Bondage Included (11 page)

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Authors: Tori Carson

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Bondage Included
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“I’m trying, André.”

He gave her a peck on the lips. “This can’t be terribly comfortable. Let’s get you lying down again.”

After setting her on the mattress, he scooted off the bed and arranged the pillows. “Can I get you anything?”

“No. I just need you.”

He stretched out beside her once more. “Yes, I left my princess hanging. That was very negligent of me.” André circled her nipple with one finger. “You’re so responsive. I think you need some jewelry to accentuate your beauty.” He knew just the place to buy her a shield and maybe a dangle or two.

“Oh, hell no! I’m not getting them pierced. Don’t even think about it.” She crossed her arms over her breasts.

André tsked. “I believe that was an obscenity, princess.” He tweaked her nipple in punishment. “When was the last time you orgasmed?”

She blinked several times before speaking. “How did we get from cursing to coming?”

“It all connects. Now answer the question.” He pulled her arms away and brushed kisses along the cup of her breast.

Her hands held the sheet tight. “I don’t know. It’s been a while.”

He looked her in the eyes. “Are we talking days? Weeks? Months?”

She shrugged. “Weeks maybe. I certainly haven’t done anything since the accident and before that I was angry with you. It’s not like I do it all that often.” Her cheeks were turning a deep pink.

“I’ve found that the more a woman comes, the easier it is.” He returned to nuzzling her boobs.

“Then you have your work cut out for you.” She was squirming and sounded a bit defensive.

“Don’t worry, Adriana. I’m up to the challenge, though I’m curious why it mattered that you were mad at me?” Why would that stop her from masturbating?

It took her so long to respond, André was about to prompt her.

“I haven’t conducted a survey of women’s orgasms, as you apparently have, but I tend to have a movie running in my head. You’ve been the leading man for a few months now… And the bed can swallow me whole before I answer another question like that one.” She turned away from him.

He cupped her chin until she faced him again. “What attitude! We’re going to have to work on that. And the bed will do no such thing. You need to talk to me. Stop worrying about it.”

Very carefully, he moved between her legs. “You’ll have to tell me more about those movies. Since I was in them, it only seems fair.”

“Yeah, I’ll get right on that.” Sarcasm was dripping from every word.

André shook his head. Adriana was a handful. She wasn’t kidding. He would have his work cut out for him. Finding a balance between giving her the dominance she needed without curbing her playful side would be a challenge. One he was looking forward to.

“After every scene we’ll discuss what worked and what didn’t. More often than not, I won’t tell you what I have planned. I’ll design a session based on what I feel you need. If I get it wrong, you need to safe word. We’ll stop and talk about it. Some of the scenes may scare you or push you out of your comfort zone. I ask that you trust me. Tell me what you’re feeling every step of the way.” He was watching her closely. She was breathing a little faster and licking her upper lip. It was a nervous habit of hers that André found sexy as fuck.

“Okay, I’m feeling anxious to get started.” She gave him a bratty smile.

“Just because you have a bum leg doesn’t mean I’m going to allow you to give me attitude. I can’t turn you over my knee yet, but there are other consequences at my disposal.” And he intended to exercise them.

“That’s oddly arousing… Am I broken?” She laughed a little nervously.

“Only your leg, bebe.” He’d have to remember that even though she’d been at the club for months, she hadn’t experienced much first-hand. “It’s perfectly natural. Would you like an explanation?”

“No, not really. I don’t need to know how a TV works to enjoy it.”

He chuckled. Subs rarely ever cared. They just wanted to be reassured that they were normal. Doms, on the other hand, usually wanted to know the hows and whys of it.

André began showering kisses along her mound and inner thighs. “I want you to tell me when you’re close.”


He slowly drew her clit into his mouth. He licked and suckled until she was writhing. His cock was instantly hard. Nobody got him hot like Adriana. He’d fantasized more about her than any woman ever. She definitely got under his skin.

“I’m so close, André,” she warned.

“Master…” God he wanted to stop right there. He wanted to be her Master, but that wasn’t meant to be. “Master André.” He pulled his mouth away and slapped her pussy. “Don’t forget again.”

