Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Suck me in,” he said.

Titania sucked in her cheeks. The pleasure almost brought him to his knees. He rocked in her mouth in slow, smooth strokes. Her eyes closed and the moan she released vibrated up his shaft. He tightened his grip in her hair going deeper into her mouth.

“You look so beautiful taking my cock into your mouth.”

Her hands gripped his thighs holding on as she licked along the vein of his shaft. The heat of her mouth along with her inexperienced movements was driving him closer to orgasm.

“You keep doing that and I’m going to explode. Do you want to swallow my cum?” he asked.

Her eyes opened and the startling blue caught him once again. Cade wondered if there would ever come a time when he wasn’t taken by her gaze. The dark black of her hair and the contrasting blue of her eyes struck him every time. Titania’s thick body never failed to make him hard. Her large breasts and hips made him want her all the time. Whenever she entered a room, the only person he wished to look at was his woman.

Titania shrugged at his question. Thrusting into her mouth, Cade watched her eyes widen. She wasn’t ready to take his seed.

When the pleasure got too much, Cade pulled out of her mouth and fisted the length. He growled as his orgasm hit him hard. The tip spurted out his white seed. The first droplet of his spunk hit her breasts and he worked the length shooting his cum on her breasts. Easing his hand away from her hair, Cade held onto the wall to keep himself steady. His knees were weak from his orgasm.

“You’re really something.”

Before Titania could speak, he lifted her to her feet and washed his cum from her chest.

“I really enjoyed sucking you,” Titania said.

Cade dried her body and took her through to his room. He laid her on the bed and settled behind her.

“I’m not letting you go. No matter what you want,” he said.

“Was I
good?” Titania smiled up at him. He locked his hand with hers and kissed her lips.

“You’re perfect. Now, sleep. You’ve still got training to do tomorrow.”

Titania pouted. “Can’t we do something else?” She lifted her thigh over his hip grinding her pussy on him.

He slapped her thigh making her cry out. “You’re not going to distract me, baby. Your safety is my main concern. Sleep and we’ll train tomorrow.”

She settled down in his arms and in no time at all her breathing calmed down. Staring at her, Cade couldn’t believe his luck. For the longest time, he’d done nothing but watch her, feeling jealous about her relationship with David. Now, he’d taken her virginity and made her his woman.

Wrapping his arms tightly around her, he caressed her stomach. Was she pregnant? Was she taking anything to stop her being pregnant? A lot of female wolves couldn’t take medication because the wolf pushed it out of the system.

Their bodies worked faster than humans and the pill wouldn’t work. He doubted Titania was taking anything.

His woman could be pregnant with his child. The thought made him feel relaxed.

“You’ll never want for anything.” Kissing her temple, Cade lay down and slept.


* * * *


“So, Cade huh?” David asked. Charlotte chuckled where she was stirring the scrambled eggs. Titania paused in flipping the pancakes. Over forty members of the pack were in residence and the atmosphere was tense. Ten people had arrived that morning and the house was booming with too much testosterone and estrogen around them. Women were bickering like teenagers and the men were competing like horny boys.

“What about it?” Titania asked. The house had stopped their arguments when she and Cade walked down the stairs hand in hand. Their blatant stares put her on edge. She hated the attention and she’d immediately excused herself but not before Cade made his claim. He’d kissed her, pulling down on the shirt he’d given her to expose the claiming mark.

“Nothing, I just wish you’d told me before. I came to your room last night and you weren’t there,” David said. He jumped off the counter and moved closer.

“Cade brought me home—”

“And marked you. I see the bite on your neck. I also smell him on your skin.” David pressed a finger to the mark.

“Leave her the fuck alone!” Cade grabbed David off her and threw him against the far table.

Crying out, she watched David slam his fist against Cade’s stomach. Her man didn’t move or show any sign David had touched him.

Cade laughed and lifted David off the floor. The power in his arms startled Titania.

“Stop it,” she screamed. She tried to stop Cade from hurting her friend.

Their outburst had brought half of the pack running into the kitchen. Micah sauntered in and wrapped his arms around Charlotte. The relaxation on all the leading males in the pack freaked Titania out. David looked purple from lack of oxygen.

Grabbing hold of Cade’s arm, she yanked. He didn’t move at all. There was no stopping the power in his arms. David looked ready to pass out.

“You don’t touch my woman or tell her what is right for her. Titania is mine, do you hear me? I’ll rip you and anyone else who thinks they can tell me what to do. I don’t have a problem with blood on my hands. You got me?” Cade asked.

Her friend nodded. Cade let him go. David crashed to the floor gasping for breath.

“Anyone else want to start some shit over Titania and me?”

The whole room turned away. No one was prepared to stand up to one of its leading members. Cade was deadly when he needed to be.

The door to the kitchen closed behind them all. No one stayed around to see any more danger.

Going to David, she checked to make sure he wasn’t seriously hurt.

“You did good, David,” Micah said. The pride in his voice couldn’t be mistaken for anything else.

“Yeah, I don’t feel like it.” David looked up at Cade. “Did you have to squeeze so hard?”

“If I pretended one bit, then this would have been for nothing. The pack needed to believe it.”

While they’d been talking, Charlotte turned on the kettle and food processor to drown out their noise.

Titania looked between all the men. Jordan, Wilson and Paul stood with their arms folded along the far wall.

“Wait, this was planned?” Titania asked.

David stood, rubbing his neck in the process. “Yeah, Cade came to me this morning asking for my help. When it comes to you, Titania, I’ll do anything. He knows it and so does the pack.”

