Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories (52 page)

Read Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories Online

Authors: Sierra Cartwright,Annabel Joseph,Cari Silverwood,Natasha Knight,Sue Lyndon,Emily Tilton,Cara Bristol,Renee Rose,Alta Hensley,Trent Evans,Ashe Barker,Katherine Deane,Korey Mae Johnson,Kallista Dane

Tags: #romance, #spanking romance, #bdsm romance, #erotic romance, #sierra cartwright, #annabel joseph, #cari silverwood, #sue lyndon, #natasha knight, #trent evans, #cara bristol, #ashe barker, #emily tilton, #katherine deane, #Kallista Dane, #alta hensley, #korey mae johnson, #renee rose, #holiday romance, #Valentine's Day

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ith special thanks and appreciation for my editor, Zak Keir, Queen of Commas, and of course my long-suffering family who are an endless source of inspiration. Were it not for my daughter's insistence on being clothed and fed I might have given up long ago.

His to Take by Kallista Dane



Gadolinium 2724 AD

tar Portals have existed since the beginning of time. Doorways between worlds in this galaxy—and others. They are found on Earth at the convergence of ley lines, those invisible electromagnetic paths crisscrossing our globe. Our ancestors discovered them thousands of years ago and used them to travel to the farthest reaches of the Universe.

Flourishing ancient civilizations didn’t die out. The people of Atlantis, the Vikings, the Mayans—when tragedy struck their homelands, they simply migrated through the Portals to places where fresh water flowed, crops grew abundantly, and the climate was nearly perfect.

Human beings descended from our common ancestors are alive today on a trio of planets thousands of light years away. Islands of stability in the Universe where vast quantities of natural resources and rare minerals abound.

Neodyma. Iridia. And the icy world farthest from the warmth of the twin suns Phalys and Zalyx—Gadolinium

Chapter One


’ll be back before half moon.”

“Can’t I come with you? I hate being here alone. No matter how many furs I pile on it, the bed is still cold without you to warm it.”

“Have you not yet learned that my decisions are not to be questioned? And remember—no lingering there for hours on end while I’m gone.”

Haldor’s voice took on the stern note that always sent decadent shivers down her spine. Then he held out his arms. “Now come and kiss me goodbye, like a proper wench.”

She laughed and threw herself at him. “A proper wench? Is that what I am?”

His lips captured hers in a fierce kiss, leaving her breathless. He drew back and grinned. “You will be one day. But I fear it may take you years of training—and discipline.” He gave her naked ass a playful swat and headed out the door.

“Ouch!” She turned away, rubbing her cheeks with both hands. His huge palm covered her entire bottom with one whack, bringing back memories of yesterday’s session over his knee.



She groaned and burrowed down under the covers. Neither of the suns would be out for hours. No matter what the clock said, she hadn’t gotten used to starting her day in darkness.

His heavy stride thudded across the wooden floor. Suddenly the covers were wrenched away. She huddled into a ball. “Noooo!”

“Up with you, woman.”

She pulled a feather pillow over her head, trying desperately to ignore the booming voice.

“Come now, my Freya. How can you be my love goddess if you lie in bed with the covers over your head all the day long?”

“All day? Even if we did see the suns in this cursed season, they wouldn’t even be peeking over the horizon right now.”

He laughed. “Get dressed and come with me. I’m heading into the forest to gather more firewood. I don’t want to worry about you ever being without light and warmth. The fresh air and exercise will do you good.”

“Fresh air?” She threw her pillow at him. “It’s so cold out there, I can
the air when I breathe it out. Air isn’t meant to be seen. It’s meant to surround your body in a mantle of perfect temperature. Never too hot. And definitely never cold.”

“There is no bad weather – only bad clothing.” He tossed her a fur-lined wool cloak. “That’s what my old nana used to say when I complained about the winter’s chill as a lad. Put this on and you’ll never feel it.”

He headed for the door. “I don’t know how you Earthers bear the monotony of living in those Domes. How can a man savor the warmth of a hot fire and an even hotter wench if he never feels the cold? Oh yes, I forgot – those pitiful creatures aren’t really men any more.”

Selena bristled. “Stop it. That’s not true. Just because they aren’t either having sex, thinking about the sex they’re going to have or bragging to their friends about the sex they had last night doesn’t mean they’re not men. There’s more to life than sex.”

