Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) (13 page)

Read Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) Online

Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

BOOK: Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series)
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“Are you for real?” she said as she pulled the umbrella out.

“Is who for real?”

Sam let out a startled squeal as she turned to find Shannon Fraser in her doorway.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to alarm you,” Shannon said with a smile.

A smile that looked more shark-like than human.

Samantha slipped the card into her purse and shook her head. “No problem. I was just packing up for the day. What can I do for you?”

Shannon sauntered in and sat down. “It’s more what I can do for you.”


“Yes. With you being so new, I thought I could help you. I’ve known the Gunnachs for years. Kade and I, particularly, are extremely close, so should you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them for you.”

Samantha sat in her chair and forced a smile. She didn’t really care at this point if it looked sincere. “That’s so generous, Shannon. I appreciate that.”

“It’s my pleasure. Is there anything you’d like to know?”

“Not yet. I haven’t really been here long enough to have questions pop up.” Samantha rose to her feet. “But I’ll certainly let you know if there is.”

Shannon nodded as she also stood. “Please feel free to use me as a resource. I’ll tell you everything you need to know. Kade and I have been
friends for years.”

So you said.


“I think he might like you,” she continued.

“Oh?” Sam hoped she sounded nonchalant.

“I saw it at the meeting. Next he’ll be asking you to have breakfast with him, and then perhaps he’ll offer to cook for you. Something like that. It’s his M.O.”

How did she know? Did Kade tell her?

Sam let out a nervous laugh. “Good to know. Thank you.” She gathered her coat and purse and guided Shannon out of the office.

“Do you have big plans tonight?”

Ooh, you just don’t give up! Like I’d ever tell you what I’m really doing.

Samantha shrugged. “If you consider a pizza and whatever’s on TV big plans, then yes, I plan to paint the town red.”

“Perhaps one of these weekends, I could show you around Edinburgh. Once you’ve settled in.”

Samantha locked her door and pulled on her coat. “That would be nice.”

“Great. You just let me know what works and I’ll set it up.”

“Sounds good.” They walked to the elevators and Sam hit the up button. “Are you heading out now?”

Shannon shook her head. “No, I have to meet with Kade in a few minutes.”

The elevator arrived and Sam pressed the lobby button while Shannon pressed the top floor. Once the doors opened, Samantha forced another smile and stepped out. “Okay. You have a nice evening.”

“Good night.” Shannon waved and the doors closed.

Samantha shook off her irritation and started toward home. The rain had stopped, so she shoved her new umbrella in her purse and used the brief moment of exercise to push aside her insecurity. She didn’t know how she was going to get through this dinner. She didn’t know if she even wanted to.

When she arrived at her building, Alan greeted her with his familiar smile and held the door for her. “Miss McFadden dropped off a few things for you, Dr. Moore. Shall I have Jon carry them up for you?”

“I think it’s just a couple of bottles of wine, which I’m happy to take up.”

“Actually, ma’am, it’s more like a case of wine.” He led her to the security desk.

Jon, the young security guard, stood and smiled. Payton had told Sam that he was Alan’s son and working to save for college. “Hello, Dr. Moore.”

“Hi, Jon. My word,” Sam said as she went through the bottles. Payton had purchased two of everything on the list. “She’s thorough.”

Alan chuckled. “That’s one way of describing her.”

“Yes, please bring them up when you have time.” She checked her watch. “It doesn’t need to be right this minute.”

“I’m available now, Dr. Moore,” Jon said. “I’m happy to follow you up.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

Samantha led Jon to her apartment and found an envelope taped to her door. She pulled it off and unlocked the door. Jon set the wine in the kitchen and then left Sam alone. She opened the note and smiled.

I’ve missed you today. Looking forward to seeing you at six. K

“You’re killing me, Smalls,” Sam groaned, and fired up her computer. Pepper was online, so Sam requested a video call.

“Hey, long-lost friend,” Pepper said as she answered and adjusted her video camera.


“How’s it going with Mr. Hottie?”

“I’m dying, Pepper. Seriously, this guy cannot be for real!”

“Why? ’Cause he has good taste and is falling madly in love with you?”

Samantha snorted. “He’s not falling in love with me, but there’s definitely something going on.”

“But Miss Smarty Pants can’t put it into a neat little pile that fits into one of her many compartmentalized boxes, right?”

“You got me.”

“Well, I’d like to see you be messy for once. Find out more about him. You have
to lose, Sam.”

“Except my sanity.”

“Oh, honey, that was gone the moment you chose me as your friend.”

Samantha laughed. “Good point. Okay, well, you better be available for sobbing sessions when this thing goes south.”

“Way to stay positive.” Pepper grinned. “But, yes, I’ll be here whenever you need me. Now, is that what you’re wearing to dinner?”

Samantha glanced down at her skirt and cardigan. “No?”

“Correct answer.” Pepper tsked. “You need to be sexy girl. Not work girl. Wear the blue shirt and your Tommy Hilfiger’s.”

“Which blue one? I have two now, thanks to you.”

“I was getting sick of the green. It was like your wardrobe was varying shades of a lawn. I was beginning to wonder if I should help you with your fashion or mow you.”

Samantha laughed. “You are so out of control, Pepper!”

“Thank you, Scotland. I’ll be here all night. Now, back to the subject at hand.” Pepper grinned. “Wear the blue one that enhances the boobies.”

Sam groaned. “Thanks for the reminder that I’m lacking in that department.”

