Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time (39 page)

BOOK: Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time
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Who me? Of course not


The Prince of Troy smiled.
He could see

s fingers were crossed behind his back.


ll do most anything for a good lay,

admitted the Queen.
She thought for a moment.

We can take my barge.

ll dress this Trojan turd in one of my frocks and smuggle him aboard as one of my hand maidens.

The Queen worked quickly.
She gathered her staff
and within a short time, they had enough provisions loaded aboard the elegant barge for a month

s cruise.

had to admit,
looked adorable in drag, though his broad shoulders did make him look a bit bull-dykish.

About six hours out in the Sea of Crete,

s conscience began to bug him.
Finally, he decided he should give the Queen her due.
He knocked at her cabin door.

Go away!

came a pained moan from within.

But Queenie, what about our roll in the hay?


m sick.
I said I

d do anything for a lay
I hate ships, water and voyaging.
Just wait

til I get you on dry land
you little squirt
Now go away and let me suffer in peace

sighed a great sigh of relief and moved his nifty little bod back to the ship

s stern.
He looked out toward the disappearing coast of
It was great to be alive, but he was lonely.
Where was the lovely
Oh, that

s right,
had KP duty.

Just then he felt strong muscular arms reach around him from behind and press him gently against a broad chest.
Sweet scented breath fanned his face as the Prince of Troy whispered in his ear,

Alone at last.

sighed as the Prince reached inside his robe and caressed his athletic chest.
His able fingers touched and teased

s nipples until he moaned with delight.
the Prince turned
to him.
The young New York Greek could see that
had exchanged his dress for a loin cloth that showed off his brawny body to perfection.
stood back and gazed in wonder at the choice of Aphrodite.
His eyes lingered for a moment on the protruding crotch covering. Next
they traveled slowly up the muscled abdomen, then on to the broad chest with its protruding pecs and large tantalizing nipples.

Finally he came to the face.
In the fading sun, he saw the glory of the gods revealed to him.
Deep brown eyes gazed into his while the Prince

s full sensual lips smiled the cutest smile
had ever seen.

was drawn toward the lips as
took him in his arms and pressed their two bodies close.
They could both feel their young manhood pulsating against one another.
The glorious lips came closer and closer until they touched his.
felt as if he was drowning in a sea of indescribable tenderness.
The Prince

s tongue crept from between parted lips and searched

s for the surest way to passion.
The kiss went on and on.
It lingered, was given and returned for what seemed an eternity.
As those profound moments in time passed, the Prince withdrew slightly so that he might study

s face. The faint perfume of cloves warmed his face as the Prince whispered his name over and over.

I love you
my Adrian.

had never known such bliss.
This was his destiny
the moment for which he

d been born. His heart nearly burst with the adoration that filled it, and as the young Prince of Troy took him by the hand and led him into the seclusion of stacked provisions, he sighed a blissful sigh.

They lay close together on a pallet of straw.
close and caressed, and touched and kissed him. Finally
he took

s hand, and with a moan thrust it into the folds of his loin cloth.

almost fainted dead away.
In his hand was the biggest cock he

d ever felt, and he

d felt many of them. The shaft had to be nearly nine inches long and

s tongue grew hard as he caressed it. Then he felt
take his own throbbing hard
once again considered how man was perfectly designed for making love.
In the classic sixty-nine position
r as the Greeks refer to it
the zeta-omega position

erect cocks curved perfectly over the arc of the tongue.
The cocks slid smoothly on a lubrication of saliva
and the lips could be contracted or expanded to meet any contingency.
All the other modes seemed equally convenient.
A cock in the ass was held firmly, yet allowed plenty of room for any size horn and a cushy tush felt good on the ol

gonads. Or if one did it face-to-face, one could sit in the lap of his lover and wrap his legs around his partner, and they could kiss and adore one another to their heart

s content. All these thoughts, combined with the talented workings of
mouth, carried
closer and closer to the brink.
At last he could hold on no longer.
The Prince could sense the moment was near and thrust his phallus deeper and faster until they were thrashing and throbbing in rhythm.
Finally they came together.
What bliss!
What rapture!

After drinking one another dry, they turned and held each other.
The kissed and adored and fondled one another in
And so their idyll continued for weeks on the

At length, almost sadly, the coast of
hove into view.
The trio

s arrival was celebrated with great rejoicing.
King Priam and his Queen Hecuba greeted their long lost and presumed dead son with open arms.

There was some consternation at the sight of Menelaus
wife, Queen Helen.

sister, the great prophetess Cassandra, pulled her robe over her head and ran around bare-assed, crying,


re doomed! We are surely doomed!

As usual, no one paid any attention to her.

Helen tried her damnedest to resign herself to being surrounded by the poisonous Trojans

Nothing dampened the great celebration that evening.

It was an orgy of food and drink.
Most of the court, including
, finally passed out.
Helen who had an enormous capacity for booze, ended up feeling all tittely. Whereas Adrian, who followed his grandmother

s advice of moderation in all (or nearly
all) things, sipped his wine and giggled as he watched

s royalty go under, one at a time.

He was disappointed that
also succumbed to the
od of
ine, but before he had much time to worry about that, he saw Helen approaching.
She had a predatory look in her eye
and he knew his time had come.
Panic seized him as she lay down on his two-man (or two-women, or man and woman) sized couch and pressed her luscious lips to his. He felt smothered.

The sensation was not unpleasant, however.

you little squirt!

he panted as she rolled on her back and pulled him on top of her.

s mind was in turmoil.

Come on
a bargain

s a bargain,

admonished the Queen.

had never done it with a woman before, and though he had a vague idea, it was all from clinical pictures he

d seen.
He actually wasn

t sure which end was up.

He reached with trembling hand toward Helen

s crotch
and she pulled her robe aside to give him better access.
He found a patch of curly hair, and as he dallied further, he discovered a tantalizingly damp hole.
Surprise, surprise
He stuck his middle finger into it and found it warm and wet.
Toward the top he discovered a teeny little weeny. He have it a twirl and Helen let out a delighted snort and moaned,

caress my clit.
Oh, you are soooooo goooood!

She pulled open the cleavage of her gown and exposed the two great moons of her bosom. Her red nipples beckoned to


he groaned as he pressed sucking kisses on her blossoming buds.

She squealed and reached for

s now throbbing cock.
Adrian, who had a great deal of imagination for things erotic, could hardly wait to press his pulsating prick into her cavernous pussy.

he poised over her for just a moment and then plunged into her wet well. Helen let out a screech of ecstasy and grabbed his little ass as he started to pump. He pushed his cock all the way in as she wrapped her shapely legs around his back.
She whimpered and moaned with pleasure.

With each thrust,
plummeted deeper, and as he pulled back, he ran the bulbous head of his throbbing cock over the hardened tip of Helen

s clit.
And how she loved it!

You are the best!
The very best!

she cried.

He road her far into the morning, and as he traveled his new highway, it occurred to him that it felt almost as good as

And there were no teeth to get in the way.

Helen grabbed him by is curly hair and screamed as a wrenching climax tore through her body.

The excitement of the new adventure and empathy with Helen

s ardor brought
to fulfillment at the same time.
He had to admit it was good

better than he

d ever thought it would be to do it with a female. He resolved then and there to enjoy both possible worlds.
Naturally he wasn

t about to give up the lovely
, but this new stuff was
all right

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