Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) (38 page)

Read Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) Online

Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

BOOK: Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series)
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“Better advice has never been given,” Kade said from the doorway.

Sam faced him. “Are you leaving now?”

“Soon. The car’s on the way.”

Her mother left the kitchen and Sam turned back to the sink. “Let me make you something to eat.” She kept her back to him as she made her way to the fridge. “We have some ham left over from last night. Would you like me to slice some for you?”

“That sounds lovely.”

She nodded and pulled the food out. As she began to prepare everything, Kade wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the nape of her neck. “This is not going to take long.”

Sam sighed. “All of it’s too long.”

“I know.”

“I’m refraining from asking exactly what you’re doing. And I’m not trying to get through your block…flimsy as it is. Have you picked up on that?”

“I did pick up on that,” Kade said. “And I appreciate it. You know that, right?”


She squeezed her eyes shut briefly, regretting it instantly as she sliced open her finger. She let out a shout of pain. Kade grasped her hand and held it over the sink. He rinsed the cut and Sam let out a whimper as it stung. She wasn’t prepared for what he did next. He wrapped his lips around her finger and gave a gentle suck. “What are you doing?”

I’m healing you. Just relax.

Sam felt instant relief and she let out a deep breath. Kade released her finger and Sam washed her hands. She studied where the cut should be and let out a quiet whistle. “It’s as if nothing happened. How did you do that?”

“Remember the discussion about gifts?”

She nodded.

“Angus and I both have the gift of healing.”

“Is that why you’re doctors?”


“Is the healing property in your saliva?”

He grinned. “No.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Then how—?”

He tapped his temple. “It’s all in the mind.”

“So you didn’t have to suck on my finger?”

“No.” He laughed when she thumped his arm. “Technically, I can heal you with touch. I just enjoy the process of suck—”

She laid her fingers over his mouth. “Shhh,” she hissed. “No naughty talk in the vicinity of my parents.”

He disengaged from her hand and wrapped his arms around her. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”

She rolled her eyes. “You are impossible.”

Think of the possibilities with our ability to communicate so privately.

“Kade,” she admonished.

I’ll start every conversation with “What are you wearing?”

Samantha groaned. “Stop or I’m going to lock you up and make you stay.”

“Hmm, that sounds fun.” He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her.

She broke the kiss and frowned up at him. “Hold that thought, buddy. Could you have healed my concussion right away?”

He had the good sense to drop his head and look somewhat remorseful. “Aye.”

“Then why didn’t you?”

He smiled. “Because you would have gone back to your flat and I wouldn’t have had an excuse to keep you close.”

“Brat,” she said as she ran her fingers through his hair. “Is that why you’re not easy to kill?”

He nodded.

“So, if someone shoots you…” she trailed off.

“No one’s going to shoot me.”

“But if they did?” she whispered.

“If they did, I’d be able to heal myself.”

“What if you’re unconscious?”

He frowned. “Sweetheart.
one’s going to shoot me!”

She fisted her hands in his shirt. “What if you’re unconscious, Kade?”

“Well, I would imagine Angus or Connall would heal me.”

“What if they’re not there?”

“Samantha! Stop it. One, no one will get close enough to shoot me and, two, someone is always around.
going to happen to me.”

She bit her lip and stared up at him for a few seconds. “What if someone stabs you?”

“Samantha.” Kade laughed. “No one’s going to stab me…or shoot me.”

She sighed. “You promise not to be alone?”

He kissed her. “I promise not to be alone.”

“Fine.” She smoothed his shirt. “What did my dad want?”

Kade shook his head. “Doctor-patient confidentiality.”

“You’re not technically his doctor, Kade. He doesn’t really have one, since he refuses to go to one.”

He grinned. “He wanted some advice.”

“Oh? Is he okay?”

“Yes, love. He’s fine.”

“Well, tell me,” she pressed.

“You don’t really want to know.”

“I do so want to know.”

“This falls under the category of something you can’t un-hear.”

Tell me.”

He leaned in and whispered, “He asked about the little blue pill.”

! Kade!” Sam squealed. “Ew, ew, ew. Why didn’t you ignore me?”

“Because you would have hounded me until I told you.”


He grinned. “I’m personally comforted that your parents are still having fun.”

“He’s almost seventy. He’s had plenty of fun!”

“But your mother’s much younger, love.”

Sam laid her fingers over his lips again. “No more. I will not hear anymore of this. Total HIPAA violation. Ew.”

He kissed her hand and pulled her away from the sink. “Come with me. I have something for you.”

He led her upstairs to Dalton’s room and handed her an envelope. She opened it to find cash and a credit card. “What’s this?”

“I have added you to my accounts at home, so if you want or need anything, buy it. The credit card’s unlimited, so go crazy if you want.”

“Kade, I have my own money.”

“I know you do.”

Sam smiled. “But you need to make sure I’m taken care of, right?”

“I’m well aware that you can take care of yourself, sweetheart, but I kind of hoped you’d plan our wedding while I’m away and I wanted you to have all the resources available to you.”

