Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series) (6 page)

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Authors: Tracey Jane Jackson

BOOK: Bound by Blood (Cauld Ane Series)
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Her heart was racing again, but she wasn’t convinced it was just because of her attraction to him. As his hand covered hers, a strange language popped into her head and her heart calmed. She pulled her hand away in an effort to break contact, realizing that in that moment she may have gone certifiably insane.

* * *

Kade’s morning had started well enough, he supposed. He’d gotten out of bed, which was a positive. His unsettled feeling continued, however. His conversation with his sister had produced nothing different than the argument on Friday, other than to elicit the silent treatment and occasional look of both anger and disappointment during Sunday dinner. He hated fighting with Fiona. She could deliver a guilt trip like no one he’d ever known.

The argument with Angus had only managed to irritate him and make him want to hand the mantle of chieftain off to someone else. He hated his lineage sometimes.

His phone rang. “Yes, Anna?”

“Payton and Dr. Moore are here.”

“Thank you. Send them in.” He took a minute to put his suit jacket on as he made his way to the door. The knock came and he pulled open the door.

His heart stuttered. She was magnificent. Long dark hair that she’d swept away from her face with a headband fell in waves over her shoulders, and light hazel eyes like the color of a reflection of trees on the water, met his and then dropped to the floor as her cheeks pinked. She wore dark grey trousers with a cream turtleneck, and what his sister would refer to as “sensible black shoes.” He shook her hand and her eyes met his again with a perplexed expression.

He smiled as the ancient words swirled in his head.

Að eilífu stýrimaður
. (Forever mate.)

She looked surprised, and he wondered if she’d heard them too. No, not possible. He took a deep breath, drawing in her scent. Clean, with a hint of vanilla.

She pulled her hand back and slipped it into the pocket of her trousers.

“Dr. Kade Gunnach,” Payton said. “This is Dr. Samantha Moore.”

“It’s lovely to meet you. Please come in.” Kade stepped back and waited for the ladies to step inside. “Have a seat.”

“Duncan needs me to run a few things across town. Do you mind if I do that now?” Payton asked.

Kade shook his head. “Not at all.”

Payton handed Dr. Moore a lanyard with “Gunnach Pharmaceutical” written on the dark blue fabric. “Here’s your keycard for the building, office, and lab.”


Payton squeezed Dr. Moore’s arm. “I’m leaving you in good hands, Samantha. I’ll swing by later today and see if you need anything.”

“Thank you,” Dr. Moore said.

Payton left and Kade indicated the chairs by the large windows. Dr. Moore made her way toward them. “What an amazing view.”

“Yes.” Kade had a few precious seconds to study her before she took a seat. He figured she was at least as tall as his sister, maybe a little taller. She was slender, and she carried herself with modesty. He could tell immediately she was shy, but exuded quiet grace.

“How was your weekend, Dr. Moore?” he asked.

“It was nice.” She smiled.

“Did you explore the city at all?”

She shook her head. “Ah, no. I didn’t get a chance. I was reading…and sleeping.”

“Did you sleep on the plane?”

“Sort of.”

He frowned. “I gave instructions for you to be booked in first class.”

“Oh, I was, Dr. Gunnach. I just didn’t sleep much.” She blushed. “Excitement and all.”

Kade got the impression she was holding something back, but didn’t press. “I trust Duncan provided you the information about the position and our expectations?” he managed.

“Yes. I went through everything.”

“Do you have any questions?”

She shook her head. “Not yet.”

“Would you like to see the lab now?”

“Yes, please.”

Kade rose to his feet and followed her down the hall and out to Anna’s desk.

“Shall I show Dr. Moore her office?” Anna asked.

Kade shook his head. “No, thank you, Anna. I’ll take care of that.”

Anna covered her shock well, but perhaps not as quickly as he would have liked.

Kade had told her that he wanted to spend no more than five minutes speaking with the new researcher and then she was to come and rescue him. He’d told her he wanted her to show the new doctor to her office and to introduce her to someone who could give her a tour of the lab.

Someone who wasn’t him. However, the moment he saw Samantha, that plan had gone out the window.

* * *

As Dr. Gunnach escorted her through the lab, Sam felt her body and mind react in a way she’d never expected. Gone was the nervousness she usually felt with strangers, replaced with an easy banter that had only ever been possible with her family and Pepper. This was the second man in less than a week that she’d felt at ease with.

No, that wasn’t entirely true. She wasn’t completely at ease with Cole. But with Dr. Gunnach, she was.

She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

Maybe it’s Scotland.

After touring the lab, Dr. Gunnach led Sam down a long hallway, pushing open another ornate mahogany door. Her name was printed on a plaque on the wall next to it. He stepped back so that she could precede him inside.

Sam took in the large room that would be her office. It was surprisingly bright; not at all what she’d imagined would be more like a medieval dungeon. Rectangular windows ran the length of one wall, butting against the ceiling, letting in an abundance of natural light. A large mahogany desk, similar to the one in Dr. Gunnach’s office, sat in the center of the room, facing the door. Two overstuffed chairs were settled in the corner with a round table in between them. Bookshelves took up the wall behind the chairs and were already partially filled with medical journals. Overall, the office was cozy and welcoming while still retaining its professional air.

“I hope your office is to your liking,” Dr. Gunnach said as he waved his hand toward her desk.

She set her purse and coat on one of the chairs. “It’s beautiful.”

“Our IT department will familiarize you with your laptop tomorrow morning, if that’s acceptable. I thought you’d want a day to organize your equipment and make yourself comfortable.”

Sam smiled. “Thank you, Dr. Gunnach.”

“Kade, please.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Why not? We are not so formal here.”

Before she could respond, her office phone rang. “Work starts immediately, it would seem.” She picked up the phone. “Samantha Moore.”

