Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (7 page)

BOOK: Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“How are we going to do that without causing suspicion?” Wilson asked. “And you’re not the fucking alpha.”

Turning to Micah, Cade waited for his friend and alpha to instruct.

“Cade’s right. We need to deal with this threat. First we need to keep our ears to the ground. We descend on the bar. I’ll tell everyone they’re to be there tonight. We have a better way of keeping an eye on everyone if we’re all in one fucking place,” Micah said.

He watched as Micah and the others stormed out of the forest. Cade remained breathing in the cold air.

After some time had passed, he walked into the house to find everyone preparing for dinner. The scents of Charlotte’s cooking filled the air and Cade felt at home. Rock Wood was his family and there was no other place he’d rather be than with them. Making his way upstairs he went straight to Titania’s room.

Opening the door without knocking he found David sprawled on his stomach on her bed. Titania came out of the bathroom in only a towel. Cade saw red at her lack of dress.


“Get the fuck out,” he said, directing his words at David. The other man looked at him, startled, and then left the room without a backward glance.


He slammed the door and turned to her. “Are you fucking for real?” he asked.

“No, are you for real? David is my friend and that doesn’t give you cause to make a scene, and pushing him out like that makes you look like a total bastard,” Titania said, moving in front of him to poke at his chest. “What? You think one kiss makes me yours?”

“It was more than one kiss. What part of stay away from other men didn’t you understand? You’re mine,” he said, growling each word.

She shook her head. “No, David is my friend. I’m not giving him up because of you. I love him like a brother.”

He stared down the length of her body. The towel did little to cover her nakedness. Reaching out, he plucked the end of the towel and watched as it fell to the floor. Titania tried to grab it but he held her hands stopping her from going anywhere.

“Don’t hide yourself from me.”

“You’re trying to stop me from arguing with you.”

Cade didn’t deny it. He stared down the length of her body. Tugging his shirt over his head and dropping the pants he’d been wearing to the floor, Cade grabbed her arm and pulled her close. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he relished the feel of her soft skin against his.

This day was different from last night.

He’d been concerned about her last night and the heady feeling that came with turning was there between them. This night, it was only the two of them.

“You’re trying to make me forget about David,” she said.

Remaining silent, Cade took the time to enjoy her. The hard buds of her nipples poked against his chest and her round stomach brushed his cock where she stood.

“Tonight you’re coming to the bar,” he said.

“What? I never go to the were-bar in Rock Wood. I’ve always stayed at home.”

“Alpha’s orders are for all of us to be there. You’ll be there with me.”

“All of us have to be there?” she asked.

“Yes. I’ll meet you downstairs when you’re ready to leave.”


* * * *


“The last time I came here I ended up mated to Micah,” Charlotte said.

Titania watched her friend order a beer. Pete, a pack member and the bartender presented them both with a drink in a matter of seconds.

“I’ve never been here. Drinking and bars are not really my thing,” Titania said.

“What is your thing? Cade?” Titania looked at her friend in surprise. “David came blabbing about what happened in your bedroom. Also, Micah was cursing his overprotective ass last night. Spill.”

Shaking her head, she gazed down into her drink wishing it would swallow her up instead. “What did David say?”

“That Cade looked ready to kill him for camping out on your bed.”

“Yeah, that’s what happened.”

Charlotte stared at her for several minutes. “So, what is going on between you and the second?”

“Nothing. He’s forcing me to train and because I can’t turn at will, he thinks it is more important to train than ever before.” Titania glanced behind her to see Cade talking with the other high-ranking pack members.

“There’s more to it than that. I noticed him watching you in the kitchen. When no one else was looking he was looking at you. He can barely take his eyes off you.”

Titania shrugged. “Nothing can come of it.” All she could think about was the feel of him against her. His hard body surrounded her, filling every part of her with heat.

“Micah’s calling to me. Have fun, Titania, and if it helps I think it’s good Cade is interested in you.”

She watched her friend walk away. All the pack was in the bar tonight along with a couple of humans. Checking the time, she saw it was a little after eleven.

“Are you ready to get out of here?” Cade asked.

“Yeah, but I’ll wait until the alpha gives his orders,” she said.

“The alpha gave me permission to take you home.”

Glancing back to the alpha, she saw Micah too absorbed in his own woman to have given out such an instruction.

“You’re lying.”

“Do you want to get out of here or not?” he asked.

“I want to get out of here.”

“Then follow me.” Cade took her hand and together they headed out the back door. No one tried to stop them and she was relieved. She didn’t want to get anyone in trouble because of her. The night was dark when they stepped out. When they’d arrived at the bar several hours ago the sun was still up.

“Thank you for taking me out of there,” she said.

“I had no choice. Your misery was threatening to upset everyone.”

“Sorry.” She mumbled the words and started walking ahead of him.

“I’m joking. I think half the pack was miserable. You fit right in.”

Titania chuckled even though she didn’t want to find humor in his words.

“Why were we all at the bar? It’s not like Micah to order us there.”

“The alpha does whatever he wants to do and we must obey him,” Cade said.

“That’s not you. You’re not the type of guy to obey someone.”

“I can follow orders well.” He argued his point.

“The orders you follow are the ones you believe in. I don’t see you taking orders from someone you don’t respect or who will put someone you care about in danger.” She’d observed that much about him this past week.

Cade stopped and glanced her way. “You really do see more than others give credit for.”

