Bondage Celebration (3 page)

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Authors: Tori Carson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Bondage Celebration
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“You make your Dom immensely happy when you look to him for direction.” Lifting his head he told her, “Laura, Frank and I can handle this.”

She nodded her head in acknowledgment, “I apologize, Frank, but really I’d just be a third wheel anyway.” In truth, she was grateful. Nick needed to explain, in detail, what changes they wanted made and also order the equipment. There would be no evading the purpose for the remodel.

As she walked to her home office, she thought about Nick’s statement. She hadn’t been asking his permission. Had she? She enjoyed their new sex life. Exploring D/s with Nick was a fantasy come true, but she didn’t want it to affect their lives outside the bedroom.

Grabbing her briefcase, she entered her office, sank down into her chair and looked at her cell phone screen. Oscar Hardly, head of security. She’d been waiting for this call. “What did you find out?”

“Mrs Branson, you’re not gonna like it. There’ve been a series of harassment claims filed against Simson. His immediate supervisor, Jeffries, is a beer buddy. There’ve been almost as many complaints on him. They’ve become very adept at covering their asses.” He quickly cleared his throat, “Sorry ma’am, covering their trail.”

“I’ve heard the phrase before, Oscar. Send me what you have. We’ll need two severance teams ready to go. If, but more likely when, I give the word, I want them removed simultaneously. Did the investigation raise any suspicions?”

“Highly unlikely, Mrs B.”

“Monitor their computer use, if you see any data dumping, crash their systems regardless of potential revenue loss. If these victims choose to come after the company, we’ll have a PR nightmare on our hands.” Laura couldn’t give a damn about the company reputation when people were being abused under her watch, but CEO Branson was all about the image. “I’ll be in touch.”

Laura’s stomach churned. Greg Simson was trouble. When they’d met personally for the first time on the golf course, he’d set off all her internal alarms. His close proximity had had her skin crawling. After hearing about his brushes with the law, she’d decided a discrete investigation was needed. Oscar was just the man for the job. He was thorough, detail oriented and accurate. Many a lawsuit had been fought using material Oscar had uncovered and so far it had proven to be bullet proof.

Anger built as she read through the files. It was worse than she’d suspected. Instead of one slime ball harassing his co-workers, she’d found two predators using their position of power to force subordinates to perform sex acts or lose their jobs. The reports had been filed by females who’d stood up to them and ultimately been fired. Laura wondered how many women were in desperate situations and couldn’t take the risk of losing their jobs. Simson and Berthman seemed to prey on the admin pool.

Knowing exactly how to nail these two, she picked up the phone and dialed Oscar. Laura was shocked when it rang twice, then three times. He always,
, picked up on the first ring. By the fifth she was looking at her phone to make sure she’d hit the right button. On the eighth, Oscar answered.

“Mrs Branson, I’m so sorry to keep you waiting. I was on the line with my contact in IT. This situation just keeps getting worse, ma’am. “

Laura looked up to see Nick leaning against the door frame. How long had he been there? She held up one finger, hoping he would head off to his office and let her handle this without an audience. “How’s that Oscar?” Peeking beneath her lashes she saw Nick hadn’t budged.
. He’d counselled her against getting involved.

“Both their computers had added encrypted protection files blocking remote access without a password. My buddy recognized the protocols. They’re a favorite of another IT geek at Medirxa and he was able to hack his way through. He found several sex videos and forwarded them to me. After viewing a few, I ran a face recognition program on the women. They were all employees working the admin pool assigned to Simson’s building. If it wasn’t rape, Mrs B, I don’t know what is. They didn’t use a weapon, but they threatened the women with exposure and their jobs over and over again. I wouldn’t mind a few minutes alone with those bastards.” Oscar cleared his throat quickly. “I mean assailants, ma’am.”

“None of that Oscar. Have our lawyers look over the evidence. I want a report from them by ten a.m. tomorrow. As for those two, have a severance team meet them at the entrance of the building. They do not step foot on Medirxa property without several security guards watching their every move. Confiscate their computers immediately and make sure we get their laptops before they have a chance to delete anything. Can the IT guy change the password or something to keep them from accessing it?”

