Bound by Blood (The Garner Witch Series) (27 page)

BOOK: Bound by Blood (The Garner Witch Series)
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It’s my fault.

Those three words rose unbidden in my thoughts and replayed themselves on a loop in my head. Immense guilt devastated me, and ultimately,
was the catalyst that caused me to lose my focus.  No longer could I hold my shield. Suddenly, all of my carefully erected guards dropped and I was instantly blasted with a barrage of hideous sensations.  Fear, terror, panic, and pain... so much pain. I doubled over and tried desperately to stifle the scream that threatened to burst from my lungs.

I failed.

Layered over the fear and agony of his victim, I felt the unadulterated rage and desperation that drove him. He’d kept her here for days, torturing her. The suffering she’d endured, I experienced now. Every single thing he did to her, I felt. Every cut, burn, stab, broken bone and bruise. The sadistic son of a bitch brought her to the point of death, and then healed her and started all over again. He did it repeatedly, over and over.

In the end, she would’ve been begging him to kill her. He used his blood to keep her awake and conscious while he cut open her chest, crushed ribs and tore out her heart. The pain was more than anyone should ever have to endure.

I heard my screams, but was powerless to stop it. I don’t know how it was even possible, since I was hyperventilating, barely able to draw enough air into my lungs. I saw nothing but blackness, the pain was literally blinding. With my newly acquired powers and the brutality of the torture, my senses finally overloaded and I threw up. Still, though I was losing control over my body, I fought to gain control of my mind, to get my defenses back in place. But it was too late. I heard voices, but they sounded more and more distant.

“Brianna! Brianna! Can you hear me?” Morrison’s panicked shouts sounded so far away. I couldn’t make out his words with clarity. “Reece! Get up.”

“I think she’s going into shock” Someone else said.

Inexorably, I fought against the darkness that enveloped me, but was inundated by it. Eventually, it was too tiring to keep fighting.  It was much easier to give up and let the darkness swallow me. I finally gave in and miraculously, the pain stopped. Finally, I was at peace.


Slowly, awareness returned to the constant, droning beep of machinery. Over and over it sounded in an incessant, unbroken rhythm. Where was I? I felt weak, tired, and confused.  I couldn’t remember going to sleep. What
the last thing I remembered? Fighting the thick cobwebs in my head, I finally evoked the memory of going with Morrison to a crime scene for the Denver PD.

Oh shit,—the blood, the pain. Still, I hadn’t opened my eyes, but as the memories returned I heard the rhythmic bleeping sound speed up, becoming faster and more inconsistent.

“I think she’s waking up.” Morrison. I wondered who he was talking to.

“Brianna...Brianna, can you hear me?” The sound of Nathan’s voice instantly calmed me, and the erratic rhythm of the machine in the background slowed again. Opening my eyes, I saw Nathan, an agonized look of concern marring his gorgeous features.

“I can hear you.” I assured him in a gravelly voice. “Stop worrying, I’m fine.”

Breathing out a sigh of relief, he bowed to kiss my forehead. His lips stayed there for what seemed like a long time before he said, “thank God, I was so concerned.”

“What happened?” Confused, I tried to sit up a bit but lay back with a groan. Nathan reached for a control on the bed and automatically raised the head so I was in a sitting position.

“The paramedics said you went into shock.” Morrison explained.

“Oh God...I’m so embarrassed!” I whimpered.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about.” Nathan soothed a hand along my arm.

I raised a brow, irked. “Do we need to have
discussion again?”

He chuckled, but it lacked humor. “I am not trying to tell you how you should feel. I merely wanted to point out that you cannot control your body’s physical responses to a stressful situation. It was out of your control.”

“I know, but I’m an FBI agent, I
been able to control it.” I argued. “It was just too much, I couldn’t bear it.” I realized as I spoke tears streamed freely down my cheeks. “Oh, Nathan... She suffered, and it’s my fault. If...I hadn’t done... the binding spell... that girl would still be alive.” I barely managed the words over my hiccupping sobs.

“Shhh...Shhh” he lifted my upper body and cradled me, soothingly, in his arms. “Brianna, you cannot bear the responsibility for the actions of a psychopath.” He said, attempting to mollify me.

