Body Shots (3 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

BOOK: Body Shots
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“But you've dated guys who come here?”
“Yep. But nothing serious.” She shrugged. “I guess I'm not ready for serious right now.”
Just then two men strode up to Crystal and said hello. Both were gorgeous, tall, and muscular. The one on the left had black hair and silvery-blue eyes that sucked her right in. The other had lighter hair and a grin that would rock any woman's world. The black T-shirts they wore said simply,
Get Your Kink On
. And they looked at her as if she were a shiny new toy. Oh wow.
The one with the sinful smile asked, “Are you new here?”
“Yes, I'm Crystal. My friend Mollie here isn't new.”
He nodded toward Mollie. “Ah, I thought I'd seen you here before. It's nice to meet you both.”
Mollie blushed and said, “Same here.”
Crystal pointed to the men's shirts and asked, “Judging by your shirts, I'm guessing you must work here, huh?”
The hottie with the black hair smiled. “I'm Trent Dailey, and this is Mac Anderson. We own the place.”
“Nice to meet you.” The music changed and suddenly Crystal wanted to dance. Feeling impulsive for once, she asked, “So, Trent and Mac, which of you is going to dance with me? Don't make me look for someone else.”
“It'd be my pleasure,” Trent said as he helped her off the stool.
“Mine, too,” Mac said, his voice low, a little rough.
“Both of you?” Crystal looked at Trent, then Mac. She couldn't tell whether they were teasing or not. She didn't want to know which was true.
“Come on,” Trent said as he led her out to the dance floor. “You can move those sexy hips all you want.”
Crystal didn't quite know what to think when Mac followed close behind. Her mind whirled with the possibility that the two men were making a move on her at the same time. Could it be? She glanced back at Molly for reassurance. Her friend winked and nodded, then merely sat back as if content to watch. Still Crystal started to change her mind about the dance when a third man stepped in front of her. While everyone else was dressed in tight, flesh-baring outfits, this man wore a simple pair of tight, black jeans and a brickred pocket T-shirt. He wasn't necessarily a handsome man—his features were too rugged to be considered handsome—but he wasn't hard on the eyes, either. The
come and get it
smile on his lips made her face go hot.
“I saw you arrive and hoped to get a dance with you.” His gaze traveled over her body, giving her the once-over before coming back to her face. “You're awfully damn hard to miss in that pretty dress. A man would have to be blind.”
“Thank you, but my dance card is a little full at the moment.” Crystal could feel the tension coming off of Trent and Mac beside her, and she could swear they'd both moved closer to her. Heck, their bodies even brushed against hers. It wasn't difficult to figure out that the man hitting on her was stirring Trent's and Mac's ire.
The guy spared Trent a glance and shrugged, as if Trent were nothing more than an annoying insect, then zeroed in on her once more. “Sure I can't change your mind?”
“The lady was clear,” Trent said as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close to his side. She glanced up and nearly swallowed her tongue at the lethal look on Trent's face. Her gaze darted to Mac and saw a similar expression. Yikes.
“Sorry, but I promised.” She smiled, hoping to take some of the sting out of the rejection. “Thanks for the offer, though. It was very sweet.”
He nodded, one side of his mouth kicking up as he dared, “Maybe later then.”
As he made his way to the other side of the room, Crystal peeked over at Trent. She noticed he stared at the man's back for what seemed like an eternity.
Trent's blue gaze came back to her. “You seem to have quite an effect on me, Crystal. The thought of his hands coming anywhere near you just about caused me to kick his ass out of my club.” His eyes narrowed, as if bewildered by his own actions.
“Same goes for me,” Mac said from behind her. “He's been here a bunch of times, and he always gets just a little too aggressive with the ladies.”
Crystal turned her head and looked up at Mac. His gaze, so cool earlier, blazed hot enough that Crystal felt seared clear to the bone. Suddenly she didn't care about the other guy. All her focus was on Mac and Trent. Two men at once. She frowned. “What exactly is happening right now?”