“Yes, Mrs B., we’re working on it.”

Oscar seemed truly offended by the material he’d found. He would make sure appropriate measures were taken to secure the evidence. “Make sure the IT geek who was helping them is dealt with as well.”

“Already handled, Mrs. B. That little”—Oscar groaned—“geek, won’t set his fingers on another Medirxa computer as long as he lives. If he’d come forward, he could have put a stop to those rapes a long time ago. Once we’re finished with him, he’ll be lucky to get a job cleaning toilets.”

“That was good work. Good night, Oscar. And thank you.” She listened as the line went dead. She shook her head. He hated compliments and was undoubtedly blaming himself for not catching this sooner.

Nick crossed his arms over his chest and continued to look her in the eye. He was more than a little pissed off she had pursued this. He and André, the founder of DiscipliNation, had become suspicious when they’d run a routine background check on Simson after he’d applied for membership to the club. Once Nick had realized the connection to Laura’s firm, he’d had a team of private investigators looking into matters. Laura’s inability to trust him to handle things had just put her in the crosshairs of a sexual predator.

Laura met Nick’s gaze. He raised his eyebrow, silently asking her to explain. They’d been together long enough that she’d know exactly what he meant.

“Oscar has enough evidence to terminate Simson and his immediate supervisor,” she answered defensively.

“He’ll come after you. We’ll have to step up security until he’s in police custody.” There was so much more he wanted to say, but if he gave into the rant that raged at the tip of his tongue, he’d hurt her. Not physically, he’d never touch her in anger. If he gave his mouth free rein, it wouldn’t change a thing. Intellectually, he knew she was incapable of letting something like this go. It wasn’t a matter of disobedience. It wasn’t about him at all.

Nick watched as Laura closed her mouth instead of chewing his ass out for overstepping his bounds. He waited for the other shoe to drop. He expected a double salvo aimed straight at his groin, not that it would impede his resolve. Nick was shocked and worried to see his tough-as-nails wife sag as if the weight of the world rested on her shoulders.

Damn it all to hell, why wouldn’t she just do as she was told? Because she was a freaking genius when it came to business and she was taught from birth to never rely on anyone for anything. And yet she was a giver with a strong need to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. In fact, she was fucking amazing.

“Come here.” His voice sounded harsh and he recognized she had to be worried about his reaction. He waited, wondering if she would follow his command or try to soften his mood first.

Looking at the floor, she came to stand about a foot in front of him.

Nick had intended to wrap his arms around her and cuddle. He knew she was upset and didn’t think she would want to play. Yet here she was, the perfect subbie, with her eyes downcast, hands behind her back, breasts pushed forward. “I believe you’re late for your exercises. If you work really hard and ask me nicely afterward, I might be willing to spank your ass with that new paddle we got.”

Laura’s eyes sparkled and a shy smile found its way to her lips, “Thank you, Sir. I would like that.”

Damn he was a lucky man. His first reaction was to go easy on her, then again, he’d spent the first few years of his marriage going easy on her and neither of them had been happy. He just needed to read her body language and make sure she was getting aroused. “Why will you be wearing the ball gag tonight while you exercise?”

! At the mention of the ball gag, her breath hitched and her gut clenched.

“I was disrespectful to my Dom, Sir. Will you use the lock this time, to help me remember?”

She didn’t look him in the eye and her face wore a beautiful pink blush. Obviously, she was embarrassed and yet she’d asked anyway. Laura made him so proud.

“Good idea, subbie. Take off your clothes. I want to watch your naked ass walk up those stairs.”

Chapter Two

Her pussy performed a graceful backflip before diving deep into the erotic wetness pool. In the past, she would only be naked in the bathroom or the bedroom with the doors closed. For Laura, walking naked through her own home was a hurdle.

“Yes, Sir.”

She removed her blouse first, knowing Nick would like the little surprise she had underneath her skirt. Reaching behind her, she unclasped her bra, shrugged her shoulders and slid the straps down her arms. The cool air and her already high level of arousal had her nipples pebbled. Next, she turned her attention to the fasteners at her hip. In a moment or two, she was ready. She put her hands behind her back and allowed the skirt to drop to the floor.

