Boston Avant-Garde 6: Chiaroscuro (7 page)

Read Boston Avant-Garde 6: Chiaroscuro Online

Authors: Kaitlin Maitland

Tags: #Multicultural, #Contemporary, #Menage

BOOK: Boston Avant-Garde 6: Chiaroscuro
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Mattie adored his sassy mouth, but it wasn’t helping things at the moment. “When were you planning to tell me you knew exactly who it was that walked out on me?”

Owen had the decency to look chagrined. “Soon?”

“And you”—she poked Lars in the chest—“don’t get to make decisions about who I do and do not fuck.”

Over Lars’s shoulder, she saw Owen give her a long, evaluating once-over before speaking. “Would it even things out if I fuck him and you watch?”

Her heart rate went from zero to sixty in half a second. Having a front row seat to that kind of show was on her short list of erotic desires. It had been ever since Selena had let slip a few details of the relationship she had with Malachi and Demon. Mattie had been with multiple lovers before. There was one very wild Beltane night that came to mind immediately, but that memory couldn’t hold a candle to what she was feeling now.

Lars looked apprehensive. “Owen you can’t just—”

“The hell I can’t.” He stepped closer to Lars. “Either you walk that sweet ass upstairs, or I’ll wrestle you right here and take you on the floor.”

Mattie had to grab on to the stair railing to stay upright. This wasn’t some nameless, faceless couple. These were two men she knew intimately. She wanted this. She wanted to know what they’d done in the time since she’d been with Lars. In some twisted way her heart felt as if that would begin to make amends.

“I want that,” she whispered. “I want to watch.”

* * * *

Mattie perched on the edge of her chair, restlessly stretching Owen’s T-shirt over her knees and wondering when she was going to wake up and realize this was all a crazy dream.

Owen was naked again. Not a surprise since he’d only hiked his jeans over his hips before going to check out the noise downstairs. It was shocking to think that had only been thirty minutes ago. So much had happened. It felt like hours.

Her bedside lamp was the only light in the room. The coral-tinted lampshade filled the room with a soft glow. It burnished Owen’s sleek skin and turned Lars’s complexion to gold. She’d always wondered how he could remain so tan when he’d never seemed the type to hang out beside the pool or hit the electric beach.

“What’s your pleasure, Mattie?” Owen asked. “This is your show.”

There was definitely a hint of the devil in his expression. She had the odd thought that Owen and Lars were a good balance: Owen with his irreverent sass, and Lars with his overinflated sense of responsibility.

Mattie’s mouth grew dry, and she had to swallow several times to get the words out. “Strip him down. I want to refresh my memory on his looks.”

She couldn’t tell what Lars thought about the whole thing. He was the one they were essentially treating like a piece of meat. Yet other than his brief argument downstairs, he’d been compliant.

Owen moved behind his lover to give Mattie an unimpeded view of Lars’s chest. Owen didn’t bother with buttons. He yanked at Lars’s dress shirt until it ripped open. The tiny pieces crazily bounced across the floor.

Lars hissed, and his belly tensed as Owen pulled the shirt the rest of the way off. Mattie drank in the sight of his lean abdomen. Where Owen was covered in thick muscle, Lars was sleeker. His nipples were hard rings crowning his firm pectorals. She swept her gaze down his tightly packed abs and over his ribs to the narrow grooves that disappeared beneath his low-slung waistband. She wondered if Owen knew the origin of the two pale marks that ran parallel to Lars’s hipbones. Lars had never been willing to share the story, but Mattie’s intuition told her the three-inch lines weren’t birthmarks.

“I think I need to see more,” she told Owen.

With a true flair for the dramatic, Owen wrapped his arms around Lars and slid his palms down Lars’s chest. Mattie squirmed as Lars shuddered at the contact. He was obviously enjoying it. The thought ramped up her desire, and she clamped her legs together to ease the throbbing awareness.

Owen pressed a kiss to the base of Lars’s neck. The familiarity in the gesture gave Mattie a jolt. This was her show, but these two had a history she would never be part of. Cold uncertainty crept in, and she shoved it away with effort. This was no time for doubts.

“I’m going to unzip your pants for Mattie,” Owen murmured to Lars. “We both know your dick is already hard.”

The sight of Owen’s fingers sliding into Lars’s pants mesmerized Mattie. Lars groaned. His head lolled back against Owen’s shoulder, and his hands sought purchase against his lover’s thick forearms. Owen flicked open the button and began to slowly unzip the fly.

