Blue Moon (Book One in The Blue Crystal Trilogy) (35 page)

Read Blue Moon (Book One in The Blue Crystal Trilogy) Online

Authors: Pat Spence

Tags: #urban fantasy, #paranormal romance, #eternal youth, #dark forces, #supernatural powers, #teenage love story, #supernatural beings, #beautiful creatures, #glamour and style, #nice girl meets bad boy

BOOK: Blue Moon (Book One in The Blue Crystal Trilogy)
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What is
this?” she cried out. “It’s just burnt me.” She looked at her hand
and there on her palm was a red, raw burn mark.

Tash watched horrified, but
Seth was enjoying himself immensely.

I don’t
think it likes you, Kimberley,” he said, grinning

Seth,” I
said in a warning voice, but he was on a roll.

If that’s
what the small crystal does to you, I don’t rate your chances with
the big one.” Kimberley stared at him, taking in the implication of
his words.

So, this
isn’t the one I want,” she said, picking up my crystal necklace
with a small silk handkerchief and holding it up. “Turns out
there’s a big crystal.”

It’s only
make believe…” began Seth, then saw my expression. His eyes

OMG, it's
true,” said Tash, “that story you told us…”

I think
you’d better take me to the big crystal, Emily,” said Kimberley,
placing my necklace in her pocket and moving swiftly across the
room. She pointed the gun at Tash.

Emily,” said
Tash in a shrill voice, “tell her where the big crystal is, for
heaven’s sake.”

I can’t,” I
said, feeling faint and cold. “It’s too dangerous.”

And not just for you, I thought
silently. If The Lunari find us with the crystal, they’ll kill us
all. Unless Pantera gets there first. I stared, not knowing what to
do. The situation had suddenly become critical. Now my friends were
in real danger.

Take me to
the crystal or Ginger gets it,” said Kimberley, raising the gun to
Tash’s head.

I am so not
ginger,” said Tash faintly. “I’m a redhead.”

She hates
the word ginger even more than being held at gunpoint,” said

Shut up,
both of you,” said Kimberley in a low voice, “this is no joke.” She
clicked the safety catch off the gun. “I will use this if I have

Emily, do
something,” said Tash, her voice trembling.

Okay. Let
them go and I’ll show you the crystal,” I bargained.

D’you think
I’m a fool?” asked Kimberley, in a steely voice. “They’re my
collateral. They’re coming with us. Now, show me where the crystal
is, Emily.”

A vague plan formed in my mind.
It was crazy and dangerous, but it was all I had. “Alright. I’ll
show you where the crystal is, Kimberley, but we have to hurry. The
family will be back soon.”

Kimberley gestured to Seth to
move in front of Tash.

Let’s go,”
she instructed, “and don’t try anything stupid.”

Slowly, I opened the ballroom
double doors, praying that Violet would be standing at the
reception desk, but the area was empty and she was nowhere to be
seen. If only I had my necklace. I felt horribly vulnerable without

Up the
stairs,” I informed Kimberley.

Good girl,”
she said patronisingly. “Just keep going and your friends won’t get

We climbed the stairs and
reached the central landing, Seth following me, and Kimberley
bringing up the rear, jabbing the gun into Tash’s back.

Now where?”
asked Kimberley.

To the

Come on,
Emily, move it. I need to find this crystal quickly. I don’t want
your precious family spoiling my plans.” She jabbed the gun into
Tash’s head to make her point.

Please don’t
screw up, Emily,” said Tash, tears in her eyes, “I don’t want to

You won’t,”
I assured her. “Everything will be fine.”

What plans
are they, Kimberley?” asked Seth, conversationally, as if they were
talking over coffee. I had to admire him. He was very

She laughed. “To be young and
beautiful for ever, of course. Have you any idea what I go through
to look like this? Botox, collagen, hair extensions, nail
extensions, teeth veneers…. It’s a full time bloody job. I’ve been
snipped, tucked, lifted, stretched, trimmed and filled, but I can’t
hold back time. I need a more permanent solution.”

said Seth, “and I thought my life was tough.”