She screamed. “Don’t stop. Please,” she grumbled. “Don’t stop, Master André.”

Considering how her eyes had darkened and her back had arched, he knew she’d enjoyed that slap and was probably asking for more, but that was for another day. “You earned this edging because you jumped to conclusions about the nipple jewelry. I wasn’t suggesting you pierce them. There are many different styles of adornments that don’t require piercing. I would never suggest you permanently change your body, Adriana. Next time ask, don’t just assume.”

“Yes, Master André. I’m sorry.” She was bucking her hips against his chin.

“That’s better, princess. Do not come without my permission. I decide when you orgasm from here on out.”

“Yes, Master André.” Her cheeks flushed.

She was responding better than he’d dared hope. As soon as his lips touched her, she moaned. He wouldn’t have long. She was so close. He didn’t want her orgasm to sneak up on her. The last thing he wanted was for their first play session to end with her earning a discipline.

He took his time nibbling her inner thighs and suckling her labia before drawing her clit into his mouth. Adriana was killing him. She tasted like sin and he wanted to spend hours devouring her, but he only had moments.

“Please, Master André, may I come?” She had drawn her right leg up and was leveraging it to push her pussy against his face.

“Not yet. You cursed and my princess asked me to help her stop. I think withholding an orgasm each time you use an obscenity might be the perfect deterrent.” He had to pull back completely. She was way too close to the edge to even touch her until the wave had passed.

“No, please, please, I’m begging. Don’t stop.” She pulled on the sheet and rocked her torso back and forth on the bed.

“You have one more edging to get through, princess. I can’t have you thinking I’ll accept attitude from my subbie.” He was pushing her hard, but he suspected a part of her was loving every minute of it.

“You’re going to get me close and stop again?” Her expression was pure righteous indignation. “You can’t. I’ll die.”

He rested his head against her thigh and laughed, really laughed. God it felt good. “I guarantee you won’t die, but you will think twice before you misbehave again.”

Her head crashed back against the pillows. “I don’t like you very much right now.” She leaned forward. “What if I come anyway? What happens then?”

There was sass in her response, but he knew he couldn’t add another edging. She was too new and too fragile right now. Besides, it was a natural question. “Try it and find out.” He gave her his best Dom stare and immediately regretted it. She’d already told him he intimidated her.

Instead of safe wording or flinching, she laughed. “Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of. Okay, you mean, mean man. I’ll suffer one more and then you’d better give me the best
orgasm of my life.”

“Behave or we’ll add another.”

“No, Master André, that won’t be necessary. I’ll be a very good girl.” She met his gaze and gave him a look that he wouldn’t soon forget.

This time it was his turn to groan. Damn, she was going to unman him yet. He retaliated by gently nipping her clit. Her gasp was incredibly satisfying.

“You know how you wanted me to let you know what I was thinking and feeling every step of the way? Well, I’m getting worried and my thoughts are all over the place.” Her tone had a hint of amusement.

His stomach contracted painfully as if he’d been punched. “What is it, Adriana?”

“I liked that a lot and I liked your slap too. I don’t think I was supposed to enjoy either of those and I did. Are you sure my leg is the only thing broken?” She might be trying to keep it light, but there was true anxiety there as well.

“Adriana, everything we do together is ultimately for pleasure. Small amounts of pain are easily transformed into arousal in the right situation. Relax and stop second guessing everything.” He felt her exhale and some of the tension evaporated.

“I’m trying. Seriously, I am.” She smiled at him.

“You’re doing great. Are you ready?” Her reactions surprised him. He’d assumed getting her to open up about her feelings would be a major hurdle, but she was being very forthcoming now that she was aroused. He’d have to remember that in the future.

Adriana nodded. “I’m ready. Torture me some more. I love it.”

Chapter Six




Adriana wasn’t sure how she was going to survive another edging. She’d never wanted to come so badly in her life. When his mouth closed around her clit, she screeched. The sensations were building so much faster. She tried to hold out as long as she could. She knew he was going to stop again and she was afraid she might burst into tears when he did. He’d be mortified if he thought he’d made her cry.