“Underwear?” Owen chided. “Obviously you spent the afternoon at work.”

It was a tease to see Owen’s hands inside Lars’s boxer briefs. She could only see the outline of Owen cupping his lover’s balls and stroking his cock. She wanted more. She wanted to see firsthand what they enjoyed together.

“Take his underwear off,” she ordered. Her words came out half strangled as she struggled to breathe.

Owen’s smile sent a rush of molten heat to her crotch. “As you wish.”

He hooked his fingers into the waistband of Lars’s slacks and underwear and pushed them down over his hips. Owen crouched and shoved the clothing to the floor. He placed his tongue on Lars’s hip and laved his way back up his lover’s side. Mattie felt every nibble and lick as though Owen’s tongue was on her skin.

Lars’s erection bounced against his lower belly, nearly brushing his navel. Mattie’s mouth watered, and she ran her tongue over her dry lips. She knew how he tasted. Knew the musky scent of him and the salty essence of his cum. She dug her fingers into the chair to keep still.

Owen quickly untied Lars’s shoes and removed them with his pants, underwear, and socks. It was disconcerting to see Lars brace a hand against Owen’s shoulder as he lifted his feet one at a time. The two men seemed so comfortable together. It was almost intimidating.

She threw off the momentary insecurity. The time had passed for chickening out. She’d have to be an idiot to walk away from an opportunity like this. There was no guarantee she’d ever find another pair of guys willing to let her into their love play. Especially not guys like Owen and Lars.

“He’s beautiful, isn’t he, Mattie?” Owen asked.

She nodded because she couldn’t choke any words past the lump in her throat. Lars wasn’t just beautiful. He was sexy as hell. He gazed right at her, his hazel eyes warm in the room’s glow. She recalled the days and nights she’d stared into those same eyes while he surged into her pussy over and over before making her come.

“Come here, Mattie.” Owen’s low words made her lurch off her chair without a thought. “I want to watch you kiss him.”

Mattie swallowed down her mingled fear and anticipation. “I thought I was watching.”

The intensity of Owen’s dark gaze made her nipples bead into hard points. “Oh, I’ll give you plenty to watch, but you’re going to give me this first.”

She hadn’t kissed Lars since the night he’d run out of her bedroom after she’d admitted her feelings. It was on the tip of her tongue to refuse, but something in Lars’s expression changed her mind. The hard planes of his face were soft, eager even. Did he want this?

She reached up and cupped his cheeks. Hesitantly running her thumbs over his lower lip, Mattie reveled in the familiarity. Owen’s arms were draped over Lars’s shoulders. The contrast of his copper skin and Lars’s golden tones was beautiful to behold. Mattie slid her arms around Lars’s neck, twining them around Owen’s. Stretching up on her tiptoes she pressed her mouth to Lars’s.

It felt so good. Like coming home. He came alive beneath her lips. She slid her tongue into his mouth to caress his. He returned the subtle tease for the briefest moment before he suddenly became the aggressor.

It was so natural to let him take control. There’d never been anyone else who could channel her lust like Lars. He set the pace of their wet, warm kisses, the rhythm of their tongues, lips, and teeth as they exchanged desire for passion.

“My turn,” Owen growled.

He wrenched Lars away from Mattie. Suddenly she was the observer, her lips plump and moist, watching Owen utterly devour Lars. A spurt of hot cream dampened her pussy. She’d never seen anything like this display. They dueled like gladiators bent on dominance, two men grappling as they made love with their mouths.

Holy. Shit.

Owen backed off just long enough to give her a wicked grin. “Touch him, Mattie.”

She let her fingers skate down Lars’s abdomen. His muscles shrank reflexively from the contact. She scored her nails lightly across his rugged abdominals, over his ribs, down his torso toward his erect cock. When she reached the downy, dark trail of hair below his navel, he groaned.

A glistening drop of precum beaded on the crown of his erection. She slid her fingertip through the liquid and spread it over the puckered flange. He thrust against her. Knowing how much he liked it, she fisted his shaft and pumped it with firm strokes.

Lars gasped, and Mattie looked up to see that Owen had one powerful hand around Lars’s neck. Owen held their lover firm as he nipped and sucked his way over Lars’s shoulders.

“I’m going to put him facedown on your bed, Mattie,” Owen told her. “Do you have lube?”

