Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) (36 page)

Read Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) Online

Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

BOOK: Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series)
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A familiar hand on his cheek had him glancing at Sam.

“Where did you go?” she asked.

“Just thinking.” He kissed her palm. “How are you?”

“Hungry,” she said. “We’re all feeling like burgers, so I’m dragging Pepper down to Louie’s to pick up food to go. What would you like?”

“Everything on the biggest burger they have.”

Sam giggled. “Got it. Fries?”

“Of course. What else goes well with a bona fide American burger?”

“Split a milkshake with me?” she asked hopefully.

“No way. I want my own. Vanilla, please.”

She kissed him. “If you insist.”

* * *

Sam grabbed her purse and her father’s keys and led Pepper outside. She loved driving her dad’s BMW. She just wished she had somewhere farther away to go. She pulled out of the driveway and glanced at Pepper. “You’re quiet.”

Pepper sighed. “Sorry. Just tired.”

“I’m glad we get a little time alone.”

Pepper nodded. “Me too. I’m so glad you could get a flight.”

“You could say that.” Sam couldn’t stop a chuckle.

“What?” Pepper asked.

“Let’s just say he owns his own plane.”

“Shut the front door! And you got on it?”

Sam nodded. “He has amazing powers of persuasion.”

Pepper laughed. “I noticed that the moment you walked into the room.”


Pepper nodded. “He adores you.”

Sam grinned. “The feeling’s mutual.”

“Your brother looks good, huh?”

“Yeah. Typical Dalton…he gets shot and manages to come out with a flesh wound, minor bruise, and his hair still perfectly coiffed.”

Pepper rolled her eyes. “Totally.”

They arrived at the restaurant and Sam parked the car. The girls headed inside, ordered the food, and then sat in a booth at the bar to wait for it.

“I think we have time for a beer,” Pepper said.

“You’re reading my mind.”

“How’s Scotland?”

“It’s amazing. I can’t wait for you to see everything.”

“Me too.”

A server stopped by their table and they each ordered their favorite beer.

“What about you? Hmm? What’s going on with you?” Sam asked.

Pepper grimaced. “Nothing. Just counting the days until I leave.”

Sam frowned. “Pepper, what’s really going on? You don’t look like you’re sleeping…or eating enough.”

“I’m fine, really. Normal stress, you know? Trying to finish up a few classes so I don’t have to retake them. And then, working full time just happens to be tiring.” Pepper played with the napkin in front of her. “Then, your brother.”

Sam reached over and squeezed her hand. “Thank you for being here, Pepper. Sometimes I really feel like you’re the glue, you know?”

Pepper smiled. “Crazy Glue, maybe.”

Sam laughed. “I have missed you! I can’t wait until you see the apartment. It’s gorgeous.”

“I can’t wait to be there in person. The tour with your laptop made me feel a bit motion sick.”

“Well, Kade says you don’t have to find a different place. You’re welcome to stay as long as you want. And we’ll be right down the hall, so your fear of living alone won’t apply.”

“This guy really sounds too good to be true sometimes.”

Sam nodded. “I know. If I didn’t know him, know him, I think I’d wonder.”


“Have you been riding much?”

Pepper shook her head. “Ah. No. Not really.”

“Were you able to get someone to look after Jonesy while you’re gone?”

Pepper bit her lip and stared at the table.


“I sold him.”

“What?” Sam gasped. “When? Why?”

“Three weeks ago. He needs someone who can really take care of him.”

“Who did you sell him to?”


Sam frowned. “Rich bitch Brit?”

Pepper nodded.

“You can’t stand her. She’s vapid and spoiled and only has horses because her parents buy her whatever the heck she wants.”

“I know that, Sam,” she snapped. “Just drop it.”

The server returned with their beers and Sam smiled her thanks. Focusing back on Pepper, she asked, “Honey, what’s going on?”

“Nothing. I’m sorry.” Pepper sat back. “How do you know someone, Sam?”

“What do you mean?”

“How do you know if someone’s telling you the truth?”

Sam shrugged. “I guess it’s a gut feeling. I know when people are lying to me because I never lie to myself. I don’t try to explain away the flags…be they green, yellow, or red.”

Pepper sipped her beer. “I know. I just wish I knew how to do that.”

is going on?”

“Nothing, Sam. It’s nothing.”

Sam grasped Pepper’s arm. “You’re lying to me. Now, tell me what the hell is wrong.”

“You have enough on your plate right now.”

“Samantha, your order’s ready,” a voice crackled over the loudspeaker.

“This isn’t done, Pep,” Sam warned. “You and I are going to sit down and have a serious conversation tonight. Got it?”

“I have to work.”


Pepper shrugged. “Let’s get dinner back to the masses. I’m sure they’re hungry.”

Sam let the matter drop, but when they arrived home, she pulled her brother aside, grateful Kade helped her mother with serving everyone.

“Do you know what’s going on with Pepper?”

Dalton glanced at her and then back at Sam. “What do you mean?”

“Seriously? Sometimes I wonder how many times you were dropped on your head as a baby.”

Dalton gave her a moronic chuckle. “You’re so funny, sis.”

“Something’s wrong with her, Dalt. She’s exhausted, she’s jumpy, and she’s not eating. She sold her horse—”

“She sold Jonesy?” he asked in shock.

“Yes,” Sam said. “Remember when I asked you to look out for her?”

“I checked on her at home. She seemed fine.”

“Kids?” her mother called. “We’re ready.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Sam scowled at her brother in frustration. “We’ll talk later.”