The men looked at each other, then back at her. Mac was the first to speak. “We're attracted to you, Crystal.”
She planted her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. “Wait, both of you?”
“Yeah, both of us,” Trent murmured. Both of them looked way too satisfied with themselves. It suddenly pissed her off.
Crystal stepped closer and poked Trent in the chest. “I'm here to dance, that's it. So quit with all the chest beating.” She looked between the two of them. “I came here to have fun with my friend for my birthday. Not to get mixed up in some convoluted delusion you two are suffering from.”
Mac's eyebrows shot up. “You think we're delusional?”
“Well, what else could it be?” Her voice was rising and people were beginning to stare. She took a few deep breaths before continuing in a more reasonable tone, “You're both gorgeous and clearly on the prowl, and for whatever reason you think I should be the lioness for your little lion love triangle.”
Mac chuckled. “Lioness, huh? Now that you mention it, I wouldn't be opposed to hearing a certain kitty purr.”
Oh God. That should not have her pussy going damp with need, it really shouldn't. Crystal knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was way out of her element with Trent and Mac. An image of the two men naked, pleasuring her, sprang to mind. It was forbidden, and she instantly felt guilty for even allowing the picture to invade her mind at all. Instinctively she knew that Mac and Trent would be nothing like Richard. He'd been easygoing at first, too, though, until she'd married him. Then he'd changed. Mac and Trent were bold, candid, and clearly insatiable when they got their hooks into something . . . or someone. Crystal didn't know what to make of any of it.
“Dance with me,” Trent murmured, holding his hand out for her. “I want to get you in my arms, that's all. I want to feel you against me. Just that, Crystal, nothing more.”
Hypnotized and unable to resist, Crystal lifted her hand. Trent took it and tenderly kissed her knuckles. Crystal let out her breath and allowed Trent to steer her toward the center of the room where several other couples danced to the beat of some sexy, slow tune. As Trent's arms came around her, Crystal looked to the left and saw Mac watching them, a tender smile on his face.
“I can feel you trembling. Don't think this to death. Just feel. That's all, just feel.”
Feel? How could she do any less with Trent's powerful arms surrounding her, embracing her in his masculine warmth? He pulled her up against his hard strength, and Crystal realized that tonight was going to be a night she'd never forget.
Crystal felt at home. It was odd, but there it was. Nothing could ever harm her with Trent's strong arms holding her tight. She twined her arms around his neck, and he pulled her in tighter. She immediately knew what he wanted to show her. The rigid, thickness of his cock was now pressed into her belly. Crystal's knees went weak. Her eyes sought his, searching for confirmation. His wicked smile sent her blood pressure soaring. He rotated his hips, causing heat to pool between her legs and her face to flame.
Leaning down, his hot breath against her ear, Trent whispered, “Don't be embarrassed, baby. You're beautiful. Feeling your sweet curves against me is driving me right out of my mind.” He lifted his head, his gaze so dark she barely saw the pupils. “I'm not going to do anything about it. Not unless you want me to. Do you want me to, Crystal?”
“I—I don't know.”
“Are you a little turned on?” he whispered against her ear.
“Maybe,” she confessed. “But we're strangers, Trent.”
“Yes, but I want to change that. Tonight.”
Crystal shrugged. “I don't know. I've never done this before.”
“Maybe we should find out where this could go.”
“Trent's right.”
Crystal froze at the deep baritone coming from directly behind her. Turning her head, she saw Mac, and he was close. Close enough she could smell his clean masculine scent and see the tension riding him.
The ramifications of what they were saying hit her at once. “Both of you?” Her nipples hardened, as if begging to be touched, tasted, played with by Mac and Trent both.
Mac cupped the back of her neck. It was a strong, possessive hold. She couldn't move. “You sound surprised, angel.”
“Surprised barely covers it,” she said, and her voice sounded husky. Damn it, she sounded aroused. “You two must have had too much to drink or something.”
Lighten the mood,
she lectured herself.
