Bound by Their Kisses (8 page)

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Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: Bound by Their Kisses
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“Beer sounds good to me, too. Wine would be wasted on my uncivilized taste buds,” Tag said with a soft chuckle.

He climbed off of Tessa after leaning over to kiss her at the base of her spine where he’d brushed her hair over her shoulder and out of the way of his hands while he’d seen to her. Now he stood up at the edge of the bed and gave her ass cheeks a soft squeeze.

“Come on, baby. Roll over. We’ll help you up and into the tub. Don’t want you to lose your balance and fall,” he said.

Zander grinned at the almost sleepy expression on their woman’s face when she rolled over to stare up at them. Tag had done his job well. She looked much more relaxed and not nearly as concerned about her state of undress.

Tag reached out with one hand to grasp hers so he could help her sit up and slide off the bed. As they walked toward the bathroom, Zander headed to the kitchen to fetch the wine. Things were going well. Not according to his original plans, but as long as everything worked out in the end, Zander would be happy.

As he chose a bottle of wine in the wine cooler, Zander thought about what she’d told them about her past. How could someone treat another human being like that, especially a woman? He shook his head. There were sick people in the world, he knew that, but hated thinking about it and hated even more that it had touched their sweet Tessa. Her thoughts and perceptions would forever be tainted with those memories no matter how hard they worked to banish them from her mind.

He poured the wine into a delicate, stemmed wine glass then replaced the recorked bottle back in the cooler. Zander added a bowl of fruit to a tray and carried it to the bathroom. Tessa lay almost completely submerged beneath the bubbles that stood at least six inches deep. All that was visible was her serenely smiling face and neck. Even her shoulders lay beneath the cloud of effervescent foam that spread the scent of vanilla through the room.

Tag sat on the floor with his back to the vanity cabinets just watching her with as much of a contented smile as he ever managed on his face. The other man looked up when Zander walked in carrying the tray of goodies. The quick half smile he gave let Zander know that everything was going well.

“Tessa, honey? I’ve got something for you,” he said, setting the tray on the counter. “Would you like some wine?”

Her eyelids fluttered open and she smiled. “Thanks. I’d love some.”

He handed her the glass then set the bowl of fruit on the shelf side of the tub so she could reach it. Picking out a ripe strawberry from off the top, Zander leaned over and held it just above her wine moistened lips. The tip of her pink tongue slipped out to lick away the excess wine before she opened her mouth to allow him to feed her the succulent berry. When she bit into it, the juice from it coated her lips and gathered at the corners of her mouth.

Zander held in a groan but couldn’t resist leaning over and licking the juice from her lips in one swipe from corner to corner. He sat back on his heels with a grin.

“You taste juicy and sweet, kitten.”

She giggled before taking another sip of the wine. “The strawberry is very good. Thank you for fixing this for me.”

He moved to sit back against the cabinets next to Tag. “You’re welcome. Enjoy yourself. We’re here if you need us.”

“That can’t be very comfortable sitting on the cold floor without clothes on, Tag.” Tessa lifted her eyebrows, showing a hint of tease.

“Don’t worry about me, baby girl. I’m just fine watching you,” his friend said.

Zander had pulled on his jeans though he was naked beneath and hadn’t bothered to button or zip them. The extra room proved essential as turned on as he was now after feeding her that strawberry and licking her mouth free of the juice from it. In fact, if things didn’t progress pretty damn soon, he was going to have a case of the blue balls. He was hard as brick, his need pulsing through his dick with each beat of his heart.

“How long do you plan to let her soak?” he asked Tag in a soft voice.

“A few more minutes is all,” Tag told him. “My balls are aching like a fucking bad tooth. She’s got my blood boiling lying there less than four feet from me without a stitch of clothes on. Add in the fact that she’s wet…well, you get the picture.”

He couldn’t help it. Tag had a way with words when he actually said something. Yeah, he could commiserate just fine. Now all he had to do was last long enough that Tessa wouldn’t fuss too much when they pulled her out of the water. He didn’t want to screw things up when they were so close to claiming her.

