Bound by Blood (The Garner Witch Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Bound by Blood (The Garner Witch Series)
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Oh god, I have to do something! I need to get away, this can’t be happening.

Inspirationally, I had an idea—somehow I had to make him feel what I was feeling, even if it was only long enough to catch him off guard so that I could run away. Something inside me impulsively knew that I could do this—I could project the feelings I was channeling, push them away from myself and into him. Closing my eyes, I concentrated with every ounce of energy I could draw. I visualized the fear, the pain, and the terror coursing through me. I imagined that it was something tangible, something that I could touch and hold. I was vaguely aware that I had stopped fighting him and lay there unmoving. I pictured myself as a conduit for the pain, and I took all of the negative and agonizing sensations flooding me and I thrust them forcefully into him.

At first, I didn’t think it was working, but he stopped so abruptly. His eyes widened in disbelief, and he rolled off me, screaming and clutching his temples.

”What the fuck?” He screamed in shock.

“What the fuck is right, asshole! How do you like it?” I shouted back at him. I was so angry and my voice was thick with tears.

Confusion momentarily immobilized him and lay there stock-still. I knew that I could get away now. I knew that I should run, but for some reason I remained there unable to force my body to move. Instead, I relentlessly continued with my psychic attack. He deserved to feel every ounce of pain and suffering that he caused those women. I watched with a strange and almost unreal sense of detachment, and then finally satisfaction as he gripped at his chest, the onslaught ultimately too much and he died.

I shook my head returning to the present.

Swiping at my tears, I finished the rest of the story. “It seemed like an eternity had passed, but I’m sure it was only minutes. I stared into his lifeless, gray eyes and thought that I would feel guilty. I waited for it, waited for the regret. He was dead, and I knew I was responsible for it. But I felt absolutely no remorse. As far as I was concerned, he was a monster.”

I glanced wearily at Morrison, noticing his straining jaw. His fingers curled tight around the steering wheel as he listened to me pour it all out.

“It took a while, but eventually I struggled through the shock and I managed to get up and find a house where I called the police…and then my dad. I found out much later that the man was wanted in other nearby cities for the rape and murder of at least four other women. The police had never been able to figure out how he was able to get his victims to come with him without a struggle. When they saw the police lights in the dashboard, and I explained how he pulled me over and succeeded in cuffing me, they were furious to discover that he was posing as a police officer. They all commended me for my quick thinking. The police believed that the strain of chasing me, coupled with a broken leg, is what caused his heart attack. I knew the truth, though...I killed him.”

The two of us sat silently as the weight of my admission hung in the air. “That’s when I decided to go into law enforcement. I wanted to use my gift to help stop men like that.”

It felt good to unburden myself of this knowledge, I hadn’t even told Nathan about the attack, but I felt like I owed it to Morrison after he shared his story about his sister.

“You did the right thing, men like that will never stop, and you shouldn’t feel guilty. He died from being subjected to the pain that he inflicted on others. That’s divine justice if I’ve ever heard it.” We both mulled over the conversation in quiet contemplation.

“Thanks Reece, it’s nice to finally have someone to talk to about my sister. I’ve kept it to myself for so long, I didn’t realize how unburdening it would feel to share it.”

“Any time, and thank you too.”

The remainder of the ride back to Denver was spent in comfortable silence, until I eventually fell asleep.

“Reece we’re back. Wake up.” Morrison gently nudged my shoulder.

“I’m sorry I fell asleep. How long was I out?”

“You’ve been out for two hours. Has anyone ever told you that you snore?” he chuckled.

“So I’ve heard.” I laughed. “Good night Morrison.”

“Good Night. See you tomorrow for the big day.” He said enthusiastically.

I shook my head and opened the door to get out, but before I did, I turned back to him. “Morrison, please don’t take this the wrong way but, when I first met you I didn’t like you very much.”

He gave a loud snort, “Gee I would’ve never did punch me in the face. But I had it coming.”

“I’m sorry I acted like such a jerk, by the way.” He added.

My mouth curled into a wry smirk, “Don’t worry I’m used to it.”

Morrison burst into a loud bark of laughter.

“Incidentally, I don’t feel that way anymore. There’s a lot about you that you don’t show people, but you’re really a decent guy.”

