Bondage Celebration (4 page)

Read Bondage Celebration Online

Authors: Tori Carson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Bondage Celebration
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She moved carefully, ever aware of the pearl globes dangling from her clit hood. Once she was in position, Nick moved behind her, ready to insert the gag.

“Lift your hair and open wide.” With the ball in place, he slid the strap to the hook he’d used before. “How’s that?” He leaned his head around so he could see her expression.

Laura was feeling bratty after Nick left her pussy thrumming and needy. Instead of answering, she used her tongue to push the ball out of her mouth.

Both of Nick’s eyebrows rose in what looked like respectful shock. “I see.” He pulled the gag a notch tighter. “Is that better?”

Laura felt the straps bite into her cheeks a little more. Again, she pushed the ball as hard as she could.

Nick took it one notch farther. “And now?”

She was aware of him watching her closely. After a moment she nodded and tipped her head to make it easier to padlock it in place.

“Tonight you will do three sets.”

That was two less than normal. She wondered why he was expecting less. She gave him a quizzical look and he explained.

“I promised you a beating with our paddle. I don’t want you too tired to enjoy it.”

She liked the way he thought!

Nick always watched her practice. It was a double edged sword. He knew what it should look like and could help her get it right, but she only wanted him to see the perfected presentation. She didn’t like him seeing her all clumsy and out of shape.

“At the club, you’ll be barefoot. After you complete one full rotation, remove your shoes and practice without them.” He scrutinized her every move. “You’re improving. Your movements are smoother than yesterday.”

His praise made her feel that each strained, sore muscle was worth it. She felt her movements were more controlled. The last few inches were the hardest. Most times she ended up just dropping onto the mat instead of gently placing her knees down. Each sudden impact sent the pearl globes sliding along the clamp stanchions.

If it hadn’t meant so much to her, she might’ve considered foregoing the practice and just enjoyed the jangle each time she dropped. Instead, each sharp zing through her clit reminded her how much more training she still needed before her trip to the club.

“Present your breasts to your Dom.” Nick pulled her from her thoughts. He always seemed to know when she was drifting or her focus shifted.

Her palms rested on her ribs as she used her fingers to push her breasts up and away from her body. “Good girl.” He pinched and tweaked her nipples until her head tipped back and her breathing was shallow. “Are they tender from the banding?”

Laura shrugged her shoulders and tipped her head to the side. She showed him her thumb and index finger about a half and inch apart.

“A little?”

She nodded in agreement.

“Are you ready to increase the intensity?”

Laura hated when Nick asked her to make the decisions. At work, her entire day was spent making one decision after another. This one, however, she was happy to make. She shook her head no. She liked their new found sensitivity. Drying off from the shower caused a delicious stir. The silky fabric of her bra rubbing against her nipples sent Morse code messages down to her clit. She didn’t want to risk overdoing it and move from pleasure to real pain.

“We’ll keep the routine as it is for a few more days then.” He swiped his finger along her clit. She was pretty sure he was checking her circulation not just being a bastard by taking her closer to the orgasm he refused to give her.

By the end of the second set, her legs were in a steady groove, allowing her to focus on the swinging globes. She worked hard to keep her movements fluid. Laura found the gentle sliding of the adornments along the stanchions was so much more pleasurable than the jarring sensation she received when gravity pulled her down onto the mat.

“I get so fucking hot watching you practice for me. Have you learned your lesson, Angel? Are you ready for me to remove the gag?”

She shook her head, wondering what she’d done to disappoint him. Why would he want to take it off her?

“Good girl. You’ve pleased me by taking your discipline without complaint.”

His praise made her happy. Had he been testing her?

“Last set, then we can get down to business.”

She nodded, hoping by business he meant her orgasm. Coming was no longer a desire, or want. No, it was an absolute necessity. Without it, her body might very well explode. Every nerve ending felt hotwired, tingly and super sensitive.

