Blue Moon Rising: A suspense thriller (3 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon Rising: A suspense thriller
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Dan pulled up to his house and parked the squad in front of the garage. For the longest time he just sat there looking at the comfortable raised ranch that he called home. He remembered a time when he looked forward to entering those walls, but lately as the time grew longer he was having a hard time remembering what it was like when Kay was alive. So much he took for granted back then. Kelly tried to fill that gap, but it was hard for Dan to explain to Kelly how much her mother meant to him.

Slowly he got out of the squad and strolled up the walk. Kelly had planted the same flowers as her mother, but it just was not the same. Nothing was. Dan opened the front door. He took off his gun belt and his hat and put them on the hat hook behind the door and then took off his shoes and set them on the rubber mat next to Kelly’s flip-flops. Kay didn’t like anyone walking around the house with his or her shoes on, something about tracking the dirt in. Even after all this time he still abided by her wishes even though he never bought into it while she was alive. There were so many little things that he still did that pleased her. Hoping above all else that maybe it had all been a mistake and the call that she was dead was never made.

Dan walked into the living room. He glanced over at the fireplace and the array of photos on the mantel. The pictures were of happier times in Dan’s life. There had not been any new pictures added since Kay’s death. God, he missed her, and he hated this funky mood when it hit and wondered if it would ever get better.

Dan walked past the mantel and headed for the kitchen. He went to the fridge and opened the door. Dan grabbed the pitcher of lemonade and drank from the pitcher. He turned at the sound of footsteps behind him.

Kelly looked at her father with disgust. “I’m not drinking any of that now,” she snapped.

Dan stopped drinking the lemonade. “Didn’t think you were home,” Dan said finally.

“Where would I be?”


“Pool doesn’t open until one,” Kelly said rolling her eyes. She reached in the fridge for the casserole dish. “Ms. Witherspoon dropped this off. It was to welcome us back from our vacation.”

Dan turned his nose up and pretended he would throw up. “That’s the third one this month.”

“Well, she thinks you like it,” Kelly laughed mockingly.

“The garbage men are threatening to boycott our place, the stuff reeks so bad.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t throw it out. Did you ever think of trying it?”

“That was one thing I never let your mother make me. I hate tuna,” Dan said and then turned to Kelly. “Did you ever read a consumer report telling you the allowable percentage of rat droppings found in tuna?”

“Oh, that’s disgusting.”

“My point exactly!” Dan snapped. “I just won’t touch the stuff. Give me a T-Bone any day.”

“Why don’t you talk to her?” Kelly asked.

“Don’t think I haven’t tried. It only encourages her to do more.” Dan shook his head with innocent eyes. “Why do you think she makes me this crap anyway?”

Kelly looked up at her father and grinned. “She’s nice. Besides, what are you going to do once I’m gone?”

“I’ll think of something. Maybe I’ll take up bowling. In the meantime I don’t need another woman in my life complicating things.”

“Oh, that reminds me, a Nancy Davie called. She said something about setting up a time to talk.”

Dan perked up. It did not go unnoticed by Kelly, who shook her head, smiling.

“It isn’t what you think,” Dan said quickly.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Did she leave a number?”

“Yeah, it’s on the fridge.” Kelly walked out, smiling at her father. “You won’t hurt my feelings if you start dating.”

“Not you, too.”

Dan turned to the door, but Kelly had already disappeared. He turned around and pulled the note off the fridge. Dan smiled at the note. Kelly suddenly peeked around the corner.

“Well, Martha’s more than willing to take care of you.”

Dan pointed at her mockingly. “Nothing, is better than ol’ Martha.” Dan hesitated a moment. “Besides, I’ve got Mac to take care of me.”

“That old pooh! You need a woman to keep you in line.”

Kelly quickly vanished. Dan turned back to the message and walked over to the phone.



Dan drove back to the office after lunch. When he walked in, Mac had his back to the door while he busily thumbed through a girlie magazine unaware of Dan’s presence.

“Any good pictures in there?” Dan asked.

Mac practically jumped out of his chair. “Don’t do that,” he said quickly, putting the magazine in the drawer. He turned to the desk and grabbed the message pad. “The medical examiner was looking for you earlier.”

“She left a message for me at home. I talked to her already.”

“What did she want?”

Mac was like an old woman who had to know everything. But the sad fact was everything he knew, he passed on. So Dan had to be careful in what he shared with Mac. In the old days, it did not matter but given the current state of affairs with privacy laws and all, it was not wise to share sensitive information with the town gossip.

