Bound by Their Love (15 page)

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Authors: Nicole Flockton

BOOK: Bound by Their Love
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It was impossible to form any words in response to Jeff's declaration. She couldn't believe they were having this conversation in bed. Not long ago hunger for each other swirled around them. Now the hunger was simmering below the surface of something so much more important. They were on a precipice of changing their relationship status, and not just because of the baby. Greta had a feeling even without the baby they would've reached this point.

‘What do you mean it's my collection?'

‘During the presentation process, the collection was always referred to as the Jeffrey Courteux Regent Collection. I spoke to Luc the other day and told him the name of the collection was changing.'

‘What's it going to be called now?'

‘It's going to be now called The Angel Collection. You were my muse. Now you're the mother of my child. It's only fitting that my best collection be named for you.'

If she'd thought she was speechless before, now she was mute. Tears welled up in her eyes.

This man.

This charismatic, elusive man made her feel like the most important person in the world.

‘I don't know what to say. I'm honoured that you would name such an amazing collection after me. But won't everyone think that the only reason my firm got the account was because of our relationship?'

‘Only you and I know the special meaning behind the word
. No one else does, and no one needs to know.'

‘As flattered as I am, I don't think you should rename the collection.'

A hard gleam entered Jeff's eyes. ‘Tough, Angel. I'm not changing the name.'

‘Jeff, be reasonable.'

‘I'm tired of talking. I'd much rather kiss you.'

Greta knew she should protest more. Knew the conversation was far from over. It had been a bizarre last few minutes. They'd gone from a no strings attached one-night stand that had been extended to a couple expecting a baby who were not really a couple having a deep conversation while naked in bed.

Jeff sighed against her hair as his arm snaked out and pulled her close. ‘I promise we'll talk about it later, Angel.'

‘Is this a promise you can keep?'

His eyes lit up in amusement as he remembered their previous conversation. ‘Yes. Keeping my hands off of you is the only promise I like breaking.'

Giving in to what she'd wanted all along, Jeff in her arms about to possess her, she reached her arms up and encircled them around his neck. ‘Break away.'

Their lips met and she stopped thinking, giving herself over to the sensations and emotions being in Jeff's arms brought.

While his lips ravished hers, his hand started its tortuous progression down her body. Massaging her breast before sliding over her stomach until it slipped between her legs. She arched her body into his touch, moaning against his mouth as his finger dipped inside her.

While his fingers were busy stroking her, bringing her close to her climax, his mouth broke the kiss. He gave her a wicked smile before he moved down the bed and settled himself between her legs. At the first touch of his tongue on her hot flesh, her eyes closed; the image of him between her legs imprinted behind her lids. Her hips undulated in movement with his tongue. Greta reached down and gripped the back of his head, applying pressure at the back, forcing his tongue deeper inside of her.

The spasms started slow, butterfly strength, before building and building until she cried out her release; her muscles pulsating around his tongue as the aftershocks of her orgasm rolled through her.

He lay still between her legs, kissing her inner thigh before crawling up the bed and gathering her close. His hard length rested against her belly. She reached down between them and stroked him.

His breath hissed against her cheek as she grasped him and brushed her thumb across the head of his penis. His hips pushed against her hand.

‘I need to be inside you now. Is it safe?'

Greta kissed his lips. ‘Yes, it's fine. The doctor said any sexual activity will be okay.'

His hand went to the drawer of the beside table before stopping. ‘I guess I don't need a condom.'

She laughed. ‘No, it's a bit late to prevent a pregnancy. And if you're concerned about any other issues, you don't need to be.'

‘You don't have to worry about me either.' He changed his position so that his lower body was nestled between her legs. ‘Now, Angel?'

She lifted her hips. ‘Now.'

