Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging (55 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Somers

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Healthy Living, #Alternative Therapies, #Diseases, #Cancer

BOOK: Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging
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I’ve tried to expose you to the best and the brightest, those who have dedicated their lives and professions to making life an exciting, healthy, and long-lasting experience. You now know what’s coming in Ray Kurzweil’s future: advancements that will make the present paradigm of aging and the current approach to health obsolete. You’ve been introduced to nanotechnology and the most cutting-edge advancements in medicine and health that are accessible now. You now know you can regrow body parts with one’s own autologous stem cells, as I have been able to do with my breast.

You have learned that there are unavoidable toxic forces that are damaging our health and in many cases killing us. You know that there is a new specialty called
environmental medicine
that understands the toxic planet and how to deal with it; you also know you
can detoxify and clean your blood regularly to remove these dangerous toxins; and you know that there are supplements available that not only lessen the intensity of the toxic assault but also actually kill free radicals to protect you.

You know why you age, and how to stop it, and you now know there is a new supplement that is being hailed as the Holy Grail, the enzyme that actually lengthens telomeres, which allows for longer life and reverse aging. Imagine, we can now turn back the clock without surgery or drugs. You now know that cancer is manageable, and that there are steps
can take to prevent cancer by keeping the “cancer-protective genetic switches” turned “on.” You now know there may actually be cancer-resistant human beings and that their white blood cells could be the ones to save your life or that of a loved one. You now know that there is a natural answer to regressing prostate cancer that will change men’s lives. And you now know that there are patches that repair, give energy, and prevent disease.

You know that hormones are the juice of youth, and that restoration of these vital hormones prevents deterioration. You know there are hormones to make you sexy, hormones to help you sleep, hormones to invigorate your energy, and hormones that protect your brain. You know there is a new kind of medicine and a new kind of doctor who understands that it’s a different world and we have to treat our bodies differently as a result.

I want this book to be life changing for you. It was for me. You can utilize some of the information, all of it, or none of it. But more than anything, this book is meant to put your health and
how you age
where it belongs, in your hands. If the present paradigm of aging is not attractive to you then
do something about it, now
! It’s not too soon; in fact, the sooner the better. But anytime you start, you will be better off than never having done anything at all.


What’s your plan going to be? Change your eating habits, change your sleep habits. Manage your stress, eliminate the toxins from your home and your food, and be grateful for the love in your life. It’s all part of aging well.


What does it look like? How old are you? What do you look like? Are you in good health? Are you happy? Do you have energy? Are you having sex? Are your bones strong? Is your brain working?

It’s your life. You can redefine aging. It’s all up to you. See it. See exactly what you want. Visualize it. And then go get it.

And one more thing. Think good thoughts. Each cell in the human body is important and every cell communicates with all the other fifty trillion or so cells that make up
who we are
. So every day talk to just one cell and feed it something positive: “I am happy” or “I am well.” The job of that one cell is then to communicate to all the other cells alerting them that “We are happy.” It works.

This quote hangs on the wall of the Palm Greens restaurant, a small organic eatery down the hill from my home where I go in the mornings to get my “green smoothie.” It says:

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.



Thank you,


I have always included a resource guide at the back of my books directing my readers to qualified doctors specializing in bioidentical hormone replacement and antiaging medicine. Initially, and astonishingly, in my book
The Sexy Years
, the resource section of qualified doctors was only a total of eleven doctors. By
it grew to over a hundred, and then by
, the list grew so large it had to be put on my website. Now we are in the thousands, and it shows the power of patients being informed about their bodies and how they function. Women read the books and realized they could feel good again. And to my great surprise, they brought their husbands along and they started feeling good also: The result is happier couples, more stable marriages, and healthier people. This has been the thrill of my life.

But no one, especially the doctors, was ready for the huge onslaught. The doctors’ practices became at times overwhelmed—front desks that couldn’t handle the load, secretaries having meltdowns. Something had to be done. It had to be simplified not only for the patients so they weren’t hanging on the phone forever trying to get an appointment, but also for the doctors so their front offices were not overrun and unmanageable.

The answer is
Forever Health
, a newly created source for qualified antiaging doctors.

The resource guide will direct patients where to go in their area to find a qualified specialist in this type of medicine. Under the Forever
Health guidance program, patients will be able to be in contact with their doctor whenever they want.

The patient will not be a number. Even with thousands of patients already under a doctor’s care, the new patient will feel that he or she is the doctor’s only patient. Patients can get their appointments made easily and not be left in cyberspace because they can’t get through to anyone.

How can this be done?

Forever Health has come up with a software system that will make it very easy for patients to find the help they need. These doctors will have been trained in the specialty of bioidentical hormones and antiaging medicine. Everything you read about in any of my books will be common knowledge to all of them.

Up until now, all the doctors have been taught different protocols and most have elected to specialize in only one. Forever Health doctors will be able to offer various protocols as a result of standardized training under the guidance of a medical advisory board. Forever Health takes patients right to each doctor’s website. They can read all about the physician and find out what he or she has available, what that doctor offers, and then individuals can decide which doctor is the right “fit” for them.

Then people can click on and make an appointment. The doctor’s calendar will open and the person clicks on when he or she wants an appointment. Then it’s set. The doctor can electronically send out all the forms and paperwork the patient needs to fill out. Once the patient fills out the forms and sends them back, the lab requests can be sent out as well. For patients, everything is taken care of … when they walk in the door of their new doctor’s office, the doctor has everything he or she needs electronically and now the doctor has the information to sit down and spend quality time with individual patients.

It doesn’t matter where you live, there will be a doctor in your town; if not, Forever Health will direct you to the qualified doctors nearest you.

The goal of Forever Health is to offer a nationwide, validated, turnkey approach to superb quality health care. Each clinician will be held to the highest standard. Forever Health and its advisory board will be doing research at all times. They will continue raising the level of excellence to ensure the doctors on this roster continue to be updated and aware of the latest advancements.

To access Forever Health, go to


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