“It was business.”

“You ain’t going to tell me?”

“In time you will know.”

Mac tossed the notepad to Dan. “Murphy called again. He wasn’t happy with what you told him.”

“So what’s new?” Dan shrugged. “Give me some good news.”

Mac hesitated for a moment while scratching his head.

“I dropped Junior’s shirt off.”

“How long will it take?” Dan asked.

“I told them you needed it yesterday.”

Dan walked over to the desk. He picked up the paper, but then turned back to Mac.

“You keep on them until I have the results.”

“Jake isn’t going to like me pestering him.”

Mac looked up as if a light bulb went off. “That reminds me. Junior’s papa is on his way in.”

“Might have known he’d be stopping by when he got wind of where Junior is.”

“Says he is bringing a lawyer. Claims he has a witness that says you beat-up on Junior before bringing him in.”

“I never touched the boy.”

Mac held up his hands. “Only repeating what they tells me.”

Dan took off his hat and then slammed it on the desk. “That’s just great.”

“You know how people are.”

Dan plopped down on the chair. He picked up the paper and searched for Kay’s article but then remembered he would never read an article written by her again. It was hard on him when he was under stress. He tended to think of her more because she had been his tranquilizer. No matter how much the job threw at him, she was there at the end of the day to help him unwind. She never let her job at the paper interfere with being there for him. But that was no more and it was times like this that he desperately missed her.

* * *

Dan had a pen in hand doing paperwork when the door suddenly swung open. John Youngblood, a tall nicely dressed Native American in a business suit walked in with Albert Ruben, a short, typical-looking attorney. Ruben was as round as he was tall. Dan set the pen down and stood up. He had been waiting for Junior’s father and now, seeing Albert Ruben, he knew why he had not been there sooner. Ruben was a bottom-feeder and Dan wondered how many attorneys John called before he found one who would take the case.

Dan offered John his hand, but John just stood in front of the desk with arms crossed.

“Sorry you feel that way,” Dan said.

“You beat up on my boy. Then hold him in custody on some trumped-up charges and you can’t understand why I feel this way?”

Dan looked at John. “This is serious business.”

John stepped closer to Dan, but Albert stopped him. “John maybe you should let me do the talking.”

Dan quickly held up his hands. “I never touched the boy,” Dan argued as he stepped away from his desk and then turned to John. “I don’t care what that motorist thought he saw.”

“Did you read him his rights?” Albert asked, as only a lawyer would think to ask that at a time like this.

“I haven’t charged him with anything yet,” Dan snapped.

“Why is he here then?”

“His shirt was covered in blood. We’re having it checked out right now.”

“Whatever you find will be inadmissible in a court without Miranda,” Albert said mockingly.

“That’s only a formality,” Dan said, realizing his mistake. He was angry with himself for an instant.

Albert stepped forward. “It’s the law. That’s what protects the innocent.”

“Innocent, my ass!” Dan snapped. “It was a good call,” he stammered as his jaw muscles tightened.

Albert laughed when he realized the screw-up. “If you don’t release Junior immediately, I’ll go to the press,” Albert argued, while moving around the room as if giving a summation. He stopped and raised his hand and then shouted out. “Police brutality,” he said turning to Dan before continuing. “And on top of that, trumped-up murder charges to cover up your wrong doing.”

John stepped between Albert and Dan as the situation seemed to be getting tense. He turned to Dan finally.

“Look, Dan, Junior wasn’t involved in this murder. Christ, you saw the boy.” He pointed to the cellblock door. “He wouldn’t hurt a flea.”

“It’s not my call,” Dan said.

“Can’t we work out something?”

“You’re right about the boy. I don’t think he did it. But I’m sure he knows something.”

“I can’t let you keep him.”

“Can you protect him?” Dan asked in a voice only a father could muster up.

“What do you mean?”

Dan did not answer right away. He let John think about it for a moment. Albert appeared speechless for an instant.

“Just what I said,” Dan finally responded. “If Junior didn’t do it, and knows something, do you think the killer is going to want him walking around talking about it?”

“I didn’t…” John said, but then paused.

Albert cut John off. “The fact remains. You can’t hold him.”

John motioned for Albert to be still. John thought hard about what Dan had just said because it did make sense.

“Albert, maybe for Junior’s sake we should leave him here. I can’t be with him every minute of the day,” John said, running his hand through his hair in frustration. “Damn, I didn’t even know he was out of the house last night until I got the call this morning.”