“Thanks Reece, you’d better not tell anyone.” He laughed. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You too.”


Chapter 17

Friday night arrived. Eager to ensure all was prepared for the binding spell, Nathan and I arrived at the house a few hours before Morrison was due. We unpacked our bags and ascended to the attic to set up for the midnight ritual. “Do you think this will work?” I asked Nathan, anxiously.

“I know it will work. I think Todd’s idea was inspired. Truly, I wish I had thought of it earlier.”

After checking—for the tenth time—that everything was ready to go, we headed back down to the living room to wait and relax until Morrison arrived. Nathan sat gracefully on the couch, arms slung casually over the back of the sofa. Lithe and elegant, I stared at the sexy, graceful way he moved. His vampire abilities no doubt the reason for his smooth and dexterous movements. My eyes tracked him hungrily. I couldn’t help but appreciate the view. He nearly took my breath away he was so stunning. The soft lighting cast from the lamps bounced off his contours and seemed to accentuate every chiseled feature. I knew if I lived a hundred years I would never grow tired of looking at him. Instead of sitting beside him, I climbed onto the couch, straddling his lap. Leaning over with a mischievous smirk, I traced my tongue around the outer shell of his ear.

“Mmmm...That feels magnificent,” he purred silkily against me.

“God, you’re sexy. I want to draw my tongue across every part of you right now.” I groaned in a throaty whisper.

Reaching up, gently, he caressed the pads of his fingertips along the surface of my neck and throat. His reverent touch sparked my already budding desire. It caused a tightening that traveled from my scalp, down my neck and drew goose bumps along my skin. Heat mushroomed through me like a slow burning flame that flickered and expanded, spreading to every nerve ending and cell in my body.

“Your lips,” he said as he lightly outlined the plump, fleshy surface of my mouth with his tongue before pulling back, “taste so sweet.” Another kiss and lick of his tongue. “I literally crave your kiss, Brianna, like a drug.” His words, barely audible, were murmured between the teasing swipes of his mouth and tongue against mine.

Blood raced through my veins and thundered loudly in my ears. I surrendered to the kiss and let my hands wander eagerly over his muscular upper body. Still on his lap, I shifted back slightly so I could reach the edge of his shirt. Tugging the hem from his pants, I pulled it over his head and tossed it to the floor.

His next movement had me sucking in a surprised breath. It was unbelievable. Before I knew what had happened, my shirt lay on the floor next to his, my sluggish human eyes unable to register the actions.

Through the lace of my bra, his mouth closed over my breasts, tongue laving at my nipples. He took each of the tight buds into his mouth alternately, and drove me crazy with his ministrations. If he continued this way, it wouldn’t be long before I had him naked.

“Ahem.” Someone cleared a throat. “Mr. Donovan?” an unfamiliar voice called from behind me.

I squealed and jumped off Nathan—it would have been comedic if it wasn’t so humiliating. I scrambled desperately to pick up my clothes, along with the tattered shreds of my dignity.

“Who are you?” I snapped.

“I’m sorry.” His eyes widened and he turned his back quickly, obviously giving me a minute of privacy. “My name is Aidan O’Farrell,” he said with the hint of an Irish accent.

I looked over at Nathan who had a smug grin plastered on his face. “Brianna, Aidan is one of the bodyguards at Donovan Security.” His voice was cool, unapologetic, as if we hadn’t just been caught half naked while I practically molested him. Nathan was so at ease given the circumstances, it truly seemed as though he wasn’t in the least bit embarrassed. Dazed, I watched as he leisurely pulled his shirt back over his chest.

I finished straightening my clothes. “You can turn around now.”

Spinning back to face us, he glanced toward Nathan, his expression contrite. “I’m sorry Mr. Donovan, you did say eight o’clock. I knocked on the door, but when no one answered I was concerned.”

“The fault is mine, Aidan. Please do not concern yourself.” Nathan assured him kindly.

“John had a family emergency, sir. He asked that I come in his place.” He shrugged. “I hope that won’t be a problem?”

“Not at all.” He turned to me, amusement evident in his face. “Brianna would you excuse us for a moment, I need to give Aidan his instructions for the next few days.

“Sure.” I said, grudgingly.