Her legs were beginning to tremble and her quads were complaining. For the last set, she turned to face the wall of mirrors. She usually avoided anything that would cast her reflection. Her eyes always latched onto her flaws and refused to see anything else. Still, she wanted to see if all this work was paying off. Her reflection couldn’t have shocked her more. The sharp contrast of the black straps pulled taut against her alabaster complexion drew her attention. Her teeth had an overly white look sandwiched between her pink lips and the deep, rich red of the ball. The look was fucking hot. No wonder Nick was fond of it for discipline purposes.

Her breath, already ragged from the exercise, lodged in her throat at the sight of the clamp dangling between her legs.
Holy shit.
She did a once over, examining her body objectively. Yeah, her breasts hung a little lower than she’d like, her left slightly larger than the right, and there was cellulite along her thighs that pissed her off. Still, for her age, she looked sexier than she’d imagined.

Watching her movements reflected in the mirror helped her to perfect the positioning of her legs. As the Mardi Gras event neared, she would practice in costume. She wanted to look as sexy as possible. She admitted, at least to herself, that if she hadn’t avoided using the mirror, she’d be further along. On the last one, she took a deep breath and centered her thoughts. She wanted this one to be perfect.

She refused to look at Nick. He stole her focus. He was always so damned handsome, but standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, the top button of his worn jeans left open, and that bad boy Dom look etched onto his chiseled reflection, he could melt her on the spot.

She locked her arms crisscross along her back, thrusting her breasts out as far as possible. Laura kept her head held straight to avoid the multiple chin, turkey gobbler neck disaster. Deliberately thinking through each move, she executed a perfect transition from standing to kneeling. She felt like whooping and fist pumping, but she was only halfway there. She rocked back on her bare feet, lifted her knees up off the mat and demanded her legs lift her body. Damn, she wobbled a bit at the mid-point. She shook it off. She had time to perfect each move before Nick took her to the club. The improvement she’d made in this short time was amazing.

“Beautiful, Angel. Absolutely beautiful.”

Nick’s praise meant so much. It made each leg-burning set worthwhile. She walked to him and waited while he unlatched and removed the gag. “Thank you, Sir. You make me feel so sexy.” She worked her jaw side to side relieving a bit of the stiffness.

Nick grabbed her chin and held it still while he plundered her mouth. She loved his aggression. “Back to the mat with you. “

“Gladly, Sir.” Hoping he would grant her an orgasm, she readily complied.

“Face up, legs bent and spread.”

His calm, direct manner and explicit directions took away the fear factor. It was very comforting and yet erotically hot at the same time.

Laura saw his hands shake just a little as he ran them up and down her legs massaging the tight muscles.

“Your willingness to submit to me is a fantasy come true. You know that don’t you?”

“Thank you, Master.” Emotion was clogging her throat. As usual she went to the lighter side. “Did your fantasy include touching a certain part of my body? It’s feeling a little lonely and wants your attention.”

“Hang on, my sweet Angel,” he warned. “That certain part of your body is about to get a whole lot of attention!”

She remembered what happened the last time she’d worn the clit clamp. Removing it was far more intense than wearing it. Considering how close she was to orgasming, it might just send her over the edge. He wouldn’t punish her for that. Or would he?

“I’m ready, Sir.”

Her clit was so luscious and begging for his attention. It wouldn’t take much for her to come. Wanting to extend and continue to build the anticipation, he bit down on her inner thigh to distract her from the sensations zinging through her clit while he pulled the ring back a quarter of an inch. He had to do this in stages or she would fly apart.

Earlier with the ball gag, he’d almost blown it. She had asked him to padlock it into place. Obviously, she was turned on by it. When would he learn his subbie needed a firm hand? He’d barely dodged that bullet. There was no way, through careless handling, was he going to send her over the edge. She took his challenges very seriously.

Her breath rushed from her lungs signaling her arousal had spiked. Close. She was so damned close.

“Once more Angel. Take a deep breath and exhale at my cue.” Needing both hands to remove the clamp without jerking unduly on her tender, sensitive flesh, he only had his mouth available to redirect her attention. “Now,” he commanded. He felt her intake of air. She was as ready as she was ever going to be. Swinging his head slightly to the side, he bit her other thigh. Not enough to break the skin, but slight impressions were visible.

“Nick, you can’t leave me hanging.” She thrust her pussy toward him. “I need you inside me.”

