Body of Work (19 page)

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Authors: Karla Doyle

Tags: #erotica

BOOK: Body of Work
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Right there, he’d offered her the perfect out. So why was her head moving back and forth, instead of up and down? “No, just nervous.”

“No haggis with neeps and tatties, I promise.”

“I don’t even know what that means.”

“Traditional Scottish meal. Heart, liver and lungs, ground up and mixed with spices and stuff, then cooked in sheep’s stomach, that’s haggis. Neeps and tatties are mashed turnip and potatoes, normal enough.”

Haggis, in particular, sounded nasty. Then again, there’d been a time she felt that way about butt plugs. “Is it good?”

“Not always. But when it’s done right, yeah.”

“So it’s like sex.”

Laughter burst from deep within his chest and rang in the open, quiet space. “Now I’ll think of you whenever I eat that meal.” His hands trailed up her arms to cup her face. “And if I’m a lucky bastard, you’ll be sitting beside me every time.”

She didn’t need to taste them. Haggis, neeps and tatties were officially her favorite foods.

Chapter Nine


The key wasn’t even in the lock when Brian noticed the BMW at the side of the building. The interior light flicked on briefly, showing it was occupied, as was his waist, since Cassie had her arms wrapped around it from behind. If Trevor’s windows were down—and they probably were, given the incredible weather tonight—he’d heard her giggling too. If there was a way out of this where he still had a job tomorrow, he couldn’t see it. Shit.

He spoke over his shoulder, as low as possible. “We have company. My boss is parked over to the right, in the shadows. He’s looking straight at us.”

“Oh my god, Brian. Wait—I know, act as if I’m throwing myself at you and you’re trying to politely shake me off.”

Executed well, they could probably pull that off. What he needed to know was whether they should try. “This isn’t how I wanted to do this,” he mock-fumbled with the key, still talking at whisper volume, “but I’m crazy about you. I don’t want to hide it or lie about it, and I’m willing to take the heat for breaking the rules if you feel the same way.” She hadn’t moved since he alerted her to Trevor’s watchful eyes, but at his words and his question, her body tensed against his back. Shit. No turning back now. “When I pull this key out, I’m turning around and putting my hands on you. Kiss me and I come clean to my boss, no regrets. No kiss means you’re not sure about us and we play it off like you suggested.”

The deadbolt clicked. Metal slid across metal as he withdrew the key. When he turned, he might as well’ve been standing in quicksand, it was that hard to do. Cassie’s arms dropped to her sides. He cupped his palms over her shoulders and looked into her eyes. Her lips trembled, but they didn’t come up to meet his. Damn it. Damn it to fucking hell.

“Sorry if I led you on, Cassie. I like you, but there’s no
.” Fucking irony.

“I’m sorry too, we could’ve been good together.” Glassy eyes, downturned lips, regretful tone. She ought to switch sides of the camera because she was one hell of an actress.

The only response he had for this insanity was a grunt.

She clutched her purse and took a step backward, severing contact. “Sorry for…the mistake. See you around.” And then she was gone. Speed-walking toward her car, almost at a jog. She cursed uncharacteristically when her keys clattered to the asphalt, the string of soft-spoken obscenities carrying through the still night air.

He wanted to laugh. To call out to her, say something that’d make her laugh in return. More than that, he wanted to march over there and pin her against the door of her Ford and demand she change her decision. None of this “we could’ve been good together” bullshit—they
good together. They were fucking amazing together. Instead, he watched her taillights disappear down the road.

“Interesting night.”

And now for more fun. Brian shoved the keys in his pocket—though there was still a huge chance he’d be handing them over any minute—and turned to face Trevor where he leaned on the hood of his BMW. “That it was.”

“I was on my way home from a date and thought I’d drop off some paperwork you might be interested in.”

Again with the fucking carrot. Brian wasn’t jumping for it this time. Not tonight, not in this mood. “I got last month’s sales and expense reports in the email tonight, but thanks anyway.”

