Bouncer’s Folly (8 page)

Read Bouncer’s Folly Online

Authors: Gracie C. McKeever

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Bouncer’s Folly
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Travis—who’d known his brother was gay since they were twelve years old and Trevor enjoyed looking at the males on their football team’s cheerleading squad more than he enjoyed looking at the females—had spent the better part of his life since stuck in the middle of two warring parties trying to keep the peace.

The more their parents expressed their disapproval of Trevor’s
, the more Trevor rebelled and acted out. It had been bad enough when he was living at home, but once he came out and went away to college, there was no stopping him doing things just to piss their parents off. Travis couldn’t convince Trevor that he was only hurting himself in the long run, just as he couldn’t convince their conservative, Christian parents that Trevor wasn’t a spawn of the devil and a lost cause better renounced.

He was glad for his brother, glad that he had found someone like Ramsey who cared about him. God knew the guy deserved a little happiness
Bouncer’s Folly: Zara’s Bois 3


in his life. He certainly hadn’t gotten it at home from their parents. Even before he came out to them, Trevor hadn’t been their favorite son or person in the world. He was too willful, too spirited, had visions of his own, things he wanted to do with his life that didn’t mesh with the things their parents, especially their father, wanted him to do.

Travis, on the other hand, had been the, so-called good son, following in their father’s footsteps in high finance while Trevor had gone into IT, a worthy calling by anyone else’s standards except their implacable father.

Travis admired his brother’s spirit. Gay or straight, Trevor was one of the most intelligent and strong-willed people, next to their father, that Travis knew. Trevor and their dad were actually more alike than not and Travis figured this was another strike against Trevor, not only that he was gay, but that he was a gay man who reminded their father of himself when he was younger. That couldn’t be good on a male heterosexual’s ego.

Travis waited until Ramsey got several feet away from the building before he got out of his car and stood with his butt resting on the hood.

Ramsey saw him and made a beeline to stand in front of him.

“How’s my brother?”

“Get right to the point, don’t you?”

“I don’t see any reason for beating around the bush.” The firmness in his tone surprised him. With anyone else besides his brother, Travis was more of a soft-spoken diplomat. “I did call you to go see about him.”

“You did. And like I told you, I was already on my way to see him when you did.”

If Travis didn’t know better, he’d swear Ramsey had a twin too from the way he seemed to be so attuned and extra sensitive to Trevor’s needs. If not a twin, maybe he had a younger brother that he was close to. “So, how is he?”


Ramsey’s laconic reply didn’t engender Travis’ confidence, though he knew the man would never hurt his brother. He could see how much he cared about Trevor in fact. Travis decided to take a different tact. “You were up there a long time.”

“We had some issues to iron out.”



Gracie C. McKeever

“Look Travis, I think you know what the deal is between me and your brother. I care about him. And he cares about me.”

“I think you more than care about each other.”

“I can’t speak for him. I only know how I feel.”

Travis wondered what Trevor would say if he confronted his brother about his feelings for Ramsey. Would he hem and haw around the issue the same way Ramsey was?

He smiled at the big man’s hesitation and shyness, didn’t think Ramsey Logan found too many occasions in his life to be shy. Travis guessed love did this to a person, made him act totally out of character.

“Look, if it’s any consolation, we just spent the better part of the last couple of hours getting rid of Trevor’s stash.”


Ramsey nodded, and Travis couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of that.

He was falling down on the job.

“Thanks, Ramsey.”

“You don’t need to thank me. I’m doing this for Trevor and me.”

Travis didn’t need to ask why. He could see it in Ramsey’s soulful eyes.

The man really did care about his brother. He felt like a large weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, one he’d been carrying by himself for the last six years without realizing it before now.

Ramsey reached out a hand to squeeze Travis’ shoulder. “He’s going to be all right, Travis. He’s a lot stronger than either you or I think. Trust me on that.”