The minutes ticked by as they watched Tessa sip her wine and sample the fruit Zander had prepared for her. By the time she’d finished her glass of wine, he was ready to roar with frustration. Still, they sat and waited.

“Which one of you guys is going to help me out and dry me off?”

Chapter Six


Tessa didn’t have to wait more than a half second as both men jumped to their feet and dove for her together. If she hadn’t been so startled by their near frenzy in getting her out of the tub, she might have laughed at the sight. As Tag steadied her with his hands, Zander pulled an oversized bath towel from a warming bar and proceeded to dry her body, using gentle pats.

“Bedroom, Zander. Now.” Tag moved past them into the other room.

Zander chuckled. “I thought
was anxious to get near you. I think he’s about to explode.”

Her nervousness suddenly returned. She’d been so relaxed and ready to explore whatever it was between them, but now she felt anxious again. Zander seemed to be able to tell. Instead of rushing her to the bedroom as Tag had insisted, he slowly bent his head and kissed her, dropping the towel between them and allowing his hands to cup her face as his tongue teased over hers. He moved his hands down her neck to her shoulders where he squeezed them before dropping them to her chest where he began molding and fondling her breasts.

A small whimper escaped when he lightly pinched her nipples. They were already so hard and tight that the lightest of touches sent twitches directly to her clit. With the added pinch, her pussy contracted, releasing more of her juices to coat her inner thighs. Tessa couldn’t believe how wet she’d gotten in the few seconds he’d spent kissing and playing with her breasts.

Without a word, Zander picked her up and carried her into the bedroom where Tag stood impatiently next to the bed. He’d pulled the covers to the foot of the bed while he’d waited on them. He snagged her gaze as Zander walked toward him. The intensity in his dark eyes made her shiver with anticipation if not a little worry. What was she getting herself into?

I want this. I’ve wanted them for a long time. I’m just afraid that I’ll wake up one day and I’m back in the same situation that I was in before. They aren’t like that, though. I know they aren’t.

Still, she had to take a deep breath and swallow down the sharp shards of fear that tried to warn her away from them.

“Easy, Tag. She’s nervous enough without you glaring at her,” Zander told the other man.

“I’m not glaring,” he protested in a deep rumble.

Tessa couldn’t help herself. She laughed. “Sometimes you sound more like a dog or wolf than you do a man when you growl and make those sounds.”

Tag’s face twisted into confusion then smoothed out some to give her that half smile he so often used with her.

“You do things to me, baby girl. Things that I’m not used to. Come here and let me do some things to you.”

Zander chuckled when she opened her mouth then closed it, at a loss as to what to say to that. Then he none too gently dropped her on the bed to bounce once before Tag covered her with his big body. She squealed when he buried his face between her breasts and growled. Then all fun and games disappeared as both men settled down to explore and taste every inch of her body.

“So sweet and soft,” Zander murmured as he nuzzled her neck, licking and kissing his way from her ear down to her shoulder. “I can’t wait to find out what your pussy tastes like, kitten.”

“She’s going to drive me crazy until I get inside of her,” Tag told him.

Tessa couldn’t figure out how they were able to talk when she didn’t have anything under her mouth and yet she still couldn’t manage a syllable. The moment they got down to business, all rational thought left her mind and her tongue’s dexterity in forming words had disappeared. They were doing wild and amazing things to her already. What in the hell would happen to her when they finally fucked her?

Tag licked and nipped at her breasts, making sure that his hands stayed just as busy as his mouth. They plumped and squeezed until he finally closed his lips over one nipple and sucked. Then the fingers of one hand found and teased the other nipple at the same time. When he gently nipped at the one in his mouth, his fingernails pulled at the other one. Tessa arched her back and groaned, unsure why she didn’t just come on the spot from his breast play alone.

Combined with Zander’s suck and bite along her neck and shoulders, it was too much. Her pussy leaked her juices enough that she felt it seep around to the crack of her ass. She needed them to take her, now, while she was aching so hotly for them. If they didn’t, Tessa was positive that something inside of her would break. She felt wound tighter than a windup toy that had been left unsprang for too long.

“Please. Do something. I need you,” she panted.