Dan watched John closely and then turned to Albert for his reaction. “You saying what I think you’re saying?” Dan ased.

“Maybe you’re right. This is the safest place for him. You can’t charge him with the evidence you have.”

Dan’s eyes narrowed somewhat. He did not appreciate the reminder that he screwed up, but at the time Junior was not a suspect.

“That doesn’t mean something else might not come up. I’ll read him Miranda until I’m blue in the face.”

John shrugged. “Let the chips fall where they may. I want him safe for now.”

Albert glanced up at John and shook his head. “I don’t advise this, John.”

“I can’t afford to hire someone to watch him,” John turned to Dan. “How bad was it with the Ames boy?”

Dan quickly glanced at the cellblock door and then turned back around to John. “You don’t want something like that happening to your boy.”

John looked at Albert. “Then it’s settled.”

Albert shook his head in disagreement. He walked over to the door and opened it. “This is totally against my advice,” he mumbled as he walked out and slammed the door behind him.

“He does have a temper for such a little guy,” John said and then turned back to Dan.

Dan pointed to Mac at the radio. “Mac here,” Dan said quickly as Mac looked up innocently, “will see to it that Junior is taken care of. If you want to see the boy, you are more than welcome to come by any time.”

John shook his head while Dan took the key off the rack and walked over to the cellblock door.

“Just remember, I didn’t lay a finger on him.”

“You made your point,” John snapped.

The two disappeared through the cellblock door as Mac picked up his magazine and continued to look at the pictures.

* * *

Dan was at the computer inputting information. As much as he liked law enforcement and being sheriff of Jefferson County, the reports that were never-ending were always a chore to do. But given that half the county board was in favor of disbanding the police force, he diligently worked on his reports so as not to give them cause to reconsider.

Ester Cratchet, the owner of a local café, walked into the jail carrying a tray of food. Mac looked up while Ester pretended not to see him.

“Morning, Sheriff,” Ester said holding up the tray. “Brought the prisoner his lunch.”

Dan took a quick glance at Mac and then turned to Ester and smiled. When Mac made no attempt to get up, Dan got up and walked over to the key rack. He peeked under the lid that covered the plates.

“Smells good, Ester,” Dan said politely.

Dan tried to be polite. Under normal circumstances it would have been Mac who walked Ester into the cellblock. But Mac was making no attempt to get up. Dan figured it had something to do with what Billy Bob said earlier that morning.

“Just chicken soup and a ham sandwich, same as I always bring them for lunch,” Ester responded, taking a quick look at Mac.

Dan turned to Mac, who pretended to be busy at the radio. Dan just opened the door for Ester and followed her into the cellblock.

Junior was still sitting on the bunk, rocking back and forth while mumbling to himself.

“Hey, Junior, look what Ms. Cratchet brought you.”

Junior did not look up. He just continued rocking back and forth while hitting his head on the brick wall.

“Is he okay?” Ester asked with concern in her voice.

“Yeah. He’s just not happy about being here,” was all Dan mustered up to say.

Ester glanced around and stared at the walls that had years of dirt and grime built up.

“Can you blame him?” she said. “Place needs a good cleaning.”

Dan glanced around and appeared surprised for an instant. It was as if for the first time he saw the years of grime that had accumulated on the walls.

“County doesn’t give me much for upkeep on the place,” Dan said as he turned back to Ester. “Maybe you know someone who could clean the place on a Saturday?” Dan hesitated a moment and then quickly added, “Reasonable, that is.”

“Take more than a Saturday.”

Dan opened the cell door. He took the tray from Ester and then set it on the table for Junior.

“Junior, you enjoy. Ms. Cratchet here is the best cook west of the Mississippi.” Dan turned to Ester. “We’re lucky to have her.”

Junior just continued to rock back and forth. Dan turned to Ester and smiled. “Not the sharpest tool in the shed.”

“Poor boy. Is he the one who killed the Ames boy?” Ester asked.

“Where did you get that notion?”

“Everyone’s been talking about it.”

“No. Junior didn’t do it. I’m almost positive of that. I just have him here to keep him safe.”

“Whatever you say, Sheriff,” Ester said with a wink as if she would keep that secret.

Dan was taken aback for a moment but did not really want to set the record straight. He looked at Ester. “I’ll have Mac bring over the dishes later.”

Ester cleared her throat. “No need to bother. I can stop by on my way home this evening.”

Dan closed the cell door. He locked it and then guided Ester back out of the cellblock. On his way out he took another look at the walls, a little embarrassed by all the grime and filth.

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