“That’s not what you said last night.” He gave her a leer. “I could swear I heard you thanking the gods for a real man while begging me to think about nothing but sex.”

She blushed. Even after all their time together, the mere thought of the once-forbidden things she said and did when he aroused her still made her feel deliciously naughty. “You promised me after last time you wouldn’t mention the things we do any more unless we’re alone in our bed. I nearly died of shame when you made that comment in front of Talia and Kylar last week.”

He lowered his voice. “Well, you’re still in bed. So it seems to me that right now I can talk all I want about how wild you get when I stick my finger up your ass while I’m fucking you.”

Her pussy spasmed. Those filthy words. That husky growl. She’d never known her body would respond,
respond instantly. Flooding her with dampness. Making her ache to be filled by him again. Everywhere.

She couldn’t get enough of him. Ever since the day when he finally opened his eyes. The first thing he did was look her over, top to toe. Then he smiled, a slow sexy grin that made her feel like she was standing there in front of him stark naked. Men didn’t look at women like that on Earth. Not any more. She swore her nipples hardened right then. He sent a wild thrill through her whole body.

And he still did. All he had to do was say something wicked out loud, his voice rough with hunger. Or look at her again like that, his deep blue eyes dark with heat. She’d spread her legs for him in an instant, drop to her knees in front of his magnificent cock.

“Don’t be giving me that look! If I crawl back in bed with you right now I’ll get nothing done all day. We’ll have plenty of time to dally later—once we’ve finished the chores.” He headed for the door. “I’m going out to hitch the horse up to the wagon. Hurry and dress. You can bring a mug of hot tea with you.”

As soon as the door shut behind him, Selena slid a hand between her legs. Her center of pleasure was already throbbing. She ran her fingers over it, remembering how his tongue had felt when it traveled the same path last night. Making her pussy spasm, sending wild shivers through her belly. He’d gone so slowly at first. Taking her nipples between his fingers. First one, then the other. Pinching and squeezing them. Making a low sound deep in his throat when she writhed beneath him.

Then he said those words that never failed to take her to the next level.

“Don’t move. Or I’ll tie you hand and foot to this bed with your legs spread wide apart—so I can do whatever I want to you.”

Eyes closed, fingers busy between her legs, Selena was lost in reliving the memory. She never heard the door open.

A firm hand closed around her wrist. He sank down on the bed and yanked her over his lap. The crack of his palm echoed off the stone walls of their bedroom as that first lick of flame scorched her bottom.

“Still in bed?” SWAT “And taking what belongs to me?” His voice thundered, sending a shiver through her again, this time one of fear. He sounded really angry.

He whacked her again. She let out a wail.

“Ooow! Stop it!”

“Stop it? Did you say ‘stop it’?” He landed three more smacks, one after another, so fast and hard it took her breath away. “Don’t ever give me an order while you’re over my lap with your bare ass high in the air. This ass belongs to me. And so does your pussy.”

He started spanking her in earnest then, first on one cheek, then the other. “I can see I’ve been too easy with you. You think you can ignore what I say, laze in bed all day—and then pleasure yourself without my knowledge or permission? I’m lord of this castle, no matter how humble it may be. And you will do as you’re told. No arguments, no complaints.”

All the while, his hand kept up its relentless rhythm. Every jolt of pain followed by a fiery burn spreading over her whole bottom. Selena squirmed and bucked, desperate to get away. Haldor shifted, trapping her legs between his iron hard thighs, raised her ass higher and gave it another hard whack.

“Are you going to tell me to stop it again?”

“No. I...I won’t.”

He smacked her again. “No, what?”

Selena bit her lip, trying to keep from crying out loud. She’d never gotten used to the idea of giving up control, of referring to him as custom decreed on this planet.

“No, my Lord,” she whimpered, trying desperately to hold back the tears.

“If you ever want to sit down again, you won’t. I’ll tell you what else you’ll not do again. You won’t be sticking your fingers into your sweet pussy when I’m not around. I decide when this body deserves to feel pleasure. And I alone will bestow it.  That is my right as your lord and master here on Gadolinium.”

