Blue Boy 1: Bullet (6 page)

Read Blue Boy 1: Bullet Online

Authors: Garrett Leigh

Tags: #lgbt, #Contemporary

BOOK: Blue Boy 1: Bullet
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He reached for the waistband of his sweatpants, eager to get the ordeal over with. Sonny stopped him. “Really? In here? Don’t you want to at least watch some dirty movie first? Get yourself in the mood?”

“In the mood? What the fuck? Are you a chick or something?”

“Dude, you don’t want to go there for the first time without a good leadoff. Do you want me to suck you off?”

“What? No!”

“You’re kinda coy for a hard-core porn star. It’s cute.”

“You’re not touching me, Valentine.”

Sonny laughed, but Levi frowned, disconcerted that it seemed to be obvious that he’d never touched himself that way before.

“Oh, please.” Sonny pulled his shirt off and tossed it on the floor. “I don’t need to touch you to make you hard.”

Levi snickered, more intrigued than he cared to admit, even to himself—a sensation that made the irritation of Sonny cluttering up his neat and ordered home all too easy to ignore. “That a fact?”

“Uh-huh. With that body and the beard, you look like that dude from
, all ripped and angry. If I close my eyes, I can pretend you’re Gerard Butler and dance you up a storm. By the time I’m done, you’ll be ready for anything.”

Levi ran his gaze over Sonny’s bare torso. Like his Blue Boy promo shots promised, he was compact, muscular, and subtly defined in all the right places. His tattooed skin was smooth and flawless, the kind of skin Levi dreamed about when he allowed his imagination to get away from him. He got the feeling he was playing right into Sonny’s hands, but he didn’t care. “Prove it.”

“Where’s your stereo?”

Levi pointed to a shelf an arm’s length away. Sonny pressed Play on the CD player without looking to see what it contained. The opening chords of “Faded” filtered out of the speakers. Levi raised an eyebrow, pretty sure he knew where this was headed. “You’re gonna go-go dance to Ben Harper?”

“No, I’m just gonna dance.” Sonny backed him into the wall, caging him with his arms before he really knew what was happening. For a moment, Levi thought Sonny was going to kiss him, until he ducked his head and warm air rushed over his ear. “Stay still.”

“Or what?”

“Do it, Ramone.”

Levi leaned back against the wall. The music washed over him. He’d owned the album for over a decade. The deep, soulful baseline was already entrenched in his bones, but the sensation of Sonny’s lithe, agile body dancing around him was new. Levi watched him through hooded eyes, taking in each sensual roll of his hips, feeling the warmth of his skin a hair’s breadth away. He’d watched the dancers at the club before, seen them lose themselves in the rhythm of the beat and the charged heat of the club, but he’d never seen anyone dance like Sonny.

Never felt the way he felt as he watched Sonny dance only for him.

Sonny moved closer, ghosting his open mouth over Levi’s chest. Levi felt his blood heat up and his heart thud against his rib cage. Sonny tugged at the waistband of Levi’s sweatpants. They fell to the floor, revealing his already half-hard cock. Sonny smirked, and Levi shivered, anticipation teasing his skin.

“Commando?” Sonny tilted his head to one side. “You’re such a porn star, Ramone.”

Levi kicked the pants aside, leaving himself completely bare. “So?”

Sonny turned away without answer, spinning so his back faced Levi. Levi sucked in a breath, absorbing the spicy, musky scent of Sonny. His cock was an inch away from Sonny’s denim-covered ass as Sonny continued his devilish dance in front of him. He watched his dick strain forward unbidden, desperate to feel the friction of the rough denim. It took all the control he possessed not to lunge forward and yank Sonny back into his arms.

He pictured what he would do as Sonny arched his back, tempting him with the smooth skin of his neck, all the while keeping himself just out of reach. Pictured himself undoing Sonny’s jeans, sliding them over his hips, and bending him over the…

Sonny spun around, slamming his palms into the wall either side of Levi’s head. “Well, look at that. Looks like I was right about you. Where’s your bathroom?”

Levi took a deep and measured breath, the lust-filled haze dispersing a little and reminding him of the real purpose of Sonny’s presence. “Second door on the right.”

“Lead the way.”

He did as he was told, leading Sonny to his bathroom. Sonny glanced around, dropping the bag he’d retrieved on the countertop. He ran his fingertip around the rim of the basin. “Your place sure is clean for a Neanderthal.”

