Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time

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Mickey Erlach


Boys Will Be Boys

Their First Time


An Erotic Anthology Edited By

Mickey Erlach






Mickey Erlach

Copyright © 2008 by STARbooks Press




This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, situations and incidents are the product of the authors

imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.


Published in the
United States
STARbooks Press
PO Box 711612
Printed in the
United States


Many thanks to graphic artist
Emma Aldous
for the cover design. M
may be reached at:
[email protected]








Mickey Erlach


’s Woodshed
By Jay Starre

Down by the Creek
By Wayne Mansfield

Last Chance By K. Appleby

Six One Thousand By R.A. Padgett

Hot Shot
By Sedonia Guillone

Noah’s Arch By Ryan Field

Doesn’t Play Well with Others By Stewart Lewis

Stepbrothers By Mickey Erlach

The Masseurs By Lew Bull

Hot Basement Sex By Dan DeVeaux

Many Happy Returns By Jordan Castillo Price

Morningwood – A Novella By R. Forestier

It’s About Time By Jay Barbera

It’s Okay By Jay Barbera

Buffed Bad Bo
By Bearmuffin

Beware of Greeks By Mark Dante

Perfection – A Novella By Kyle Michel Sullivan

About the Authors

About the Editor




Mickey Erlach


s Woodshed
y Jay Starre

I was chopping firewood out in the back at

s when Bobby rode up.

Look at those muscles,

he laughed brightly as he dismounted and tied his horse to the hitching rail.

How ya doing, Bobby?

I asked, stopping what I was doing to stare at him.


d grown. I hadn

t been up to

s ranch in the
for two years, the last time back when I was eighteen. Bobby

s family lived on the ranch down the road. He

d only been sixteen then and quite chubby. I looked him up and down, noting how the chubbiness had been replaced mostly by a fuller chest and broader shoulders. He was sexily plump.

You sure are looking me over, Brent. Like what you see?

And then the little fucker clutched his crotch suggestively and leered at me.

He was always a joker
and I

d liked that about him. Although he grinned now, and so did I, a rising boner in my jeans revealed the true story. Bobby clutched what looked like a stiff bulge in his own rough work jeans.

I saw your
driving to town on the road a while ago. No one

s around. Let

s go in the woodshed and fool around.

His dark eyes swam with promised lust. He licked bowed, pursed lips. He was a fucking little cock-tease!

I abruptly decided to test his dare.

Dropping the axe in my hands, I reached out and grabbed his arm, almost dragging him toward the shelter of the woodshed.


s see what you got, then, Bobby. I

m sure my cock

s bigger than your little snake,

I smirked, thrusting my hips ahead and unzipping my fly at the same time.

I fished out my hard dick just as we reached the open front of the woodshed. I figured that would scare him off if he was bluffing.

He wasn

t bluffing.

Nice boner! But look at this, Brent,

Bobby chortled, his face flushed and his eyes wide.

He unbuckled his belt and undid his fly in a flurry of fingers. Before I knew it, his pants and his underwear were down around his knees! I felt my mouth dropping open. One big, long, stiff boner thrust up in the crisp mountain air in front of him.

His cock was enormous!

Fuck! That is a respectable rod you got there,

I admitted.


d moved into the shed, which faced away from the house and into the thick woods. No one could see us
was in town for the afternoon anyway. Bobby and I faced each other, our rock-hard cocks rearing up between us.


s jerk off. The cold air always makes me horny,

Bobby said, still grinning.

He was already stroking his cock with both hands. It was so fucking big both hands fit on the lengthy shaft. The purple head poked out above his fists all swollen and drooling. I realized I was trembling. The autumn air did seem to have that horny tension to it. I managed a shaky smile as I began to pump my own tool.

Yeah! It feels good, doesn

t it, Brent?

Bobby muttered, really getting into it as he shoved his hips forward and banged his big meat against mine. His hands rubbed up and down, pumping more of the gooey pre-cum from the swollen slit. His cock had a big cap, wide and with a flared crown that shone bright purple by then. I stared greedily at it as I used one hand to rub my own boner.

Spit on it, Brent. Rub it good,

Bobby suggested in a quavering voice.

I glanced up at his face. He was very cute, with soft raven-dark hair cut short above his neat ears. He had a chubby face, but his features were button-cute. His lips were wet with drool
and as I watched
he raised one hand and stuck out his tongue to wipe spit all over the fingers. He dropped that hand back to his cock and began to rub it up and down, with the other gripping the fat base just above his hairless
nut sack

I followed his lead, spitting on my fingers and rubbing the sticky lube up and down my respectable, but smaller-sized boner. Hell, any cock would look small next to Bobby

s gigantic meat! I felt chills of desire coursing up and down my spine as I continued to rub spit into my cock and stared at Bobby

s giant bone.

But then he abruptly escalated the action. I

d shed my shirt while chopping wood in the autumn sunshine
and now I noticed how he stared hungrily at my bare chest. Without warning,
he bent over and clamped his mouth over one of my nipples.


I hissed.

