Boarded by Love (18 page)

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Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Contemporary, #Romance, #New Adult, #college, #Hockey, #Sports

BOOK: Boarded by Love
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Me: LOL! My God, where do these people get this shit at?
Claire: No clue, total weirdos.
Me: Couldn’t agree more. Am I going to see you today?
Claire: I have classes until 4 and then I have practice and then I have to go to work with one of my solos then I have to study, so unless you can meet me somewhere, I don’t think so.
Me: I’ll meet ya at the rink for a quick kiss so you don’t forget the feel of my lips, you being busy and all.
Claire: I could be the president of the US and still would never forget the taste of your lips, Jude Sinclair. I’m counting down the hours till I see you.
Me: I can’t wait.

After my second class…


Claire: So did u know that u have a 19 inch dick?
Me: WTF?! I mean I’m hung but not like that
Claire: Yeah, that’s why u wouldn’t stay with anyone cause u broke all the poor vaginas on campus.
Me: Are u fucking kidding me?
Claire: I’m as serious as a heart attack. I hope ur laughing though cause I was laughing so hard she flipped me off and walked away.
Me: LOL, ur nuts.
Claire: I’m here all week.
Me: Oh no, I get you way longer than that.
Claire: We will see.
Me: No need to see baby, I know it.
Claire: :)


During my third class while my teacher was grading tests, I texted Claire again.


Me: Did u know I get to see u in approximately an hour and 23 minutes?
Claire: Did u know that I am very excited about that?
Me: I didn’t know that.
Claire: Well I am.
Me: Good.


It was easy to say I was grinning the rest of the period. As I started toward the rink, my phone sounded, and I pulled it out to find another text from Claire.


Claire: So guess what I’ve decided?
Me: What? U want to have sex today instead of waiting 13 more days?
Claire: LOL! No…Jesus, get ur head out of the gutter.
Me: Hard to do when it comes to u.
Claire: Haha. Anyway, I’ve decided that when people say ur name to me, I’m gonna ignore them. Act like I don’t even hear them.
Me: Let me know how that goes.
Claire: Will do, but in the meantime, check out “Don’t Matter” by Akon. It’s our jam right now, I’ve decided.
Me: I’m downloading it now, are u on your way here?
Claire: Yeah, changing now.
Me: Which means you’re naked? ☺
Claire: Bye, Jude.


Laughing, I tuck my phone in my pocket and open the door to the rink before heading to the gym where the girls usually practice. As I walk, I listen to the song and find myself grinning that she sent me a song about how we’re gonna ignore the haters and enjoy each other. It’s sweet and I decide that I’m going to look for a song to send her. I first find a spot outside the gym and drop down onto a bench before doing that. When I find a good one, I save it and decide to wait till later to send it to her since I know she’s on her way here. With nothing to do, I check my Facebook. I’m deleting messages from, you guessed it, girls who want to yell at me since I won’t answer their phone calls, when a shadow appears in front of me. Looking up, I find that Rachael is looking down at me, her hands on her hips.

“Can’t answer my text?”

I shrug. “Phone isn’t in service.”

“Forgot to pay your bill?” she asks sarcastically.

“Yeah and decided not to hook it back up,” I answer, matching her tone.

“You’re such an ass. What’s up with you? And what’s this crap about you dating Claire Anderson?”

I shrug again and decide to do what Claire said she’s gonna do. “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

She glares and then shakes her head. “Fine, be an asshole.”

She walks away and I look back down at my phone to continue deleting messages. Just as I’m finishing, a text comes in from Jayden.


Bro: Wanna play some pickup at the tennis courts?
Me: Yeah
, I answer back.
Give me 10.
Bro: I’ll grab your bag.


“Texting someone special?”

I look up to find Claire grinning down at me. Her hair is in a braid down her shoulder with a black bow clip thing holding her bangs out of her face. She’s wearing short black shorts, her legs so long and delicious. She also wears a thin white Beatles tee that hangs off her shoulder; underneath it I can see her black sports bra, and my fingers itch to be on her. Standing, I tuck my phone in my pocket, wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her in close. Without answering her, I capture her mouth with mine, kissing her slowly and seductively, showing her how much I’ve missed the feel of her lips against mine.