“Oh, baby. We haven’t even gotten started good yet.” Tag’s words sounded more like a warning or a threat than they did anything else.

Zander’s chuckle didn’t comfort her either. What did they want from her? Were they trying to drive her insane? She was already there. All that was missing was the padded room and straitjacket.

“I can’t stand it any longer. I need to taste her juices. I can smell her, and it’s got my cock so hard I’m going to be able to trace the zipper pattern on it from my jeans.” Zander pushed back from her and disappeared from sight.

Tag chuckled. “Take them off, man. They’ll just slow you down later anyway.”

She could hear Zander off to the side then the sound of more rifling of clothing. She could almost see him in her head, stripping out of the denim to reveal his stiff, hard cock and heavy balls. She’d never seen them, but imagined from the way he’d felt pressed against her that he was quite large.

The bed dipped at her feet and hot skin pressed between her thighs, shoving them wider apart. Zander was there. Right next to her aching pussy. She felt a puff of warm air across the wet sensitive lips just before his tongue laved her from slit to clit.

“Fuck!” Nothing could have stopped her from crying out or the moan that followed.

“Later, kitten. Right now I’m enjoying my delicious treat for being such a good boy and giving you time to get to know us,” Zander said in a husky, strained voice. “And you do taste good, so very good.”

“Lick her dry, Z. When I get ready for my treat, we’ll make her come so I can have some,” Tag told him.

“Oh, I plan to. There’s no way I’m leaving one drop of her honey to go to waste.”

Tessa thought she’d come just from their words. They were going to destroy her. She’d never survive them should they be teasing her about having a relationship. There would be no need to leave town and find another place to settle to start over. She’d just shrivel up and die.

“Oh, God!” Tessa gasped when Zander spread her pussy lips to spear her slit with his tongue. The mild friction was just strong enough to have her squirming to get closer but not nearly enough to give her any relief.

“Help me keep her still, Tag. She’s squirming like a little piglet down here.” Zander’s mild chuckle didn’t soften her outrage at being compared to a pig.

“Pig? Did you just call me a pig?” she huffed out.

“Baby pigs are cute, Tessa. All pink and squirmy, just like you,” Zander said.

Tag moved slightly so that his upper body helped hold her abdomen still. It didn’t stop him from his almost obsessive worship of her breasts with his hands and mouth. They seemed to always be aware of what the other was doing, because when Tag caught one nipple between his teeth and tugged on it, flicking it with his tongue, Zander followed suit with her clit, driving her to the brink of climax before backing off again.

Over and over they played with her, until she begged them to let her come. Zander hummed his approval of her seeping juices, thrusting two fingers into her cunt to stroke along the sensitive tissues until she was sure she’d go mad with need. The way he tongued her clit had her pumping her hips as much as she was able with Tag laying across her abdomen.

Finally, as if they’d planned it, the two men coordinated their efforts so that Tessa’s mind went numb from the explosion of pleasure that coursed through her body from their attentions. Tag flattened one nipple against the roof of his mouth while he pinched the other one. Zander sucked hard on her clit as he stroked her sweet spot inside her wet cunt.

She was sure she screamed their names, but for the life of her, Tessa couldn’t remember as she panted through the amazing sensations flooding her body. As she slowly recovered enough to be able to hear over the roaring in her ears, she expected Zander to stop sucking and licking on her pussy, but he hadn’t. When she opened her eyes again, it was to find Zander smiling down at her even though she still felt a mouth sucking at her juices.

“Tag kicked me off of you. Said it was his turn now that you’d come to claim all that sweet goodness for himself,” he said. “Can’t blame him, but damn, you sure tasted good. Especially all that fresh cream you were giving me when you came.”

Tessa was going to say something to him but already her body was gearing up for another orgasm. She’d never had more than one before and only when she’d given them to herself. She opened her mouth to protest, but Zander didn’t give her a chance, choosing instead to silence her with his kiss, sharing her tangy essence.

“Fuck! You taste better than apple pie and ice cream, baby.” Tag’s raspy declaration barely registered as between the two men, Tessa came apart once again.


* * * *

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