The wet warmth suddenly sucking on my sensitive nub was like an electric shockwave blasting through my chest. Even hotter, Bobby

s hands moved to my cock as he sucked and licked my nipple. He began to yank and pull on my boner. I groaned and muttered as I returned the favor and took hold of his big cock to start working it. God it was huge! Fat, rubbery and stiff, it was like a baseball bat of torrid, sexy fuck-flesh. I pulled on it with one hand and thrust my chest into Bobby

s hot mouth. He gurgled noisily over my nipple while rubbing spit-wet fingers up and down over my dick. It was awesome.

I don

t know how it happened. My hands obviously had a will of their own. One of them was suddenly sliding around Bobby

s naked waist and roaming over the hot expanse of his bare butt. I gasped with heightened passion as my fingers kneaded and explored hairless butt cheek. Lush and firm, that ass quivered under my touch. Bobby

s fingers on my cock increased their already frantic rhythm. When my searching hand dipped into the parted butt crack, Bobby

s mouth went wild over my nipple.

I stroked Bobby

s monster meat while I poked boldly into his heated ass crack. The crevice was deep and moist. Slick, hairless and smooth as satin, the plump butt cheeks quaked and shivered as I sought and found the small, puckered asshole between them. I toyed with the tight rim and crinkled lips while yanking on Bobby

s big shank.

That did it for him. With a loud groan, Bobby

s body heaved and a geyser of warm goo splattered out of the head of his giant cock. The stench of the male juice and Bobby

s wild hands on my own cock combined in an irresistible pressure. My balls poured out their seed as I blew a load

We writhed and bucked together, jizz coating our crotches and fingers. My hand in Bobby

s butt crammed deeper, and I actually poked a finger up an inch between the tight ass lips. He cried out and wiggled his butt as his cock oozed out the last of its copious brew.

We leaned against one another as we attempted to catch our breath and slow our pounding hearts. Bobby

s smirk and wink made me laugh as he pulled up his underwear over drying cum.

I gotta go home and do my chores before dark. See you tomorrow at the same time when your
goes to town.

I nodded in a daze of semi-satiated lust. Bobby

s chunky, sexy body was suddenly very alluring. I wanted more of him, and he

d just promised to supply me with it. I watched him ride away with a resurrecting cock in my jeans.

That evening I borrowed

s truck and drove into town. I had to get some condoms! A riot of fantasies ran through my head as I tossed and turned in my bed that night. What exciting things would we do in the woodshed tomorrow?

was retired, he owned a small law office in the nearby town and went in every afternoon to grouch at his partners. Sure enough, while I was out chopping and stacking firewood
Bobby rode up again.


s take all our clothes off this time. You got such a hot chest
and I wanna see the rest of you. I wanna see you butt-naked,

Bobby blurted out in a rush as he tethered his horse.

His excited grin and sparkling amber orbs got me immediately hot. My cock le
pt and dribbled before I even dropped my axe and chased him into the relative privacy of the woodshed. It was a bright October day
and the sun was pleasantly warm. It shone through the open front of the shed directly on us with only the deer in the woods being offered a view of whatever we decided to do.

The smell of wood chips and fir sap hovered in the shed. I

d always liked that smell. I inhaled it deeply, smiling at the warm sun on my face, my senses heightened in expectation of exploring more intimately Bobby

s chunky young body.

Bobby, the horny little slut, wasted no time. He tore off his thick wool shirt and undershirt then hopped out of his jeans, leaving his boots on
so he wouldn

t have to step on the woodchips and shavings on the shed floor. I watched him greedily, impressed by the changes in his body over the past two years. He still had a tan, although it was fading, and his skin was smooth and appealing. His shoulders were wide
and his hairless chest was well-shaped with small brown nipples already erect and excited. His stomach was flat, although there was a hint of love handles around his waist. His naked thighs were big and strong.

his cock was big and hard.

I began stripping as I looked him over while he returned the inspection avidly. His intense amber eyes spotted my stiff rod
and they roamed over my muscular build with appreciative lust. His look sent shivers up and down my spine, the brisk autumn air partially responsible for that

Bobby couldn

t have been
for it. He grabbed my cock and clamped his mouth over my chest so quickly I almost fell over backwards. He obviously assumed we

d repeat the shenanigans of the day before. I realized his experience in the sexual arena was practically nil.


re going to suck cock today. Okay?

Bobby nodded his head vigorously, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head. He was actually drooling!

I want you to bend over and suck on my cock while I play with your hot ass. How

s that sound?

I suggested. I hoped he agreed. I

d been fantasizing about that plump, warm butt endlessly ever since I

d copped a feel the previous afternoon.

Sounds hot! I

ve never sucked a cock before. I can

t wait,

Bobby muttered under his breath.

His eyes were on the prize as he bent over and shoved his face in my crotch. I still had a hand on his cock and pulled him around by the big handle so that he was sideways in front of me. I let go of his boner and placed both hands on his white ass. Just as I gripped the hot flesh in both palms, I felt a warm mouth surround the head of my cock. I grunted and bit my lip, my legs shaking as Bobby started licking my cock head.

Reveling in that sweet sensation, I took a minute to appreciate the awesome sight of Bobby

s sexy, bare butt. The fading tan line accentuated the swell of his big cheeks. Ivory white skin, totally hairless and without blemish, curved in twin sexy mounds bisected by a deep crevice.

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