Boarded by Love (51 page)

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Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Contemporary, #Romance, #New Adult, #college, #Hockey, #Sports

BOOK: Boarded by Love
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When I feel his fingers dance up my back, I break the kiss, gasping for breath as his lips dust along my jaw. I’m burning up everywhere. My whole body is singing for his as he unclasps my bra. The cups fall away from my breasts and land at our feet.

“I want to rip this off you,” he whispers against my jaw, his fingers yanking at my underwear. “But it’s so pretty.” He then runs his fingers down the base of my spine before slowly pulling my panties down my tingling legs. I haven’t run like that in a while, and while my legs are crying, they are soon a distant thought when Jude grabs my butt cheeks and buries his face between my legs. My legs buckle and I have to brace my hands against the door as I gasp for breath. Running his tongue slowly and teasingly against my sensitive lips, I bite into my bottom lip, holding in my scream as he tortures me. When he runs the tip of his tongue along where my lips meet, my heart pounds in my chest and then my legs start to shake from the want for him.

Finally, he parts my lips and flicks his tongue against my clit. Closing my eyes, I lean my face against the wall, biting into my fingers as he assaults my clit like it stole something from him. He’s ruthless with his attack, his tongue moving fast then slow, in figure eights, and then just rough and hard against my bundle of nerves. When he slowly slides his fingers inside me and starts to fuck me with them, I can’t hold it in anymore.

Loudly, I scream his name, my body tensing up under his glorious touch. Slamming my fist against the door, I start to move against his mouth, wanting and needing my release. Quickly, his fingers pound into me, his tongue going just as fast on my clit, and then I come. I come so fucking hard, I jerk against him, my body going completely taut.

He kisses my center and I squeeze my eyes shut as the aftershocks of my orgasm run through my body. I would have thought he would have given me a second, but I was completely wrong. Lifting me up, he wraps my legs around his waist, my face resting against the crook of his neck as he carries me to what I assume would be his bed. Again, I’m completely wrong. I hear a crash and then my back hits a hard surface. Before I can even see where I am or what the hell is digging into my back, Jude is inside me, pounding into me with unbending need. His fingers bite into my hips as he thrusts into me, my legs flopping in the air as his body slams into mine. As I look up at him, his face is flushed, sweat dripping down his arms, and fuck, he looks hot.

Reaching between my legs, he cups my pussy as he says, “You are so fucking hot, Claire. Fuck, baby. Come on me. Now.”

I don’t know what to say, so I do what he wants. Moving his hand away, I move my fingers into my wetness and start to finger myself, watching as he watches me. His fingers dig into my thighs as I move my fingers along my clit. His breathing is so fast, matching mine, and his eyes are dark with desire. For some reason watching him watch me has my body burning with lust. It doesn’t take long for me to get off, not with all the stimulation that is going on, and as I hit my peak, a guttural growl leaves his mouth as he slams into me one last time, his body going rigid as his eyes fall closed.

Gasping for breath, I squeeze my legs around him, running my hands up his abs and chest until he opens his eyes, a grin tugging at his lips. He then leans down, taking my mouth with his as my body throbs for his. Leaning his forehead against mine, he whispers, “If every time you beat me I get to have mind-blowing sex like this, I fully accept being a loser.” Then his eyes meet mine, his mouth pulling into a grin as he says, “Really though, being with you, I’m never losing.”

“Wasn’t I supposed to be proving my love to you?”

He smiles, his lips whispering against mine. “You don’t have to prove anything, Claire. I know.”

“So do I.”

It’s been a good night.

I think we’re ready for the investors, but I’m still drilling these girls, making sure we’re perfect. Ms. Prissy seems happy with everything, but I know there is room for improvement. She wants me to do a solo of sorts on the pole, but I haven’t really thought anything up. I have my dance for Jude, but I really don’t want to dance that unless he’s here. Which will never happen, so I guess I’ll just come up with something. It won’t be hard.

By the time I’m done for the night, my feet are crying and my back is sore. I hit my back on the pole, and then while Jude was pounding into me, I found that I was lying on Jayden’s stapler. I want to feel bad for having sex on his desk, but I can’t find it in me to do so. I do know that I won’t allow it to happen again, though. I respect Jayden and I want him to like me.

Leaning back in my chair, I rest my feet on my desk and let out a long breath. When I feel eyes on me, I look up to find Ms. Prissy standing beside my desk.

“Hey,” I say, sitting up a little straighter. “I’m leaving in a bit, letting my feet air out.”

She smiles before nodding. “You’re fine. I’m going to be here for another few hours.”

“Oh okay, is everything all right?”

She nods. “Sure, I wanted to talk to you about the investors.”

“Oh, okay?”

She pulls Ellen’s chair out and sits down. Today her catsuit is yellow, and to be honest, she really should stop wearing those things. Not that I’ll tell her that.

Looking over at me, a smile sits on her lips and she says, “New York is very interested, as in, ready to sign you now. The only problem is that I don’t think you should take anything until after that night. They aren’t offering you enough. They’re trying to lowball you, and I feel that Vegas could offer you more. I wanted to tell you, nonetheless.”

I process what she’s telling me and can’t believe it. They are already offering me a job? They haven’t even seen me wow the crowd yet. I mean, I’m not saying I don’t give it my all every night, but I plan to kill the stage on the investors’ night. I have come up with some awesome stuff, and I want them to see what I can do.

“No, thank you for telling me. I think I’ll take your advice, but can I ask what they offered?”