“What’s wrong with clean?”

Sonny held up his hands. “Nothing. I like clean. Clean is good. Are you ready?”

Levi glanced down at his hard cock in answer. Sonny sighed. “You still don’t get it, do you? This isn’t about that. It’s an act of faith, which is why you need to do it yourself first. This isn’t like losing your virginity to someone you really love, someone you trust.”

“All right, quit the preachin’ already. Let’s get this over with.” Levi rolled his eyes. He didn’t believe in any of those things—faith, love, trust. He must’ve once, but where had it got him? Naked in his bathroom taking lessons from a guy he couldn’t stand on how to fuck himself in the ass. Yeah, life was good.

“Put your foot up on something.”

Levi looked around, taken aback by Sonny’s sharp order. There was a shelf beneath the sink. He placed the ball of his foot on the very edge. “Like this?”

“Legs wider.”

He widened his legs. “Better?”

“You’ll do,” Sonny said. “Watching yourself in the mirror too? That’s pretty hot.”

Levi bit his tongue and resisted the urge to move away from the bathroom mirror. Staring at his own face wasn’t something he’d considered, and he found the notion mildly horrifying. The feeling increased as Sonny reached for his bag and set out three different types of lube. Within the bag was an array of sex toys and dildos. Levi tensed, and not in a good way. Some of them looked

“Don’t worry, they’re not all for you.”

“I’m not worried.” Levi reached for the first tube of lube without checking the label.

“Vanilla? Interesting choice, considering the context.”

“Shut up.” He picked up the lube and put it down again, feeling Sonny’s eyes on him as he tried not to hyperventilate.

Get a grip, damn it. It’s only your own fucking finger.

Sonny moved. Suddenly, he was behind Levi, reaching around him for the lube. Though he left an inch between them, Levi could feel the warmth of him all over his bare skin. Sonny squeezed lube onto his own hand and applied it to Levi’s fingers. He nudged Levi's legs farther apart with his knees. “Come on, I’ll show you. Just say if you need to stop.”

“I can do it,” Levi murmured, as much to himself as to Sonny. He pulled his hand from Sonny’s grasp and reached around, his slick fingers grazing his hip and leaving a trail of cool lube on his skin.

Sonny stepped away, heeding his unspoken request for some personal space. He hopped up onto the counter in a fluid movement that had Levi captivated before he returned to the task at hand.

Levi slid his hand over his ass and between the curves of muscle, letting the tip of his middle finger circle his entrance. He tensed, unused to the sensation. On occasion, whoever he was fucking would venture their hand back that way, led astray during a blowjob, but he always pulled them up before they got
far. He pressed, resisting the urge to jerk away from the pressure. The tip of his finger slipped inside. He gasped; he couldn’t help it. It didn’t hurt, but it felt too alien to bear.

“Keep going.”

Sonny’s voice was low, soothing almost. Levi closed his eyes and pushed his finger in as far as he could reach, sweeping it around. He moaned and dropped his head to his chest, feeling sweat seep out of his skin as the burning stretch spread through his body. It was an odd feeling. He lost himself to it for a time, consumed by the sensation, and jumped when Sonny spoke again.

“Add another.”


“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Breathe out as you add the second finger. It will probably hurt a bit, but not for long. Hold still and breathe. It’ll pass. It gets easier. I promise.”

Sonny touched his shoulder, but Levi couldn’t face looking up at him. He eased a second finger into his body, groaning again, but this time, less about feeling and more about pain. He clenched his teeth, panting for breath, struggling to get ahold of himself. “Damn.” The oath was whispered.

Sonny touched his shoulder again. “Breathe. It’ll feel good soon. I promise.”

Levi bowed his head once more, letting his eyes fall closed. He’d had his fingers, his cock, and his tongue inside too many men to count, but it was startling to feel the smooth, tight heat of his own body clamped around his fingers. Despite Sonny’s assurances, it didn’t feel good, at least not yet, but after a time, it didn’t feel
anymore either. It felt…uncomfortable. He squirmed.

“Relax. The worst is over.”

Yeah, for now
. Levi’s mind was full of the huge variety of sex toys Sonny had stashed in his bag. This time it was his own fingers, but next time, and the time after that, and Rex’s…

Sonny slid off the countertop. A warm, strong hand closed around his wrist, moving the two fingers he had inside himself in a tentative, undulating circle. Levi grunted, gripping the counter with his free hand. Sonny steadied him, rubbing a soothing counterpoint into his back. “Stop thinking about it so much. Concentrate on your dick. It likes it, even if you don’t.”