Feeling nervous under his scrutiny, she set off walking again. Cade yanked on her hand, stopping her. She stumbled into his arms. “If you keep doing that I’m going to end up hurt again.”

“No, you won’t. Your place is within the pack, Titania.”

“I know. It has been my home for a long time.”

He stepped closer, tilting her head back with a finger under her chin. “Being here wasn’t your choice.”

“I’m still here. I’ve got nowhere else to go,” she said, admitting the truth, which hurt. Her family didn’t want her. She had no clue where they were or how to even start looking for them.

“Your home is here with me.”

Shaking her head, she pulled away from him. “Why do you keep doing this?” she asked. “We’re never going to be a couple. You’re way above me.”

Cade tugged her back, slamming his lips down on hers. All thought and fight left her. His kisses were growing fierier and desperate each time they kissed. She opened her lips to his invading tongue, moaning as he stroked over her mouth. His hands cupped her breasts and his thumbs grazed over her nipples.

There was no denying the passion igniting the blood inside. Her pussy pulsed with fresh arousal. She needed Cade to sate the hunger swirling inside her. Nothing she did could stop her aching need.

“Please,” she moaned when he broke the kiss.


Shaking her head, she looked down at the floor. Words stumped her. She couldn’t beg the second-in-command for sex. It was wrong of her.

“You need to stop thinking too much,” Cade said, kissing her lips.

“I can’t stop.”

“I can think of a few ideas to put your mind at ease. Come on, let’s get out of here. I don’t like being exposed like this.” He took her hand without invitation and led her away from the bar. The fine hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stood up. Looking behind her, she wondered what had caused the sudden fear to grip her. There wasn’t anything she saw. Turning back to face the front she followed Cade through Rock Wood as they made their way to the alpha’s house.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” she asked.

“What do you mean?”

“You were called away from our training and now we’re all requested to be around each other. I’m not the brightest wolf in the house but I can tell something is up.”

He paused and glanced back at her.


His scrutiny unnerved her.

“You have a penchant for spotting danger, don’t you?”

She shrugged. “It’s a lot easier to know danger so I can escape it.”

“No, it’s more than that.” He shook his head. “We’ve got to go.”

Titania didn’t question him. There was no need to. She’d always been able to spot danger and sense it coming. When Brandon was about to kill Charlotte outside of the Eagle’s base she’d sensed it and reacted. Back then she’d been pleased at her ability to sense oncoming danger.

Chapter Seven


Titania may not have all the skills fit for a strong wolf but he felt there was something he was missing about her. None of the pack understood how she’d been able to get the drop on Brandon and protect Charlotte. Brandon had been the alpha of the Eagle pack, a strong fucker, yet against Titania he’d lost. None of it made sense.

Pushing his thoughts away, he headed to the house and kept hold of Titania all the time. He would get to the bottom of her “ability” and see if his instincts were right. Until then he’d keep her close. Cade didn’t trust anyone else with his woman. Titania was his and the only one not seeing it was her.

Opening the door he scented the air to see if anything was amiss. Nothing struck him and without looking back he escorted Titania up to his room. He made sure to close the door behind him.

“Where are we going?” Titania asked when he passed her room. The house was divided in segments. She slept on the floor below him because she was a permanent resident and he was on the top floor because he was second to the alpha.

“To my room.” He didn’t give her chance to struggle. Opening his door, he tugged her into his room, closed and locked the door before turning to her.

She stood in her denim skirt and blouse, rubbing her hands together.

“Do you own any more clothes?” he asked.

“What’s wrong with what I wear?”

“I’ve only seen you in a denim skirt and shirt. Apart from the work out gear I supplied for you I’ve never seen anything else.”

He watched her rub her hands down the front of the skirt. “They’re cheaper.”

“The alpha supplies the clothes,” he said.

“And I don’t want to be a nuisance. The skirts and shirts are cheap. A lot cheaper than some clothes.”

Closing the distance between them, Cade wrapped his arms around her body holding her close. “If you wanted something different the alpha wouldn’t mind.”

She licked her lips. He saw her fighting with what she wanted to say. “What is it?”

“If my own family could discard me like trash when they were supposed to love me, then how can I expect a guy I don’t know to take care of me, flaws and all?”

The pain flashed in her eyes and his heart went out to her. Tightening his arms around her, Cade waited for the tears to fall. None did. “You can cry.”

She shook her head. “I’m done crying. All I ever do is cry or run away. I try my best at everything I do and still I feel it’s not good enough.”

He stroked her hair, watching the dark raven locks fall around her face. Her hair was long, down to her waist in length. Most of the time she kept it bound up and off her face. Cade loved her hair. Pushing the hair off her face, he stared into her eyes.

“You’re perfect the way you are.”

“You’d change me if you could.”

“No, I wouldn’t. You’re perfect, Titania.” He pressed his lips to hers silencing any further protest from her. She didn’t fight him. Her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him close. Cade stepped closer and nudged her back until they were stood at the bottom of his bed. No more waiting, Titania was his and by the next full moon he wanted to claim her.

He helped her out of the shirt she wore. The bra covering her glorious tits was hideous. He’d order different underwear online when he got the chance. Titania deserved soft pastel colors and silks, along with a deep red set. Her skin was pale but he’d find the right colors to suit her.

Cade wrapped his arms behind her back and opened the bra. Her breasts fell free of the constraints. He pushed the offending bra to the floor.

BOOK: Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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