. “Nah, Trent never drinks and I only had a few sips of a light beer earlier.”
“Come upstairs with us,” Trent whispered. “Where we can be alone. We can talk about this in private.”
“Talk?” she asked, turned on despite her suspicions.
“Talk, nothing more. Unless it's what you want,” he added. “I promise.”
“You have our word, angel,” Mac said, adding his two cents to Trent's. “The ball's in your court.”
“But you don't deny you want me. Both of you. At once.” She said it quietly, but still it felt like all eyes were on her.
“We won't lie to you,” Trent said. “Having you beneath us is something we desperately want, Crystal.”
Crystal slapped a hand over her eyes. “Oh God. I must be insane to even consider this.”
Mac pried her hand away, a tender smile on his face. “Insane because you like the idea?”
She couldn't lie, not about this. “Well, it's not exactly a turnoff,” she answered, her voice quivering. From fear or excitement? Both, she suspected.
Trent's arms tightened, and Mac's silver gaze blazed with passion. “Follow me,” Mac growled.
Mac gestured to someone. Making arrangements for someone to hold down the fort? Most likely. Heat filled her cheeks when the man's gaze darted her way for a split second. As Mac started out of the room, Trent wrapped a hand around her smaller one, then led her toward the doorway. Her legs shook. She was really doing this. Going upstairs with Trent and Mac. Would they make love to her? Both powerful men? She couldn't even begin to wrap her head around it. Crystal had no experience with the wilder side of life. What would they expect from her, and would she even be able to satisfy them? Suddenly Trent stopped and cupped her chin in his large, gentle grip. “Stop thinking it to death. We only want what you want. We're not going to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”
His gaze dropped to her chest. His nostrils flared as he muttered, “So sweet. So tempting.”
“So out of my depth,” she muttered.
Trent brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. Without another word, he took her to the stairs. Halfway up he stopped her again, murmuring, “Tell me, baby, are you wet right now? Is your pussy eager for my touch?”
“Trent.” She had no idea what she was going to say. She had no words to describe the feelings rioting inside her in that moment.
“Mac and I are going to make you feel so damn good. Every sexy inch of you, Crystal.”
She had to make him understand. He had to know she wasn't this daring. That she'd never been wild or uninhibited in bed. She swiveled on her heel, nearly tumbling right off the step had Trent not reached out and grabbed her around the waist. “I've never . . . this isn't—”
“Shh, it's okay.” He reached around and patted her bottom. “Upstairs first.”
Crystal hesitated. She could walk away right now. Go back to her friend and forget this ever happened. Oh crap.
Crystal turned around and spotted her friend dancing with a tall, dark-haired man. Crystal didn't recognize him. Was he someone Mollie knew well or had they just met? Crystal stepped away from Mac and Trent and held up a hand. “Uh, give me a sec, okay?”
A beat of silence stretched between them, then they both nodded. She walked away, but quickly peeked back, and a thrill ran up her as she noticed that neither of them had budged an inch. They simply stood by and waited. When Crystal approached Mollie, her friend glanced her way and grinned. “Having a good time?” Mollie asked as she spotted Mac and Trent waiting for her. “Those two are so into you,” she whispered into her ear.
Heat stole into her cheeks. “Uh, actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.”
Mollie held up a hand. “Say no more. I'm going to hitch a ride with Remmington here.” She patted the man she'd been dancing with on the chest. “He and I have known each other for years.”
Remmington winked as he tweaked Mollie's nose. “I'll take good care of her.”
Crystal nodded, then looked back at Mollie. “Are you sure?”
“I'm positive, sweetie, but what about you?” She pointedly glanced over at Trent and Mac. “Do you know what you're doing?”
“No, I really don't,” she blurted out. “But for once I don't want to think it to death. I just want to have a good time.” She cringed as her own words sank in. “Oh God, is that horrible of me?”
“Of course not.” Mollie hugged her close and said, “And just so you know, I think you must be awfully special to catch their eye.”

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