“Can’t wait,” he droned.

* * *

Dinner wrapped up and the group seemed to scatter. Pepper had to go to work and Dalton insisted he head home.

“Wait, Dalt. Kade and I need to talk to you about something before you go,” Sam said. “Dad, can we borrow your office, please?”

“Sure, honey.”

“Everything okay?” her mom asked.

“Car advice, mom. No biggie.” Sam led Kade and Dalton to the back of the house and pushed open the door. Stepping inside, she closed and locked the door.

“Are you planning on torturing me?” Dalton quipped.

“He won’t let me,” Sam grumbled.

Kade smiled. “We have much to discuss, Agent Dalton.”

Dalton groaned. “Figured. Damn it!”

Kade gestured to the chair facing the desk. “Have a seat.”

Dalton sat down and settled his ankle over his knee. “When did you find out?”

Kade sat in the chair facing him. “Not long ago. Your partner confirmed it.”

“Did you
send my résumé to the company?” Sam asked.

Dalton at least had the sense to grimace. “Yeah, I did.”


“Because we needed to get inside. You had the skill set they were looking for and you needed to get out of this dead end town anyway.”

“That wasn’t your decision to make,” Sam snapped.

“You put your sister into a potentially dangerous situation, without thought to her safety,” Kade said quietly.

Sam knew he was holding back, keeping himself from beating her brother to near death.

“Not really,” Dalton argued. “We knew where she was at all times, we had her cell phone tracked, and Cole was keeping an eye on her.”

“So he was a plant on the plane, too?” she asked.

“Yes,” Dalton confirmed. “The fact you were flying first class was a hiccup, though. We had to fight with our superiors to get Cole next to you, but we pointed out that if Cole was going to earn your trust, he had to be with you on the plane.”

“So you used my fear to get what you wanted.”

Dalton lowered his head. “Sorry.”

“No you’re not!” Sam bellowed. “You haven’t changed. It’s always “all about Dalton.” You barrel over people without any thought to their feelings. Just so long as you get what you want out of the deal, you don’t care who you leave lying in the dust behind you.”

Kade grasped her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“I had a job to do, Sam. Someone is gaining access to Gunnach Pharmaceutical and we believe it’s in order to put together a terrorist attack. I’m trying to save Scotland from a potentially deadly threat.”

“You know what, Dalton? I no longer give a rat’s ass what you’re trying to do. You should’ve talked to me.”

“Wow, you’re mad.” He smiled at Kade and then chuckled. “She only swears when she’s pissed.”

Sam saw red. She curled up her fist and clocked her brother just under his right eye.

“Whoa, Sam! What the hell?”

“I hate you!” Screeching like a banshee, she jumped on him, unsettling the chair as she tried to get another hit in. Dalton was quicker.

“Sam. He’s got an injury and it’d be a good idea not to kill him,” Kade said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her off her brother.

She fought against Kade, but failed miserably and was forced to jab her finger at her brother. “Everything to you is a joke. You don’t care about anyone but yourself. You didn’t even do what I asked you to do with Pepper.”

He shrugged. “She didn’t want my help.”

“So? She’s family and she’s in trouble!” Sam squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. “I’m done, Dalton. Done! You’re dead to me.”

“Okay, love.” Kade continued to hold her firmly. “Maybe you should take a minute, eh?”

Dalton stood and righted the chair, laying a hand over his bruised eye. “Sam, come on. I had a job to do.”

She sneered at him as she raised her hand in dismissal.

“Oh, great. The silent treatment,” Dalton said. “Fine, Sam, have it your way!”

Sam pushed away from Kade and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

* * *

Kade sat back in his chair and indicated Dalton should do the same. Dalton sat down and slumped against the back of his seat.

“That was quite the performance,” Kade said.

Dalton stared at him.

“You already know that Cole’s filled us in on what the FBI’s looking for.”

“I do,” Dalton said.

“What about Pepper?” Kade asked. “What have you found out?”

“I told you, she didn’t want my help.”

“And I know that this”—Kade waved his hand toward Dalton—“is simply a façade. You care entirely too much for your family, including Pepper, to be put off. Whether or not you want to share that with your sister is up to you, but it won’t work with me.”

Dalton sighed and sat up. “I haven’t been able to find out much at this point. I’m pretty sure Pepper’s dealing with threats, but I can’t determine if it’s a stalker issue or an ex-boyfriend. She’s not one to have enemies.”

“Your injuries? Not because of a robbery?”

Dalton shook his head. “No, it was the guy after Pepper. Still don’t know who he is, though.”

“But you’re going to find out.”

“Of course I’m going to find out.” Dalton ran his good hand through his hair. “I have a tail on her when I can’t watch her myself.”

“Good. Any updates on my situation?”

Dalton hesitated, but Kade didn’t back down. “Only what Cole’s told you, but we’re close to finding them.”

“And if you do?”

“We’ll deal with it.”

Kade shook his head. “No. I’d like to take care of it.”

Dalton snorted. “That’s not gonna happen.”

“It will if we find the person first.”

“Don’t get in our way, Kade. It’s not a good idea.”

Kade raised an eyebrow. “You may want to heed your own advice. We are not people who back down.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen Braveheart.”

Before Kade could respond, Dalton’s cell phone pealed. “I have to get this, Kade. Moore here. Okay, I’ll be right there.” Dalton stood and hung up. “Something’s up with Pepper,” he said, and left the room.



KADE WENT LOOKING for Sam. He found her pulling on her running shoes, her face red with irritation. “Samantha?”

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