Running her hands up my arms, she snakes them behind my neck, taking a step forward, molding her body to mine. Texting her all day has been freaking awesome, but feeling her, touching her, and just breathing the same air as her is the ultimate high. Everything Matt said before is completely gone. Nothing matters but her and me, and I know that I am in a good place. That I made the right choice. She’s the girl I’m supposed to give up everything for, and I’m fine with that.

Parting, I kiss her lips again softly before pulling back to look at her. “I’m holding my someone special.”

“Such a smooth talker,” she says with a wink, and I smile.

Not letting her go, I say, “It was my brother. We’re playing pickup.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“You should come play one time.”

Her mouth pulls up at the side. “I’ll smoke your ass.”

I laugh out, leaning against her, running my nose along hers. “Do you know how unbelievably hot it is that you just said that?”

She wiggles against me and my fingers bite into her back. Leaning in, I think she’s going to kiss me, but instead, against my lips, she whispers, “Judging by the thickness of you, I’d say pretty hot.”

“You’re right,” I mutter before kissing her again.

Pulling back, she grins as she says, “Did you like the song?”

“Yup, fits our situation very well, I think.”

“I think so too,” she says, leaning into me. “I need to go in.”

“I know,” I say, holding her closer, wanting to mold her into me and become one. “I don’t want to let go yet.”

She gives me a sad nod as she runs her thumbs up my jaw. “I don’t want you to either, but unless you are gonna come in there and dance, I gotta go.”

“It may surprise you to know that I am a badass dancer, so maybe I should.”

She giggles, and it’s such a beautiful sound. One that curls my toes and makes me tight everywhere. “I’d pay to see you in a Bullies’ dancer outfit. I hear you’re hot in a pair of ladies’ panties.”

I laugh out loud and nod, thinking back to the night I pledged at the house. “Yeah, great night, but I’ll pass and leave the dancing to you. But one night, I’ll have you in my arms, grinding against me, and all I’ll be thinking about is…”

“Sex?” she asks with a grin.

“No, how fucking hot you are and how lucky I am.”

Her cheeks darken with color and soon my lips are against hers. As our mouths move together, I can feel someone staring at us, but I can’t bring myself to pull away. I need this kiss to last me until I see her again, and I’m not sure when that will be, so I deepen the kiss. Hoping to take every single bit of her with me. When we part, she smiles up as me as she tenderly kisses me on the side of the mouth.

“Wanna know what I’m thinking about?” she asks as she breaks free of me and starts to walk backward toward the door.

“How lucky you are to kiss me?”

“Nope, I already know that,” she says, flashing me a bigger grin.

“Then what?” I ask.

“About how I don’t know how I’m gonna last twelve more days without you inside me.”

Holding on to the bench for support, I say, “Oh, that’s dirty, Claire Anderson!”

Biting her bottom lip, she does that hot thing where she winks at me, leaving me utterly speechless before saying, “No one said I play nice. Bye, Jude.”

She blows me a kiss, and I stand there, willing my dick to stop growing. I can’t play hockey with a hard-on, but as I watch her walk away, her hips swaying side to side, her ass crying my name, I know that’s exactly how I’m gonna play.

And how I’m gonna be for the next twelve days.


eese, I don’t think I’m gonna make it.”

Reese’s laughter rings in my ear. “Why? It can’t be that bad.”

“The dance we’re learning… We’re learning from a video from 1999! I swear!”

Her laughter continues as I let out a frustrated breath, rushing across campus so I can get my homework done before heading to work.

“Well, tell them, Claire. I mean, you are an award-winning choreographer. Tell them to let you work something up. They’d be lucky to dance your choreography.”

I let out another breath. I had been thinking the same thing since they started teaching us the dance my seven-year-old kids from the studio could do, but I don’t think that Rachael would allow it.

“I have something,” I say but then sigh. “But I swear the captain hates me.”

“Why do you think that?”

“She just looks at me in such a horrible way. She’s either suffering from Resting Bitchface or she hates me.”

“Again, what reason does she have to hate you? You’re amazing.”

Ah, the unconditional love I get from this woman makes me so happy, but I’m unable to smile from the problem that lies before me. “There are a couple.”

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