Bound to the Beast: Russian Hitman Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Beast: Russian Hitman Romance
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Still, I couldn’t help but be vigilant as I drank.


That was why I saw her. She was a pretty little thing, her curves proportionate, but just naturally like that instead of filled in by surgical procedures and shaped by doctor’s hands. She was born that way, developing into the kind of woman men salivated over. Which they were doing right now.


Her hair was a soft blonde, closer to wheat or honey than the platinum color you could only get from a bottle. It was long and thick stopping just above her hips, straight as a wooden board. Her hips were full, more noticeable thanks to that tiny waist which slowly flared upwards into two perfectly round, perky tits. I lingered on those soft orbs longer than the rest of her, indulging in the small press of cleavage that was visible beneath her dress. A soft white summer dress that stopped not far above her knees. It was a spaghetti strap, but otherwise it was really quite modest. Too modest for a place like this in fact. As were her flat, ballerina style slippers. She looked like she belonged on Broadway performing
Swan Lake
, not slinking around some bar to take shots.


Her round, apple cheeks were flushed and dotted with a dusting of adorable freckles. I suddenly wondered if those freckles were elsewhere, too. My eyes slipped down the long column of her neck, searching now, until they once again landed on her full breasts. I thought I saw a few freckles there, too, and I couldn’t help but grin slyly into my glass.


I’ll bet they’re between your legs, too, sweetheart,
I thought to myself.


She walked around almost shyly, her eyes blue and bright, searching out the deep corners of the place, examining faces and expressions and clothes like she’d never seen any of it before. She was smiling so widely that her cheeks probably hurt, showing barely shiny pink lips and a row of pearly white teeth.


, that was finally what I came to as a word to describe her.
. Not usually my type, but for some reason I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was so unlike everyone else in the room, so out of place.


She eventually made it to the bar. “Um, excuse me?” she called out, trying to get the bartender who was at the opposite end. He either didn’t hear her or didn’t care that she was calling; she didn’t look like she had a lot of money. Leaning over the bar farther to get his attention—I noticed the way her breasts sat heavily on the counter, pushing together until even her modest little summer dress couldn’t completely contain them—she waved at him again, “Excuse me, sir?”


She was so polite and I found that it irritated me that he continued to ignore her attempts to get his attention. It was hardly her fault if she didn’t look like the other prima donnas in the room.


Leaning over to her, I asked, “What would you like?” I let just a little bit of my accent roll over across my tongue, because I knew that women went for that sort of thing. I had intended to just be gentlemanly, but now I was rethinking it and considering other, darker things. Dirty things.


Surprised, she glanced over at me. Her face flushed brightly and I saw her chest heave as though she had just taken a heavy breath. Her long eyelashes fluttered before she looked down shyly. “Um, I’m not sure. What’s good?”


I laughed a little at her, good-naturedly. “Oh, don’t drink much?”


She giggled a little and ran her slender fingers through her long hair self-consciously, as though she had a thing in the world to feel self-conscious about. “I, um, don’t drink a lot,” she admitted.


My eyebrows rose in surprise. Could she be serious? I didn’t know there were people in the city who didn’t drink. “Well, then you need to get the best, of course.” I waved the bartender over easily and ordered her a vodka to match my own, though I added a little ice for hers. I thought she might appreciate it.


“Oh, um, how much?” she asked, reaching into her dress pockets—which seemed odd to me, but then I realized that she didn’t have a purse.


I placed a large hand on her wrist, stilling her movements. She flushed at the contact and I smiled sweetly at her. “No, I insist. He’ll put it on my tab.” And the bartender nodded and walked away before she could even think about arguing.


“That’s…that’s really sweet of you.”


Sweet? Not likely,
I thought, but kept that to myself. I certainly had other motives—like getting a handful of those tits at some point tonight. Even if that was all I got.


The bartender put another tumbler on the counter next to mine.


“My name is Alexei,” I introduced myself, offering her a large hand.


She sucked her full lower lip into her mouth, worrying it between her teeth, making me wish that I could slide my tongue over that lip and into her mouth. “Susanna,” she answered me, placing a tiny hand into mine. I swallowed it whole.


“Here alone tonight?” I asked, mostly because I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t have to beat some asshole up if I wanted a taste of her. I wasn’t one to get into some feud with a man over a woman. There were plenty of fish in the sea, after all.


She nodded her head, her thick hair tumbling around her bare shoulders. “I didn’t really have anyone to go with,” she admitted shyly.


I laughed. “I find that hard to believe.”


She blinked at me in surprise. “Why?”


Smiling, I leaned closer to her to answer. “Because it amazes me that a woman as beautiful as you would ever be alone.”


A blush scorched her cheeks as her eyes went wide. That blush trailed lower, though, moving down her neck and across those perfectly perky breasts, and probably dipping lower than that, too. I wanted to trail it with my hands and my mouth.


“You’re so sweet.”


It was the second time she’d called me that, but I didn’t correct her. Instead, I lifted my glass and she mimicked me. We clinked them together and I watched the glass go to her lips, liquid spilling across her tongue. She took only a small sip, then made a puckered face. I laughed; she definitely didn’t drink much.


