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Authors: Joanne Wadsworth

Bodyguard Pursuit (4 page)

BOOK: Bodyguard Pursuit
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“I want to know what it’s like to be with you. What if you gave me one night?”

“Is that your proposition?”

“Yes, and I don’t see what we could possibly have to lose by coming to such an agreement. One night is not a relationship.”

No, it wasn’t, and this need to be with her would continue to rage unless he gave into it.

“Give me twenty-four hours, Ben.”

“This is rather sudden.”

“After thirty-two years, and months of us sleeping together, you’re calling my offer sudden?” She giggled. “That’s hysterical.”

He leaned in, brushed his lips over hers and tasted her happiness.

“Now that’s a start. Seal the deal with another kiss, and I’ll give you twenty-four hours of hot sex, even though I have no idea how to do that.”

He chuckled, beyond tempted. One day, and no commitment. Every man’s dream, and certainly his. His resolve slid away. “I want my own personal game of strip poker.”

“You’ve got it.”

His cock hardened further and he allowed his true desire its head. With his mouth lowered to hers, he urged her lips apart, and from one heart-stopping breath to the next, gave himself over to the need that had raged within him for so long. He caressed her sides, roamed down and scooped her bottom.

“Is that a deal?” She seized his arms and clung to him.

“Yes, because it’s impossible to say no to you. But if you change your mind, say the word and I’ll stop.” He kissed her again, so deeply their breath mingled as one and did crazy things to his thoughts. She was the only woman he’d ever wanted. Now he was about to get his wish. One day, with the chance to learn her body so he no longer craved her. The perfect answer to his dreams.

* * * *

Saria clawed Ben closer. He was actually kissing her, and about to do so much more.

“We’ll take things slowly,” he murmured. “You’ll tell me what you like, or what you don’t like. What you’d prefer for me to do, or not do.”

With painstaking slowness, he grazed a finger along the gap between her yellow sleep-shorts and singlet tee. Her tummy tensed in expectation. “Nothing is off limits, except stopping.”

“So I can touch you wherever I please?” He rolled her top up, exposed her entire midriff then bent his head. His warm breath sizzled across her skin and sent an equally delicious heat pulsing through her core.

“Everywhere will please me. Can I touch you too?” She sank her fingers into his tousled blond hair and gasped as he licked around her belly button.

“Yes, please.” He nipped in a line upward until his nose brushed the underside of her breasts. He cupped one mound through her thin top and thumbed the peaking tip. “I want to taste every inch of you.”


He sucked her nipple, drawing both it and the cloth into his mouth. Hot. Then he caught her hand, turned it over and kissed her palm in the sweetest caress. Her heart melted as he lifted his gaze to her and smiled. “The sat phone’s ringing.”

“What?” Oh, heck it must be her sister. How on earth had she forgotten about Lydia’s promised call? The sat phone buzzed and vibrated on the bed. She snatched it up, a whole lot out of breath as she answered, “Hey, did you land already?”

“Sure did. We’re all safe and sound.” The chopper’s blades whirred down in a gentle hum in the background.

“Sorry to make you call, but it really—” She gasped as Ben stroked down the center of her neck and between the valley of her breasts where her top dipped. A seriously hungry look lit his eyes.

“But really what, sis?” Lydia asked.

Ben swept her bodice to the side then eased his hand inside. Grinning, he filled his palm with her flesh. “So beautifully soft. I’ve never felt the like before.” One dark, sexy tone.

“Saria, is that Ben? He’s never felt the like of what before?”

She dragged her thoughts back to her sister. “Yes, it’s Ben, and he’s never felt a woman’s breast before.”

“What?” A tapping echoed down the line as if Lydia rapped on the earpiece. “I think there’s something wrong with this connection. I swear you just said Ben and breast in the same sentence. That can’t be right.”

“Got to taste you.” He licked her nipple, so sensuously slow. “That’s good, real good.”

“Who’s got to taste what, sis?” Lydia asked.

“Apparently me, and I really have to go before my bodyguard gets to have all the fun and I miss out. I’ll talk to you when you get back and explain this rambling conversation later.” She hung up, tossed the phone onto the bedside table and rose into his exquisite touch. “Getting hot and heavy with you is my best idea yet.”