Travis smiled, glad that Ramsey sounded so sure and that Trevor had truly met his match.

Now if Ramsey stuck around longer than any of Trevor’s other friends, Travis might be able to breathe a little easier and not worry for his brother’s well-being so much.

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Chapter 7

As soon as Ramsey reported to
for duty at eight p.m. he knew it was going to be a long night, just not how long. He punched in at the main office and was about to check in with his security staff to debrief them about last night when Quincy caught up to him at the main bar.

“Rams, can I speak to you in private?”

Ramsey followed Quincy back to his office, prepared to take his medicine whether he deserved it or not and he did.

As head of security and main bouncer, it was his job to make sure that everything ran legally at the club, if not always smoothly. They’d had a few minor incidents in the past, but nothing that had gotten as far out of hand as last night. Ramsey believed in preventive maintenance and when he saw potential troublemakers, he either didn’t let them into the club or got them out of the club as soon as he realized that protocol had been breeched. And in this litigious, suit-happy climate, it was a delicate balancing act, knowing how and when to turn someone away or get someone out once they had already gained access into the club.

He’d been in the business for five years, the head of security at
since she opened a couple of years ago. He liked his job and, except for last night, knew he did it well.

Quincy closed the door and took a seat on the edge of his desk rather than in the executive leather chair behind it. To Ramsey, it was a good sign.

“This’ll only take a minute, nothing formal or anything.”

Ramsey nodded, said nothing.

“So, how’s your…our little drugged-out twinkie doing?”

Ramsey frowned, got the distinct impression that his boss was amused by something and for the life of him couldn’t imagine what. He didn’t think Trevor’s near-death experience was a laughing matter and he for damn sure 56

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didn’t think an impending firing warranted cheerfulness. “He’s, uh, doing fine.”

“Have you seen him lately?”

“At the hospital last night where the ambulance brought him for treatment. And I, uh, checked up on him earlier today before he was discharged.”

Quincy nodded as if pleased by the news. “I just wanted to make sure everything was all right between you two.”

“Between us?” Damn, was his infatuation that obvious or had someone said something?

“I mean, after all the trouble he caused here. Are you still going to let him into the club?”

“I didn’t think that was an option.”

“With strict monitoring and as long as you vouch for him, I don’t see a problem.”

Ramsey did. The last thing in the world he needed was to have Trevor at the club distracting him with his tight little ass and his pretty-boy smile. He didn’t think he’d be able to function knowing Trevor was at
surrounded by his old habits but more his old crew who would probably grope and ogle him at will. The upside, of course, was Ramsey too would have an excuse to keep an eye on him all night and make sure he didn’t fall prey to his old gang and old habits.

Shit, when he got right down to it, he was pretty much screwed. Either Trevor was here under his nose driving him crazy with his big vulnerable eyes and sexy ass, or he wasn’t here and Ramsey would be haunted all night with the memory of how adorable Trevor had looked in bed before he left him earlier to get ready for work.

“Is there any reason we’re giving this particular guy special treatment?

Or is it me you’re giving special treatment to?”

“I’m using my discretion as the boss the same way you do every night.”

“I suppose that’s your prerogative.”

“That and I think you deserve the special treatment.” Quincy smiled and when Ramsey didn’t he asked, “Is everything all right, otherwise? You look like something’s bothering you.”

“I’m fine. This whole thing has just been a lot to process.”

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“Believe me, I understand.” Quincy stood, crossed the room and put a hand on Ramsey’s arm. “Whatever’s happening in your life, just trust me when I say things will work out.”

Ramsey thought Quincy sounded like he knew what he was talking about, like he knew what Ramsey was going through. But how could he?

* * * *

Zara had been waiting all night for Ramsey to acknowledge him, at least notice him, but the usually eagle-eyed bouncer never once looked his way.

Zara wondered if Ramsey knew he was in the club and chose to ignore him.