His hand came down again. She jerked, unable to get away. He’d never spanked her so hard.

“Do you understand?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

He used both hands to spread her legs apart, then rammed two fingers into her dripping slit. She gasped.

“That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?”

“Y...yes, my Lord.”

His fingers slid in and out, fast and rough. The burning on her bottom morphed into a different kind of heat, spreading through her, driving her to the edge.

He stopped suddenly and she moaned.

“Have I treated you fairly and justly since you came to Gadolinium?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Do you think it’s right that you show me the same fairness?”

She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. The hunger inside her so great. “Please, Haldor...”

He gave her a fierce whack. “Answer me!”

This time she couldn’t hold back a sob. “Yes, my Lord.”

His fingers slid back in, pumping in and out as he spoke. She was frantic, hardly hearing what he said. He knew her body so well by now. Knew just where to stroke her inside. When to go slow, when to thrust hard and fast to take her to the peak.

“Good. Then you will agree that it’s only fair that you bring me pleasure now.”

He took his hand away and spread his legs apart, forcing Selena to her knees. One fist clamped around his cock, already rigid, while the other twisted in her hair.

“Your ass belongs to me. Say it.”

He rubbed the head back and forth over her lips.

“ ass belongs to you.” She still felt embarrassed using words like that out loud, even with him.

“Your pussy belongs to me.

“My pussy is yours, my Lord.”

“Now I’m going to take you in the mouth. And you’re going to give
pleasure – because that’s only fair. And I’m a fair and just man. Isn’t that true?”

He’d brought her right to the edge, to the place where she’d say anything, do anything he said, if only he’d take her over. Whirling through the abyss, to a place where space and time disappeared. Where rational thought ended and savage hunger demanded to be fulfilled. That place only he had ever taken her.

She opened her mouth to say yes – and he slid his cock in. Reaching up, she wrapped one hand around the shaft and swirled her tongue around the head, knowing how much he loved that. He let out a groan. Thrusting fast and deep, holding her head in place with his fist buried in her hair. Fucking her mouth. Taking her rough and hard.

His body started to quiver. Loving that moment when she made him lose control, she sucked him in. Opening herself to him.

He came hard. She struggled to swallow every drop, wanting only to please him as he pleased her. His fist gradually loosened its grip in her hair. Tension drained out of his body and his arms cradled her head against his stomach.

“I’d lay down my life for you,” he said gently. “All I ask in return is your love, your respect—and your obedience. I know you think my rules are sometimes petty and pointless. But trust me, they are for your health and safety. All except the rule where I will be the only one to grant you release.”

He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “That’s pure selfishness on my part. I love making you come. Love listening to you, watching your face.”

She smiled up at him. “That’s because it’s still so new to me. Every time is like the first time with you.”

He stroked her hair. “I’m sorry but I need to drive home my point. You’re still being punished for not getting up and getting ready to come out with me when I told you to. So there’ll be no Gratification for you this time.”

Her pussy clenched. She let out a tiny whimper of dismay. His passion always aroused hers and she longed to have him take her in his arms and please her in all the ways he’d introduced her to. She turned her head away, unwilling to let him see the disappointment in her eyes.

“Selena, I know you don’t yet understand our ways. But trust me. I’ve seen strong Viking warriors succumb to malaise in the dead of winter. It creeps slowly upon you. First you find it hard to drag yourself out of bed in the darkness. It seems so much easier to stay in a cocoon of warmth. Then you can’t bring yourself to face the cold even one more day. You lock yourself indoors, where you’re alone all the time. Sleeping all day and not getting any exercise makes it impossible to rest at night. The wind howls and the chill seems even worse. So you sit by the fire for hours and try to warm your bones with mug after mug of honey mead. Soon it becomes your only friend.”

His arms tightened around her. “That’s why I’m so firm about insisting that you maintain a strict schedule. Months on end of cold gray days and endless nights can send anyone spiraling into depression. My people learned long ago that keeping busy is one sure way to combat it.”

He stood, pulling her to her feet with him.

“Now—get dressed and come with me. Please?”

The thud of his axe against the frozen tree trunk echoed in the woods. Selena carried a bundle of smaller branches to the wagon, already half full of logs bigger around than her arms could circle. Haldor hefted them as though they were twigs.

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