“If this little display didn’t put anyone off challenging Cade, then I don’t know what will,” Micah said.

“You did good, little guy.” Jordan slapped David on the back before walking away.

“I’m going to go and act all beat down. See if I can get any sympathy.” David cupped her face. “You deserve happiness. Don’t let this ruin your chance.”

With tears in her eyes she waited as Charlotte hugged her and then left. The rest of the men left leaving her alone with Cade.

Her man stood staring at her.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked.

“Your fear made all of this believable. Yeah, I hate the relationship you’ve got going with David but he’s like your brother. I don’t want to understand it but I do.” He moved closer. Folding her arms she felt the tears spring to her eyes.

“You did all this for me and to prove to the pack you would fight for me?”

“What part of ‘when it comes to you there isn’t
do to keep you safe’ do you understand. No one will touch you.” He pushed the hair off her shoulder when he stood in front of her. “You’re my woman, my mate, and for the rest of our lives I’ll do everything to protect you.” He dropped down, slamming his lips against hers.

Moaning, Titania wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him. His hands went to her denim skirt. She felt him start to pull the skirt up to her waist. In the next breath she sat on the table in the center of the room.

Cade tore the panties from her body in his haste. She watched, amazed by the speed of his movements, him tearing open his jeans, pulling out his thick cock and shoving it deep inside her. Titania cried out from his penetration.

Their moans crashed into one another as Cade fucked her hard on the table. The pressure on her hip tightened. Cade pulled out of her heat and then thrust deeper still.

“Your pussy is so fucking tight. I’m never going to get tired of this, of you.”

Titania couldn’t think of any words to say. The pleasure he created from his cock was more than enough for her.

Closing her eyes, she gave herself over to the intense sensation of him driving deep. The table scraped along the floor until it hit the units at the far end of the kitchen. They chuckled as he walked with the movement on the table.

“Now the real fun can begin.” Cade increased his movements, going faster and harder inside her than ever before. Not one part of her was left unsatisfied in his haste. When her orgasm died off, Cade swore, pulled out of her body, and spun her over. He mounted her from behind, slamming so deep inside she didn’t know where she ended or he began.

He slapped her ass in between thrusts making her whimper from the pleasure. He hit nerve endings inside her pussy she didn’t know she had.

“Fuck, such a pretty ass.” Cade ran his fingertips through her slit coating them with his cream.

She felt his wet fingers against her anus. Titania tensed even as he pressed the tip of a digit to her rosette.

“Let me in, baby. This body is mine, all mine. Don’t tense.” His soothing words made her relax against him.

One finger pressed past the tight ring of muscles and then a second. In no time at all she was fucking him back, pressing onto his cock and fingers.

“Harder,” she said, gasping the word out.

“My fucking pleasure.” Cade fucked her cunt and ass in a steady rhythm, drawing out the pleasure.

Her orgasm startled her, ricocheting out of her like little tiny electrical bullets.

Cade growled and slammed inside her one final time. Titania felt the jerk of his cock as his cum pulsed inside. Together, they collapsed onto the table. Their heavy breathing was the only sound to be heard.

“Like I said, nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” He kissed her head before pulling out of her.

Chapter Ten


Gazing up at the stars, Cade felt Titania stir in her sleep. They’d been training for most of the afternoon and he’d brought her outside to cool down in the chilly afternoon. Actually, he’d brought her for some privacy. Half of the pack was in residence and he tired of their eavesdropping. The forest and garden supplied the only kind of protection he was interested in and gave him alone time with his woman. Her naked body was flush against his side. He had one arm wrapped around her body, her head rested on his chest and the other was behind his head, staring up at the stars.

That afternoon he’d learned something valuable about Titania. She sensed danger. She sniffed a threat out before any of them. He’d gotten several of their more dangerous pack members to walk through the gym that day. Each time she got close to the door, Titania had tensed. He sensed her need to escape before he even walked through the door. Her senses were attuned to her flight response. Not only were her senses wired for her to flight but her senses were more acute than any other were within the pack.

She sensed danger like the others did a rabbit during a hunt. Even when Titania wasn’t a wolf, she knew the risk others posed.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked.

“Tabitha,” he lied.

“No, you’re not.”

Tabitha was still missing but they had found the hotel room she’d been staying at in town. She only stayed in the house if it was necessary. Her stuff was still in the room but the scent of the Eagle pack was there.

“I am now. I was wondering if you’d do something for me?” he asked, intrigued to see how far her senses went.

“Sure. I’ll do anything.”

“Then I want you to go and get dressed. Meet me in the foyer in an hour,” he said, tapping her ass.

“Do I even want to know what you want from me?” she asked, straddling his waist instead of leaving.

Cupping her face, he stroked a finger over her lip. Titania nibbled and smiled at him. “Trust me to protect you no matter what. Is that enough for now?” he asked.

She let out a sigh. “I guess it will do. I’ll see you in an hour.”

Cade watched her leave. He waited for her to enter the house before getting up himself. Quickly pulling on his jeans, he walked back to the house and went straight to Micah. His alpha sat in the study reading a book. Charlotte rested her head in his lap stroking his thigh.

Clearing his throat, Cade gained their attention.

“Thank you for this morning,” he said.

“No problem.” Micah stroked Charlotte’s hair. “Go and wait for me upstairs.”

His queen went without argument.

“What’s going on?” Micah put his book down.

“I’ve learned something interesting about Titania and I think we can use her skills in the pack.”

BOOK: Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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