By now we’d reached the
stairway leading to the old servants’ quarters. We climbed the
steps and then we were walking along the upper passageway, our feet
sinking into the deep blue carpet. Then the spiral staircase was
ahead of us. I began to climb, my heart racing, with Seth, Tash and
Kimberley following. Would my plan work? Would the family stay away
long enough for Seth and Tash to escape? Would Pantera sense
someone entering the Clock Tower room? I prayed I wasn’t leading us
all to a violent death. I just needed a few more minutes. We
reached the old oak door with its carved symbols and huge iron

We’re here,
Kimberley,” I said. “This is where you let me and my friends go.
I’ll show you where the crystal is, but I’m not going into the
room. It’s too risky.”

Open the
door,” she instructed, “I want to see what’s inside.”

Quickly, I pulled back the
loose brick and took out the key, placing it in the keyhole. It
turned smoothly and then the door was opening and we were on the
threshold of the Clock Tower room.

Where’s the
crystal?” demanded Kimberly, unable to hide her disappointment at
finding an empty room.

Over there,”
I pointed to the far wall. “There’s a secret panel with a casket
behind it.”

Get it out,”
she instructed.

I hovered on the threshold,
Viyesha’s words fresh in my head. Seth and Tash watched,

This is as
far as I come, Kimberley. The room has been attuned and isn’t safe.
I’m not stepping over the threshold. If you want the crystal, it's
over there. Now, let us go.”

I don’t
think so, Emily. Get the casket out. Now!” She held the gun against
Tash’s temple. “If you value your friend’s life, you’ll step into
the room.”

Emily,” said Tash faintly.

This wasn’t part of my plan,
but I had no choice. Closing my eyes, I stepped into the room.
Nothing happened. No strange feelings and no sudden ageing. I was
okay. Slowly, I walked over to the loose brick and pulled it out,
revealing the lever. As Viyesha had done, I moved it to the right,
and, as before, a panel in the wall opened, revealing the secret
alcove containing the silver casket.

whistled Seth. “That is cool.”

So much for
the room not being safe, Emily,” scoffed Kimberley. “A nice ruse
but I’m not buying it. Now pick up the casket and place it in the
centre of the room.”

With shaking hands, I lifted it
out, and placed it amidst the hieroglyphics. Kimberley watched as
the ancient symbols started to glow, and the faint, inky blue and
green became bright and effervescent. I was in unchartered
territory now. Viyesha had kept the crystal away from the
hieroglyphics, so I had no idea what would happen. She’d said they
would act like a nuclear reactor, triggering its power, so I
assumed I was about to see the crystal in all its post-Blue Moon
glory, and was all too horribly aware what that signified for

Open the
casket,” said Kimberley, standing in the doorway, her eyes full of
anticipation and wonder. This was what she’d been searching for,
the answer to her prayers, eternal youth within her grasp. She had
no idea of the crystal’s destructive power.

I can’t,” I
said. “The crystal is too powerful. I don’t know what it will

If you
won’t, Ginger will,” said Kimberley, pushing Tash into the

Emily, don’t
make me do this,” sobbed Tash. “I don't want to go near the
crystal. I just want to go home.”

I looked at Tash and at
Kimberley. If I opened the casket, this could be the end for me.
But what choice did I have?

While I procrastinated, Seth
grabbed the opportunity.

I’ll do it,”
he said, stepping forward, in a misplaced attempt to play the

While I admired his bravery, I
couldn’t let him. He had no idea of the consequences and, as he
went to open the casket, I snatched it out of his reach.

No, Seth,
you can’t. Get back! You don’t know the stakes you’re playing with.
I’ll do it. Everyone get out of the room.”

Looking surprised at my tone of
voice, Seth backed away.

I mean it,”
I said. “Every one, step back over the threshold. I don’t know
what’s going to happen.”

Kimberley gestured for Seth and
Tash to fall back, and they all stood in the doorway, watching me

I said a prayer, placed the
casket on the floor and slowly lifted the lid. Immediately, the
room was filled with a brilliant blue light. The crystal sparkled
and shone, bright blue veins of pulsing energy running along its
facets, spilling out of the casket and onto the floorboards.

