Born to Please [Pleasure Vessels 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (15 page)

BOOK: Born to Please [Pleasure Vessels 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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“Well, there is something about that you should know…”

Chapter Eight


Payne couldn’t help but think how lucky he was to have Alec as a lover. While his sister had been optimistic about her chances of finding a true love in the process, she hadn’t wanted a pairing any more than he had. The knowledge that she would be coming to live with them made him happier than he’d been in a long time. She would get the opportunity to pick a love for herself, and Alec had even promised to set her up on a few dates with his friends if she wanted.
Yeah, I really lucked out when it came to getting a grade A lover
. Alec continually surprised him with his thoughtfulness. So what if he was a workaholic? Payne could handle that and could travel with him anytime he needed to. They could make this work.

He walked down the familiar hall toward the bunk rooms. The quiet murmur of voices said the Vessels were all together. He couldn’t remember the last time they were all allowed in the bunks at the same time. He ran his hand over the entry pad, and the door swished open.

A dozen pairs of eyes looked his way. “Payne?” Chaz, one of his acquaintances and fellow Pleasure Vessels, asked. “What’s going on? No one told us anything.”

A chorus of voices joined his inquiry, and Payne was overwhelmed by all the questions. He held up a hand for silence. “Calm down and shut it and I’ll tell you.” They did, and he gave the
Reader’s Digest
version of the events that had taken place over the past few days.

“So we won’t be punished if we don’t like our placements?” Chaz asked.

Payne shook his head. “No. We’re going to make this new system good for everyone.” Their bunks were designated by age groups. This room was the one where those old enough to be placed were held. There were three more bunk houses down the hall that were separated by age group, and he hoped he wouldn’t have to explain the same thing to everyone.

They all glanced at one another. Chaz spoke up again. “The Trainers cleared out, and we weren’t sure what was going to happen. There was only one left running around the last time we checked. Do you think we could get some food? They haven’t fed us in two days.”

Payne felt the blood drain out of his face. “Is that true for all the age levels?”

Chaz shrugged. “We don’t know. They seriously just locked us in and left.” He waved toward the door. “It was on perma lock from the outside. You unlocked it when you keyed in.”

A chill went down his spine. He cursed. He hoped they would catch the monsters and kill them all. “Go to the kitchens and start cooking everything in there. We’re going to have a whole slew of people to feed. Where’s Desiree?”

A hand rose up from the middle of the pack. “Right here,” she said, poking her head up. She gave him a grin. “Hi, brother.”

“Hi, sissy. Can you take a few of the girls and have some formula made up for the little ones? They’re going to need feeding.” He pointed to Derek, a big, hulking service Vessel who helped out in the nursery occasionally. “Get a couple of your friends down to the nursery and start cleaning up the little ones and getting them ready to be fed. I also need a volunteer to go the middle age groups and gather them to take them to the mess hall.”

Derek nodded. “There are a few Service Vessels that were left down there so the babies haven’t been without care like the rest of us have. Though I imagine they need some help, nonetheless.”

“That’s a relief. Go help them out anyway and let the ones who have been caring for them get some of the food from the mess hall.”

He was born for this. Something inside him reveled in the position of leader. It was like he stepped into shoes that fit for the first time. “Move, guys,” he commanded. Everyone did, obeying him without question. He breathed a sigh of relief. He reached out and grabbed Desiree as she passed. “Hey, I’ve got something to tell you when this is done.”

She nodded. “Okay.” She kissed his cheek. “You look good.”

“I’m happy,” Payne agreed. “When you meet him, you’ll know why. He’s amazing.”

She winked. “Good. You deserve it.” Then she turned from him and went to the task he’d given her.

He took a deep breath. This was as it needed to be. Everyone cleared the room in less than a minute, and Payne was fairly confident that they were going to do as he asked. He turned toward the door to follow them and saw Alec leaning against the doorframe.

“You were really something in there. You looked natural,” Alec said.

