Botanicaust (34 page)

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Authors: Tam Linsey

BOOK: Botanicaust
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Instead, she closed her eyes and nuzzled back against his hand. His breath caressed her face, and she opened her eyes to meet his. His pupils were huge, and, for a moment, they simply looked at each other. Time stretched. She tilted her chin a little, licked her lips. His eyes followed the movement,
returned to meet her gaze. A slight pressure against the back of her neck invited her toward him. His mouth met her halfway, the soft press of his lips against hers making her eyelids close.

That day beneath the blanket in the desert rose into her memory with a clarity she didn

t think possible. She thought the passion she felt every time she looked at him was from the chemicals. But she wasn

t drugged, now. Neither was he.

They explored each other

s mouths like a gentle question. Her hand slid across the heated skin of his torso to wrap around his waist. Lower, she felt another heat against her, asking, insisting.

His smooth, strong muscles trembled beneath her fingertips. She

d never wanted sex so much in her life. Desire was the only thing that mattered at the moment.


he breathed against her ear. She mouthed his neck, tasting salt and flesh.

Please, Levi.

She nipped his ear, wrapped her feet around the backs of his knees.

He sank into her and they moaned in unison. The entire length of his body pressed into hers. He kept enough weight on his elbows to keep from crushing her, but not allow one nanometer of space between them. With a slow draw, he pulled back and plunged again. Inside her, the tension welled upward, a wave preparing to crest, and she cried out for more.

Levi latched onto her mouth, crushing her voice, continuing his drive. Their breaths became one, and she opened her eyes to find him staring into her
the passion in his blue eyes a force not to be denied. His hands kneaded and stroked her sides and buttocks, slid under her to clench the back of her neck.

Her head grew light as she wrapped her legs around him, straining him closer. When she came, he trembled, a shudder taking him the same moment a groan escaped his lips, vibrating against her neck and ear with a sensual timbre that resonated perfectly with the roar of her climax.

They lay together, breathing, for an infinite amount of time. Their combined scent filled the room. He pressed his lips against her neck, not kissing, just touching,
so much love and energy into her soul that only happy tears expressed her heart. She didn

t know love could be like this. No drugs.
Just pure and full and right.

When he rolled onto his back, she wasn

t ready to break contact. She rolled to her side and
her head on his chest. His heart thudded against her cheek as he wrapped both arms around her, her top leg resting on his thigh. Never before had she felt so whole and complete.

She wanted this to last forever.

Levi woke slowly, stretching beneath the blankets and then letting his body relax. His down mattress was softer than he remembered. He reached to the side in search of Josef, found a body, pulled it close. The waft of evergreen combined with the undeniable curve of a female hip jolted him fully awake.

m not at home.

Tula stretched,
snuggled into him, and his groin stirred.

, he thought, and shoved away. She didn

t wake, only whimpered, curling tighter into a fetal position. A soft song rose from her, and he propped himself on an elbow to catch the familiar tune.

Jesus loves me, this I know

She was crying as she murmured the song, shivering in the throes of a dream. Levi trembled himself. How did she know that song? Grasping her upper arm, he rolled her onto her back. Her eyes shot open and she blinked, coming out of sleep, terror on her face.

Where did you learn that song?


Jesus Loves Me.

She chewed her lip.



t know. I was little girl.

The quivering in his chest ceased, and his heart expanded. The name of Jesus on her lips was a sign.

You are one of us. A Child of God.

The tightness in his brow eased for what felt like the first time in weeks. He slipped a hand around her cheek to play with the fine hairs at the back of her neck. He would ask her to come with him. His quest for Josef paled when he thought Tula was in immediate danger. Waking, finding her safely next to him, all he wanted was to celebrate, to revel gratefully in her presence. They would not be separated again, no matter what. God meant for them to be together.

He lay back down and pulled her against his chest. Her body fit his effortlessly, the co-mingling of their breaths like something divine. He inhaled deeply of her. She would help him get his request translated to the Fosselites. He would marry her, and hope his people could see her as he did. And if the Old Order would not accept her for the Child of God she was, he would take Josef and they would go form a life of their own. Perhaps cannibals like the ones who

d healed him would join them.

His joy made him want to start his day, to live in happiness that he

d thought died with Sarah. He nuzzled Tula behind the ear and pushed the covers back. In response to his movement, faint light flickered on from tubes in the ceiling. Tula groaned and pulled the blanket over her head. Smiling at how cute she was, he rose and tucked the blanket firmly around her. Then he looked around the room.

