Bound by Their Love (16 page)

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Authors: Nicole Flockton

BOOK: Bound by Their Love
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‘You can take them if you want. They're yours, after all.'

She looked at the shoes one last time and the man still lounging sexily on the bed. He'd been nothing but wonderful to her that morning. Looking after her when she'd been sick and she hadn't thanked him at all. ‘No, they're yours now.'

Greta walked back to the bed and to Jeff. His brown eyes dark and mysterious, hiding his thoughts from her. She wanted them open. Open so she could read their depths and see into his soul. ‘I don't think I thanked you for looking after me this morning.' She leaned in and kissed him tenderly on the lips. ‘Thank you, Jeff. You don't know how special it made me feel. Even when I was hurling like a demon.'

He laughed and touched her cheek briefly. ‘I'm glad I was here. I don't like thinking of you going through that alone.'

She shrugged. ‘I think there will be plenty that I'll be going through alone.'

Jeff looked like he wanted to argue the point so she stepped away from the bed. ‘No, Jeff. No more talking. Let's get these meetings out of the way.

She needed to get her focus on her work. Work was going to be her salvation when things ended between her and Jeff. And they would end, regardless of the fact they were about to have a child together. She'd come to learn not to rely on the opposite sex following through on what they say they're going to do. Empty promises. That's all her experience had been.

Do well at school, Greta and you'll get that new doll you want.

She did what he asked. Got straight A's on her report cards. Not once did she get the doll she had been promised. She stopped asking after a while.

No, Jeff may promise that they'll work through this pregnancy together. He may promise that he'd be there for her. He may promise that he'd keep the pregnancy quiet. Who's to say that in a couple of weeks he'll change his mind and tell her father? She knew he hadn't liked the idea of keeping it just between them.

But one thing she did know. You can't change your history, and in her history the men in her life always let her down. It would only be a matter of time before Jeff did.

‘So do you want to tell me what is happening with the campaign?' Jeff asked. They'd been in the car for about fifteen minutes. The silence hadn't been uncomfortable but she was wondering who was going to break it first. However, the question Jeff asked wasn't one she really wanted to answer.

‘Well, my plan is to speak to the owners of Fierro's to see if they'll grant access so we can get some underwater footage of the pearl farm. My vision is to show the wonder of how a pearl is formed. How it goes from this spec of dirt into a gemstone that is rare and unique. From there the stone is crafted to become one of the centrepieces of your jewellery.'

‘That's not what those layouts showed. The ones that turned up on Luc's desk showed a completely different concept. If I didn't know any better I'd almost think Graham had a hand in preparing those layouts.' He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. ‘They were very similar to what he showed us. Not that we saw all of them, mind you. What do you know about it, Angel?'

Greta tried not to squirm in her seat. She knew she'd have to face the consequences of what her father and Graham had done. Would Jeff believe her if she told him there had been a mix-up?

She twirled a piece of hair around her finger. A nervous gesture she hadn't done in a very long time. She quickly let the strand go. ‘There was a mix-up with a new intern. She got confused and sent the wrong layouts to Luciano. I'm really sorry that happened.'

He laughed and she grimaced at the sound. ‘This is me you're talking to. Not Luc. You don't have to lie.'

‘How do you know I'm not telling the truth?'

‘Because you're fidgeting and you never fidget when you're with me. I've seen you angry, happy, in the throes of passion and now I've seen you lie. You're an easy read. Well, for me anyway.'

Greta wasn't happy knowing she was such an easy read for Jeff. She wished she could read him so easily. He had his sunglasses on again and boy, did they make him look sexy. His shirt was open at the neck and a hint of his chest was showing. A chest she'd kissed all over last night. A chest she wanted to kiss all over again.

What would he do if she ran her hand up his thigh? Traced the outline of his impressive cock. Her hand inched toward him.

‘Don't even think about it, Angel. You're playing with fire.'

‘I think I told you once before, I like playing with fire. I like being burned.'

