Read Blue: The LAPD and the Battle to Redeem American Policing Online

Authors: Joe Domanick

Tags: #West (AK, #MT, #HI, #True Crime, #Law Enforcement, #General, #WY), #NV, #Corruption & Misconduct, #United States, #ID, #Criminology, #History, #Social Science, #State & Local, #CA, #UT, #CO, #Political Science

Blue: The LAPD and the Battle to Redeem American Policing (63 page)

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gay officials
: “Riordan Asks Commission Appointees to Work for Free,”
, July 31, 1993; “Mayor to Name 2 Attorneys to Police Panel,”
, June 25, 1997; “Top Gun, Richard Riordan’s Plans for Our Next Police Chief”; “2 Lawyers Backed for Police Commission,”
, August 5, 1997.

He liked Bernie Parks
: “Reign Maker.”

Tom Bradley and Daryl Gates . . . couldn’t bear to speak with one another
: Gates,
, 329; “After the Riots; Los Angeles Mayor Comes under More Attacks in Police Chief’s New Book,”
, May 6, 1992; “LAPD’s Response to the Riot,”
, May 11, 1992.

Gary Greenebaum, Summer 1993, Parker Center

“put on the commission partly because I was Jewish”
: Gary Greenebaum interview.

Brewer . . . was privately growing increasingly disappointed
: Michael Yamaki interview.

“Not only was it a self-evaluation”
: Gary Greenebaum interview; “Help Wanted.”

“I believe that I have met all expectations”
: “Help Wanted.”

“Williams just didn’t have the capacity to do the job”
: Gary Greenebaum interview.

“this city and this department have a long history of racism”
: Ibid.

“he would . . . say anything that popped into his head”
: Ibid.

“he never
: Ibid.

“you seem to lack focus”
: “Police Panel Rebuked Chief, Sources Disclose,”
, May 24, 1995; “Say Goodbye to Hollywood.”

O. J. Simpson, June 1994, Brentwood, California

one in three black men
: Mauer,
The Crisis of the Young African American Male and the Criminal Justice System
, 3.

Simpson had been introduced to about forty police officers
: “Details Emerge of Close LAPD Ties to Simpson,”
, February 2. 1995; “O. J. Team Steps Up Attack on Witness,”
San Francisco Chronicle
, February 2, 1995.

he would appear at a Christmas party
: “Details Emerge of Close LAPD Ties to Simpson.”

Even the gun . . . registered to an LAPD lieutenant
: Ibid.

frantic calls from Nicole Brown Simpson to the LAPD
: “The Simpson Case: The Victim; Nicole Brown Simpson: Slain at the Dawn of a Better Life,”
, June 23, 1994; “Details Emerge of Close LAPD Ties to Simpson.”

response in 1989
: Ibid.

after horribly beating Nicole
: Ibid.

O. J. Simpson and Johnnie Cochran, Superior Court, Downtown Los Angeles

F. Lee Bailey . . . “Boston Strangler” . . . Patty Hearst
: “Bailey Delivers Stock but Remains Jailed,”
, April 17, 1996; “Boston Strangler Case: Officials Announce ‘Major Development’ in 1964 Killing,”
Huffington Post
, July 11, 2013; “A Hearst Trial Hangover? Patty Thinks F. Lee Bailey Had One and Blew Her Case; Now He’s Blown His Stack,”
, September 4, 1978.

Barry Scheck . . . Cardozo Law School
: “Simpson’s Lawyers Attack Handling of Blood Samples,”
, April 13, 1995; “Scheck Moves from Sidelines to Center Stage,”
, September 29, 1995; “Where Are They Now?”
, February 11, 1997.

Innocence Project
: “Scheck Moves from Sidelines to Center Stage”; “Where Are They Now?”

Give me one black juror
: Dunne,
Another City, Not My Own
, 147.

the trial would take place
in the white, affluent Westside
: “Location of Trial Can Be Crucial to Outcome, Experts Say,”
, November 27, 1995.

Rafael “Ray” Perez, August 1995, Rampart Division

Ray Perez . . . transferred to Rampart CRASH
: “Perez’s Bitter Saga of Lies, Regrets and Harm.”

an elongated, wickedly grinning white skull
: “Insignia of Rampart Anti-Gang Unit Raises Concerns,”
, February 8, 2000.

the dead man’s hand of aces and eights
, PBS, May 15, 2001.

most of whom . . . were “in the loop”
, BA109900, “Statement of Rafael Antonio Perez,” September 22, 1999.

Sammy Martin . . . “had a girl to go visit”
: Ibid.

7.8 square miles of Pico-Union
: Blue Ribbon Review Panel,
Report of the Rampart Independent Review Panel
, 1; “One Bad Cop,”
New York Times Magazine
, October 1, 2000.

the most densely inhabited area west of the Mississippi
: “One Bad Cop.”

Pico-Union’s slum housing . . . 267,000 . . . Central American immigrants
: Blue Ribbon Review Panel,
Report of the Rampart Independent Review Panel
, 1.