Trevor’s slimy smile glinted in the half light as he weasel-walked to where Brian stood his ground. “Not that boring shit. Your new contract.” Trevor slapped a palm on the glass of Iron Works’ front door. “The one that gets you a stake in this baby…if you follow the rules.”

Aka, if he remained Trevor’s lackey. Fuck that. “I bust my ass for this place and you know it.”

“True. But the rules, big guy. You broke the terms of your employment tonight.” Brian’s silence only made Trevor’s smile widen. “You should’ve turned out the lights before you fucked the hot little photographer. Not that I blame you for wanting to watch that piece of ass while you smacked it. Bet it had a nice glow by the time you screwed her.”

Son of a fucking bitch. Brian stepped closer, crossed his arms high on his chest and stared down a couple inches at his soon-to-be-former boss. “Despite what you saw or overheard, Cassie’s still a friend. One more word and I’ll—”

“Heel, boy, or you’re out on your ass.” Trevor twirled his key ring on his index finger and waited until Brian did exactly that—heeled like a desperate fucking puppy—before saying another word. “Fact—you breached your contract. You owe me.”

This wasn’t going to be good. “And?”

“You’ve had your fun with your
, Miss Johnson, and sent her packing. Now I want a crack at her.”

“Sloppy seconds don’t seem like your thing.”

“I can wait until she showers.” Another despicable grin. “Maybe I’ll head over to her house now and see if she needs a shoulder to cry on…or somebody to wash her back.”

Brian’s fists clenched and released, clenched and released. If Ritchie didn’t shut his trap, Brian would be facing more assault charges, and this time he’d enjoy the hell out of earning them.

“On second thought…” Trevor pocketed the keys to a vehicle that cost more than Brian made in a year. “I’ll wait a couple days. Until her sexy little ass has had time to get its normal color back. I’d like a blank slate to play with. And while I’m waiting, I want you to make nice with your friend and encourage her to accept my dinner invitation. Feel free to point out all my superior qualities.”

That’d take two seconds, one for each syllable in the word
. “And if I do this, suggest Cassie go out with you, I keep my job and get the new contract?”

“Greedy. See how alike we are? This is why I want to bring you on as a partner. But no. After I get my date and I’m convinced she’s giving me a real shot, not going along to save your ass, then you get the new contract.” Trevor clapped Brian’s upper arm as if they were best buddies. “If I don’t have plans with Cassie by the weekend, you’re fired. Enjoy the rest of your night.”

* * * * *


He didn’t expect her to answer. Hell, he wasn’t even sure why he was on her front step, knocking.

Until she opened the door.

“I’m still crazy about you.” Yeah, that was why.

“I won’t be the reason you lose your job.”

Close enough to what he’d hoped to hear. He stepped over the threshold. Hands on her waist, he backed her up to the wall, kicking the door closed behind him. They’d been here before. The difference—this time he didn’t hesitate. He tugged the belt from her robe, drank in the sight of her naked body as the satin fell open and slowly slid his hands over her soft, warm skin to her face. No power outage to hinder the view this time. Big blue eyes blinked up at him, overflowing with everything she wasn’t saying.

“You should’ve kissed me.”

“I wanted to, but—”

He stopped whatever argument she was about to give him with his lips. Then it was all good. Her mouth submitting under his. Her hands around his waist, one under his shirt, the other heading into the back of his pants. The soft moan of pleasure she made when he pressed his body hard against hers.

He gave up the sweetness of her mouth for her neck. Kissed his way down the slender column to her shoulder, then her breasts, giving each nipple a long, equal turn in his mouth. So perfect. He could spend all day enjoying them—softly kissing, teasing with nips and pinches, biting until she arched and writhed and dug her nails into his head. Barely an hour since they’d fucked and he was dying to get inside her. Claim her. Leave no doubt in her mind how he felt about her—about them.

“Brian…” she whispered as he worked his way lower, past her bellybutton.

From his knees, he looked up at her. Her eyes, Christ. Didn’t matter if she said the words or not, she was in as deep as he was. Had to be.

He parted her with his thumbs, exposing her clit. “Tell me this is mine,” he said, sealing his mouth over top.

