Boarded by Love (17 page)

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Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Contemporary, #Romance, #New Adult, #college, #Hockey, #Sports

BOOK: Boarded by Love
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“Hockey in the morning, school in the morning and afternoon, and free weekends except when games start.”

I nod, knowing that this was how it was going to be. I’m so busy. I work two jobs, I’m doing the dance team now, and I’m going to school. Why did I think having a boyfriend would be a good idea?

“Told ya we won’t be seeing much of each other.”

He shrugs. “We’ll make it work. Lots of texting plus it will get us ready for the future when I’m rocking the NHL and you’re creating dances for famous artists.”

I laugh at that as I nod. “You kill me the way you do that. We’ve been doing this a day, Jude, one day, and you’re convinced you have my forever without even knowing my deep, dark past. You could hate everything about me at the end of this two weeks, but yet, you see a future with me. This isn’t a Disney movie, you know.”

“Of course it isn’t. We aren’t singing.”

That has me sputtering with laughter as I smack his chest, shaking my head. “You know what I mean!”

“I know. I just wanted to make you laugh,” he says, rubbing his thumb along my lip. “But really, I feel something about you, and you forgave my shitty past. I’m sure I can forgive yours.”

Biting into my lip, I shrug. “It’s easy to forgive because I believe that people change. We grow and become better people because of the influences around us.”

“You’re right, and for me, it’s you.”

I grin widely as I let out the deep breath I took. He makes me breathless. While I say that this isn’t a Disney movie, I feel like it is. I feel so wrapped up in him. I want to burst out in song, saying how much I really like him and how I want to believe that there will be a day that I’ll be at home, making up killer dances while he’s out scoring goals. I want to believe it, but I feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. This is all so magical, so perfect, but what’s going to happen when he decides I’m not good enough for him? When he hears my past will I be able to pick up the pieces while I watch him walk away?

It scares me, it does, but I can’t help but want to believe his words.

“So I know you’re big into music, right?”

I smile, ignoring my thoughts and focusing solely on him, which is really easy. “I am.”

“Are you one of those people who love everything?”

I nod with a grin growing on my face. “I am – total music whore. I can listen to anything and enjoy the hell out of it.”

“What’s your all-time favorite, though?”

I think for a minute as one of his hands leaves my back and comes up to trace along my jaw. “I’m a huge Justin Timberlake fan, so anything by him, but I also love old stuff. Like classic Etta James, it’s so smooth and inspiring. Beatles, anything really,” I say then start laughing. “I’m really easy to please.”

With a wink he says, “I know you are.”

My face flushes as I push him away, but he brings me back toward him, lacing our fingers together. “You?”

“I love rap and heavy metal, anything that can pump me up for a game.”

“Phillip does that! Funny story,” I say, basically jumping in his lap. “One time, Phillip grabbed my iPod instead of his, and when he went to get ready for the game, all my music starts playing, which is like a lot of covers of songs – don’t look at me like that, I love that – but anyway, he calls me from the locker room, yelling, and makes me bring him his iPod because he can’t play without hearing his songs. Are you like that?”

He laughs as he nods his head. “Yup, I have a certain playlist and listen to the whole thing before I lace up my skates.”

“That’s so weird!” I gush as I laugh. “But I think it’s cool too ’cause I like the before-game traditions. I think it’s neat.”

“Yeah, I also have to have a bowl of grapes and Mango Frost Gatorade.”

I giggle at him and he smiles. I know we’ve been here for a while, and of course, I am loving every second, but I know I need to get going soon. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I see it’s almost time for me to go, but I really don’t want to leave. I’d rather stay here, locked in the gaze of this stunningly gorgeous man, than dance on a stage for men I don’t care one bit for.

“I need to head back. I have to study and I’m tired,” I say and my insides clench since I’m lying. I actually need to get home and shower and shave before heading to the club for my shift.

“Can you give me five more minutes?”

I eye him before asking, “Why?”

“’Cause I want to kiss you like this, and I think five minutes will sustain me until the next time I have you like this.”

Before I can deny or agree, his mouth is moving against mine. His breath is minty, his lips so soft against mine. I think he knew I would say yes because I crave his kisses. I think about them constantly, about him, and I can’t wait till the next second his lips are moving against mine. Running my fingers up the back of his neck, I press into him as his finger bites into the middle of my back. Nibbling down my jaw, he comes back to my lips, both of us teasing and nipping before he says, “Can I feel you up when we’re dating?”

“No, that will lead to sex.”

“So, I can’t grab your boob?”

I laugh, pulling back. “No, Jude! We have to keep this PG-13 at least for two weeks.”

He eyes me and then shrugs. “Okay, but come back here, I have at least two more minutes.”

I comply and grin against his lips before our kisses turn hungry. I’m pretty sure rubbing up against each other is not PG-13, but I can’t help it. He’s so hard, so delicious, and when he pulls back, our heavy breathing is the only sound in the quiet park. I’m glad he’s the one to pull away because I don’t think I could have. Placing a kiss to my nose, he reaches down for the helmet before placing it over my head.

“Let’s get you back before I bend you over this bike and have my way with you.”

I scoff. “How very considerate of you.”

“I thought so,” he says with a wink as he gets up to put his on helmet on. Looking back at me, he adds, “I don’t want to interfere with your studies.”