She wanted to yell stop, but her instructions were to ask. A spark of hope glimmered in her mind. Maybe he would say just kidding and let her come. “Please, Master, please, please, please, may I come.”

His mouth froze in place for a moment before he gave her clit one last peck then pulled back. “Good girl. I know that was hard.” He slid two fingers past the entrance of her pussy. “You’re so wet. You might hate being told no, but part of you does love it.”

It was true, but she wasn’t going to agree with him. The arrogant bastard didn’t need this theory proven right. She rocked her hips, hoping he’d stop stalling and get busy again.

“You’re probably thinking that your torture is over and you’ve earned your reward.”

Her eyes met his. “What?” Her hips crashed down against the bed. He couldn’t leave her hanging. She would burst into tears.

“And maybe you have. Then again, maybe you haven’t. Who decides when you come?”

Oh, God. Her stomach did an odd flipping gyration and her clit throbbed at an alarming rate. She was seriously worried she might come without him even touching her. “You do, Master André.”

He pulled his moist fingers from her pussy and circled the rim of her ass, applying light pressure. “This can be a very erotic area too. Don’t let your fear limit your pleasure, princess.”

Oh, damn, it did feel good. She couldn’t stay still. Her body was wound so tight if he’d just touch her clit she’d be off, but the bastard knew it and was toying with her. “Master André, I promise to be a good subbie and keep an open mind.”

She felt the rumble of his chest as he chuckled.

“I can’t see you ever being the most demure submissive at the club, but that’s a good thing. I’m not into that. I like your feistiness. It keeps me on my toes.”

Well she had that in spades. “I’m trying to be patient, but I’m getting very hungry. I wish you’d hurry up so I could get a nice long taste of you. I want to feast on your cock for lunch, Master André. May I?”

“You’re playing with fire, Adriana.” He nearly growled at her before he took her in his mouth once more.

He was driving her crazy with his tongue. She didn’t want to think about how he’d developed such skill. She wanted to reap the benefits and ignore that back story. As he sucked and licked, her brain shut off and the firestorm of sensations was all she could think about. It built higher and higher and a trickle of fear went down her spine.
Please, don’t let him stop this time.

She tried to hold out. The feel of his mouth on her clit was pure ecstasy, but before she was ready for it to end, the pressure was there threatening to explode. “Master, may I come?”

He barely slowed his assault, but she heard that one word she was willing to beg for.
Her body clenched and shattered as waves of pleasure washed over her. The orgasm was worth every second of the torment he’d put her through. Long after a normal release would have ended, her body was still enjoying aftershocks. And she fully savored every last one of them.

Once she opened her eyes and began to drift back to earth, she noticed her throat was raw. Good God, she felt like she’d been to a concert or a ball game and screamed the night away. She was a little embarrassed until she looked down at André. He had a Cheshire cat grin on his face and a death grip on her broken leg.

“Am I still a mean, mean man?”

She shook her head. Gingerly, she uncurled her fingers from the bed sheets. Thank goodness she hadn’t shredded them with her nails. “No, I take back every unkind thought and word I said.”

André moved up beside her. “You are an amazing woman, Adriana. And I’m glad you’re spending this time with me.”

Adriana blushed. “I may have to send the trolls a thank you card,” she teased him.

“You will do no such thing. Broken leg or not, I’ll turn you over my knee and blister that perfect ass of yours.” He slid his arm around her waist and held her tight. “Are you feeling okay, bebe? You did not keep that leg still. Did you hurt it?”

“I’m better than okay, André. Stop worrying.” She felt his cock along her thigh and she rubbed against him.

“In that case, it’s my turn.” He took her chin in his hand and turned her head until their eyes met. “To keep from hurting your leg, I’m going to use a very dominant position and you won’t be able to safe word. Tap my leg and I’ll stop. Okay?”

Her heart skipped a beat. She definitely wanted this, but she was nervous too. She had damn little experience and the thought of all the other women he’d been with was intimidating. She tried not to think about it or focus on it, but it seemed to be in the back of her head shooting holes in her confidence. “Okay.” Then she remembered. “I mean, yes, Master André.”

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