Jeff grinned and slid into her. Then he was moving slowly, pulling himself almost all the way out before plunging back inside of her. He repeated the action, each time increasing his pace, her body matching the pace he set. Her blood tingled to life. She wound her legs around his back. Greta was sure the cuff was digging into his arse, but she was beyond thought. Feelings and sensations were taking possession of her. She cried out her second release as Jeff plunged into her one last time, groaning her name against her ear.

Jeff's arms closed around her, rolling so that she was lying on top of him. Her eyes drifted shut in contentment. It felt right to be in his arms. It felt perfect to be in his bed. It felt like she was home.

Chapter 17

Jeffrey woke in the morning to the sound of Greta being sick in the bathroom. He threw the covers off and jumped out of bed, wincing as his legs cramped in response to his abrupt movement. He grit his teeth, determined to get to the bathroom to help Greta.

He limped over to the door and knocked before turning the handle, surprised that it opened. Knowing she probably wanted her privacy, he spoke through the opening. ‘Angel, can I help?'

Her answer was the sound of her retching again. Deciding to throw caution to the wind, he opened the door and walked in. He reached out and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist. Jeff planned to get a washcloth and dampen it, but the sound of the toilet flushing had him changing direction.

He squatted down next to her, gently prying her hands away from the porcelain. ‘Angel, what can I do?'

She held up her hand and bent over the toilet again. Her retching pierced him to his heart. He wished he could take the sickness away. Knowing it was a normal part of pregnancy didn't make it any easier to witness the woman he cared about suffer.

He stood up and retrieved a washcloth, as he'd originally planned to do. Running it under warm water, he heard Greta flushing the toilet again.

Jeff went over to where she sat on the closed toilet. He laid the warm cloth on her neck, having no idea if she'd prefer a cool cloth instead. But she was butt naked and he could see the shivers racking her body. He picked her up and traded positions so he was sitting on the toilet. He hugged her close, hoping his warmth would stop her shivers. If anything, they intensified.

‘Greta,' he brushed his lips against her forehead. ‘Can I take you back to bed? You need to get warm.'

‘I think so.'

‘Let's try.' He stood and walked slowly to the bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and tucked the covers around her. She curled up on her side and closed her eyes, her hand resting lightly on her stomach. ‘I'll be right back. I'll just get you some water.'

She nodded weakly, breathing through her nose and blowing out through her mouth.

Jeff stood for a few seconds, debating whether he needed to carry her back to the bathroom. Slowly her breathing became less erratic and more controlled. Confident he could leave her for a few moments, he went to the kitchen and pulled a glass down, filling it with some bottled water. He opened his pantry to see if he had some crackers or something he could give her. It looked pretty bare.

Once he was sure Greta was okay, he'd run into town and pick up some essentials. For the first time since he'd moved into his house, he wished he lived closer to town. He didn't want to leave her alone right now, to make the ninety-minute drive round trip.

He made his way back to the bedroom with the water. Greta was lying where he'd left her. Placing the glass on the side table, he sat down on the bed.

‘Angel,' he stroked a hand down her hair. ‘I've got your water.'

She rolled over. Relief flooded him when he saw her cheeks weren't as pale as when he'd left her. The green tinge around her mouth had disappeared.

Greta slowly raised her shoulders off the mattress. Jeff put his arm underneath her and helped her into a better sitting position. Keeping a tight hold on her, he picked up the glass with his free hand, holding it out for her.

She took a couple of sips before she pushed it back toward him. ‘Thank you. I'm sorry you had to see that. I haven't suffered a lot from morning sickness, but when I have it's been brutal.'

Jeff returned the glass on the table, close to the edge so Greta could get it if she needed it. ‘You don't have to apologise to me. I'm sorry that I'm partly responsible for causing you to be sick. Have you told your dad about the baby?'

The colour leached out of her face again and he poised himself to get her to the bathroom again. ‘No, I haven't. No one knows and I don't want anyone to know.'

The vehemence in her voice was in stark contrast to her pale features.


