Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) (37 page)

Read Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) Online

Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

BOOK: Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series)
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“I need to run.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”

She shrugged. “Whatever. I just need to do something or I’ll kill him.”

“Give me a minute.”

Kade changed quickly and met her at the front door. She was outside and down the street before he’d even passed the mailbox at the end of the driveway. He followed her for a little over a mile before pacing her.

“You know, I know my brother’s a narcissistic jackass most of the time, and we have to work within the limitations of his dumbassery—”

“Dumbassery?” he asked.

“Don’t interrupt.”

Kade chuckled. “Sorry.”

“But this…this just goes beyond selfishness. If he’s this big time FBI agent, he has resources available to him to at least find out if Pepper’s in trouble. He’s not even willing to do that.” Sam stopped running and paced in a circle. “Seriously, Kade. I want to tear him limb from limb right now!”

Kade grasped her arms and smiled. “Your brother
looking into Pepper’s trouble.”


“He’s watching her. He has been since you asked him to, which is why he got shot.”

“So it
a robbery?”


“Then why didn’t he just tell me that?” Sam snapped.

“Because no one’s supposed to know he’s working for the FBI.”

“But I’m his sister!”

“I know, love,” Kade said. “You also failed to notice his ear was red.”

“I was too mad to notice much of anything, to be honest.” Sam sighed and dropped her head onto his chest. Kade pulled her close and held her until her emotions calmed. She looked up at him and grimaced. “I told him I hated him.”

“He knows you don’t.”

Sam groaned. “Now I have to apologize. I
apologizing to my idiot brother.”

Kade took her hand and started back toward the house. “I have a feeling he knows that.”

“Which means he’s going to make my life

“If you were Fiona, I’d do the same thing.”

Sam smacked his arm. “You know, you should really be more protective of your mate.”

He lifted her hand to his lips. “I’ll work on that.”

She frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m not hot. Or sweating.”

Kade nodded. “We don’t unless the temperature’s high.”

She widened her eyes. “Ever?”


“But we’re supposed to get a good sweat going…you know, for heart health and all that mumbo jumbo. Are you telling me we don’t have to exercise anymore?”

Kade chuckled. “No, it’s still good to exercise. Our bodies just don’t react the way humans do.”

“So we only have an issue if it’s hot outside? Our bodies won’t overheat?”

“No. Our bodies self-regulate, unless they’re compromised by the external temperature.”

She grinned. “That’s so cool.”

He laughed. “I guess it is.”

* * *

Two days later, Kade had managed a quick shower before a knock at his door brought Sam with extra towels. “Good morning, beautiful.” He leaned down to kiss her. “Och, I’ve missed you.”

“Me too. I feel like I haven’t seen you for days,” she complained as she set the towels on his bed.

He grinned and wrapped his arms around her. “That’s because you were asleep when I finished my call with Con.”

“You were supposed to wake me.”

“You needed to sleep. I made a judgment call.”

She ran her hands up his chest. “Next time, make a different call.”

“And have your mother catch me sneaking into your room?”

She wrinkled her nose. “You could just go through the bathroom.”

“You sound like you’ve done that before.”

. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she retorted.

“We could tell her the cat’s already out of the bag, so to speak.”

“She’d still make us sleep in separate beds because we are not “legally” wed and then she’d look at me differently.” Sam sighed. “I hate lying to her, but it’s not like I can tell her you and I are joined forever because you’re an immortal Viking and we did this ceremony and stuff. Besides, she’d be devastated to know we got married without her. I’d rather keep her in the dark.” She wrinkled her nose. “You know what I mean?”

Kade laughed. “I think I need to record these conversations for our kids.”

“I’m glad I’m entertaining.” She smirked. “I’m doing a load of laundry. Where’s your stuff?”

He pointed to the hamper in the corner of the room.


“Hey,” he said and took her arm. “We
have a wedding, love. We could even have it Or at the very least, soon.”

“It’s something to think about, I guess.” She smiled. “I don’t need anything big.”

“I know. Whatever you want.”

She looped her arms around his neck. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” He kissed her nose and grinned. “Now, about my delicates.”

She patted his chest. “I’ll be sure to put them on the heaviest wash cycle for you.”

“I’m enjoying your service, love.”

“Oh, don’t get used to it. I’m doing this to kill some time. Mom and Dad are going out for lunch, so we’ll have the house to ourselves for a few hours before my night out with Pepper.” She slipped her hands inside his shirt and ran her fingers over his chest. “I plan to take full advantage.”

Kade settled his mouth over hers, his already crumbling composure slipping further into the abyss that was his desire for his mate. The shrillness of his cell phone shattered the moment and he broke the kiss with a groan. “Sorry, love.”

He sat at the small desk in Dalton’s old bedroom while Samantha gathered his laundry and left the room. She returned just as he hung up with Connall.

Her face fell. “You have to leave.”

“Aye.” He sighed. “Tomorrow.”

“When will you come back?”

“My plan is no more than a week. I don’t think I could live without you for very long.”

She bit her lip. “Me neither. If Pepper wasn’t acting so out of character, I’d be tempted to blow off our girls’ night. But this really hot guy managed to get us front row tickets to The Citizens…”

“What’s the appeal with that band, hmm?”

“Oh, it’s the lead guitarist. Anthony Powell. He’s gorgeous and has an angelic voice…” She sighed. “I plan to get dolled up, just in case he notices me. Maybe he’ll pull me up on stage.”

