Book of Witchery (35 page)

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Authors: Ellen Dugan

Tags: #spring, #craft, #magic, #magick, #personal witchery, #fundamentals, #7 Days of Magic, #Witchcraft, #spells, #charms, #every day

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We will also be working again with the Moon card from the tarot deck. As far as props go, the Moon tarot card is an especially appropriate one for a full moon on a Monday. This Major Arcana card is a symbol of intuition, instinct, and the conscious and the unconscious minds. When this card pops up in a reading, it is a warning of delusion and deception. It is a caution that things are not as they appear. It tells you to look carefully at what you think you know, and to then consider what is real and what is not before you proceed down your path.

There is a trail illustrated on this card, flanked by a wolf on one side and a dog on the other. This symbolizes a pathway to another land and the astral journey into your own inner wisdom and vision.

This full moon spell is perfect for those times when you feel that something is afoot. Maybe you can't figure out what is wrong, but something seems too good to be true or your intuition is trying to get you to pay attention. This spell will help you brush away illusions to see things as they truly are and help you to get back on your path.

Breaking Through Illusions Spell

  • Fresh white flower petals (pop into the local florist and pick up a stem or two of white flowers—try the petals of the white chrysanthemum or the daisy, as these are inexpensive to purchase and will work well in this spell; or, if your garden is blooming, then work with any white flower petals from your own garden)
  • 1 silver candle, whatever style or shape you prefer
  • A coordinating candle holder
  • A pin or nail to engrave Thoth's symbol on the candle
  • A few drops of jasmine or sandalwood essential oil (use whichever
    scent you prefer; both of these oils are associated with the moon)
  • 1 clean eye dropper for the oil
  • A small cloth to wipe your hands
  • The Moon tarot card
  • Matches or a lighter
  • Your altar or magickal workspace; make sure it is a flat,
    safe surface to set up on

To begin this spell, try to set this up where you will have a view of the rising full moon. If weather permits, this would be fabulous to do outside on your porch or deck.

Gather your supplies, and set up your working area. Carefully and reverently strip the petals from the white flowers. Now scatter the loose petals across the work surface and in a circle around yourself. Take your time, and make the area festive and pretty. When that's done, take the pin or nail and gently carve Thoth's symbol into the side of the silver candle.

Hold the candle in both your hands for a few moments and then raise the candle up to the light of the moon to imbue it with more lunar energy. Place the candle in its holder, and then anoint the candle with the essential oil. Use an eye dropper to add the oil, or if you use your fingers, take a moment and wipe your hands clean with the small towel.

When you are all set, prop up the tarot card in the center of your working area. Take a few moments to ground and center yourself. When you are ready, light the silver candle and repeat the following verse:

Thoth, help me to break through illusions on this night

For things are not as they seem under the moon's light

I ask for your guidance as I walk my path

May the wisdom you grant to me truly last.

Take a few moments and study the images on the tarot card. Meditate on the symbolism for a time, and see what the moon god Thoth has to tell you. When finished, thank Thoth with these lines:

Thoth, I thank you now for your time and gentle care

Your wisdom enlightens me with this lunar prayer.

Look up at the full moon and blow her a kiss. Then close the Monday night spell with these lines:

Blow a kiss to the lady moon when she is round
Then insight and witchery will surely be found.

Now, you may sit outside and enjoy the moonlight. I would suggest moving the candle indoors when you are finished, so you can keep it under observation and allow it to burn out in a safe place. Clean up the rest of your magickal supplies. Return the card to the tarot deck and enjoy the rest of your evening. If you worked outdoors, leave the flower petals where they fell. If not, gather them up and return them neatly to nature in the morning.

Finally, pay attention to and write down any dreams you have for the next few nights. Thoth may very well choose to communicate with your subconscious mind, through your dreams. Happy esbat!

Full Moon on a Tuesday

But screw your
courage to the sticking-place and we'll not fail.

William Shakespeare

For this Tuesday night full moon spell, we are working with fire magick and warrior energy. This spell incorporates one of the court cards from the tarot deck, the Knight of Swords. If you recall, the Knight of Swords can be summed up in two words: no fear!