Payne smiled at him. “It felt right.” The new confidence, the rightness, made him bolder. “Come here. The bunk is empty.”

Alec’s eyes widened. “Here?”

“Yeah.” Payne sauntered toward his old bunk at the end of the barracks. It was neatly made and narrow, but it would do. “I need you.” He needed to solidify his place and a reaffirmation of life or something. He didn’t just want him to take him either. “Alec?”


“Can I be on top?”

A brief pause answered his question, followed by a chuckle. “If you want to. I’ve enjoyed it in the past.”

Payne whipped around. “
.” No one else was allowed to top his owner. He was
. Didn’t he know that?

“Okay, wild man. Yours.” That settled that weird animal part of him somewhat. Alec glanced around the bunk. “Lotion?”

“My sister has some.” He dug in her trunk. “It’s going to have to be fast. I need to check on everyone.”

“Whatever you want, Payne. I just want you to feel good.”

“Don’t pity-fuck me, Alec,” Payne said, finding the small bottle of hand lotion at the bottom of the trunk.

Alec’s blue eyes lit up with something like amusement. “I’d never pity-fuck you, Payne. I want you all the damn time. It’s hard to do anything but want you. Guess that’s the mate bond, huh?”

“Must be.” Alec was the one thing in life he was sure of. There was no doubt in his mind that they belonged together. They were imprinted, mated, whatever people wanted to call it. He raised his head in time to see his lover take off his pants and shoes before folding the former and laying them in a neat pile beside the bunk. He stood there in his black boxer-briefs and dress shirt, and the combination turned Payne on for some reason. “Get on the bed, all fours like you did me.” Payne’s cock jerked at the sight of Alec obeying his directive. “Is this okay?” he asked, suddenly unsure of himself as he popped the button on his slacks.

Alec turned his head and looked at Payne over his shoulder. “We’re lovers, partners, everything between us is right if we agree to it. I want to feel you like this, too, Payne. It’s not just you. I’m not saying we’ll do it all the time, but every once in a while, changing it up is not a bad thing.”

“Good. I really want to take you, Alec.” Something beyond instincts demanded that they come together like this if just one time. He needed this. He shoved his pants and boxers down his hips and let them puddle on the floor with his shoes.

“Tell me if I hurt you,” he murmured, coating his fingers with a generous dollop of lotion. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt his lover. Alec had been infinitely kind to him, and he wanted to make the man feel good.

He circled the tight entrance to his lover’s body with one finger, pressing it just the tiniest bit inside before pulling back and dipping it just a little further inside. It wasn’t long before he was fingering Alec in earnest and he was rocking in counter rhythm to Payne’s plunging fingers. Payne was so hard he was almost ready to explode without ever touching his beloved’s sweet ass with his cock.

He pressed another finger inside, adding more slick to ease his way. Alec groaned and rocked back. “Come on, Payne. Get that gorgeous cock of yours inside me.”

Payne continued to stretch him for a few more endless minutes before he withdrew his hand and replaced it with his steadily dripping cock. He gritted his teeth to keep from crying out as his dick was enveloped in tight, slick heat. He pushed his hips forward, fucking his lover in small increments until he managed to seat himself fully inside Alec’s firm, round ass.

“God, you’re incredible,” Payne murmured, panting for breath. His balls were so tight he thought if he moved wrong right then he would come and it would be all over.

Alec moved restlessly under him, pushing back against him, demanding he move. “Payne,” he rumbled. “Fuck me already.”

The words took away the last vestiges of Payne’s sanity, and he drew his hips back before plunging forward in one smooth stroke. They both groaned at the motion. Then they were fucking like they were desperate to reach the pinnacle together. Payne slammed into his lover over and over, all instinct and raw need. He was making animalistic noises in the back of his throat, the part of him that kept snarling “mine” almost in complete control of his actions. He eyed the place where Alec’s neck met his shoulder, and he impulsively bent forward and latched onto it with his teeth.