Nick’s eyes immediately riveted to her exposed pussy. “Such a naughty sub. You’ve been pantyless all evening and didn’t tell me?”

“I wanted to surprise you, Sir.” She kept her gaze on the floor, hoping he wouldn’t catch her smug smile.

“Whose pussy is this, subbie?”

“Yours, Sir,” she answered breathlessly. When he talked like that her clit throbbed. She wouldn’t have thought it was wired for sound, but it sure seemed to have a direct line to everything Nick. His voice, facial expressions, hands, tongue, cock—it didn’t matter, her pussy was fine tuned to his every nuance. She needed him tonight, needed him rough and pushing her limits.

“Don’t you think I should have known about this?”

Laura pushed her bottom lip out, in a playful pout, “I did it to please you, Master.”

Nick growled.

She tried not to smile as she noticed his cock straining against the buttons of his fly.

“Thank you, Laura. I want to please you too. In addition to the ball gag,
and lock
, I will allow you to wear your clit clamp while you do your exercises.”

Oh shit!
She was less than smooth when she transitioned between positions. That’s why she was practicing. She wanted to be graceful at the club. “Thank you. You are most generous, Sir.”

“Keep the stockings and heels on.” Nick stepped aside and waved his arm allowing her to walk in front of him.

Laura was so self-conscious walking nude in the common areas of her home. It took every ounce of willpower to keep her hands behind her back and not cover up her breasts.

“Your hands are blocking my view of your ass. Cup your breasts and pinch your nipples hard until I tell you to stop. I want your nipples pouty, aching for my touch while you practice.”

“Yes, Sir.” She never knew how hard to pinch. Nick always seemed to get much more life out of them than she could ever muster. After a moment or two, she was grateful for his direction. It gave her something to do and think about besides him staring at her butt. She started to relax and let her arousal build.

As they neared the exercise room, Nick directed her again. “You may ease up on your nipples. Lay down on the mat face up, legs spread wide.”

Nick had laid the dense foam exercise mat in front of the mirror clad wall they’d installed when their daughter, Rachel, was determined to be the next ballerina extraordinaire. That fad had lasted about six months, but the mirrors lived on.

She hoped her mouth hadn’t been writing checks her body couldn’t cash. “Whatever you wish, Sir. I’m yours to command.”

He gave her ass a playful wallop as she followed his directions. She loved seeing his enormous hard-on. “Yes, you are, subbie. And don’t forget it.” He knelt down between her legs and began massaging.

She felt like a pampered princess. “I doubt you’ll let me, Sir.”

“I know what you need, subbie, even when you don’t.”

While he rubbed the upper part of her leg, she felt his mouth worship her inner thighs, slowly working upward. She knew he wouldn’t stop until he had tortured her clit. Laura couldn’t stay still with his hot breath caressing her already moist pussy. Her hands were clutching the mat as her head shook from side to side. She wanted more, so much more.

Their anniversary weekend had been like the beginning of spring. Her body felt as if it was waking from a deep hibernation. And it was hungry. Hungry for anything Nick was willing to give her.

“Cup your breasts again, Angel, and pull on your nipples. I want them to stay hard during your workout.”

He was probably afraid she would shred the mat and be mortified later. She couldn’t contain her moans. Laura tried in vain to direct his tongue where she needed it. Finally, he took pity on her and swirled his tongue lightly over her pulsing clit. “Oh, Master, are you going to let me come?”

Nick pulled his mouth away, “You always say you never truly value something unless you worked hard and earned it. Well, subbie, you haven’t earned it yet. I decide when you may come.”

She groaned in frustration. “Yes, Master.” He swiped his tongue along his lips as if he enjoyed her taste.

“Hold still, Angel.” Carefully, he positioned her clit between the clamp legs and slid the ring into position.

Her head came up off the mat, her jaw went slack. “No, please don’t leave me hanging Sir. I was close.”

Nick quirked an eyebrow and she recognized she was in trouble.

“Who owns this body?” he asked and pulled gently on the clamp.

The slight tug reinforced he was in charge. Dropping her head back to the mat, she groaned, “Yours, Sir.”

“You’re damn right it belongs to me. Now present for your Dom.”

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