Rampart Division . . . 150 homicides a year
, PBS, May 15, 2001.

thirty-six thousand people per square mile
: “One Bad Cop.”

Raquel Argomaniz . . . Rampart CRASH cops . . . made life so unpleasant
, BA109900, “Statement of Rafael Antonio Perez,” September 17, 1999.

“Throw-down” guns
: Ibid.; “The Dirtiest Cop Alive.”

planted evidence . . . in 40 percent
, BA109900, “Statement of Rafael Perez,” December 14, 1999, 41.

ten-sheet loose-leaf binder
: Ibid., 36.

“plain and simple”
: Ibid., 26.

“If you were in a bad position”
: Ibid.

“Whatever the way they did it”
: Gerald Chaleff interview.

77th’s had crossed bones
: “Web Site Cashes In on Rampart Scandal,”
, March 9, 2000.

“77th Street eats their dead”
: Ibid.

one-pound bag of cocaine and a beeper
: “One Bad Cop”; “The Dirtiest Cop Alive.”

steal the quarter pound of cocaine
: “One Bad Cop.”

three midlevel dope dealers
: Interview with confidential source.

bunch of rock. . . flush it down the toilet
: Interview with confidential source.

dropped the baggie
: Interview with confidential source.

booked some of his dope
: Interview with confidential source.

kept for themselves
: Interview with confidential source.

Willie Williams, October to December 1994, Las Vegas

Willie Williams liked Las Vegas
: “Report of ‘Rogue’ Probe of Chief Termed False,”
, May 31, 1995; “Willie Williams Still Seeks Turf: L.A. Is Not Philadelphia; That Makes the Police Chief an Outsider,”
Philadelphia Inquirer
, July 4, 1995.

not arriving until sometime Sunday
: Ibid.; “Say Goodbye to Hollywood.”

“Daryl’s speeches always promoted the thin blue line”
: David Dotson interview.

“the organization never gave Willie a fair chance to succeed”
: Charlie Beck interview.

Stephen Downing letter
: “Chief’s Critic Voices Fears of Reprisal,”
, February 18, 1995; “Commission Goes Outside LAPD to Investigate Chief,”
, February 28, 1995.

“I have never accepted”
: “New Charges Targeting Chief Concern Council,”
, May 15, 1996; “Willie Officially Asks for New Term as Chief,”
, January 3, 1997.

comped rooms at Caesars Palace
different times
: Ibid.

reprimand Willie Williams for lying to the commission
: Ibid.; Katherine Mader interview.

City Council . . . overturned the reprimand
: “New Charges Targeting Chief Concern Council”; “Willie Officially Asks for New Term as Chief”; “Say Goodbye to Hollywood.”

O. J. Simpson, January 1995, Los Angeles Superior Court

“a lying, perjuring, genocidal racist”
: “The Crime Does Not Fit: Defense Cochran Puts on Knit Cap and a Pair of Gloves,”
, September 28, 1995; “Simpson’s Lawyer Tells Jury Evidence ‘Doesn’t Fit,’ ”
, September 28, 1995.

Vannatter . . . not only notified the coroner very late
: “Delay in Notifying Coroner Hurt Simpson Case Probe,”
, September 17, 1994.

Furhman jumped over a wall
: “The O. J. Simpson Murder Trial: High-Stakes Testimony by Fuhrman Concludes,”
, March 17, 1995; “Simpson Trial Focuses on Fuhrman Tapes,”
Chicago Tribune
, August 21, 1995.

“reckless disregard for the truth”
: “Saber Rattling,”
, October 19, 1994; “Vannatter Offers Explanations for Glove Questions,”
, March 22, 1995.

“Contaminated, compromised, and corrupted”
: “Ito Sanctions ‘Unfair’ Defense Tactics; Cochran Resumes Opening Statement,” AP, January 30, 1995; “The O. J. Simpson Murder Trial: Excerpts of Opening Remarks by Defense Counsel Cochran,”
, January 31, 1995.

Bill Pavelic
: “Into the Spotlight/Bill Pavelic: Simpson Case Throws LAPD Critic into Media Broiler,”
, March 2, 1995; Bill Pavelic interview, 1995.

Detective Vannater . . . put the evidence vial in his pocket
: “20-Year-Old O. J. Simpson Case Taught Police What Not to Do,” AP, June 10, 2014.

“a cesspool of contamination”
: “The Simpson Case: The Fallout; Tough Job for Police to Regain Credibility,”
, October 5, 1995; “20-Year-Old O. J. Simpson Case Taught Police What Not to Do.”

Dennis Fung . . . refrigerator in his van
: “The O. J. Simpson Murder Trial: The Reality Behind Assault on Fung,”
, April 19, 1995.

He got “Schecked”
: “Where Are They Now?”; “Bar Takes Steps Against 2 Lawyers in Simpson Trial, Warns Third,”
, June 13, 1997.

BOOK: Blue: The LAPD and the Battle to Redeem American Policing
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