of tears shed from my eyes.”
“I’ll be there to hold you every step of the way, I promise.”
“Thank you,” she said as a small tear came to her eye.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“I don’t know. I guess you wouldn’t if you didn’t believe me.”
“I didn’t want to at first, but when he kissed you, and you were just looking at me, I knew that you were going through torture, and that you had absolutely no desire to be with him.”
“Trust me, I have absolutely no intention of being with any part of him.”
“I know, and that’s why you and I are still together. In fact, if I had any idea that you liked him more than you like me, then we would be done before he was even done kissing you yesterday.”
“Why does he want to hurt me like this?”
“Probably because you are beautiful, smart, wonderful, and—did I mention beautiful?”
“Yes, and thank you for those compliments.”
“You’re so welcome, but only because you deserve them.”
“And if I didn’t?”
“Okay, I get the point,” she said with a smile on her face. “We should probably head back to the car now, church will be starting soon.”
“Okay, come on then.” With a simple ‘bye’ from Justin’s mother, they were all off to have a relaxing day at church, and then off to have dinner with their parents.
Finally, when they arrived at the church, they walked in. Meganlynn and Justin went up to the youth room and sat down. They talked about random things that had happened to them and had a sort of normal conversation. Class was just about to start when the assistant pastor walked into the youth room with another person right behind her.
“Meganlynn,” she started. “This is Blue Robenson. He is a visitor and he doesn’t have anyone to sit next to or to show him around. Could you show him around?”
“I guess I—”
“Good, then I will see you all downstairs for the church service. Good-bye.”
“Well hello there, Meganlynn,” Blue said while touching her hair just lightly enough to feel it.
“Get away from me.”
“But you agreed to show me around.”
“Fine, what do you want to see?”
“Well, I’ve seen everything that I came here to see.”
“Okay, then leave, now.”
“Naw, I don’t think I will. I think I’ll stay and listen to what you call ‘God’s Word.’”
“Why don’t you just leave me alone and find someone else to harass?”
“But Meganlynn…Don’t you see? You and I are supposed to be together. You need to realize this; it’s fate.”
“Okay, let me make one thing clear,” said Nerverah as she stood up. “One, you and Meganlynn will never be together because A, she loves someone else, and B, she hates you. Two, you will never be together because it’s not God’s will.”
“How do you know that it’s not God’s will, you little blonde?”
“She’s not blonde, and does a rapist ever marry his prey? No. Do they ever date? No. Do they ever fall in love? No. Does she really want to remember all the memories that she can now see in her mind! You and I are never going to be together!” Meganlynn screamed at the top of her lungs hoping that Blue would actually understand some of what she was saying.
“Are you ever going to get a mind of your own? I’m the one who needs to get my figures straight and you’re the one that’s telling me this. You’re the one who fantasized about me sexually harassing you. You fantasized about it so much that you told on me for something that I didn’t do!”
“If you didn’t do it then why did you admit to it?” Her voice was back to being calm, but she was crying harder than anybody had ever seen her cry. Justin had his arms around her waist, trying to hold her back from what she might do. Blue proceeded to yell and move closer and closer to her.
“I just figured it would be a whole lot easier.”
“Because you did it to me! This time and the time before!” She couldn’t help but scream now. She had to, there wasn’t any other way that the words could get out.
“I didn’t do this to you, honey, you wanted me to do that to you. You asked me to.”
“How on earth would she ask you to do that to her?” asked Justin.
“By her beautiful eyes.”
“Shut up!” she screamed back to Blue.
“No!” he screamed, running his hand across her face. The mark that his hand had left was one that was hard and bruised. “You need to have a little bit of a memory of what happened when I asked you out,” he whispered in her ear.
“I do I remember exactly what happened,” she spoke in a low voice as she got up and walked out of the youth room.
“Get your act together man. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was cheating on you with that red-head right there.”
“You did that to her. When you were doing it, she didn’t tell me because she wanted her boyfriend more than anything; she needed me. She needed me there with her. She felt protected by me, not by you. I saw the look of hurt in her eyes, and I saw her shake. I felt her shake whenever I was holding her. She was terrified! You made her that way,” Justin said now, rushing back out of the door of the youth room along with Nerverah by his side.
Once he found his way to the sanctuary, he walked through the doors and found Meganlynn sitting with her mother and father, talking to them.
“We have to leave,” she begged and pleaded with her parents.
“Honey, why?” her mother asked her.
“Bl—” She cried and cried, but she couldn’t spit the name out.
“Blue’s here,” Justin filled in for her, sitting behind her and rubbing her back.
“Honey, find someone else to do the ushering. We’re leaving,” Meganlynn’s mother told her father.
“Okay.” Then Meganlynn’s father got up and left. Meganlynn and her mother left with Justin following closely behind her.
“I’m sorry,” Meganlynn said, crying in her hands and then crying on Justin’s shoulder.
“Honey, it’s not your fault,” her mother said.
“Yes it is; everything is. He just keeps on coming back and back and following me wherever I go. I’m so, so, so sick of being stalked and followed and feeling as though this is my fault! I want to feel normal again. But I can’t because in order to feel that way, I have to have him—” She left off to breathe heavily for a few seconds. “I have to have him leave me alone for good. I can’t get a restraining order, because there isn’t enough evidence, I can’t get him arrested either because he would never admit to it again.”
“Meganlynn,” Justin whispered in her ear. “None of this is your fault. He’s just an idiot that apparently can’t live without you. He isn’t going to rape you or do anything else to you like he keeps on claiming. This isn’t your fault, it’s his fault.”
