Bowles, Jan - Claimed for the Master's Pleasure [Guilty Pleasures 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (6 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Claimed for the Master's Pleasure [Guilty Pleasures 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Tony brought the huge stretch limo to a halt under a cream canopy. It was a different entrance to the one she’d walked through that morning. She guessed Jake was trying his utmost to impress her. He’d already surprised her once tonight with the admission that his wife had died. This gave her a far better understanding of the man. Now she knew why he barely smiled. She’d visited the depths of despair more than once herself, after Joe’s tragic death. Had it not been for the long counseling sessions with her psychiatrist, Dr. Harper, she might still be there.

A large number of people milled about as Tony opened the limo door and they stepped out onto the lush red carpet. Lia felt like a movie star turning up to receive her Oscar. She wondered if that had been Jake’s intention all along, because it certainly gave her a thrill as a doorman in an immaculate, crisp black uniform ushered her inside the glamorous interior. She felt as though she were an A-list celebrity, or even royalty. Brass, chrome, and glass glinted brilliantly from the sea of lights all around them as they swept inside.

“Good evening, Mr. Benetti,” the smiling doorman announced.

“Good evening, Rob.” Jake nodded. “Glad to have you back after your vacation. Everything go okay?”

“Fine, Mr. Benetti. And thanks for the advice you gave me. Hawaii was just great.”

Jake seemed to know all his staff personally. Once inside the foyer she asked, “How do you remember their names? You must have hundreds of employees.”

“Two thousand, five hundred and forty-three all told here at Arabian Nights, Lia.”

Jake cupped her elbow and gently guided her toward an opulent inner courtyard, which boasted large, gushing fountains and tranquil rock pools. She was acutely aware of her four-inch stilettos sounding against the polished marble floor.

“But you haven’t answered my question. How do you remember so many names?”

Jake smiled a beautiful friendly smile. “You see, Lia, I’m lucky enough to possess a photographic memory. That’s how I kinda ended up in this business in the first place. A photographic memory comes in handy when you’re trying to beat odds that are against you.”

Lia laughed. “You mean counting cards, don’t you? I may not be an authority on casinos, but everyone knows that goes on. Isn’t it illegal?”

Jake smiled benignly as he took her arm and guided her into the elegant restaurant. “Gray area, Lia. Gray area.

“This is The White Room. We have two other restaurants here at Arabian Nights, The Red Room and The Blue Room. They each have their own distinct atmospheres.”

His eyes held hers, making the breath catch in her throat. Jake Benetti really was an attractive man. Brooding and hard to fathom, certainly, but extremely attractive all the same. He was dressed in an expensive dark-gray tailored suit, which fitted to perfection across his broad shoulders. His crisp white shirt, complemented by a pale blue tie, picked out the color of his eyes, making them seem even more vibrant and arresting. Her heart beat a different rhythm today. There was something about Jake that drew her to him. Lia shook her head. What the hell was she thinking? This guy would be wrong for her on so many levels. Only one man had ever truly known her, Joe, and he was dead and irreplaceable. Besides, for all Jake Benetti’s charisma and obvious sex appeal, he wanted to take her for every cent she’d got.
And don’t you forget it, girl.
She guessed he wouldn’t think twice about doing that, even though they were becoming better acquainted.

A large man in a black suit stepped forward. “Mr. Benetti, good to see you again. I’ve reserved your usual table by the window.”

“Thanks, Vincenzi. How’s business?”

“Good, Mr. Benetti. The new décor is a hit with the customers.”

“Excellent, keep me informed.”

“Sure thing, Mr. Benetti.”

The restaurant manager then snapped his fingers, and as if from out of nowhere, an immaculately dressed waiter appeared. “Brad, show Mr. Benetti and his guest to their table.”

The young man escorted them across the restaurant to a round table set in a huge bay window. Its position gave stunning views of the complex outside. She could clearly see palm trees softly swaying in the breeze, their long fronds refracting the different colored spotlights that bathed them.