The idea of Ramsey’s possible snub hurt, despite the fact that he knew this was Ramsey’s job, his place of business and whether he had been at fault or not, he was now in the body of the man that had put Ramsey’s very livelihood in jeopardy.

How was he going to tell Ramsey the truth when the time finally came?

Somewhere earlier in the evening between picking out a blue-striped Boss shirt and navy slacks from Trevor’s closet (despite all Trevor’s faults, Zara did love the kid’s taste in clothes) and getting dressed for his night out, Zara realized he
have to tell Ramsey what was going on and who he used to be. There was no other way to continue their relationship except with total honesty. He didn’t want to start off on the wrong foot, and the longer they went with Ramsey in the dark was the harder and more he would have to explain everything to him later.

In the meantime, Zara killed the hours getting his freak on with several of the club denizens, a couple of whom were obviously intimate with Trevor in the Jazmon vein, on the dance floor. He tried to fit in and act like his life hadn’t come to a screeching halt the evening before but mostly, he hung out and danced with Zack or Quincy when he could get them away from each other for a lousy minute.

God, what was it like to be that in love, that inseparable? Zara had always wanted to know, had made the mistake of thinking Quincy was his soul mate and the one with whom
could experience that closeness.

What a fool he’d been.

Was he being one again thinking that he and Ramsey could go anywhere, that Ramsey was anymore meant for him than Quincy had been?


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He and Ramsey at least had a couple of things going for them that he and Quincy never had, sexual compatibility and desire.

Never in his life had he lusted after someone so hard and so much, not even when he’d been a woman and thought himself in love with Quincy.

Which wasn’t enough to lead Zara to believe that he and Ramsey were the genuine article. No, what led him to
conclusion was the fact that in just a short time he connected with Ramsey on a level that went way beyond the physical. Zara felt it at each of their encounters—the mutual interest and emotional involvement that said he wasn’t alone in the world and someone else understood what he was going through.

But he’d been wrong before, almost fatally.

…follow your heart…

The words felt like an audiotape playing on a continuous loop in his brain, as needed, like his angels had planted the thought in his head and were phoning in their help instead of really being here for him.

Zara sighed and turned around on his barstool to find Ramsey standing smack dab in front of him, arms folded across his powerful chest, size twelve shoes slightly parted and firmly planted against the floor. “Ramsey!

What are you doing here?”

“I work here. Remember?” He looked him up and down as if the sight of Zara disgusted him. “What are
doing here?”

“I’m a customer and I’m having a drink. Is that all right with you?”

“Talk to you for a minute?” Ramsey didn’t wait for an answer, just reached out and grabbed him by the arm to jerk him off his seat.


Ignoring Zara’s protests, Ramsey dragged him through the throng of club-goers until he reached the back exit where Ramsey briefly addressed one of his staff before opening the door and dragging Zara outside with him.

“What the—”

Before Zara could get out his question, Ramsey was on him, taking his mouth in an eating kiss and holding tight to him as if he was drowning and Zara was a life preserver.

After several moments, Ramsey cupped Zara’s face with both hands, resting his forehead against his and panting like he’d just chased a perp through several back alleys. “You’ve been driving me crazy all night.”

“Should I be flattered?”

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“Did you have to dance with every guy who asked you?”

“It was just dancing.”

“And Quincy and Zack?” Ramsey pulled back to glare at him. “Since when did you become such good friends with the owners of the club?”

Zara returned his look trying to read him. He didn’t know whether Ramsey was miffed at being left out of the loop or jealous that Zack and Quincy got their time with Trevor when he couldn’t. Before he could answer, Ramsey’s eyes widened and lit up.

“That’s it, isn’t it? You’re friends with them. That’s why you can get into the club weekend after weekend no matter what kind of trouble you cause.”

Zara moved closer, sliding his thigh between Ramsey’s legs, purring with much satisfaction at the erection his knee encountered. Evading the real question at hand, he responded, “Do I really cause that much trouble?”

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