“But everything he keeps on saying—”
“Forget about it. He doesn’t know the first thing about you. I knew more about you the first day I met you than he knows about you now.”
“Yeah, but—I mean—still. Justin, he’s here. He’s at my church. I feel as though I’m letting someone down, when really I’m not.”
“Shh,” he said, pulling her close to his chest trying to comfort her. Meganlynn’s father then started the car and drove away. Meganlynn settled down a little bit more and then started to relax. She had calmed down, and everything seemed to be a little bit easier for her to comprehend. She had to forget all about it and have fun with her parents and her boyfriend, no matter what she was forgetting.
“What do you want to do now that we’ve played hooky from church for the day?” Meganlynn’s mother asked her.
“I don’t know. You guys pick something,” Meganlynn answered. She still sounded like she was about to cry.
“Let’s go to the mall and have some fun at least. The mall is having one of those huge Early Bird specials that they throw every year,” her mother told her father, and then she turned so that she was in view of both Meganlynn and Justin. “Is that okay with you Justin?” she asked him.
“Yeah, as long as she gets better than she is right now,” he answered, holding his girlfriend close to him.
“She will be,” her father assured him.
When they had arrived at the mall, Meganlynn’s phone started to ring. Meganlynn still looked pretty upset, and she didn’t recognize the number that was coming up from the phone, and just in case it was Blue, she had her mother answer it.
“Hello,” her mother answered.
“Dad,” Meganlynn said.
“Yes, honey,” he answered
“I’m going to go into that store,” Meganlynn told her father pointing over toward one of the clothing stores that was across the hallway. Her father nodded his head, and she was off.
“Aren’t you going to follow her?” her father asked Justin.
“Sir, she’s going into an underwear store, and I really don’t want to go into that store.”
“I understand, but you may have to go and get her out of there. Her mother is coming over here, and she looks very happy.”
“Huh, wonder what is the matter with her.”
“I don’t think anything is wrong with her, but boy, she looks happier than earlier today.”
“Yeah, you got that right.” By the time Justin and Mr. VanDeritie conversation was over, Meganlynn’s mother had returned.
“Great news! That phone number that just called was a publisher! They want to publish her book! Someone finally responded! This is going to cheer up her day so much!” answered Mrs. VanDeritie, who then jumped up and down because she was so happy for her daughter.
“Justin, why don’t you go and get Meganlynn for us?”
“Yes sir,” he said, going into the store.
I wonder if this means that she
’s going to be leavi
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ovie actor or someth
ing. I hope that she
can stay and that s
he won’t leave me,
he thought to himself. By the time he had gotten to Meganlynn, he saw the grim look on her face, and she was shaking in her skin. He wanted nothing more than to just go on up there and make her laugh so loud that mall security would have to kick them both out for disturbing the peace.
“Meg,” he said quietly walking up to her.
“I should’ve known that you would’ve followed me in here. I should’ve known!” she said turning around with a high-heel in her hand that had the sharpness of a dagger.
“Meganlynn! It’s me! Your boyfriend! Justin!”
“Oh! Justin, I’m so sorry! Please forgive me. I thought that you were Blue.”
“I know.”
“Not that you look anything like Blue at all, it’s just that, I’m so paranoid that nothing seems like everything to me.”
“I know,” he said, pulling her into an embrace in his arms.
“What did you come in here for, anyway?” she asked him.
“I wanted to make sure that you were all right,” he said, smiling.
“Yeah, right. I’ll be right out, just let me buy these things.”
“What are they?”
“Justin, they’re body lotions.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she said, smiling. She walked up to the cash register while he walked out of the door and back to Meganlynn’s parents.
“Where is she?” her father asked.
“She’ll be right out. She had to buy something.”
“Okay, but the news is just so exciting!” squealed her mother. They waited for about five minutes. Her mother was wearing a never-ending smile that nothing could possibly break. “Hi, honey!” her mother yelled, making Meganlynn jump back.
“Mom, are you on a sugar high?”
“You’ll be like this too once you hear my news!”
“What could possibly make me like that?”
“Your book is going to be published!” her mother screamed, making everyone jump back a couple of steps. Meganlynn stood there with her eyes open wide and her heart about ready to burst out of her chest. She looked over at her father and at Justin with her eyes so big that he couldn’t help but laugh.
“Is she kidding?” she asked them. Justin and her father both shook their heads. Her eyes got wider, and then she jumped up and back down again after she had taken in the news for a few seconds. “My book is getting published!” she shouted, jumping up and down for a second and then breathing heavily.
“Want to go and get a dress?” her mother asked.
“Are you guys paying for it?”
“Of course.”
“Shoes and accessories?”
“As long as they’re not pure diamond or pure gold or cost a lot of money,” her father stepped in.
“What would you like, though?” her father asked.
“Justin, you take her dress shopping and tell her the truth about how the dress looks on her. Help her shop for accessories and shoes as well,” she told Justin. “Do you have your debit card on you?” she asked, turning to Meganlynn’s father.
“Yes,” he answered.
“Okay, Meganlynn, do you have a problem with that?”
“Are you kidding? Shopping for an expensive dress that I want and love? Hmm, should I have a problem with that?”
“No. So since we are meeting Justin’s parents at one o’clock, we better meet you guys back here at twelve thirty. See you then. Oh! If you need us, just call our cell phones.”
“Okay,” said both Meganlynn and Justin, walking away from her parents and toward the famous dress shop that was right at the end of the mall. Justin had a strange feeling and told himself not to leave Meganlynn’s side all afternoon. Even if she had to go to the bathroom, he would go and stand by the doorway, because he knew deep down inside of him that there was a predator trying to catch his prey.