Oh my God,”
whispered Kimberly, completely awestruck. “It’s beautiful. I had no
idea. I can feel the energy. It’s already making me feel

OMG, that is
amazing,” said Tash.

wowza,” said Seth. “Look at that!”

Blue light filled the room and,
despite the danger, I felt an overwhelming sense of wellbeing and
love as I looked at the crystal.

“Pick it up,” instructed

Aware that this really could be
the last thing I did, I placed my fingers around the crystal’s
cold, hard surface and felt its warm light travelling up my arm,
energising and rejuvenating. Slowly, I picked it up and held it in
the palm of my hand, blue shards of energy pulsing around me. I
felt amazing, invincible and strong, as though a powerful drug was
pulsing through my veins.

“Dangerous my foot!” exclaimed
Kimberley. “You just want eternal youth for yourself. Let me have

She dropped the gun and,
pushing Seth and Tash out of the way, darted towards the crystal,
her eyes glinting with desire, the blue light flickering in her
face. She smiled at me as her fingers closed around the crystal and
then it was in her hand, and the blue flames were running up her
arm, pulsing all round her body, consuming her in a living blue

I turned to Seth and Tash.

“For God’s sake, get out of
here now! Before the family gets back or Pantera comes. She can’t
know you’ve seen the crystal.”

“Not without you, Emily,” said
Tash, firmly.

“We’re not leaving unless you
come with us,” said Seth.

I could see they were
determined, but they had no idea of the danger they were in. I had
to act quickly if I were to save my friends.

“Okay,” I said, thinking fast,
“there’s a door at the bottom of the Clock Tower leading to the
gardens. We’ll use that. Let’s go.”

I just hoped Joseph had
replaced the warped, swollen door. If not, we were dead, because by
now, I knew Pantera would be on her way. Quickly, we ran down the
spiral steps, Seth and Tash leading the way.

“Don’t take the corridor,” I
instructed. “Keep going down.”

It seemed to take forever,
going round and round, down and down the spiral staircase, until
finally we reached the ground floor. I looked around. We were in a
small dark empty chamber and there to one side was the door,
thankfully replaced with new timber, a metal key in the

“This way,” I said, running to
the door and turning the key. The door swung outwards, sunlight
pouring in, and I opened it wide for Seth and Tash. I let them
believe I was coming with them, following them outside and saying,
“Over there to the circular fountain, there’s a pathway that leads
to the church.” Then, at the last minute, I stepped back in, closed
the door behind me and turned the key.

“Emily, what are you doing?”
cried Seth, turning and hammering on the door.

“Come out, Emily, don’t be
stupid,” called Tash.

“Sorry guys,” I called from
behind the door, “I have to go back. I can’t come with you. Take
the path to the church and you’ll be safe. I have to see Theo. I’ll
see you in college on Monday and I’ll explain everything.”

I left them calling and
hammering on the door, and prayed I was doing the right thing.

As fast as I could, I ran back
up the spiral staircase, up to the Clock Tower room, not knowing
what I would find.

Breathless, I arrived and
stared at the sight before me. Kimberley was standing in the centre
of the room, bathed in blue light, the crystal still in her hand,
rivulets of blue energy covering her body in a criss-cross network.
She looked radiant, her skin glowing and translucent, her eyes
shining and bright. I knew what she was feeling. That over-powering
sensation of wellbeing and euphoria, as if you could do anything,
take on the world.

Then, slowly her face began to
change and I saw a startled, uncomprehending look pass over her
features. Before she could speak, there was a popping sound as her
lips burst and collagen oozed down her chin. The veneers in her
mouth dropped like peas from a pod, revealing blackened stumps
beneath, and her hair became wispy and grey, the long extensions
dropping to the floor like freshly cut corn. Her skin began to
droop and sag, hanging on her bones like rags on a tree, and her
body began to stoop and shrink, her catsuit too large for her
wizened frame. With a horrible smacking sound, her breast implants
fell to the floor, simply too large for the shrunken creature she’d

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