I watched him walk away, not even trying to hide the smirk on his face. Trying to push Nathan’s misplaced amusement out of my mind, I decided to make myself useful and order dinner for everyone. Nathan came back a few minutes later, sans bodyguard.

“What’s going on, why do you have a bodyguard here?” I couldn’t hide the worry in my question.

“Aidan is a vampire. We will need him after the spell is cast. As I mentioned earlier, the spell will drain our energy and leave us especially vulnerable. It will take some time for us to recuperate and regain our strength. Unfortunately, it would be an opportune time for an attack.”

Eyes smoldering with intensity, he continued his explanation. “I will
risk your safety.” Leaning down he gave me a gentle peck on the forehead. “Aidan is quite comfortable around witchcraft, and he is a good bodyguard. He will protect us while we rest.”

I felt the blush staining my cheeks as I thought of having to face Aidan again after the scene he walked into earlier. Nathan just chuckled.

“You find my embarrassment funny?” I snapped.

He laughed, “No, I do not. But then again, after one hundred and thirty years one does not embarrass so easily.”

“I hardly think I’m embarrassing easily. We were caught half naked making out on the couch. You’re telling me you find absolutely no discomfort in that situation?” I asked skeptically.

“None whatsoever, you will understand one day.” A slight hint of condescension filled his words, as if I were a child.

“Well I hope one day I’ll be mature like you, and thankfully immune to humiliation.” I replied sarcastically.

He burst out in a full belly laugh at my indignation.

“I’m going to take a shower.” I bit out, frustrated at his unflappable tone. I headed upstairs, thoroughly annoyed by his attitude. How dare he treat my embarrassment like a childlike, irrational outburst. I don’t tell him how he should feel.

Still brooding over Nathan’s dismissive attitude, I took my time to shower and change. When I was ready to head downstairs, I heard Morrison’s voice wafting up from the living room. As I left the bedroom to join our guests, my feet skidded to a halt and an impish grin spread across my face, an intriguing idea suddenly occurring to me. I’d concocted a devilish plan to prove to Nathan that he wasn’t above a little embarrassment. Oh Yeah, dinner was going to be interesting.

The Chinese food I ordered smelled tantalizing.  Right before we entered the dining room, Nathan leaned over to whisper in my ear, “I am sorry about earlier.”

I slanted a wry grin in his direction. “No problem,” I answered sweetly. Too sweetly.

I felt his trepidation, no doubt in response my suddenly saccharine sweet attitude. Apprehensively, he took his seat across from me. Morrison sat at the end of the table to Nathan’s right, Aidan opposite to him.

“So Nathan, what do you need me to do tonight during the spell?” Morrison began the conversation, unable to contain his excitement.

Surreptitiously, I glanced at Nathan, concentrating on conjuring a burst of sensation. I thought about how I felt earlier this evening as he kissed and licked my nipples, recalling in explicit detail every wicked, tingling sensation. I shoved those delicious, forbidden, and very private feelings into Nathan.

The tone of his voice pitched high in surprise, and his eyes widened. “Um...nothing Todd...if you could just make sure we are not interrupted.” Preoccupied with the erotic stimuli I was forcing into him, he barely managed an answer. Morrison looked at him a little strangely, as did Aidan. I kept my eyes fixed on my food not daring to meet his eyes.

“Are you expecting trouble?” There was a little alarm in Morrison’s voice.

I decided to increase the sensitivity. Vividly, I drew on every tactile sensation in those precious moments before I reached orgasm. Again, right as he was about to answer the questions I inexorably thrust those stimulations into Nathan.

His breath caught, he lowered his head and I could see his breathing increase. He was panting, now, barely able to string together a few simple words. “”

Inside, I was laughing. Outside, I sat innocently eating my dinner and ignoring the spectacle he was making.

“Nathan, are you all right?” I asked, knowingly. I had to bite my lip to conceal my smile. “You look a little

Mercilessly, I continued the erogenous assault.

“I...ah...I am fine.” He managed to answer in a cracked voice.

Morrison looked to me in question. I just shrugged with feigned innocence and continued eating.

“Mr. Donovan do you need me to get you anything sir?” Aidan asked, confounded by Nathan’s behavior. He’d obviously never seen the man so out of sorts.

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