“Can’t I? He was angry at losing the power he stole, and he lost control because of that anger.” My voice hitched. “He tortured her, made her suffer, terrified her for days—” I couldn’t finish the sentence. Consumed with guilt, I sat there sobbing.

Nathan didn’t try to calm me, he simply held me, comforting me, allowing me to cry it out while he caressed me until I calmed. Poor Morrison, he stood at my bedside unsure of how to react. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity I managed to settle down and stop crying. “I’m sorry, guys. I don’t know what came over me.” I apologized to both of them.

“I understand Reece. How do you think I feel? The whole binding idea was mine, so if anyone should feel guilty, it’s me.” Morrison glanced at his hands as he tried to heap the blame onto his shoulders. His remorse was palpable. I sensed it in him, and if anything, he was feeling worse than I was.

“Morrison, I think Nathan’s right. We can’t blame ourselves for the actions of someone else. This monster has wreaked havoc in so many lives, left a wake of misery and destruction in his quest for power. I’m done beating myself up over this. What I want to do is kill that sick bastard!” I said, vehemently.

“The victim, was she a Garner witch? Do you know yet?”

“A DNA sample was sent to the lab and I put a rush on it. I don’t know yet, it’s too early.”

“Nathan, can you think of anything we can do—I mean magically—to find him?”

His resigned look gave me the answer to my question before he spoke the words, “I am sorry Brianna. The only thing I have come up with is a divination spell. For that to be successful, however, we need something that belongs to him, but unfortunately he has left nothing behind.”

“So what do we do, just sit around and wait until he kills someone else?” I snapped impatiently.

Before he could respond I shook my head and sighed with instant remorse. “I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to snap at you. I’m just feeling so helpless, and worried. How many people will he kill until he gets what he wants?”


Chapter 19

Despite arguing vehemently for my release, the hospital kept me through the night, concerned because my blood pressure was still high. Nathan firmly refused to leave my side. And I, being the hard-hitting FBI agent I was, would never admit I was relieved to have him there. Even though deep down, I was. Although agent Hunter insisted I take Friday off to recuperate, I was anxious to look at the news footage and articles we’d been waiting for. Co conspiring with Morrison, he promised to bring them by the apartment at noon.

When Friday rolled around, Nathan tried to stay home to keep an eye on me, but I insisted that he go to work. No point in my interfering more than I already had with his work schedule. While I waited for Morrison’s arrival, my cell phone rang. Answering the call, I expected to hear Nathan’s voice checking up on me—again.  When I heard the voice on the other end of the line though, my heart sped. The instant I heard the harsh raspy sound of the male voice coming through the line, I knew it was the killer. Chillingly eerie, his tone sent a frisson of terror zinging down my spine.

“Did you get my message, witch?” He asked, hoarsely.

Was he was trying to disguise his voice?

“I got your message. You’re a sick son of a bitch.”

He laughed. A sick, malevolent sound that made my skin crawl.

“I won’t deny that,” he agreed. “You have two days. If you don’t reverse the spell, someone else dies.  Hmmm. Maybe someone close to you? Perhaps your partner, what was his name? Oh, yes Agent Todd Morrison.”

“Don’t you dare touch him!”

“Does the thought of me killing him bother you?” He taunted me. “If I do kill him, it’ll be
. I’ll take my time, enjoy every scream, every whimper, and once he starts to beg I’ll relish it all the more.” He sucked in a shuddering breath, seemingly deriving pleasure at the thought of what he’d just described.

“Shut your fucking mouth you bastard.” I couldn’t shake the feeling of helplessness. He was threatening someone I cared about and I had no idea who he was, or how to find him.

“Mmmm... I think I hit a nerve. Maybe I’ll leave him alone since you asked so nicely, maybe I’ll take your boyfriend instead. I think I’ll have more fun with him anyway.”

Oh god, not Nathan. My heart constricted and my pulse raced. Yet rather than let him goad me, I turned the tables. “You know, you keep threatening me and I can tell that you’re trying to be the intimidating tough guy, but to me you just sound desperate.” With condescension, I laughed. “Have you been feeling a little

It probably wasn’t the smartest thing to say, but I wanted to piss him off. Hopefully, he’d come after me, instead of the people I cared about. “I think you keep threatening my friends because you’re afraid of me. How can that be? You’re a big, strong vampire, and I’m just a weak little mortal girl.” I mocked.

