Bound to You: Volume 2

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Authors: Vanessa Booke

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Bound to You: Volume 2
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Bound to You: Volume 2
Copyright 2014 Vanessa Booke
First Edition
All rights reserved as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976. No part of these publications may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the Author. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the publisher.
These books are works of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
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There are far too many beautiful people to thank for this book. Here are just a few. To my writing buddies, Mel, NJ, and Brandy, you guys are amazing friends and my first real cheerleaders. This story would have not see the light of day without you. I can’t thank you enough for being there for me. To my beta readers, thank you! You guys really gave me wonderful feedback. Not just positive feedback, but feedback that actually helped me strengthen this story and make it better. Nelle, thank you for helping me get my details right, and for being a supportive fellow author and friend. I’m so glad I met you. To my street team, thank you ladies for helping me get the word out about Bound to You. You guys are my ray of sunshine. It feels good to know I have such wonderful people cheering me on. I couldn’t have asked for a better bunch. To my readers, without you, this story would still just be a dream in my head. Thank you for letting me introduce you to Nicholas StoneHaven and Rebecca Gellar. I hope you’ve fallen in love with them just as much as I have.
Lastly, I would like to thank my husband for his continued support. Ryan, you always joke that you somehow tricked me into marrying you, but tricks weren’t needed. I knew from the moment we had our first date – you are the one. Thank you for believing in me, for loving me, and for choosing to make a life with our fur babies and me.

Table of Contents
































About the Author

“Our scars make us know that our past was for real.”

― Jane Austen,
Pride and Prejudice


“We are all fools in love.”

― Jane Austen,
Pride and Prejudice

5 Years Ago

The sound of his heart monitor slowing down sends a sharp static pain through me. His chest rises and falls. My eyes will him to breathe, and each time his chest swells back up, I release the air I’ve been anxiously holding. I move closer and wrap my hand around his. His skin is cool beneath my fingers. I can barely make out a pulse as I press against his wrist.
Hold on.
My world is crashing all around me.
Please wake up, Alex.
I hear soft whimpers in the background coming from my sister, Emily
She sits in the corner of the room, detached from the rest of the world as she curls herself in a ball on the chair.

“He’s gone, Nick,” she cries.
I refuse to believe that the only real thing keeping him here with me is this respirator. The world seems like fragmented pieces of film playing inside of my head. It was only hours ago that we were at the river. I can’t think of time when we were happier. Things like this don’t just happen.
This is all my fault.
I shouldn’t have pushed him to do it; I knew the cliff was way too high. He would still be here if I wouldn’t have dared him to jump. He was just trying to impress everyone.

“Nick, Dad’s on his way,” Emily says, clutching her phone. I hear her get up from the chair. She wraps her arms around me and cries into my shoulder, sobbing my brother’s name over and over.

“Nick, say something,” she whispers.

I can’t say goodbye. I won’t. Not today. Not ever.

Alexander StoneHaven, heir to the publishing empire, dies in cliff jumping accident. Drugs likely involved

I slam my fist into the wall dividing my bathroom from my bedroom. A part of it breaks almost instantly beneath my heated grip. Particles of dust fly off of my knuckles like ash.
Lies. Bullshit.
I can’t believe she would do this to our family. I pull my bloodied fist from the wall. The pain is excruciating. Good. If only I could forget the pain she’s caused this family with her lies.

I crush the newspaper in my hands and fling it across my bedroom. My mother spun her lies and sold my brother’s death to the papers. I can’t think of a single human being that would actually do that.
She’s a fucking monster.

My father was so blind.

Present Day

Rebecca Elizabeth Gellar

On paper, she’s every employer’s wet dream. My cock twitches at the sight of her name. It sits there taunting me. As much as I would like to pretend seeing it has no effect, it does. Rebecca’s HR file is still sitting on my desk. I’ve been looking it over trying to find a way into Gellar’s head. Her letters of recommendation only confirm my assumptions about her work ethic. Letter after letter praises her professionalism, attention to detail, and her adaptability to any situation. There’s not a single thing that will help get rid of her, and she’s all too willing to fight me on this.

I know she’s just as attracted to me as I am to her. Call me a cocky motherfucker, but I know it’s not all in my head. Rebecca might have a tough exterior, but she’s shy on the inside. I’m not sure why, but I get the feeling she isn’t used to men eye-fucking her. The incident in the elevator was confirmation of just how easy it is to push her buttons. If I really wanted, I could scare her off, but I know she’ll be a valuable employee to my father’s company. I just can’t have her around me, because whether I like it or not, Rebecca makes me feel like a caveman. She makes me feel like the only thing I need to survive this cruel fucking world is the thought of being inside her, and right now, that’s a dangerous mindset.

My breath hitches as I slide Rebecca’s picture out from a second manila folder delivered to me an hour ago. The sight of her face looking back at me from her photocopied driver’s license sends electric waves down my body. There’s a certain gleam in her eye. I’ve seen it once before. It’s the same self-satisfied look she gave me right before she kneed me in the balls only hours ago. I shift in my chair, readjusting myself. My cock throbs beneath the soft fabric of my pants. I hold back a moan as it grazes against it.
Blue balls
is an understatement to how I really feel. The image of Rebecca walking away from me still makes me crazy. If I had the ability to actually get up within those 30 seconds, I would’ve thrown her over my knee and spanked the living hell out of her. Never in my twenty-eight years of existence has a woman ever done that to me. The funny part is, if she was trying to drive me away, it only made me want her more. I know it’s stupid to want her.
Really stupid.
But I can’t seem to stop.

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