Her belly flip-flopped with hot eagerness, and she nodded. Letting go of Lars’s cock, she stumbled toward her nightstand. The tube was nestled in the top drawer, where it kept company with her trusty toys—toys that were never going to cut it after this experience.

When she turned back around, it was to see Lars leaning over her bed with his ass in the air. She wondered if her duvet provided any sort of friction against his swollen cock. Could he come like that? Or would it actually be possible for her to be on the bottom with his hard length lodged inside her aching wetness while Owen fucked him from behind?

She grabbed the bedpost to keep her knees from buckling. Owen seemed to guess her thoughts. He turned and beckoned her closer until he could wrap his hand gently around hers.

His gaze bored into hers as if he were lending her some of his strength. He gestured to the lube. “Would you like to do the honors?”

The phrase was so out of place, yet it hit her feelings dead-on. This was no time to turn squeamish. “Yes.”

“Me first.” Owen half turned to present his thick penis. “I want him to lie there and imagine your hands all over my dick.”

Owen’s comment had an immediate effect. Lars jerked, his eyelids fluttering as he struggled to get a glimpse of what was happening behind him. Owen had anticipated that, though. He had both of Lars’s hands pinned tightly in the small of his back.

Mattie dispensed a good portion of lube into her hand and smoothed it over the satiny skin of Owen’s erection. He hissed at the contact, body going rigid as he held still. It felt so good to spread the cool gel over his sensitive flesh. She’d met this man a handful of hours ago, but she was unbelievably comfortable with him.

“Now Lars’s asshole,” Owen urged.

She held her breath as Owen released Lars’s hands and then spread Lars’s firm cheeks to bare his tight anal entrance. She’d enjoyed occasional anal sex with a considerate partner, but she’d never done so with Lars. He’d never shown the slightest inclination toward it. Was it because he saved such things for his male lovers? Would he welcome her touch now?

It was Owen who pushed her on. “Go ahead, Mattie. He wants it.”

She brushed her fingertips over Lars’s anal star. He groaned and thrust against the mattress. It didn’t seem like a sound of disgust. Emboldened, she worked the lubricant into his opening. It grew more relaxed and pliant beneath her attention. The change fascinated her, made her brave. Gently inserting the tip of her index finger into his ass, she was gratified by his moan.

“God, Mattie, you’re going to make me come by just watching.” Owen used his free hand to pull her away from Lars. “Grip me tight and help me push inside him.”

Her pussy began to quiver as if she were about to implode into orgasm. It felt like she could lose herself without a single touch. Her arousal was utterly focused on these two men, these lovers who were willing to bring her along for the ride.

With one hand wrapped around Owen’s girth, she spread Lars’s cheeks with the other. The crown of Owen’s cock pushed past the thick outer ring of muscle in Lars’s ass. As Mattie watched, Owen tunneled inch by inch into Lars. The erotic sight sent her over the edge. She didn’t know how, but her sex was clenching with the undulating waves of orgasm rolling through her.

“Oh fuck, Mattie, fuck me.” Owen grabbed Lars’s hips with both hands and began thrusting. “She just came, Lars. She fucking came.”

Their coupling grew rough. Owen didn’t just push; he ground into Lars with each stroke. Their grunts and groans filled her bedroom as the scent of sex permeated everything. Her ears were overwhelmed with the sounds of their mating. She couldn’t tear her gaze away. She’d never been fucked like that. Never. It was hard and fast and coarse.

Her pussy was hot and wet. She was nowhere near satisfied, but this was different than the usual longing. She was greedy, but it often felt as if she were grasping at the threads of release, desperate to gain relief. This was the thrumming knowledge of more to come, of knowing she wasn’t done yet and being eager to find out what came next.

She slid her hand beneath Owen’s T-shirt and found her slick feminine folds. She was engorged. Her clit was so hard it stood out from her pussy lips and begged for attention. She fingered the tiny nub as she watched Owen’s cock sinking into Lars again and again.

“I can smell you, Mattie.” Owen watched with desire in his eyes. “Come for us, baby.”

Sensation spiraled away from her fingers and into her limbs. Her muscles grew tight as she perched on the edge of something big. When Owen groaned and shoved deep into Lars as he found his release, Mattie tumbled into a second climax.

She would have sunk to the floor if Owen hadn’t grabbed her first. He pulled her in to his side and held on as the tremors shook her body. Fascinated, she watched Owen’s softening erection slide free of Lars’s ass before Lars rolled to his back and lay there, chest heaving as he gasped for air.

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