Levi glanced down. He’d forgotten all about his cock, but sure enough, it was still hard, jutting out from his body and aching for some attention. Sonny scratched short, blunt nails down the length of Levi back. Gooseflesh covered him. He’d always had a thing for scratching. It drove him wild, sending wicked shivers down his spine. He craved the sensation of Sonny’s perfect white teeth digging into his sensitive flesh.

What the hell? Where did that come from?

He swayed, his equilibrium rocked. He steadied himself on the counter. Sweat trickled down his chest, and steam misted the mirror. He was used to the vague physical attraction he had to the models he worked with, but he’d never felt anything like the deep-rooted yearning he had for Sonny in that moment. He’d never felt like that for any man, especially a man who’d barely laid a hand on him.

Sonny guided his fingers in a slow, pulsing rhythm. “Touch your dick.”

“No.” Levi shuddered, gritting his teeth. There was a part of him that longed to reach for his aching cock, but a bigger part of him was terrified, though of what, he wasn’t quite sure.

Behind him, Sonny chuckled. “If you don’t, I will. Go on. You know you want to.”

Levi let go of the counter and gripped his cock. “Fucking sadist,” he ground out. “You—” He cut off as Sonny matched the tentative strokes with the probing, sweeping rhythm of his fingers in his ass. He gasped, letting out a sound he hardly recognized as coming from him. “

“That’s it,” Sonny said. “Forget everything else. Let it happen.”

Levi fought it; he fought it all—fought for breath, fought Sonny’s invisible hold over him, fought the brutal, double-edged pleasure of his fingers and hand working together, fought the overheating rush of his impending orgasm.

Then it was too late. Sonny twisted his wrist, guiding Levi’s fingers to brush the bundle of nerves deep inside him he’d often thought was a myth, and he released with a low and guttural cry.

He came back into himself, startled to find the sun had set while they’d been in the bathroom, and the full moon high in the sky had cast an eerie light over the apartment. Beneath the pounding of his blood in his ears, he could still hear the faint strains of Ben Harper coming from the living room. Despite himself, he laughed a weak and breathless laugh. “I’m gonna burn that CD.”

Sonny guided Levi’s fingers from his ass, relinquished his grip on Levi's wrist, and stepped away. “No, you won’t.”

Levi placed both hands on the countertop. Despite the residual heat of his dizzying orgasm, he felt chilled without the warmth of Sonny behind him. “Prove it.”

Sonny laughed and scraped his nails down Levi's back one last time. “I think I’ve proved you wrong enough for one night.”

Chapter Seven

Another late-summer evening, and another trip to the grocery store. Some days, it seemed to Levi that he did nothing but work, sleep, work some more, and take a detour on his way home to buy shit he’d run out of.

He wandered through the aisles, paying little attention to the boxes and packets he threw in his cart, until he came to the fresh-food section. Chicken, vegetables, fruit. Levi liked to eat well. It was cheaper, and though sugared breakfast cereals were his guilty pleasure, he knew he functioned better on good home cooking.

There was a line at the checkout. He bounced on the balls of his feet. It had been a long day, and he was tired, but he felt antsy, like there was something he’d forgotten to do.

The sensation was annoying, and it had been since it first appeared the morning after his loaded encounter with Sonny. He’d expected his ass to be sore, but it wasn’t. In fact his body had borne no hangover from the night before at all. Instead it was his mind. He’d dreamed of Sonny that night and every night since, and in waking hours, the kid was on his mind any moment he wasn’t distracted by work.

Like now. A shiver passed through him, and he let his mind drift back to the most bizarre sexual experience of his whole life. It had been a week ago, but he was still reeling. The sensation of having something,
, inside him that way blew his mind, but it wasn’t the earth-shattering orgasm that lingered, the bone-shaking climax that left him weak at the knees. No. Instead, each time he closed his eyes, all he could feel was the hovering warmth of Sonny’s body a heartbeat behind him and his nails…
, the scrape of his nails on Levi's skin.

He paid for his goods and began the short schlep back to his apartment. He was halfway home when he heard a chuckle behind him.

“Man, you are such a cliché.”

Levi spun around. Sonny stood behind him, looking tired, slightly disheveled, and…gorgeous. “Cliché? How so?”

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