A hand closed over her bare knee; the skirt of her dress had ridden up when she'd got into the car. His fingers tiptoed up and under the hemline. Her breath whooshed out of her and her hand clamped over his, halting its upward movement.

‘Point taken.'

He laughed again. Something she noticed he seemed to be doing more with her. She had a feeling he didn't laugh often, or with many.

‘So now that we're back on track, Angel, how about you tell me the truth? I know there wasn't a mix-up.'

‘Can't we just leave it, Jeff? I'm here now and I'll get everything squared away on this trip. From now on there will be nothing for you and Luciano to worry about. You'll be here with me. You will see I can get access to the mining areas and locations we need to bring to life the ideas I presented to you.'

‘I want to believe that, I really do. But you need to be straight-up and open with me.'

Greta sighed, knowing that unless she came clean with Jeff he wasn't going to let the situation go. He was going to keep going on and on about it.

‘Fine.' What she said next was either going to kill the account or Jeff will be fine with it. ‘Dad changed out the layouts. He isn't comfortable with some aspects of what I want to do and how I want to reveal your collection. I'm sorry, Jeff. It won't happen again. I'll make sure of it.'

His sharp nod told her nothing. Was he happy she'd told the truth? Was he angry about what her dad had done? Was he angry that she hadn't told him straightaway? It was what she should've done. She should've just told Luc the moment she'd found out what her father had done.

Silence fell over the car again, and after a few minutes she couldn't stand it. ‘Well, aren't you going to say something? You were all keen to find out what happened. When I tell you, you don't say anything.'

‘It was what we thought had happened.'

‘What do you mean
what we thought?

‘Luc, Nick and I. When we left your office, after we told you you'd won the campaign. When we got back to the office, Luc, Nick and I discussed the possibility your father may ignore Luc's threat. We'd seen the way he treated you. Immediately assuming Graham had won the account over his own daughter.'

Greta stomach clenched, like she'd been punched in the stomach. They'd suspected her father would do something like he'd done? ‘I'm not sure I quite understand what you're saying.'

‘Simple, Angel. The layouts that turned up on Luc's desk weren't too much of a surprise to him.'

‘But if that's the case, then why didn't Luciano pull the account like he said he would? He doesn't strike me as a man who would make empty threats. More to the point, he looks like a man who would take action at the first hint of trouble. Those layouts were trouble.'

‘Luc's not unreasonable and I convinced him that it was going to happen and to give you a chance. We both believe in and love your campaign. I know you can deliver on your promises, which is why you're here.'

Greta didn't easily get confused, but she was totally lost. ‘I'm still not sure I understand.'

‘It's quite simple. You're here to finish the campaign. To make all the arrangements for the photo shoots. Everything you would do in your office, you're doing here. Away from your father and his interfering ways. And you're right. Luc doesn't make empty threats. In fact, he's meeting with your dad today to let him know that his interference won't be tolerated.'

Greta didn't want to be in that meeting. But she knew she was going to be hearing about it. Her phone would be ringing nonstop later on. Her father would, no doubt, blame her for Luciano turning up in his office. Regardless of the fact that Luc and Jeff had worked out her father and Graham were at the bottom of the changes to the campaign. In his mind it would still be her fault.

‘So what happens now?'

‘Now we meet with Fierro's and work out a time for your film crew to come in. Then we have some lunch.'

This time it was her turn to laugh. ‘You think we're going to have lunch today?'

He winked. ‘I know we will, Angel. I can guarantee it.'

Chapter 18

Jeffrey sat back and watched as Greta infused her excitement over the collection with the marketing manager at Fierro's. He also noticed she referred to the collection as ‘The Angel Collection'. He wondered if she realised what she was doing.

‘Well Greta, that sounds like an ambitious campaign you've got planned. As it's going to show our operations in a unique and positive light, we're all for it. We will grant you access to the areas you need to get the photos and footage you want.'

‘Fantastic, you won't be sorry.'