‘You've met my father.' Greta laughed harshly and moved a little further away from where he sat. He stood and moved to the other side of the bed. He wanted to be holding her when they had this conversation.

Jeffrey slipped in beside her and rested his back against the headrest. He pulled Greta into his arms.

‘Why wouldn't he be happy to be a grandfather? I know he has issues with you working in the office, but I know even the most hardened businessmen melt at the idea of being a father or grandfather.'

‘If I tell Dad I'm pregnant, then I've fulfilled his expectations of why women can never hold important executive positions. How many times he drummed into me, “Eventually women will always put family before business”. He'll have so much pleasure in telling me
I told you so
.' She looked up him, desperation shining in her eyes. ‘Promise me you won't say anything to him, Jeff. This is one promise I need you to keep. Tell me that you can.'

If he'd wanted another reason to dislike her father, she'd just handed him the perfect reason. Jeffrey hated to see the confidence that normally shined brightly in Greta dull at the mention of her father. He knew he would respect her wishes. Though he wanted to see her father and knock some sense into him.

‘I won't say anything to him. But Angel, eventually you're going to start showing. What are you going to do then? The unveiling of the collection is happening in just over two months. You told me you were close to eight weeks. By that time you're going to be at almost sixteen weeks. It's going to be impossible to keep it a secret.'

‘By then the campaign will have been completed. All the print, online and television spots booked. My vision for your collection will be out in the world. Dad won't be able to argue that me being pregnant took my focus away from doing the best job possible.'

Jeff couldn't disagree with her argument. Her points were valid. However, part of him was concerned it could all come crashing down around her.

‘And what about us?' Jeffrey asked quietly. ‘Are you going to tell your father about our involvement.

‘I think it would be best to not to say anything until after the unveiling. Besides,' she twisted the sheet around her finger. He had a feeling he wasn't going to like what she was going to say next. ‘I've already told him there's nothing going on between us. If I say something now, he's going to believe it wasn't because you and Luciano liked my presentation, but because I was sleeping with you that the firm was awarded the account.'

‘Why would he think there was something happening between us?'

‘It doesn't matter. Can we stop talking about this now?'

Just like he'd done the previous evening, when they had been discussing the name change of the collection, Greta shut down a conversation when things became too uncomfortable. He couldn't very well argue with her and demand they continue until they'd come up with a suitable resolution.

‘Fine.' He looked over at the clock. ‘We've got an hour and a half until we have to meet the people at Fierro's to discuss the outdoor shoots you talked about in your presentation. I assume that you still want to proceed with that plan, even though the new layouts that were sent to Luc were the complete opposite?'

Greta sighed wanting nothing more than to pull the covers over her head and forget all about being pregnant, her father, the campaign and Jeff. Everything was becoming more and more complicated with every passing day.

She wished she could go back in time and had come up to Broome to do her research for the campaign the week Graham had come up. Then she never would've met Jeff and her life would've been unchanged.

And you would've been lonely. Admit it, you like lying here with him. Your career doesn't seem so important now, does it?

She slammed the door on the thoughts. Her career was everything and now, with a baby on the way, her priorities were going to have to change and she didn't want that. Didn't want that at all.

‘Angel, are you okay? Can you make this meeting or do you want me to change the time, make it later?'

Greta realised she hadn't answered Jeff. ‘I'm fine. Yes, I can make the meeting.'

To prove the point she tossed back the covers and slid her legs over the side of the bed. She sat up and waited to see what her stomach was going to do. It somersaulted a couple of times before it settled down. She could do this. She had to. She had no other choice.

‘See,' she said triumphantly, looking over her shoulder at Jeff. ‘I'll go take a shower in my room and then I'll meet you back in the kitchen in half an hour.'

Greta moved around the room, picking up her discarded panties and dress. Slipping the dress over her head, she paused momentarily at the sight of the shoes on the ground. Jeff had taken the cuff off after they'd made love the first time.

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