His teeth popped through the skin, and a sense of rightness flooded him. Alec writhed like a fish on a hook, screaming out his pleasure as his cock jerked and spilled onto the narrow mattress beneath them. Payne slammed forward and groaned, his arousal jerking and spilling the sticky proof of his pleasure deep inside the confines of his lover’s clenching ass.

He pulled his mouth free, panting. He shuddered as he came down from the intensity of his orgasm. He stayed where he was, loving the closeness of the moment.

“Wow,” he murmured when he regained the ability to speak.

“No kidding,” Alec agreed. “That was intense.”

“Yeah.” Short sentences were all he could manage with only three brain cells firing. He felt like they’d been woven together even more tightly than they’d been before.



“Can you get out of me, please? We can’t linger.”

How was he talking? He pulled back and out of his lover before pulling his pants clumsily up and staggering toward the bathroom to get some disposable towels. He’d completely forgotten them in his haste to get naked.

He got the towels and went back to the bunk before handing them to his lover. “Sorry about the mess.”

“What did you do when you bit me?” Alec asked, mopping up the mess as best he could. “It felt…incredible.”

Payne shrugged. “I have no clue. I just know it felt right.”

Alec pulled his briefs back up and stood. “Hmmm, well, next time I’m going to do you, and you’re definitely going to bite me again.”

Payne laughed. “All right. It’s a deal.” A sudden feeling of being watched tickled the back of his neck, and he turned his head in time to see his submission Trainer, Trainer R, standing in the aisle. The man had inflicted every manner of physical torture on him available, and the feeling of unease transformed into a raw fear. He hated this man.

“What are you doing, Payne? You are the one who ordered the others to disobey me?” Trainer R asked.

“You’re the one who locked them in here to starve?” Payne asked, his hands balling into fists at his sides. Alec scrambled to pull his pants on.

“They were scheduled for immediate termination,” Trainer R said calmly. “I was fulfilling my duties as a Trainer.”

“They were not,” Alec said, coming to stand beside Payne. “You were all told to leave the Facility.”

Trainer R snorted. “So you can give rights and wills to those we trained so diligently? I think not.”

“You’ll be arrested for this,” Alec said. “What you have done is unforgiveable.”

“Hmmm, I just came back to get something. I’ll be leaving promptly, I assure you.” Trainer R drew a pistol from this pocket. Payne’s heart skipped a beat. “I thought you were lost to me, Payne. But now that I know you’re not, I can’t very well leave you behind. You were always meant to belong to me. I was going to switch your identifiers when you were ready for placement, but Jack was always there, interfering. No matter. I’ve got a plane chartered for Europe that leaves in half an hour. You’re going to be on the plane with me, Payne.”

“I’ve imprinted on Alec. There is no one else for me. I’ll be physically ill if someone else touches me in a sexual manner,” Payne reminded him. There was a lump in his throat that he was surprised he could speak around.

“Good point,” Trainer R said. The weapon moved slightly to Payne’s right, and it didn’t register at first what was happening. Payne’s eyes widened, and he turned toward Alec in time to see the ghastly red stain appear on his chest.

Something in him snapped, and he threw himself at the man who had tormented him for weeks prior to his placement. His vision flashed white, and teeth exploded in his mouth. His entire body twisted into something heavy, and between the fangs and claws he suddenly had, the Trainer didn’t stand a chance.

Two more shots went off, and a pinch formed in his chest. He sealed his teeth over the Trainer’s throat and bit down until something popped. The Trainer went still, and Payne pulled off of him. He stood up and was surprised to see the tops of the bunk beds. It was disorienting. He looked down at his hands only to find them to be massive paws with wicked-looking claws on the end. He made a noise of distress as he looked down and saw Alec.

It looks like I’m one of the lucky ones to shift
. The sounds of footsteps echoed down the hallways and the door swished open. Jack and the rest of the security team crowded into the room, weapons drawn.

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