Kade shook his head. “Isn’t he engaged? I believe I saw the notice in all the magazines.”

. Which means, not married. Still hope for me.”

Kade growled as he threw her on the bed and tickled her. Sam squealed in surprise.

“I think I should lock you in a gilded cage until we’re married.”

“Hey! You promised it would be a tower.” She giggled. “And, we’re already married, aren’t we?”

Kade paused. “There is that, yes.”

“But I suppose, not legally, right? So, there’s still that small chance.”

He tickled her again.

“Kade,” she squealed.

“What was that about this Anthony character?”

“Um…he’s talented. I understand he plays multiple instruments.”

Kade’s hands hovered over her stomach. “Anything else?”

“Nope, nothing else.” She raised an eyebrow. “Did I mention he was cute?”

He tickled her again, then kissed her into submission. He broke the kiss and grinned. “How cute?”

“Nowhere near as gorgeous as you.”

“Good answer,” he said.

She stroked his cheek. “I wish you were coming tonight.”

“You need to spend time with Pepper.”

“I know.”

He gave her his secret smile. “Let’s have lunch at the hotel.”

“In bed?”

“Of course in bed. What kind of a mate do you think I am?”

She jumped off the bed and clapped her hands. “I’m in.”

* * *

The next morning, Sam woke with a heavy heart. She sighed as she felt Kade tighten his hold, and turned to face him. “Hi.”

“Good morning, love. How was last night?”

“Amazing. The band was better than ever.” She rolled to face him. “I just wish it wasn’t morning.”

“Don’t be sad,” he said as he slipped her hair away from her face. “My business isn’t going to take long. I’ll be back before you know it.”

“I just feel like everything’s so jumbled right now.”

“You don’t do well when things aren’t resolved, do you?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Not so much, no.”

He kissed her and pulled her close. “This too shall pass, Sam. I’ll get everything settled in Iceland and then we can go home and make babies.”

“I know. I’m just worried about Pepper.”

“Why doesn’t she come home with us?”

“She hadn’t planned on coming for another month. I don’t know if she has more stuff to do before she leaves.”

He linked his fingers with hers. “She doesn’t have anything holding her here now that she sold her horse, right? She could give notice, pack her bags, and save the cost of a flight by joining us. You could do some sightseeing before she starts school and help take her mind off whatever’s bothering her.”

“I can ask her.” Sam smiled. “You really are the most amazing man on earth.”

“You just make me look that way.”

“Sam? Honey, where are you?” her mother called.

Sam sat up. “Crap! If she finds me in here…”

Kade chuckled. “You’re not a teenager hiding your boyfriend.”

“I know that, Kade,” she whispered as she pulled on her sweats. “But this is still her house, and she’ll think I’m breaking the house rules. Get some clothes on.”

He nodded toward the bathroom. “Why don’t you just sneak back in the way you came?”

“That’s where I’m headed.” Sam slipped into the bathroom and pulled the door closed.


“In here, Mom,” she called.

Kade took the distraction to get dressed as Sam and her mother talked in the next room. Sam returned a few minutes later.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“Yep. My parents will be back sometime before you leave. Not that I needed to know that.” Sam wrinkled her nose. “I’m pretty sure she just wanted to see if I was in my room. I mean,

“Sweetheart, your mother is not an idiot.”

Sam settled her hands on her hips. “How do you know?”

“Because I’ve had more than a five-minute conversation with her. Why don’t you just tell her?”

“No. It’s not the southern way. We deny, deny, deny, and then we sweep it all under the rug.”

Kade laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

They spent the next few hours finalizing Kade’s trip, and Sam grew more and more pensive as the minutes ticked by. She couldn’t even focus on the game of pool she’d challenged him to almost an hour ago. To make matters worse, her father came looking for Kade not long before he was scheduled to leave.

“Kade? I have a rather personal question. May I borrow you for a few minutes?”

Kade set the pool cue down. “Of course.”

“Sam, honey, would you excuse us?” her father asked.

“Huh?” she said. “Oh, sure.”

Kade gave her a quick kiss and she made her way to the kitchen, where she found her mother baking…again. Sam guessed she’d already gained ten pounds with the amount of sweets her mother had already made. Between her mother and Kade force-feeding her, Sam was sure she’d end up being rolled back to Scotland.

Her mother glanced up from the cookie sheet. “Is Kade with your dad?”

“Yep. Super-secret guy talk, apparently. Need some help?”

“The cookies have to cool, so nothing at the moment.”

“I’ll do the dishes,” Sam offered.

“Thanks.” Her mother removed her apron. “Honey, are you okay? You’re wound up like a top.”

“I know. Sorry. I just wish Kade wasn’t leaving.”

“You can go with him, you know. We’re fine here.”

Sam turned away from the sink. “I can’t, mom. He’s got to tie something up with work, so I’d be alone in Scotland, too. I’d rather be here without him than there without any of you.”

“I’m glad we rate,” she joked.

“Just below highest.” Sam smiled as she slipped a baking sheet into the dishwasher. “Something’s going on with Pepper. Do you have any idea what?”

“No. I noticed the same. She’s jumpy and ridiculously skinny. She won’t talk to me about it, but I’ve tried.”

“I have, too. It’s not like her. I never have to guess what she’s thinking or feeling,” Sam said.

Her mother laid a hand on her back. “You’re in a bit of emotional upheaval right now. Give yourself a break. When your heart is calm, you’ll see things more clearly.”

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