“No, no,” I told her, smiling not unkindly. “You need to take it all at once.” I wondered if she caught the innuendo, wondered how she could miss it with the husky lust lacing my tone, but maybe she did. “Let it slide past your tongue in one swallow. It’ll be easier.”


Doing as I suggested, she tipped her head back and downed the whole thing at once. She coughed a little bit and her eyes watered, but she didn’t have much trouble. After a moment, she laughed. “You’re right; it was easier.”


“Would you like another?” I asked her thoughtfully, tilting my head to the side to examine her better.


She thought about it a moment, then nodded. I waved the bartender over again.


Susanna didn’t make it through the second drink and I realized quickly that one was enough. She was suddenly very giggly, her face flushed and her eyes bright with liquor. Apparently, she had no tolerance at all, though I wouldn’t have called her drunk, just a little tipsy. I didn’t push her to drink any more, not wanting some sloppy drunk girl.


“What is that?” she asked.


I raised an eyebrow at her. “What?”


She leaned forward, letting her hand slide over my chest. I felt a singe of heat race through me, but then realized that she was trailing a finger over my medallion. “Saint Nicholas,” I told her huskily. “He protects me in my…endeavors.”


“Like a guardian angel?” she asked innocently.


I smiled. “Yes, like a guardian angel.”


“Where are you from?” she asked me, leaning towards me so that I could see deep down her dress.


“Originally, Russia, but I’ve spent most of my life in the States now,” I told her easily, letting my eyes roam over her form freely. She didn’t seem to mind.


“I thought that,” she told me, the added, “I mean, the Russia part. ’Cause of the accent. But it’s only a little bit—and it’s sexy anyway, so that’s good.” She was rambling a little bit and must have realized it, because she let out a sweet laugh. “Sorry. You don’t want to hear me rambling.”


I shook my head. “You’ve got a beautiful voice. I’d love to hear it say all kinds of things.”


She licked her lips, then laughed again. “Are you flirting with me, Mr. Sexy Russian Alexei?”


It was my turn to laugh. “How can I help it? When a woman as beautiful as you calls me sexy, I can’t turn down a perfect opportunity, now can I?”


“You think I’m beautiful? Like, really?”


I raised a single eyebrow. “Of course. I meant it when I said that I found it hard to believe you’re here alone. A woman like you should never be alone.” Getting bold, I reached out for her, my hand finding her leg just above her knee. It was bare thanks to the way she’d crossed her legs to sit on the bar stool and her dress riding up slightly higher than it would normally fall.


She sucked in a breath, but didn’t push my hand away. In fact, her eyes flickered over my face and shoulders and chest—maybe even down to my lap—before coming back to my eyes. “You’re…” She shook her head, then smiled. “Are you going to kiss me?”


“Only if you want me to,” I promised her, though my voice was low and throaty and filled with dark promises of the night we
have together.


She swallowed, then nodded. “I do.” She blushed.


My hand left her leg to find her delicate hand. I brought it to my lips, kissing the back of it lightly. She let out a fluttery, airy laugh as I stood up, bringing her with me. She swayed a little, but not to the point where I thought I would have to carry her if I wanted her to go somewhere with me. I led her to a darker, more private corner of the bar and she followed me willingly, even eagerly. When I found a relatively empty area, I backed her up into a wall, my hands finding her full hips easily.


She shivered at my touch. She licked her lips once before smiling up at me.


Desire pooling in my groin, I leaned into her, pushing her back farther into the wall as I bent down to her. My lips pressed against her and as soon as the contact was made, heat seared across my skin like fire. I was drunk on her before I even knew what was happening.


It was meant to be a light, teasing kiss, just a taste of what was to come, but at the feel of her soft lips I couldn’t restrain myself. I devoured her, my tongue seeking entrance into her mouth aggressively. Instantly, her lips parted and I swallowed a moan that slipped from her throat. My tongue slid over hers, tasting her, sweet and potent, like perfectly ripe apples. My hands gripped her hips tightly and dragged her to me, our hips crashing together. She must have been able to feel the hardness that suddenly roared to life at the feel of her and I briefly thought it might be enough to scare the shy little thing away.


But the thought fled almost immediately.


Instead of being scared away, her hands went to my waist, her delicate fingers slipping through my belt loops. Then she jerked me forward, urgent and surprisingly strong. A growl rose up in my throat at the action, starting low in my chest until it slipped out into her hungry mouth.


Her leg lifted just as I thought to slide my hand down lower onto her thigh.
She curled it around me so that I felt her calf pressing against my rear, pressing and pulling me closer to her. My hand found bare skin finally and I slid it back up afterwards so that I could slide the soft fluttery material of her white summer dress up her thigh, getting higher and higher until I felt the edge of her panties.


If it was possible, I got harder.


She moaned and I broke the kiss to slide my lips lower, licking and nipping at the bare flushed skin of her neck.


“Alexei,” she breathed, desire and what might have been begging leaking from her voice.


I decided right then and there to take her home. I needed that dress off. I needed those panties that I’d just found off. And I needed to bury my raging hard on in her more than I’d needed anything in a long time.

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