“The only way you’re getting a power boost is straight from my veins… if you can get it
.” Jabbing the off button on my phone, my hands shook. Rattled, I sat down, breathed deeply, and attempted to control my rioting nerves.

A sudden knock had me practically jumping out of my skin. Cautiously, I moved to the door with my guards down, prepared to fight. Easily, I recognized it was Morrison on the other side. I was becoming almost as accustomed to his aura as I was to Nathan’s. Opening the door, I saw Morrison standing there holding a box. The minute he saw my dazed expression, his broad smile disappeared and he dropped the box, rushing over to me, “Reece, what’s wrong. Has something happened?”

“He just called me.” Still trembling from the shock of the call, my voice cracked.

Morrison’s face grew deadly serious, “What did he say?”

“I think I screwed up” I blurted, realizing what I’d just done.

“Why, what happened?”

“He called me and told me I had two days to undo the spell or he would kill someone I cared about. He threatened to kill you or Nathan.” Giving him a moment to digest this information, his expression never wavered. He simply waited for me to continue.

“I provoked him. I was just so upset at the thought of him hurting you or Nathan. I called him weak, and then I told him the only way he would get a power boost was from my vein.”

“Reece! What the hell were you thinking?” Roughly, he plopped down onto the couch, huffed out a breath and ran his hands through his sandy blonde hair. His grim expression probably mirrored my own.

“Listen, I’m not going to apologize, I didn’t like him threatening the two of you.” Wearily, I sighed and threw myself onto the sofa. “I’m afraid I might have just made it worse, though. What if he doesn’t take the bait and comes after either of you instead? I’m sorry Morrison.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’m more concerned that he
take the bait and attacks you.”

“This is stupid. There’s absolutely no point in worrying about it. He called from a private number so I can’t call him back, what’s done is done. I think we should speak to Nathan about you staying here for a while until its safe.”

Picking up my cell, I dialed Nathan’s number. When the smooth, dulcet sound of his voice said “hello,” I relayed the conversation to him.

Silent for so long I wasn’t sure he heard me. Eventually, he let out a harsh sigh and said, “that mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble one day.” His tone told me he was only half joking. “I think you are correct though, Todd should stay at my house. It is the safest place for him until this situation is resolved. We should
remain together as much as possible.”

“I agree.”

“Do you want me to come up?” he offered.

“No, we’re just going through the news footage. I promise we’ll stay inside. Besides, you’re only one floor down if I need you.” I paused, remembering the killer’s threat. “
be careful”

“You, too. I’ll be up in a few hours, stay inside. I am posting a guard outside the apartment door.”

“Do you really think it’s necessary for a slumber party? I can take care of myself.” Morrison said indignantly after I hung up.

“Morrison, you have no idea how strong a vampire is. They have vastly superior senses. Their strength, speed, smell, and hearing are all immeasurably greater than ours. They are extremely difficult to kill, and they can heal instantly.”

“How do you know so much about vampires?”

I relayed what Nathan had told me about the evolution of vampires and witches, explaining how vampires came into creation.  “You know, the more I learn the more I wonder if I’m going to wake up and discover this was all just a crazy dream.” He shook his head in astonished disbelief.

I snorted, “You and me both... Why don’t we get started on these videos?”

We viewed the news articles and videos in chronological order. The first publication, written in the Santé Fe Times, was an article about the bone marrow drive. The article explained details about leukemia, highlighting the desperate need for bone marrow donors. The journalist did a great job of impressing on the public the importance of being tested, and the cost involved in testing potential donors. Displayed alongside the articles were pictures. Since it was a large special interest piece spanning an entire two-page spread, there were numerous photos. The snapshots depicted patients undergoing chemotherapy at various stages of the disease. Some patients had hair, some didn’t. As I picked up the fifth photo, my body stiffened when I recognized Susan Marcone. Caught naturally, she was unaware of the camera. It was a good picture and showed a realistic likeness.

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