“God yes, all yours.” Her hips arched off the wall. “Only yours.”

Those were the words he wanted to hear. The way he intended to keep things. He sucked her clit between his teeth. Flicked and suckled it until she grabbed his head and pulled him closer, bucking against his mouth and panting above him.

She wiggled, tried pushing him away. He knew this move, how sensitive she got after she came. This time, he held fast, stilled her hips with his hands, tongued her with long, slow passes. Took her down from her orgasm without letting her go. Couldn’t. He needed more. More of her sweet-spicy taste, more of everything that made her

“Mmm…” Her fingernails raked through his hair. “Take me to bed now. Please.”

“Nothing I’d rather do.” In a damn smooth move if he did say so, he stood and scooped her off her feet. Kissed her while walking. Kept kissing her as he laid her on the bed. Was still kissing her as he unzipped his pants.

“Let me do it,” she whispered into his mouth. She slipped out from beneath the cage of his arms and dropped her robe, an act that brought him promptly to his feet for a better view. Delicate fingers caught the bottom of his t-shirt and rolled it up—to a point.

“I’ll help.” He took over with the shirt when she couldn’t reach any higher. “I love how pint-sized you are.”

“Gee, that’s a sexy description.”

“Maybe not, but the subject of that description is incredibly fucking sexy.”

“That’s better,” she said, taking his pants and underwear—along with his resolve to behave more like a gentleman—down with one good yank.

He stroked her cheek, the side of her neck, then cupped his hand over her shoulder. A little light pressure and lower she went. Cassie naked, on her knees, fondling his balls and stroking his cock—only one of the sexiest images he’d ever seen. And the most beautiful.

She circled the base of his cock and angled it out from his body. Her skilled tongue darted out. She scooped the bead of pre-cum, hummed as she licked her lips. Then he was in her mouth, sheathed in slick warmth, all the way to the root. He wanted to watch, loved watching her work his cock, but let his head fall back and his eyes close instead. Sweet suction and the tug of her lips drew his balls up tight. Set fire to his groin. The scrape of teeth over the ridge of his tip pushed him temptingly close to the edge. He fisted a handful of her hair. In his head, he pulled her off, told her to stop so he could make love to her. In reality, she moaned and sank down his length again. Christ, too good.

“On the bed,” was all he managed to ground out.

The picture she made crawling across the top—damn. She leaned over the far edge, reaching for the bedside table. Give him strength. She dipped into the drawer, the move arching her back and tipping her ass up irresistibly. He’d promised to fuck her there. By the items she’d tossed over her shoulder toward him, she expected him to follow through.

He corralled the condom and lube and joined her on the deep-red duvet. He smoothed his free hand down her back, over the curve of her ass. “So soft. I could touch you forever and still want to do it more.”

“I’m okay with that.”

“You’re going to have to be,” he tucked a wave of hair behind her ear, “because I don’t plan to let you go.”

“And if I try to get away…” she said, creeping forward while peeking over her shoulder.

He closed a hand around her ankle. “I’ll make sure you don’t.”

The little vixen kicked free, landing a heel in the middle of his quadriceps in the process. Wanted to play, did she? Fine by him. He’d even give her a chance to get away—a small one, anyway. He pretended to lunge for her. Tracked her as she giggled and scrambled off the bed, then deked sideways to snag her by the waist.

“Back to bed with you.” He walked them toward the mattress, bending en route to collect her robe from the floor.

“What are you doing with that?”

“With the robe, nothing.” One-handed, he shook the satin tie free. “This, on the other hand—or should I say hands—is another story.”


A slow, spreading, you’re-all-mine-now smile curled his lips. This was it. He intended to bind her and fuck her…in the ass. A charge of raw sexual electricity rippled through her, top to toe, the majority of those sparks concentrated between her legs. She shifted, needing to alleviate the building pressure. Her thighs slicked against each other. Evidence of how badly she did
want to escape drifted up, filled her nose. Brian’s as well, from the flare of his nostrils and the dark hungriness in his eyes.

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