Boarded by Love (50 page)

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Authors: Toni Aleo

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Contemporary, #Romance, #New Adult, #college, #Hockey, #Sports

BOOK: Boarded by Love
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“Awesome,” I say just as she yawns. “Tired?”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to go to sleep yet,” she says, and I can see that she is fighting to keep her eyes open. “If I go to sleep, then tomorrow starts, and that means I won’t see you for a couple days.”

I nod and hate that. I have an away game Saturday, and the dance team doesn’t travel with the team. She was going to drive up to Cincinnati for the game, but she has to work this weekend, so that idea was thrown out the window. As much as it sucks since I won’t see her till Sunday afternoon, I understand. We both have busy lives, but unlike other people, we work to make sure we have time together. We aren’t giving up. We love each other way too much for that.

Moving my fingers slowly against her jaw, I nod. “I know, baby, but you’re tired. Go to sleep. I’ll be here in the morning.”

Her eyes drift closed as she leans against me, nuzzling her nose against my jaw.

“You know what the greatest thing about being with you is?” she whispers against my jaw.

“What?” I whisper back, reaching up to shut the lamp off.

Opening her eyes, she looks up at me. I can see her eyes in the light from the TV, and I swear, the only thing I see is love. “That I get to be your other half.”

Running my nose against her, I say, “I agree; that is the best part.”

“I love you,” she says, her eyes closing again.

“I love you too. Now go to sleep,” I whisper and soon her breathing becomes even, telling me that she’s asleep. As I hold her, I watch as she sleeps, her little lips puckered and her long eyelashes kissing the tops of her cheeks. She’s so beautiful, and every time I think that she is all mine, I almost can’t believe it. How did a cocky asshole like me land the greatest girl in the world?

With a grin pulling at my lips, I reach for my phone off my desk and open my gallery to look at my pictures. Mostly there are pictures of Claire and me, kissing, snuggling and being us. I love these pictures and usually go through them a lot, but as she lies in my arms, there is only one thing I want to look at. Opening the video of her dancing from earlier today, I watch as she moves to the music, her eyes captivating me even from the little screen of my iPhone. After watching it twice, I close it and kiss her temple. She stirs only a little before snuggling deeper into my arms, her sexy, naked body pressed to mine. If she wasn’t as tired as she is, I would have my way with her, but I know to let her be.

Since I’m not tired, I open my Facebook app and play around on there to kill time. When Claire suddenly rolls out of my arms and onto her side, I stare at the back of her head and the love for this girl seriously takes over my body. Like I said at the tattoo parlor, I really don’t think I’ll ever experience this kind of love again. She is it. She is mine, and I want to get on my knees and thank the Lord above for her. He gave me this gift, this treasure, and I don’t think I can do anything else but protect her and love her.

I’m about to close my app and cuddle against her when Facebook’s question catches my eyes.


What’s on your mind?


Letting out a breath, I look back at Claire and then back at my screen.

And it doesn’t take long to tell Facebook what I’m thinking about.

And it isn’t a surprise, either.

It’s the one person I never stop thinking about.



This is my beautiful girlfriend, Claire Anderson. Isn’t she amazing? I’ve never seen something so beautiful or breathtaking than when my girlfriend dances. I’m not saying that she isn’t beautiful and breathtaking when she’s just standing in front of me, because hell yeah she is, but when she dances, I honestly can’t move or form a sentence or thought. Before meeting Claire, I thought I had my life figured out, but man was I wrong. So damn wrong. I don’t think anyone will ever understand the love I have for this beautiful girl and frankly, I don’t give a shit. I love her. She has my heart and I am proud to be her boyfriend. I know I have hurt people and I am sorry for that. I never realized how much of a dick I was before until the most amazing person I’ve ever met loved me. I would never want to make her feel the way I made other girls feel and again, I am really sorry for that. Claire has completely changed me and made me the man I want to be. Everything I do is thoroughly thought out because I don’t want to ever embarrass her or make her unhappy. I just want to be the man she deserves and that’s my new plan. #MyGirlfriendIsBetterThanYours #LifeIsCompleteWithHer #WifeyMaterial


As I stand in the middle of my dorm, I still can’t believe Jude’s post. He must have done it when I was sleeping, and I’m just now reading it after my second class of the day. My phone was dead when I woke up this morning, and when I finally charged it, I saw that I was tagged in a status by him. I never expected to find a video of me dancing to our song and then a beautiful status like this. When I see the wifey hashtag, my eyes start to fill with tears. He has changed so much. He’s still cocky and a little full of himself, but for the most part, he’s the most amazing, sweetest man I’ve ever met. He cares for people, would give the shirt off his back to a stranger, and most of all, he loves me something crazy.


Ha, that is the perfect word to describe this whirlwind of a love we have. It has been crazy and intense since the moment we met. I still remember everything about the moment when his eyes met mine while I was tearing down the dumbass flyers that Ellen was stapling to trees. The way his mouth pulled to the side, how he looked at me like I was it. Was it love at first sight? Maybe, hell, I don’t know. All I know is that I’m completely in love with this guy. It’s been fast, it’s been crazy, but it’s our love story, and it’s the greatest in the history of love, in my opinion.