“I totally agree.” He drew her aureole deep into his mouth and played the tip with his tongue. Oh, he knew exactly how to use his mouth. She palmed the back of his head and held him against her breast as he razzed her nipple with his teeth.

“That feels amazing. Where did you learn to do that?”

“I may have watched some interesting movies in my time.” He tugged her onto her side, gripped the thin strap over her raised shoulder and slid it down her arm until her breast plopped fully free. He wriggled her top down on her other side, all the way to her waist until he’d exposed all of her. “Your breasts are so beautiful and full.”

“My turn.” She eased his boxers down, encircled her hand around his thick cock and smiled as a drop beaded and glistened on the plump head. “I’ve watched a few interesting movies myself. Nothing too outlandish, but I do know what I want.” She slithered down, licked the tip then swirled her tongue around it. He tasted heavenly, salty and strong, and she sucked, taking as much of him in as she could. Satisfaction hummed through her. She had him for the next twenty-four hours, and she didn’t intend to miss the treasure that would be all hers.

He moaned and rocked his hips. “So good.”

“If I’m not doing something right, then tell me.” She took him deeper, slid her hand lower and cupped his balls covered with a smattering of pale hair. She carefully caressed them.

“You have a wicked mouth, but one I want on mine. Otherwise I’m going to come before we even get started.” He pulled her up, tumbled her onto her back and kissed her.

With their bodies locked tight together, he swept his tongue over hers. His hunger was potent, storming through her and building her own.

“Saria, I want to touch you as you just touched me.” He gave the hem of her sleep-shorts a tug. “I need to hear a yes.”

“Yes. I want this. I want you.” She’d tell him that as often as he needed.

“I want you too.” He slid his fingers under her waistband, dragged the shorts down and slid her red panties off. His breath caught. “Sweet heaven, you’re bare.”

“I took care of things down there since my bikini bottoms are a little on the delicate side.”

“I like. A lot.” He spread her legs and revealed all of her to his hungry gaze. With the softest touch, he stroked a finger over her skin then down her slit. “So wet.”

She slid her legs against his, her heartbeat a pounding mess. Then he ducked his head and she tangled her hands in his golden hair. She held onto him as his tongue swept across her flesh. A firestorm radiated out from where he touched, and then he moved his mouth over her sensitive clit, and sucked.

“You must have watched those movies with dedicated attention.”

“I’ve fantasized about this, how you would taste, even though I never considered doing anything about it.” Licking her, he built her orgasm to exquisite perfection.

“Fantasies are good, particularly if I’m on the receiving end.” She lifted her hips and her legs fell wider.

“Yes, but reality is even better.” He grasped her bottom, drank from her deeper and moaned. “Hell, my cock is about to burst. I don’t think I can hold on much longer.”

“Then don’t.” She clutched him to her. “Please, I want you inside me.”

“It will hurt, and I can’t take that pain away.” He rose over her. “I wish I had more experience to offer you, but I’ll do everything I can to make this good.”

“I trust you, and if we do this wrong, neither of us will really know.”

He grinned, nipped her lower lip, and then with his hands on her hips, he slowly, carefully, moved between her legs and nudged his cock along her slick folds.

She cupped his face, looked into his eyes. “Whatever you do, don’t stop.”

“I couldn’t even if I wanted to.” He pushed against the barrier, tore through and plunged deep inside. Her gasp was muffled against his neck as she held on. Carefully, he eased up then gently pushed back in. “Does this feel uncomfortable?”

“More like very full.”

“This feels incredible, like every nerve ending in my body is charged and sparking where we touch.” He moved in and out, stroking into her slow and easy.

“It feels good for me too.” Her lashes fluttered down. “Real good.”

“Don’t close your eyes.” He increased his pace, pounding harder. “I want to see your pleasure when it comes.”

She opened her eyes. He was buried so exquisitely deep, and his heartbeat thumped against hers. Then he laid claim to her lips and sent every one of her last thoughts flying. “Touch me below. So close,” she murmured.

“Here?” He caressed her clit, and she cried his name. Her inner muscles tightened and locked him in place. Blissful spasm after spasm racked her body as he stroked with the sweetest touch. He’d taken her over, as she’d known he would.

“I love how you feel coming around me.” He drove deep then jerked, his seed shooting inside her, and with the skill of his mouth taking hers, he sent her careening again over the edge and into complete oblivion.