‘I'm sure we won't.' The marketing manager leaned forward. ‘Do you know what “Greta” means?'

Jeffrey straightened a little in his chair, wondering why the meaning of Greta's name was relevant to their meeting.

‘No sir, I don't.' Greta replied.

‘Well, Greta means

Greta looked over at Jeffrey, amazement highlighting her features. ‘Did you know this?'

‘No, I didn't. But I did know something else about your name.'

‘What?' she asked, clearly interested in what he had to say.

‘Well, it's to do with your last name, Adamas.'

Greta held up her hand. ‘Don't tell me that means pearl as well?'

‘No, but I think you'll get quite a kick out of it.'

This time it was the marketing manager who injected himself into the conversation. ‘You've got my interest piqued as well, Jeffrey.'

is the Ancient Greek word for “unbreakable”.' Jeffrey focused his stare on Greta, her eyes glittering golden with curiosity. ‘And the term unbreakable is used in reference to diamonds.'

Her eyes widened as she took in the significance of what he was saying. His whole collection. The collection inspired by her featured mainly pearls and diamonds.

He thought about the design he hadn't transferred from paper to actual real materials. Perhaps it was time to bring that design to life.

‘That's fascinating.' The marketing manager smiled at Greta. ‘Looks like you definitely should be working with this campaign.'

‘Yes,' Greta whispered. ‘I had no idea my name held such significance in the world of jewellery.'

Greta stood and Jeffrey followed suit, seeing she was uncomfortable with the conversation. As she held out her hand toward the marketing manager, he noticed the small tremor coursing through her. He immediately wanted to wrap an arm around her waist to steady her. Keep her safe. He remembered she hadn't eaten anything at all that morning, and had spent a portion of it hunched over the toilet.

The marketing manager took her hand and gave it a quick shake.

‘Thank you for meeting with us, Mr Watts. I'll be in touch to finalise a time to get a film crew up here. I think it's going to very exciting time for Fierro's.'

‘Indeed, Ms Adamas. Indeed.' The other man turned his attention onto Jeffrey. ‘Jeffrey, it's always a pleasure to see you. We had a rush of guests come in the gift shop over the last week. I'm afraid they cleaned us out of your jewellery.' Mr Watts laughed and shook his head. ‘Even I could hear the squeals of excitement from grown women when they realised they were your designs in the glass cases.'

Satisfaction filled Jeffrey, as it always did when he knew his designs were well received by members of the public. ‘That's great. I'll get some more to you by the end of the week. What about the “JC” designs, do you need more of those?'

The JC jewellery line was his basic, more affordable designs. He still wanted to be accessible the general public. He didn't want to only be high-end. Every woman deserved to have a beautiful piece of jewellery.

‘Oh, I believe we have enough but I think we'll probably need some more in the next couple of weeks. We're expecting another influx of tourists, with the schools down south going on holidays soon.'

‘Just let me know.' Jeffrey went and stood beside Greta; giving in to the need to touch her, he placed his hand on the small of her back. ‘Are you ready to go get something to eat, Greta?'

‘Yes.' The word seemed to be pulled from her depths and he studied her closely, noting the fine sheen of moisture on her upper lip.

He ushered out the door and the moment it closed he stopped. ‘Are you okay?'

He held her arms as she closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths, her hand going to her stomach. Instinct had him placing his hand over hers. Her eyes flicked open as if surprised by his touch.

‘Is junior giving you a hard time?'

‘Shhh,' she said, as she looked around them.

He removed his hand from where it lay and stepped back. ‘Sorry. Let's get lunch.'

Jeffrey started back down the hallway, trying to control the anger radiating through him. He was going to get pretty tired of having to watch everything he said around her about the baby. The more he thought about the prospect of becoming a father, the more it excited him.

He couldn't wait to meet the child he and Greta created. Would it have her sparkling hazel eyes or would the baby have his serious brown ones? He imagined, seeing as they both had dark hair, the baby would also have dark hair.

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