This card symbolizes people who have moxie and determination and who refuse to take no or “I can't!” for an answer. It also symbolizes situations that require you to dive in, to show no fear, and to bravely tackle any issues and challenges with intellect and courage. It is one of my favorite cards in the entire deck. This is a card of movement, bravery, and decisive action, which makes it ideal for this full moon spell.

If it helps you to visualize the god Mars with you while you work this spell, then do so. One of my covenmates, Ravyn, suggested picturing the Spartans from the movie
. Whoa. Tuesday is a Mars day, after all; this is a day of passion. Ahem.

But you know, I kind of like the idea of a troop of rough-and-ready soldiers standing with me. The fact that they all look great is just icing on the cake. I trust that you can focus your energies toward your magickal goal, so do whatever works best for you. If visualizing buff, tough, gorgeous men in loincloths, crimson red capes, and tufted bronze helmets helps, then go for it.

The “No Fear” Spell

This spell is best worked outdoors. Supplies are as follows:

  • 1 red taper illuminator candle
  • 1 black taper illuminator candle
  • 2 coordinating black metal candle holders (use wrought iron, if possible)
  • A pin or nail to engrave Mars's symbol on the candles (
  • The Knight of Swords card from your tarot deck
  • A fireproof small metal cauldron
  • A sheet of paper, no larger than 6 inches square
  • Black ink pen
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Wooden matches
  • An outdoor working area—make sure it is a flat, safe surface to set up all of the spell supplies on (you need to be outside for this one, otherwise you will set off the smoke alarms while you are burning the paper in the cauldron; talk about blowing the magickal mood!)

You have to be careful with the fire. Anytime you have an open flame inside of a cauldron, fire pit, or fireplace and you add magick and intention, things tend to be unpredictable with the flames. Also, just a few drops of alcohol will help that paper burn. So don't go overboard and singe yourself. Safety first! The spell fire is symbolic. A little fire held within a metal cauldron that is lit with intention does pack more power than you realize, so please be smart and safe and work this full moon spell with care.

Arrange the outdoor setup as follows. Engrave and then place the candles in their holders, and set them toward the back of your working area. Position the metal cauldron in the center. Leave a small area to place the Knight of Swords card in front of the cauldron, where it is easily visible. Set the rubbing alcohol, the matches, and paper and pen to the side and within reach.

To start, take up the paper and pen and write down what it is that you fear. Keep it short and to the point. Then, fold the paper in half and drop it into the cauldron. Sprinkle a bit of rubbing alcohol on the paper. Close up the bottle and set it off and away to the side. Now put your game face on. Call up whatever courage you can muster. Visualize those Spartan soldiers or the god Mars standing strong and right alongside of you. Come on, tap into that warrior energy. Growl. Get tough, and raise up some courageous energy. Hold your hands out and over the cauldron. Now repeat this verse with intention:

Mars energy is bolstered by the full moon light

I remove anxiety and stress on this night

Mighty warrior energy now defeats the shadows and fear

As I conjure bravery and courage to reside with me here!

Move your hands away from the cauldron. Step back from the work area and strike the match. Carefully drop it on top of the paper inside of the cauldron. If necessary, you can hold the match to the edge of the paper and encourage it to completely burn. If you need to use a couple of matches, that's fine. Just drop the spent matches inside of the cauldron. Keep going until the paper is ash. Then close the spell with these lines:

Ashes to ashes and dust to moon dust

My courage soars and my magick is just

I work boldly with the days of witchery

This lunar spell is sealed; set the magick free!

You may snuff the black and red illuminator candles and take them inside with you. If you wish, use them again for other Tuesday spells or to repeat this spell if necessary. Allow the contents of the cauldron to cool completely, then take a little garden spade and bury the ashes in the garden. Pour water on top of the spot to make doubly sure nothing is smoldering. Tap your fist on the ground on top of it, and say:

So mote it be!

Now, go and clean out your cauldron. Keep the tarot card with you for a week to bolster your courage. To close up this full moon magick, go do something positive. Take a jog or a walk under that enchanting moon. Play some music and dance, or go find your partner and make love. Just do something positive, life-affirming, and physical. Any of those activities will help you to ground and center.

Full Moon on a Wednesday

Knowledge comes,
wisdom lingers…

Alfred Tennyson

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