“Dr. Moore, it’s Anna. Is Dr. Gunnach still with you?”

“Yes, Anna, he is. Just a minute, please.”

Samantha handed Dr. Gunnach the phone. She explored her office further, but when she noticed Dr. Gunnach had lowered his voice, she stepped outside to afford him some privacy. She made her way to the lab, using her new keycard to enter. There were other technicians in the room next to her, separated only by glass. With a staff of six, she’d have her hands full. She slipped her lab coat on—her name was already embroidered across the pocket—and began to go through the file cabinets.

“You’re the new doctor, eh?”

Sam turned to the sound of the new voice and her nervousness came again in droves.

Nope, Scotland is of no help.

A large man, stocky and built like a wrestler, stood in the doorway. His dark red hair was trimmed short and he leaned against the threshold, his lab coat opened to reveal dark trousers and a green ribbed sweater. He was handsome, but he also scared her a bit. He was formidable in his gaze, and Sam slid her hands into her lab coat pockets, lest he see them shaking.

She forced a smile. “Yes. I’m Samantha Moore.”

“I’m Angus McFadden.”

“McFadden? Are you related to Payton?”

“Aye. She’s me sister.” He pushed away from the doorway and came toward her. “Ye’ve your work cut out for ye.”

“So I’ve been told. Do you work in the lab as well?”

“I’m the one ye replaced, lass.”

Sam swallowed. “Oh. Sorry.”

He smiled. “Don’t be.”

“Angus?” Sam’s eyes shot to Kade, who gave Angus a warning glare as he made his way to her. “Did you need something?”

Angus grinned. “No. I was just introducing myself to the new researcher.”

Kade positioned himself in front of Sam. “I thought we’d agreed on an introduction at lunch.”

“Aye,” Angus said. “But I’m here now.”

Standing behind Kade, Sam couldn’t see what was going on, so she stepped to her right. By the expression on Angus’s face, whatever was transpiring between the two men didn’t look positive. Her heart started to race again.

“I’d like you to give Dr. Moore some time to acclimate to the lab, Angus. You can speak to her at lunchtime,” Kade instructed. “Or tomorrow.”

“I don’t mind, Dr. Gunnach.” Sam forced herself out from behind Kade and held her hand out to Angus. “It’s nice to meet you…I’m sorry, what should I call you?”

He grasped her hand and smiled. “Call me Angus. We’ll be working closely together, after all.”

Kade’s body shifted. “‘Dr. McFadden’ will suffice, I think.”

Sam let out a snort…in her head. She’d never disrespect an employer out loud. She couldn’t understand why Kade insisted on a formality he had just said his employees didn’t observe, but as her heartbeat returned to normal and Angus left the lab, she decided to choose her battles. Arguing with Dr. Gunnach would not be a good start to her new job.

“I apologize for Dr. McFadden, Samantha. He can be overbearing and rude,” Kade explained.

“He was fine.” She glanced up at him. “I didn’t realize I was replacing someone.”

“Aye. Sort of. Dr. McFadden had asked to have a go at finding a solution to our problem, but he’s not a researcher, and his specialty certainly isn’t blood. He’s engaged to my sister. I’m sorry, does he worry you?”

“Not at all,” she lied. “I just wanted clarification.”

“He won’t be a problem. Don’t give it another thought.”

Sam smiled. “Where would you like me to start?”

Kade led her to the bank of refrigeration units and explained the contents to her—blood samples, along with tried and failed test medications.

“What am I looking for?” she asked.

“That’s why you’re here. We’re not entirely sure. We know there’s something blood-related, but not certain what.”

“Ah. Okay.” Sam pulled her hair into a lab net and slid her hands into latex gloves.

Kade watched her.

“I generally like to work alone,” she said. “Fewer distractions.”

He smiled. “I’ll leave you to it, then.”

She nodded and waited for him to leave. It took a minute, but he finally strode out of the lab. Sam forced herself to focus on the work at hand and not the man whose presence made her feel safe.

* * *

Kade kept his rage tempered until he stormed past Anna’s desk and slammed his office door. Picking up the phone, he punched in Angus’s number.

“Angus here.”

“Get your bloody arse to my office! Now!”

Angus chuckled. “I knew it.”

“Don’t. You’re on my last nerve, Angus.”

“Aye. Shall I walk in, or would you like me to knock?”

Kade slammed the phone back on the cradle and yanked his office door open. “What the hell were you thinking scaring her like that?”

Angus stepped inside. “Scare her? What do you mean, scare her? I didn’t mean to scare her. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.”

“Did Duncan say something?” Kade snapped. “I’m going to kill him.”

“Of course not.” Angus held his hands up in surrender. “Fiona said you’d spent an exorbitant amount to get her here. I honestly thought she’d be some matronly woman with thick glasses and an overbite.”

Kade swore and tried his best not to hit his soon-to-be brother-in-law. Most of the time, Angus’s digging didn’t bother him. They’d be friends even if Angus wasn’t to be bound to his sister, but today, Kade’s emotions were in a tailspin.

“Relax, Kade.”

“You’re to keep your distance, Angus.”

Angus laughed, which only made Kade angrier.

“How am I supposed to assist her if I keep my distance?”

Kade’s emotions calmed again just as his phone rang. He picked it up, grateful for the interruption. “Kade Gunnach.”

“Hi. It’s Sam…um…Dr. Moore. I’m sorry to interrupt.”

“How can I help you?”

“I’ve found something and I’m wondering—”

“I’ll be right down.” Kade hung up and glared at Angus. “She’s found something.”


“Aye. We’ll pick this conversation up later. After I remind my sister about keeping her mouth shut.”

Angus scowled. “Watch your tone, Kade. You may be my chieftain, but you’ll not insult my woman…even if she is your sister.”

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