She smiles. “Only a twenty-grand signing bonus, which is disrespectful.”

Twenty grand sounds pretty damn good to me, though. “Oh?”

“Yeah, Claire, you are worth triple that, and I think that Vegas will be the one to give you an offer you can refuse. I’m telling you, you are going to do big things.”

She then stands and I smile as I look up at her. “Thank you.”

“No problem, baby,” she says before reaching out and cupping my face in a motherly way. “I’m very proud of what you’ve come up with, and while I’ll be sad to see you go, I will be there opening night, cheering you on.”

“Thank you,” I say.

We share a smile and then she’s off, leaving me completely in shock that I was offered twenty grand for basically a shitty performance. If I give it my all, no telling what they’ll come at me with. I’ll be set for life and the excitement is eating me alive. I reach for my phone to text Jude, but I pause. I can’t text him this late because I’m supposed to be sleeping. Man, I’m getting tangled in my lie and I need to just tell him the whole truth, but I know I won’t. I’m already too far gone in this deceit; there is no reason to ever tell him, or Phillip. I’ll just wait till I’m hired by a prestigious company, earning thousands to make up dances for burlesque dancers. Then I’ll tell them. They can’t be mad because I’ll be doing something with it.


I just don’t know. Standing up, I pack up my stuff and throw my jacket on over my sweatshirt. I always make sure to wear it out of the club in case a patron is outside. I don’t want anyone knowing where I am, or even who I am. I spent the whole night changing outfits to make sure my arm was covered so no one could see my tattoo. I should have waited to get it, but oh well, I love it.

Bundled up in my jacket, I throw my money in my bag and head to security so they can walk me to my car in the back. Ben is happy to do it, thankfully, and walks out with me. We don’t really talk much as we walk, mainly because I don’t want to distract him from seeing anyone who is out to get me.

A little paranoid? Yeah, just a tad.

Pulling out my phone, I click Jude’s name and type:


R u awake?


I watch the screen, waiting for his response. When he doesn’t answer by the time we reach my car, I tuck my phone in my pocket. But when I look up, I am frozen in place. My stomach drops, my heart races, and everything inside me goes cold as I gasp for breath.

“Who’s that guy in your car?” Ben asks, but I can’t answer him.

I can only choke back the tears as Phillip slowly unfolds himself from my car, his eyes flashing with anger.

Swallowing loudly, I whisper, “My uncle.”


o you’re good?” Ben asks and Phillip’s head tilts to the side, waiting for my answer.

One would probably assume I’d take the coward’s way out and say no so that Ben could protect me from the wrath of Phillip¸ but that’s not how I roll. I knew this was coming; I had to face the music someday, and today, or well, tonight is the night. While, yes, my body is shaking with fear, my heart feels as if it’s coming out of my chest, my throat is thick with emotion, and I have no clue what I’m going to say to him, I know I have to stand here and take responsibility for what I have decided to keep to myself.

He loves me. Phillip will support me. I know this.

Taking in a deep breath, I say, “Yeah, I’m good.”

Ben looks wary to leave me alone, but like I knew he would, he says, “Okay, have a good night. Holler if you need me.”

“Thank you,” I say, and I watch as he walks away. When the door to the club closes, I look back at Phillip. “What are you doing here?” I ask, and as soon as the words leave my mouth, I wish I had kept my mouth shut.

“What am I doing here? Well, let me tell you,” he says, his voice sharp and so full of anger it scares me. “I came for a bachelor party with my friends, Claire. Since we aren’t out for a quick peek as we’re all married, we came here, and the night was going great until I saw my niece onstage opening her legs and wiggling her ass for the world to see! So the real question is, what the fuck are you doing here?”

“Working,” I answer simply, my tears threatening to fall.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, Claire. Working? Why? I will give you everything you need.”

“I know you will and I hate that!” I say, meeting his gaze. “I don’t want you to support me. I’m old enough to take care of myself. That’s why I work at the studio, why I work here. I need the money. I need to know that I am going to be okay.”

“Okay?” he yells. “Claire, I will always make sure you are okay! That is my job!”

“And it was my mom’s job, and we see how she provided, right?” I snap back, and his face goes blank. As he takes a step toward me, I take one back, but he snatches me by my arms, pulling me to him.

“No, no, she fucking didn’t, and I hope you aren’t trying to throw that in my face.”

I shake my arms free and take another step back. “No, I’m not, but you have to understand why. You have to know that I’m doing this to protect myself. You may love and support me now, but you can leave at any time – you have before – and if that happens again, I’ll be secure. I’ll be set for life.”

Shaking his head, I watch as his eyes go hollow with despair. “You just can’t let it go, can you? Yes, I left, and I have spent the last three years doing everything in the world to make up for it. I may have left you, but Claire, I never stopped loving you. I did everything I could to protect you from your mom, but she wouldn’t allow me to do what was best for you. She used you as a free ride, and I didn’t realize it till it was too late. Did I try hard enough? Probably not, but I was a kid, Claire. Let it go! I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere!”

His voice echoes through the parking lot, and I’m sure that Ben will be out in no time. Looking deep in his eyes, I know what he says is true. I know he tried to get me when I was younger, but my mom did use me. She couldn’t let go of me when I was the only reason Phillip sent her money. Instead, she subjected me to her life, abused me, and allowed men to use me. Looking down at the ground, I take in a deep breath, trying to calm my heart, but it is beating out of control.

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