After clicking LIKE, I hit the comment link, and write:


Claire Anderson: Life is nothing without you, Jude. I love you. More than words. The greatest thing in the world is that we are growing together and together we can do anything. Love you. #MyBoyfriendIsAmazing #MakesMeCryHappyTears #HubbyMaterialForSure


“What the hell is the matter?”

Looking over, I see that Skylar has entered the room. I didn’t even hear her come in; I was too consumed with Jude’s post.

“Jude,” I breathe. “He tagged me in the most unbelievable status.”

She smiles. “Yeah, I saw that sugary sweet shit. Did you see that almost half his female friends deleted him too?

Taken aback, I say, “Really?”

“Yeah, I was messing around with Matty, and he was telling me that he, Bryan, and Jayden were giving Jude shit for y’all making the house shake last night and then his girlie-ass status, and Jude was laughing ’cause almost everyone deleted him.”

“Wow,” I say with a grin. “That’s a good thing, I guess, but whoa… Wait, you’re messing around with Matt?”

She shrugs, her cheeks blushing with color as she says, “Yeah, it’s no big deal. We’ve fucked a few times, but it’s nothing. Honestly. We’re more friends than anything.”

“That’s how it starts,” I sing, opening a message to Jude. “Reese and Phillip were friends with benefits and now look.”

She laughs. “No, they were in love from the start but tried to act like it wasn’t anything.”

Setting her with a look, I grin. “My point exactly.”

“Oh, fuck off,” she sneers before throwing a pillow at me. I dodge it with no problem and fall back on my bed, texting Jude.


Me: So u made me cry.
Hey Jude: Happy tears?
Me: Of course. I don’t think u know how much I love u.
Hey Jude: yeah I do. I see it in your eyes every time I see u.


Ugh. Swoon. Taking in a deep breath, I smile as I type back.


Me: Where are you at?
Hey Jude: In the locker room. About to shower and head to the house.
Me: Anything once you get there?
Hey Jude: Nope, probably a nap.
Me: I think I have a better idea.
Hey Jude: I’m intrigued

With a sneaky grin, I type:


Me: Good, meet you there.
Hey Jude: I’ll beat you.
Me: Challenged accepted.


Hopping up, I strip my clothes off quickly and find the sexiest piece of lingerie I have.

“Whoa, where is the fire?” Skylar asks as I put on a lacy black number.

Shooting her a grin, I put some sweats on over my lingerie and say, “I’m going to beat Jude back to the house, and then I’m going to blow his mind with this.”

Skylar laughs as I slide my feet into my tennis shoes. “Y’all trip me out. Have fun.”

“Oh, I will,” I say with a wink and then I dash out the door.

I know I should drive my car, but traffic is going to be busy since everyone is out for lunch. Running like there are zombies chasing me, I dart across campus. People get out of my way and some shout to slow down, but I ignore them. I have somewhere to be. My chest is burning along with my legs, but I don’t let up; I will beat Jude. Rounding the quad, I spot Jude coming out of the Bullies arena. He must have spotted me too because a huge grin comes across his face and then he’s off too. Pushing hard, I want to cry from the pain, but there is no way in hell I’m going to let him beat me.

He’s fast, though.


“Your legs are longer,” I yell out as I dart for the front door.

“No excuses!” he yells back at me as he rounds the house, only a second behind me.

He jumps over the shrubs onto the porch just as I throw the door open and run downstairs. I can feel him right behind me, but I know I have this. The only problem is that I’m running so fast that I don’t stop in time to open his door, and I run straight into the wall beside it with my shoulder. I feel pain but I ignore it, backtracking to the door. I go to throw it open, but Jude’s hand meets the handle just as mine does. Next thing I know, we’re in a hip-checking battle trying to open the door and enter it before the other. Grunts fill the hall until finally I kick him in the shin and he topples over, giving me the chance to throw the door open.

Holding my arms up in victory, I scream, “Oh, yeah! Winner!”

“Cheater! You kicked me!” he yells as he enters the room, his brows together in frustration, his face flushed.

“No excuses,” I say with a devious grin.

He shoots me a grin as he shuts the door behind himself, locking it as his eyes darken to the color of emerald. I’m breathing hard, and I know I need to catch my breath, but I can’t help myself. I pull my shirt off and then kick my shoes and pants off, standing in my very skimpy panties and bra.

Bracing himself against the door, he groans, “Fucking hell, Claire.”

A grin pulls at my lips as I slowly walk toward him. With every step I take, a piece of his clothing hits the floor. His shirt, his pants, then his boxers, leaving him deliciously naked right as I close the distance between us. Reaching out, I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down for a soul-deep kiss. His body is so hard against mine. He has been hitting the gym like mad, and man, his body reflects that. As my hands move up his arms, his biceps, I can feel each muscle defined beneath my palms. My heart races as our kiss deepens, his hands resting against my ass. His dick is stiff against my belly and I want him. Need him

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