My studies. Yeah…


o let me get this straight,” Max Rivers says as he lounges against the boards, leaning on his hockey stick. Coach is running plays with the defense, so that leaves my line to hang for a minute, get a breather, and get some water.

“You’re dating one girl. Just one, ’cause I heard it was one and that you were dating her. Something you don’t do.”

I nod as Jayden rolls his eyes. I think he’s as annoyed as I am. “Yeah, dude, one chick.”

“Why? You’ve never done that. I’ve known you since like fourth grade, and you’ve never had one girlfriend.”

“Yeah, things changed.”

“So you’re giving up all the pussy in the world for one chick? At twenty years old?”

“He’s dating her, not marrying her,” Jayden says before I can answer. “And why the hell does it matter what he does?”

Max looks at me before looking back at Jayden. “Jude is the king of getting ass. It’s shocking to us mere mortals that have to beg girls to date us.” Jayden and I both just blink at Max before I shake my head. Before I can say anything, though, Max says, “I mean, does she have a golden snatch or something? What made you only want one?”

“For fuck’s sake,” Jayden says as I glare.

“Don’t talk about her like that, and it’s none of your fucking business,” I sneer as Jayden pushes me back.

“Whoa, calm down, killer. Max is an idiot.”

“I don’t get what the big deal is. It’s pissing me off. Not only are they are coming at me, but they’re talking about Claire and shit. They’re even coming up to her and telling her I’m a manwhore.”

“You are a manwhore,” he says, and when I flash him a dark look, he adds, “Reformed, manwhore, but what do you expect? You showboated yourself all over this campus as the biggest cock in Bellevue, so of course, there are going to be repercussions from it. The question you need to ask yourself is, is it true? Are you a manwhore?”

I shrug. “I don’t think so. At least not anymore. I know, it’s only been a week, but Jay, I haven’t even wanted anyone else but her. I’m completely infatuated with her. It’s kind of scary.”

“And weird,” Jayden adds as he shakes his head. “So be you, Jude. You didn’t give a shit what people thought before, don’t start now.”

“Yeah,” I agree before letting out a breath. “I just don’t want her to start agreeing with them.”

“From what you’ve told me, dude, I think she’s the kind of girl who thinks for herself. Don’t worry about it, just be you, okay?”

I nod. “Sure.”

“Sinclairs! Get your asses over here and get to work! This isn’t teatime! It’s working time!”

Sharing a look, we smirk at each other before heading to the goal to get our plays. I can always depend on my brother, no matter what, and I’m lucky for that. Above all, though, he’s completely right. I’ve never cared when girls talked shit about me because they always ended up in my bed. Didn’t care that dudes were jealous of me because I got the most ass and play the best game. No, I did me, and I’m going to continue that.

I just now have sexy redhead beside me as I do it.

After a grueling practice, I stand within the circle of my teammates as Coach goes over more plays. “I’m pushing you so that we can be the best. All of you have been handpicked for this team by me, and I pick winners. So in two weeks when we face Nashville Tech, we will win, we will dominate, and we will make everyone proud to be a Bellevue Bully. I am proud of this team already and will be even more when we bring the championship home. Now make sure you study, focus on your classes, and above all, stay away from girls, and stop partying.”

We all yell “Yup” together before all coming in, yelling, “Bellevue Bullies.” Skating beside Matt and Trevor, I ask, “Doesn’t he know that we still fool with the girls and party?”

They laugh then Trevor goes, “Well, you are only fooling with one now. Does that mean you’re not gonna party anymore too?”

“Ah, fuck off. Of course I’m going to party.”

“Sure, you are, she’ll have you whipped into shape in no time. No more partying, no more anything except if you’re with her, and while we’re out having a blast, you’ll be at home knitting a sweater. You wait,” Matt says as he skates by me.

“What the hell ever, no girl will control me or have me knitting.”

“I think you said you’d never have a girlfriend too,” he says, looking back at me. “Funny how things change, huh?”

Glaring, I don’t say anything as I watch him head into the locker room. I want to tell him he’s an asshole, but it doesn’t come out before he disappears behind the door. His words hit me in the gut, and I feel like I can’t breathe. While I don’t want to believe his words, I can’t help but think this is the reason why I didn’t want a girlfriend. I didn’t want someone controlling me the way my dad controls my mom. That’s why I’ve been solo my whole life; I don’t want to depend on someone and then have them fail me. But for some reason, with Claire, I forget everything.

Finally finding my footing, I head off the ice and then to the locker room with Matt’s words replaying in my head. Maybe I rushed into this, but as soon as I think it, I want to take it back. It isn’t like that with Claire. She’s a cool chick, relaxed and fun. She wouldn’t do what my dad does to my mom, and I know that when I’ve only known her for maybe a week.

Be you, Jude.

Right. Jayden is right. That’s all I need to do. Stop worrying about what other people say and just be me.

After my first class…


Me: Did you know that apparently since I’m dating one girl I’ve stopped partying?
Claire: It happens like that?
Me: Apparently. Stupid, huh?
Claire: Not as stupid as what this girl just said to me.
Me: What did she say?
Claire: She said that I’m a witch and I’ve obviously hexed you. I told her actually I was a bitch and that you like that about me.

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