Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) (42 page)

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Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

BOOK: Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series)
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“The fact that you’re concerned about that is probably why you got the gift in the first place. And according to the book, as my mate, you’ll be gifted with more.”

She settled her chin on her hand and raised an eyebrow. “So you’re good value, then?” He chuckled and Sam grinned. “There it is.”

“What?” he asked.

“Your laugh.” She kissed his chest. “I have missed that most of all.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You’ve missed my laugh most of all?”

She grinned. “If you’d like to repeat what you did earlier, I could amend that statement.”

“Is that a challenge?”

“More like an invitation,” she retorted.

“I accept.”

He flipped her onto her back, laid a fingertip gently on her forehead and whispered, “
Ég er að fara að kyssa þig hér…
,” and then ran his finger down to her hip and then her ankle. “…
og hér og alls staðar þar á milli

(I am going to kiss you here…and here and everywhere in between.)

Sam sighed and raised her chin to receive his kiss.

* * *

Two days later, Samantha stood in front of the mirror and tried to bring her wayward hair to heel. Pepper sat in her desk chair while Fiona and Payton sat on the bed and read a gossip rag. Kade had reluctantly left her to pick up his brothers and Angus, who had flown to Scotland with the “dissidents” and delivered them to the Council for decision of their fate. They were due to arrive at the Gastonian in an hour, where the ladies were scheduled to meet them.

“Kade just left you ten minutes ago,” Pepper said.

Sam scowled at her in the mirror. “Your point?”

Pepper crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “My point, strange one, is that you can’t look any better than you already do and your fiancé wouldn’t care if you shaved your head. He’d still look at you like you’re the only woman on the planet.”

“I agree,” Payton piped in.

“Are you suggesting I shave my head?” Samantha retorted.

Pepper giggled. “Oh, I’m not suggesting, Sammi…I’m

Sam smiled and opened her mouth to say something just as Pepper’s cell phone rang. She ignored it.

“Your mom?” Sam asked.

Pepper nodded. The phone pealed again and Pepper let out a frustrated groan.

Sam laid the brush on the bureau. “Just answer it, Pep. She’ll keep calling, especially if she’s drunk.”

Pepper nodded and answered the call. “Hi, Mom.”

She listened for a few minutes and cringed. “I don’t know where your cat is, Mom. He’s probably roaming.”

Sam raised an eyebrow in question. Pepper’s mom was probably drunk and the cat was probably sitting on her lap.

Pepper’s face went ashen. “What do you mean?” she asked as she stepped out of the room. She returned within a few minutes. “Hey. I need to take care of something. Can you do without me for a bit?”

Sam nodded. “Sure. Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Mom’s melting down. I’ll be back by dinner.”

“Can we do anything?” Fiona asked.

“No. She does this a lot,” Pepper said.

Sam hugged her. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes.” Pepper forced a smile. “Now, enjoy your man. I’ll see you later.”

Sweetheart? What’s wrong?

Sam sighed.
Something’s going with her mom. Are they here?

Landing in about twenty minutes.

Are you coming here or to the hotel first?

I’m surprised you have to ask. You are always first.

Sam smiled.
What about your brothers?

Kade chuckled.
They aren’t nearly as beautiful as you.

Ah, so I’m first because you think I’m cuter than them?


Sam stopped herself from laughing out loud.
I don’t know, honey, Connall’s really pretty for a man.

I’ll tell him you said that. I’ll see in you in a little bit.


Of course.



LESS THAN THIRTY minutes later, the doorbell pealed and Sam rushed to open the front door. She was gathered up into Kade’s embrace and kissed until neither of them could form a coherent sentence. She looped her arms around his neck. “Hi.”

“Hi.” He kissed her again. “Och, love, I missed ye.”

“I’ve missed you more.”

He grinned. “Not possible.”

“You’ve been apart for less than an hour,” Connall retorted as he pushed Kade aside and hugged Sam. “You two really should get a room.”

“If Kade didn’t have to pick you up from the airport, we would have,” Sam challenged.

Connall laughed. “Touché. How are you?”

“I’m great.” Sam grinned as Kade pulled her back against him.

Brodie and Angus had managed to slip inside and were speaking with their mates. Payton seemed a little warmer to Brodie since her scare, but Sam could tell she was still a little leery.

“Are your parents home?” Kade asked.

Sam shook her head. “No, they left a while ago. I’ll set the alarm and we can go.”

The group made their way outside so that Samantha could lock up and then she followed Kade to the car. They’d planned ahead and rented the stretch limo for the week, knowing they’d more than likely travel often as a group.