“Hey, you got the legs that go to the moon, and I got the jugs. We can’t have it all, and believe me, I’d rather have your problem.”

Sam sighed. “Okay. Hair up or down?”

“Definitely down.”

“Good. I don’t think I have the energy to “do” something with my hair.”

“Says the woman who can step out of the shower looking like a model.”

“This is why we’re best friends.” Sam giggled. “Oh! I keep forgetting to ask how work is now that you’ve taken on more hours.”

“Oh, it’s fine. I’ve been getting these weird anonymous gifts, though. Probably some whack-job wanting a free meal.”

“Make sure you tell your boss if it gets to the stalking level.”

Pepper laughed. “Not that he’d care, but I’m sure it’s nothing.”

“Okay, I better go. I’ll give you a full report when it’s over.”

“You better.”

“Love you.”

“Love you too,” Pepper said, and the call disconnected.

* * *

Kade glanced at the clock for possibly the tenth time. Five fifty-two. His heart raced in anticipation of the knock on his door as he paced the floor, looking for anything he might have missed. His place was immaculate. He’d brought his housekeeper in for a third time that week to make sure, and he’d taken care with the table setting, but he was still nervous.

Payton had assisted in purchasing everything he needed for what he hoped would be an impressive meal, and he’d made sure his wine room was stocked with Samantha’s favorites. Payton had gone the extra mile to share her list from Samantha, and Kade almost kissed her. She’d also given him some insight into Samantha. Just a few things that only Payton would know and Kade would normally be forced to figure out. Tonight had to be perfect.

When the knock came, Kade pulled open the door and his breath caught in his chest.


There was no other word for her. She wore dark, form-fitting jeans, with a blue floral top that appeared to have been styled in an era long past. The shirt was gathered below her bust and then continued to just below her hips, enhancing her perfect form more than he thought he could ignore. Her hair was free of any clips or bands and fell in waves.

“Hi.” He smiled and kissed her cheek, breathing in her clean vanilla scent. “You are beautiful.”

She blushed as she smiled. “Thank you.”

“Come in,” he said, and stepped back.

“I brought a bottle of wine. I hope you like it,” Samantha said as she handed it to him.

He studied it for a few seconds and smiled. “It’s one of my favorites.”

“Really? Great.”

He closed the door and followed her into the apartment.

“Your place is lovely,” she said as she gazed about the room. She seemed drawn to a small table with an ornate vase sitting in the middle. “These flowers are gorgeous.”

“Thank you. They’re fresh and grown locally.” He held the bottle up. “Shall I pour us a glass now?”

“Yes, please.” She slipped her hands into her pockets. “Can I help with anything?”

“How do you feel about chopping veggies?” He started toward the kitchen. “The salad’s the only thing I haven’t finished.”

Sam followed. “It just so happens I’m the best veggie chopper south of the Mason Dixon.”

Kade chuckled. “Excellent.”

Payton was right. Samantha needed to feel included. She wasn’t one to be catered to, and would feel uncomfortable if she couldn’t contribute.

He organized the lettuce and various other vegetables on the counter while Samantha washed her hands. He then located a large bowl for her to put everything into. Samantha got right to work and Kade checked on the pasta boiling in the pot.

“How was the rest of your day?” he asked.

“Good. I spent the day observing. The team is amazing.”

“Duncan doesn’t hire second best. It’s why he’s paid the big bucks.” He grinned. “And it’s also why you’re here.”

Samantha chuckled. “Is the charm in your genes or something you learned?”

“It must have been learned,” he retorted. “Because Brodie has none of it.”

She waved the knife at him. “Careful. I’ll tell him you said that.”

“It’s nothing I haven’t told him a hundred times before.”

With a sexy flip of her hair, she sighed and asked, “Do you have a towel? I don’t want strays in the salad.”

He handed her a clean tea towel and she wiped her hands and reached in her pocket. Pulling out a black band, she secured her hair at the base of her neck and then went back to preparing the salad.

“How was your meeting with Shannon?”

Kade frowned. “What meeting?”

Samantha paused in her cutting and studied him. “Just before I left, she came by my office and said you two had a meeting.”

“There was no meeting.” He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. “Did she say why she came by your office?”

“She wanted to offer me help and information should I ever need it.”

He fisted his hands at his side. “Did she happen to mention what kind of information she’d impart to you?”

Sam went back to her cutting with entirely too much vigor.

“Samantha? What did Shannon say?”

She continued to chop for a few seconds and then she laid the knife down. “She gave me some insight on what you do when you’re interested in someone.”

“Excuse me?” he snapped.

Samantha went back to her vegetables.

He took a deep breath, willing his anger to cool. “What exactly did she say, lass?”

She paused again and looked up at with a forced expression of bravado. “She said that when you like someone, you take them to breakfast and then you offer to cook for them.”

“Bloody hell.” Kade’s irritation started to take over his calm again.

“Sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“I’m glad you did,” he assured her. “The best bit of advice I will ever give you is to ignore Shannon Fraser and never believe a word of anything that comes out of her mouth.”

Her eyes widened. “Well, I already figured that one out on my own.” She went back to the salad. “What’s the history with you two?”

“Our families are connected. She’s wanted a partnership with me for years, but it will never happen.” He sighed. “Your arrival has put her on alert.”

“My arrival?” she asked. “How so?”

He didn’t quite know what to say at this point. He didn’t know how much he
say. “She’s figured out that you’re someone I’d like to pursue a relationship with.”

Samantha dropped the knife. “I’m sorry?”

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