“Allow me, ma’am.” She couldn’t help but feel so very special as the waiter pulled out her chair and she sat down at the exquisite table.

“Thank you.”

Luxurious Egyptian linen perfectly complemented the silver cutlery and fine crystal goblets. Delicate golden roses and gypsophila were intricately woven together to form an impressive central posy.

The whole room was decorated in varying shades of white and cream, from the tablecloths to the marble flooring and walls. Everything, that was, except for the black grand piano that stood shining brilliantly in the corner of the room.

The restaurant hummed with conversation. She’d been aware that many of the diners had observed their progress as the waiter escorted them to their table. Lia figured that Jake Benetti would attract interest wherever he went. After all, he was an incredibly charismatic man.
And very sexy and hot.
Where had that thought come from? Startled by the notion, she immediately quashed the idea. He was after her inheritance, and she’d do well to remember it.

He slipped off his jacket and then sat beside her. The subtle smell of his aftershave drifted once more across her nostrils, making her feel even more aware of the powerful man next to her. He was a hard man to ignore.

Jake leaned in and whispered in her ear. She felt his hot, masculine breath on her neck. “Lia, did you notice everyone here stopped and stared when you walked into the room?” His deep baritone voice aroused her.

Pleasantly surprised by his compliment, Lia smiled. “I’m sure they were taking more notice of you. After all, you are the boss here.”

Jake shook his head. “No, I dine here nearly every night. I’m just a face in the crowd. I can assure you, they were far more interested in you, especially the guys.” His eyes caressed her face, and a faint smile touched his lips. It was the most relaxed she’d seen him.

Feeling slightly overwhelmed by her surroundings, Lia idly touched the bracelet around her wrist for comfort. Joe had bought all her jewelry. What she wore tonight was a special gift from him. One that celebrated the alternative lifestyle they’d decided to share together. Only they and other like-minded people would be aware of the significance. The bracelet gave her great strength and support as she caressed the charms one by one. Each piece was symbolic of their relationship. To her and Joe they represented something far more serious. Her jewelry defined their sex life together. The tiny silver flogger, crop, and paddle, sat side by side with the BDSM emblem—three curved lines showing the three divisions in the lifestyle, set within a wheel. She sighed inwardly. There could never be anyone else. Joe had been everything she’d needed and more. He’d satisfied her physical, emotional, and intellectual needs in a way most men wouldn’t understand.

Lia hadn’t thought about sex in a long while. Not since Joe’s death, to be exact. But just being in close proximity to Jake had kick-started her libido. Especially as her pussy became wet and her nipples hardened every time he so much as looked at her. Those cool blue eyes could easily turn a girl to mush. She needed to remember that Jake Benetti was a businessman, pure and simple, and she was here to discuss business, and not sex, over dinner. He was undoubtedly extremely wealthy, and she couldn’t deny she was sexually attracted to him. But a man like Jake Benetti didn’t get to own a casino by being a nice guy.

As she studied her menu, she asked, “So you made your fortune counting cards illegally?”

Jake playfully wagged an index finger at her. “I counted them in my head. I didn’t use an electronic card counter, or have friends secretly signaling which cards a weak dealer was showing too much of.” He seemed really relaxed. Leaning back in his chair he closed the menu, and then placed it down on the table. He steepled his fingers together before tapping them against his mouth. All the time his eyes focused on her, making her pussy moisten further with sexual anticipation. He seemed to want to absorb everything about her.

“It’s how I started, I guess. In my younger days I would move from casino to casino, state to state, amassing money. Sometimes I even changed my appearance. You know the sort of thing, Lia. I changed the color of my hair, even my eyes with contact lenses. I would occasionally wear glasses or a wig.” He laughed. “I remember once when I was on a winning streak and I was in a casino with a weak dealer, I padded out my clothes to gain a hundred pounds, so that the pit bosses and floor managers wouldn’t recognize me. Some guys get too greedy, and then the casino bosses get involved and ban that individual from entering their premises. I didn’t want that to happen. So I played it cool.