“I’m glad he’s back with you, Sam,” Connall said. “He’s been a pain in the arse.”

Sam laughed. “How is that even possible?”

“You have her fooled, it would appear,” Brodie complained.

Kade took Sam’s hand and smiled. “Absolutely. Like taking candy from a baby.”

Sam snorted. “Have you ever
to take candy from a baby?”

“Admittedly, no.” He kissed her fingers. “But I’d imagine it’s about as easy as convincing you I’m perfect.”

The banter continued as the group climbed back into the limo. Sam noticed a darkness cover Connall’s face and she frowned. Within seconds, her phone rang and Dalton’s name came up. “Hey, Dalt.”

“Hey. Pepper’s mom was attacked.”

“What? What happened?”

Kade squeezed her hand and she gratefully took the comfort.

“We’re not sure,” Dalton said. “I’ve got a team going through the house now, but Pepper’s gotta be somewhere else.”

Sam sighed. “Bring her to the Gastonian. Kade booked the whole place and there’s plenty of room for her. Don’t take no for an answer.”

“I won’t.”

“Meet us at the hotel and we’ll all head to the restaurant together, okay?”

“Okay, great. Thanks.”

Sam hung up and sagged against Kade. “Pepper’s mom was attacked.”

“What did Dalton say happened?” Kade asked.

“He’s not sure. He’s got a team at the house now.”

Kade kissed her fingers. “We’ll protect Pepper, you know that, right?”

Sam nodded. “I know. The big issue is whether or not she’ll let you.”

“She won’t have much of a choice, Sam,” Connall said as the car pulled up at the hotel.

Kade slid from the back seat and then assisted Sam. She was pleasantly surprised that the rest of the group scattered, with the promise to meet up in an hour for dinner.

Kade gave her a lascivious grin and whisked her up to the penthouse suite, where she found herself kissed and undressed in record time. She didn’t come back to earth until they were forced to acknowledge the time.

Sam glanced up at the bed from her place on the floor, sprawled over Kade’s chest. “I remember that bed being quite comfy.”

He chuckled. “I do too. I’m looking forward to actually sleeping there tonight.”

Samantha giggled. “Me too.”

Kade’s phone buzzed. “Where are my pants?”

“Here,” Sam said and handed them to him.

He pulled his phone from the pocket and sighed. “Everyone’s waiting for us in the parlor.”

She kissed his chest. “Thank you for the quickie.”

He grinned. “There’ll be much more to look forward to after dinner.”

“Can’t wait.”

* * *

Kade and Samantha headed downstairs and met everyone in the foyer. They arrived just as Dalton walked in the front door with Pepper. Samantha planned to hug her friend, but hesitated when she saw Pepper catch sight of Connall.

Like magnets drawn together, Connall approached Pepper and smiled as he held his hand out to her. “Pepper, lass.”

“Yes,” Pepper said.

“I’m Connall,” he said.

“I’ll be damned,” Kade whispered.

Sam glanced up at him. “Are they?”

“They’re mates.”

Sam laid her fingers over her lips. “Kade, really?”

He kissed her temple. “Aye.”

“Well, that worked out just about perfectly, didn’t it?”

“Did it?” he asked.

“She has been my sister-in-heart since we were seven. Now, she’ll be my sister-in-law for real.” He grinned and Sam sagged against him. “I didn’t really need to say that out loud, did I?”

“Remember when I said I loved hearing your thoughts and secrets?”

She smiled up at him. “I love you. You know that right?”

“Intimately.” He leaned down and whispered, “I love you too.”

Sam leaned closer to Kade, reveling in his strong arms wrapped around her, and watched as her best friend started her own magical journey.

Galdrastafir virðist ófullnægjandi á einhvern hátt
(Magical seems inadequate in some way),” he whispered.

She glanced up at him. “It does, doesn’t it?”

Tilvera högg með boltanum af eldingum vafinn í regnbogans

She giggled. “Exactly! Lightning wrapped in a rainbow.”

As he kissed her, Sam said a silent prayer of thanks. She’d found the man of her dreams and she couldn’t have been happier.

* * *


Look for Pepper’s story in 2013



* * *




I was born and raised in New Zealand. With an American father, Scottish grandmother, and Kiwi mother, it’s no doubt I have a unique personality.

After pursuing my American roots and disappearing into my time travel series, The Civil War Brides, I thought I’d explore the Scottish side of my family. I have loved delving into the Cauld Ane’s and all their abilities…I hope you do too.

I’ve been happily married and gooey in love with my husband for eighteen years. We live in the Pacific Northwest with our two sons.



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Bound by Blood

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