Nick’s hand landed hard where her thigh met her ass cheek. “I need you inside me, Sir.” He tsked, “Such disrespect!”

“I’m sorry, Sir. I just can’t think straight when I’m so close. My brain shuts down when my erogenous zones are lit up like the Vegas strip.”

“Don’t worry, Angel, I have the perfect discipline to help you keep your focus. Put your shoes back on and let’s head down to the basement.”

Again, Nick kept Laura in front of him. Watching her negotiate the stairs in those fuck-me pumps was a heady turn-on. “Keep your hands at your sides. I don’t want my view impeded.”

That it was so hard for her to walk naked through the house, made it a special gift. They had plenty of property surrounding their home. It was highly unlikely anyone could see her.

“What are you thinking? I see those wheels spinning.” He tried to keep the amusement from his voice. While he had a good idea, it was important to keep pushing her comfort zone.

“It feels naughty to walk around the house nude.”

Hmm, she sure replied quickly. Too quickly, in fact. There was something else going on here. She was far from comfortable sharing her thoughts and feelings. He hoped someday it would be second nature, but they weren’t there yet. “And…”

At the bottom of the stairs she stopped, turned and looked up at him. “And, it makes me wet.” Laura exhaled.

Frustrated? Resigned? Reading her body language, he knew there was more. His shit-eating grin felt good. God, he loved Laura. She was such a challenge. “And what do you think about that?”

He could just imagine the mental handstands Laura was doing in her head right now. On their weekend getaway, she‘d become embarrassed when he found her wet. At the hotel, she kept trying to duck into the restroom and clean up before he touched her. Silly woman! Arousing her was his number one goal in life.

“I think you want me to feel sexy.” Her head was bent slightly downward and away from him.

What else was she trying to hide? “Yes, Angel, I do. But that didn’t answer the question.” He watched her shoulders flinch. Yes, he’d nailed it. “How do you feel about being wet?”

Although Nick loved the ‘hand caught in the cookie jar’ look, it was imperative she communicate with him.

“Answer me, Angel. This isn’t supposed to be a rehearsed speech. When your Dom asks you a question, you respond immediately. I want the truth, not some edited version you think will make me happy.”

Laura dropped her eyes to the floor. The perfect submissive. “Messy, Sir. I feel messy.”

Nick wasn’t fooled. They were getting closer to the truth, but she was still holding back a little. “Messy? I suppose you’d like to clean up. I know how messes offend you.”

A weary expression danced across her face. “Well, personal hygiene is important.”

Nick wrapped his fist in her hair and gave it a good solid pull. “That was stating a fact, not an answer to my question.”

“Sorry, Sir. Yes, I would like to clean up.”

“Why?” He wanted her to admit her embarrassment. If she could recognize it for what it was, she’d be one step closer to embracing her sexuality.

“’Cause it’s messy.”

Playful Laura was such a treat. He found it very hard to remain firmly in control when Laura was mischievous.

Another yank on her hair tipped her head back enough to see a smug, I’ve-got-you-right-where-I-want-you-smile on her face. “Brat! Take off the garter, hose and heels before going down the basement stairs. I want your ass naked when I chain you to the wall and teach you to respect your Dom.”

He couldn’t say things like that or wetness would be pooling all the way to her knees. Laura desperately wanted to duck into the restroom and clean up. She’d been afraid if she admitted it, Nick would devise some horrible exercise to get her used to it.

She’d tried to keep the focus on nudity. She’d figured he intended to parade her around the house naked as often as possible so admitting to that wasn’t likely to bring about any additional discipline sessions.

Laura unhooked the garter fasteners before reaching behind her and unclipping the garter itself. She made sure she kept her shoulders back thrusting her breasts outward hoping he would touch her. With his arms crossed over his chest looking all bad-ass, she couldn’t help but toss her garter over his shoulder. “Can you hold that for me, Master?”

She tried with all her might to keep a smile from lighting her face. His raised eyebrow, you’re-in-so-much-trouble-look, was hotter than hell. The muscles in her tummy tightened and she squirmed under his direct stare.

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