The only furniture consisted of the bed and a lone chair in one corner. On the floor next to the chair, the cattail bag he and Tula had carried across the desert spilled its contents across the tile. Over the back of the chair lay a set of brilliant green clothing. A door stood open and Levi spied a pedestal sink. He found the cannibal knife and headed to the bathroom.

For five years he

d worn the beard prescribed for married men by the Ordnung, even after Sarah died. The beard was a shield. He hadn

t been comfortable as a single man. Now, he gawked at the stubble covering his head and face, not quite a beard, but definitely not the clean-shaven face of a single man. He glanced over his shoulder at the bed. Which was it to be?
Single man, courting a Blattvolk?
Or should he resume the stoic acceptance of his widower hood?

Rolling the knife between his fingers, he surveyed his face. Regardless of the rest, the mustache had to go. A pump mounted on the wall dispensed a froth of soap he lathered onto his upper lip and then scraped the knife across the hairs. Not nearly as effective as his razor, but God knew he made the effort. In the interest of appearing more mature in his dealings with the Fosselites, he opted to keep the beard.

A towel hung from the door of the shower stall and he looked longingly into the cubicle. A slick, stretchy substance had been molded over the wound on his arm, which no longer hurt, but he was unsure if he should get it wet. The burn on his shoulder had the same covering. With a sigh, he sponged himself off and avoided the draw of a hot shower. He donned the clothing

short pants and a sleeveless shirt, just like the Fosselites wore. Had they given him green because of Tula? The fabric was unusually fine and stretchy. The sparseness of the shorts and shirt felt more like underclothes than something to wear in public, but certainly better than a ragged mat of cattails. The slipper-shoes they

d left fit well, cradling his travel worn feet.

His stomach yearned for breakfast. Maybe he could find food and be back before Tula woke. He opened the door and peered into a narrow hall, but saw no one. A click sounded from a small grill to one side of the door and a woman

s voice issued forth.

Levi, welcome. Please to wait for escort.

The words were stilted, as if read from a book.

Glancing at the bed, he bit his lip. Someone would be here soon. Would see that he and Tula had slept together. Samuel

s voice rang in his head.
. He had to wake her. Get her dressed. He looked around again. No clothing. Why didn

t she have any clothing?

He shut the door and headed to the bed.

Tula. Tula, wake up.

She stretched, limber green arms rising above her
blanket dipping and exposing her breasts. She blinked sleepily at him, her lips curling into a cat-like smile.

Mmm, Levi.

Tula, you need to get dressed.

He plucked the edge of the blanket to cover her. The room smelled of sex.

Her smile faded and she sat up, arms crossed over the blanket to hold it in place.

Is something wrong?

Realizing his forehead hurt from worry, he forced it smooth.
Just pretend you are married. The Fosselites don

t know any better
. He

d make it right with God in the end.

Visitors are coming.

A knock sounded at the door. Tula flipped back the covers, exposing her full nakedness. Levi needed to look away, but couldn

t. Every inch of him wanted her again. How could the Fosselites not desire her, too? The knock came again.

Levi, it

s Dr. Kaneka.

Tula bent to look under the bed and Levi

s hopes rose that she

d discarded her clothing there. When she pulled out the same miniscule skirt she

d worn the entire journey, he grimaced. Why hadn

t they given her proper clothing?

She tied the bit of fabric about her hips and smiled at him like he was being silly before she opened the door. Dr. Kaneka stood outside, the big man who

d kidnapped Tula yesterday once again shadowing him. The doctor

s brows lifted nearly to his hairline before a mask descended. He pushed up his glasses.

Good morning.

Shameful heat flooded Levi as if

d been discovered by an Elder
. There was no denying they

d been together.
Face the consequences
. He stiffened his spine. Stepping in front of Tula, he could at the very least hide her from the big guy staring straight at her chest without even a pretense of looking at her face.

Good morning.

Dr. Kaneka surveyed Tula and spoke unrecognizable words. Levi fought the urge to pull the blanket from the bed and wrap her in it. She said something back, and the doctor replied. Levi was sure the man

s eyes strayed to her naked body.

She put a hand on Levi

s arm.

He says


you. She is

Tula scrunched her eyes in thought, then made a circular motion next to her head.

Head is bad. No Haldanians.

She tottered a step backward.

I have to go without you?

He shook his head.

I won

t leave you alone.

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