“Eleven years ago, I bought my first casino, which I still own. It’s small compared to Arabian Nights, and doesn’t generate anything like the nine-figure turnover we have here. It has a special place in my heart. I employed several top designers to bring the intimacy of that much smaller club here, using some clever design and lighting. You’ll see the effect when I take you through to the tables later on. I wanted to bring the elegance of yesteryear back to casinos. Nostalgia to a bygone era is what draws my customers back, over and over again. It might not be to everyone’s taste, but there’s plenty of other, shall we say, less refined casinos they can go to if that’s what they want. The ones you refer to as seedy, Lia.” He laughed.

Lia looked around the stunning restaurant. Crystal chandeliers dripped from the ceiling. Soft lighting filtered across their table with a warm, ambient glow. It gave a feeling of high-society opulence, so popular in the nineteen twenties and thirties. Lia recognized the design of the restaurant was from the Art Deco period. A far cry from the soulless slots she’d seen earlier that day.

“To be honest, Jake, I’m impressed. Sophisticated dining isn’t what I expected to find here.”

“Lia, I think you’re beginning to see that people who frequent casinos are not just coming for the gambling. They’re coming for so much more.”

Their waiter, Brad, returned. “May I take your order now, ma’am?”

“Yes. There’s such a wonderful selection, but I’ve finally decided on the scallops with mushrooms, and green salad.” He took her order, scribbling words on a small pad with dizzying speed, and then turned his attention to Jake.

“And, Mr. Benetti. Are you ready to order, sir?”

“Brad, I’ll have the pan-seared rib eye with artichokes, and ask Louisa to bring me a bourbon on the rocks. May I offer you a drink, Lia?”

“A white wine, if I may. Thank you, Jake.”

When they were left alone once more, Lia fiddled with her bracelet, slipping the charms one by one through her fingers. The atmosphere changed as a well-known singer took to the podium in the corner of the room. Once he’d settled himself at the grand piano, he began singing.

She glanced at Jake. He seemed mesmerized by her jewelry. His gaze settled on the bracelet around her wrist and then focused on the matching piece around her neck. Then his eyes burned into hers, holding her captive. A faint smile touched his lips, and for the first time it reached his eyes.

Oh my God, he knows. He knows. He’s recognized the significance and symbolism of my charms. Christ.

Jake knew exactly what they represented. Lia swallowed hard. Heaven help her. Jake was a player in more ways than one.

Chapter Eight

Jake put his hands together and clapped appreciatively as Mickey Day finished his heart-warming rendition of “Me and Mrs. Jones.” They’d just finished their coffee after a thoroughly enjoyable dinner. Mickey Day, the renowned singer, was a favorite with the lady customers at Arabian Nights, and he’d sung especially well tonight.

As the applause continued, Jake let his gaze slide once more to Lia’s svelte wrist, and the pretty bracelet adorning it. The charms appeared perfectly innocent in isolation, but combined with the BDSM emblem that was also replicated on her necklace and ankle chain, they left him in no doubt that Lia liked her sex served hot. He still couldn’t believe it had taken him nearly an hour to notice the significance of the jewelry she wore, especially as he and Hannah were heavily into the same scene during the seven years they were married. It just went to show how out of the loop he’d become. In the last three years he’d barely had a sexual thought, but now he could think of nothing else. Like a switch had been thrown, his cock now stood to rampant attention every time he so much as looked at Lia. For the first time in the three years since Hannah’s death, he felt truly alive again. He put his change of attitude down to Lia looking so fucking beautiful, and knowing that she shared the same sexual preferences as him only made his prick harden further.

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Claimed for the Master's Pleasure [Guilty Pleasures 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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