Sam laid the envelope on the bureau. “First, well done with the acknowledgment that I can take care of myself. I appreciate the words, even if you feel the need to have security follow me constantly. Second, planning a wedding would certainly help distract me from the hopelessness I feel about you being gone. So, again, you are the most amazing man alive, and even though I’m not happy you’re going, I love you, love you, love you for making it as easy as it can be.” She pulled his head down for a heart-stopping kiss, and she groaned when he broke it.

“If you continue with this type of gratitude, you will be naked and I will be late,” he warned.

“Darn. Evil plan thwarted.”

Kade grinned. “I’m going to bring Con and Brodie back with me, so we can have the ceremony and then go home, if that works for you. I should be back here in five days, but I’ll let you know if that changes.” His phone buzzed and he checked the screen. “The car’s here. I need to go.”

“Okay.” Sam made a ridiculous attempt to hold back tears that were already streaming down her cheeks.

“Kade, honey,” Sam’s mother called up the stairs. “There’s someone here to take you to the airport.”

He peeked out of the room. “Thank you, Mrs. Moore. I’ll be right down.” He handed Sam a handkerchief then slipped his wallet into his inside pocket. He tapped his temple. “I’m only a call away.”

She dried her tears and nodded. “Will it work that far away?”

“We’ll know in a few hours.”

She nodded, squeezing her eyes shut.

“Please don’t cry, love. You’re breaking my heart.”

“Now you know

He kissed her quickly and smiled. “Be a good mate and come and kiss me at the door. You can use the hanky to wave me off.”

Sam snorted, unable to stop the giggle. “Don’t make me laugh or I won’t let you leave.”

They made their way to the car and Kade kissed her longer than might have been wise, considering the longer he lingered, the harder it was for Sam to let him go. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Sam said. “Please be careful.”


Sam waited in the driveway, waving Kade’s handkerchief until the car was out of sight, then made her way back inside and closed the door. “Mom! We have a wedding to plan.”

* * *

Kade waited until the car was well underway before he dialed Connall.

“Hey there,” Connall said. “How did Sam do?”

“She’s planning our wedding, so I’m hoping that will distract her. Is everything set?”

“Yep. The Gunnach plane is ready to go. Brodie, Alasdair, and I’ll be arriving within minutes of you.”

Kade checked his watch. “Good. I want this done, Con. No more mercy.”

“I’m with you.”

“Are you sure?”

Connall sighed. “Just because I’m nice doesn’t mean I’m willing to show these bastards my throat. Ármann’s become a problem. We’re gonna take care of the problem. Simple.”

“Okay. I don’t want you do to anything you don’t want to do.”

Connall laughed. “Like that’s ever happened. Just help me reel Brodie in.”


“Payton’s been getting pressure from Annis.”

Payton’s sister, Annis, was bound to Baldvin
and currently living in Iceland with his family. Baldvin worked for Ármann, however, and Kade hadn’t determined where his loyalties lay.

“What kind of pressure?” Kade asked.

“She won’t give specifics. Not even to Angus. Brodie’s convinced Ármann’s pulling the strings, but for Payton’s sake, none of us want to jump to conclusions.”

“Aye. I’ll find something for Payton to do. She should probably get out of Scotland for a while.” Kade sighed. “Who’s watching Sam and her family here?”

Connall paused.


“Cole organized protection for her. It made the most sense and with her brother close, he’ll be able to double down on security,” Connall rushed to add.

“Aye,” Kade reluctantly agreed. “I don’t like it, but I see the logic.”

“I knew you would.”

“I’ll see you at the airport.”



KADE HUNG UP and tapped his cell phone against his palm. He’d have to find a way to hold Brodie back or there could be an international incident. On the other hand, his brother could kill a man in less than five seconds, and that might come in handy.

What might come in handy?

He grimaced.
Nothing, love. Are you planning?

You’ve been gone for all of five minutes.

And your point is?

Sam giggled.
Mom’s on the phone with our pastor.

Ah, so the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, then.

Oh, you are soooo funny.

He grinned.
I have a very important question for you.

Oh, really? Ask away, my love.

What kind of wedding band did you have in mind?

Surprise me.

He couldn’t stop a grin.
That would require some privacy.

Hello, pot. I’m kettle…

Kade laughed
. Point taken. Just pulled up to the plane.

Please be safe.

Always. Ég elska þig, elskan.

I love you too.

Kade climbed out of the car and boarded the plane, taking one of the seats next to the window. His heart was heavy without Samantha and if he could finish his business in a day, he would. He doubted his cousin would make it that easy for him, however.

“We’re ready to take off, my lord,” Russell announced over the loudspeaker. “Please buckle up.”

Kade adjusted his seatbelt and smiled at Maureen as she finished buckling herself into the jump seat. An hour into the flight, Kade felt a little pent up and restless. Unusual for him during flights. He relished his time alone more often than not.


When he didn’t hear a response, he felt bereft. Maybe their connection was broken so far from each other.

Honey, I’m here. Sorry. I was on the phone and the woman wouldn’t let me get a word in edgewise. I couldn’t pause the conversation.

He sighed in relief.

It looks like we’re still connected, huh? Are you okay?

Missing you,
he said.

Me too, baby. How was take-off?

It was fine.

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