He collapsed on top, still buried deep in her heat.

For this moment, he was hers, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and held onto him.

* * * *

A buzz of pleasure continued to vibrate through Ben’s body well after his release. His heart still pumped at warp speed, but then so did Saria’s in the most chaotic rhythm against his. He should pull out, but he wanted to stay locked inside her body, to saturate himself in her warmth and not relinquish her heavenly hold.

He kissed her neck, and her answering purr soothed his soul. “Are you okay?”

“Never better.” She claimed his mouth, her kiss a slow exploration that left him breathless and dizzy for more.

“I want to get lost inside you.” His cock twitched and he ached to move, to rock deeper, only the smear of blood on her thighs proved she must be hurting. Carefully, he lifted onto his elbows and slid out.

“Where are you going?”

“I don’t want to hurt you any more than I have. How about a shower? We’ve both made a bit of a mess.”

“Okay, I am feeling rather sticky.” She wriggled out of her top still bunched around her waist.

After easing off the bed, he took her hand and walked with her into her private bathroom with its pale floor tiles, cream vanity and fluffy blue towels. Touching her so freely invigorated him. For so long, he’d withheld.

“You have the silliest grin on your face.” She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder. “What are you thinking?”

“That I waited for you, as sappy as that sounds.” He opened the glass shower door and flicked the water on.

“I like that.” Saria skipped inside then tipped her head back under the spray. The water sluiced through her brown locks, sending strands sliding over her breasts. She squirted shampoo into her hand and washed her hair. “Dip your head into the water. I’ll do you too.”

No one had ever washed his hair for him, but he did as she’d asked and enjoyed every moment as she massaged the shampoo in. After rinsing it out, he picked up the bar of soap, lathered and smoothed the suds down her sides, around her back and over her lower cheeks.

“You have magic hands, a magic mouth, and tongue. In case you’d like to know.”

“I’ve heard the first time for a girl can be more painful than pleasurable.” He lowered to his knees, rubbed the suds over her belly and mound. “Spread your legs and I’ll take care of you here as well.”

“You’re always taking care of me.” She widened her stance, and he glided the soap along the inside of her thighs until she shivered and gripped his shoulders. “Which I really like.”

He liked to. “Pass me the shower head. I’ll be gentle.”

“I know you will.” She unhooked and handed it over, her trust in him as unwavering as ever.

Running warm water over her folds, he cleaned her then passed the showerhead back, and with her flesh still parted, softly kissed her. “You’re clean.” He rose to his feet.

“I think it might pay for me to watch those movies you watched. My turn.” She soaped his balls and shaft as carefully and tenderly as he’d done with her.

“Time for bed, and I mean sleep.” He wanted to get dirty all over again, but shut the water off, swiped a towel from the rail and wrapped it around her. He nabbed the other for himself.

Yawning, she tottered back to the bedroom. From the caramel-painted dresser, she selected pink lace panties and a silk cami. Just as well he’d never known what kind of sexy underwear Saria wore under her pajamas.

He foraged in his duffel for another pair of boxers, donned them and joined her in bed. The gap between them, which he’d always ensured, had now become the widest chasm. “Can I hold you?”

“If you don’t, you’re in trouble.” She snuggled under his shoulder, draped one arm around his waist and curled her leg over his. Her breath caressed his chest as she drifted.

Finally, he was able to hold her, and nothing had ever soothed him more.

He drifted, allowing sleep to claim him.



Chapter 3


Afternoon sunshine slithered between two of the pale blue blinds, which had snagged and not quite overlapped. The light streamed over Saria’s closed eyelids and she blinked and stretched. Muscles she’d never used before ached, but in the best way. Beside her, Ben snoozed, his silky blond hair a rumpled mess and his jaw holding a razz of golden stubble.

Overhead, the distinct whirr of chopper blades drummed then passed toward the resort and faded. Hopefully Lydia and Tyler were back. Eager to check and not sleep her entire first day in the islands away, she snuck out of bed, snagged her denim cutoffs and a lacy yellow-paneled top from the dresser and raced to the bathroom. Dressed, her teeth cleaned and her hair fastened in a high ponytail, she added a smear of lippy and tiptoed back to the bedroom.

BOOK: Bodyguard Pursuit
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