Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time (6 page)

BOOK: Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time
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Gaining some control, I began putting his stuff back in his bag, but there on the bottom of the bag was an small manila envelope with my name, Chris, unassumingly taped to the black bottom, it stood out like a gold ticket in a candy bar, beckoning me. Without too much thought
I grabbed it and ripped it open at the seam. What fell out was a link, just a single platinum link of a chain and note that read,


That fucker! He had to have known, the son of a bitch planted this before we even got to the gym today. So fuckin

full of himself! Who does he think he is? A wave of fear swept over me, no not fear

more like trepidation for what I thought, (and apparently) he knew what lie ahead. I

ll show that two can play at this game
I started my bath water getting it a little hotter than would be comfortable and brought out my clippers. I started trimming away

ll show that son of a bitch. I used the
guard on the clippers and trimmed off all the hair on my chest, pits and pubes. I gathered my tools and stepped into the bath with a
pack of disposable razors, a can of shaving cream and a couple of washcloths. Slowly lowering myself into the hot water I soaked for a couple of minutes before beginning what turned out to be an hour and a half procedure. I had done this before for swim team in high school as had a majority of my teammates
so it didn

t bother me as much as he probably thought it would. After nicking myself a couple of times
I decided to slow down and enjoy the process
I started with my legs and went on to my chest, armpits and butt. I started to shave my pubes and stopped short of it. I ended up shaving around my balls and up the shaft of my dick. I left a patch of hair above my dick, kind
a fuck you statement and let the water out of the tub
which only ended up leaving a mass of stray hairs all over. Steeping back in
I got the handheld and sprayed down my body and the tub surround. Using the shower
I squatted down and paid particular attention to my ass and balls. The water strumming against them felt incredible.

I got out and dried off thoroughly, opening the bathroom door to let some of the steam out. Wiping down the mirror, I was surprised to see how my body looked after denuding all that hair. My muscles that I had worked so hard at looked more defined. I could see the beginning of a six-pack, (a four
pack really) starting to show up. The cleft in my butt cheeks and the shadow of my overhanging chest showed proud and proper. I ran around the apartment buck ass naked for a while to try and cool off. The air against my body felt so fuckin
good! I wished I had done this earlier. After having
snack, I returned to the bathroom and liberally dusted myself with talcum. My skin turned satiny soft and smooth as


ll forgive the analogy

a baby

s bottom. I shook off the excess powder and trotted off to bed.

I was excruciatingly tired, probably from the workout along with the mental, emotional strain. After setting my alarm. It didn

t take long for me to drift off to sleep.

Sometime in the middle of the night
I awoke with a fierce hard on, humpin
the crisp, cool sheets, fuckin
the air with an animal lust. The sheets behind me creeping into the crack of my ass, the ones before me encapsulating my dick like a French whore. My moaning and groaning interrupted only by one word

a mantra of sorts.




I went over the edge bucking the sheets and biting, crying into my pillow. I came with a vengeance, crying out loudly, the white-hot slag pulsing out of my dick, into the bed sheets and soaking my belly.

Fuck yeah! Take that you fuckin


Jesus H Christ! I yes, I cum fuck!
uck yeah, please I need it!

I need you!

My heart was racing, trying to keep up with me
and I

m sure that if someone was around to take my blood pressure, I would have blown the circuits in the machine. Holy shit! That felt good! I got up and blindly sopped up the majority of my sp
ooge with a towel and trudged to the living room with a blanket and my alarm clock in tow. I slept soundly for the rest of the night.

I woke up refreshed and revitalized, drank me a quick cup of brew and tore the sheets off my bed
starchy pile that they were,
tacking them in my hamper along with assorted underwear, socks and shirts. I took a fresh set of sheets out and proceeded to make my bed. Damn, I was in a good mood. I couldn

t just waste away such a beautiful day. I called my friend, Ken, and set up at time to meet with h
m for lunch. After dropping my laundry off at my favorite cleaners and doing some shopping, I made my way to Barney

our local eatery.

Ken knew me like the back of his hand
and it didn

t take him long to fi
ure out that something was up. After grilling me for about a half hour, I finally relented and told him my story.

I don

t know what kinda spell this guy has over me
but my dick gets half-hard just having him around me.

Ken didn

t offer any suggestions
e wasn

t big on offering suggestions
but he was a great sounding board, letting me go on
til I was empty. Afterward, I felt ashamed and excused myself curtly
After all, I had an appointment to keep.

After picking up the two loads of laundry, I arrived early. As I was pulling into the parking lot, I found him there, eyeing his pocket watch. I jumped out of the car, grabbing the laundry and shuffled toward him, shyly watching the sidewalk as I came up to him. With a grunt
he directed me to get into his car saying we had somewhere to go and didn

t have much time. I don

t think I looked at him at all until we came to a stop in front of a barbershop that looked out of place in the middle of this stretch of high-rises. The sign outside read

Buzz cuts $15.00

I looked over at him
and he pointed his eyes at the sign then back to my eyes again. Once more
a small whimper escaped my throat.

As we entered the shop
the barber knowingly acknowledged
oach and finished with his client. After the last customer left, he stepped behind him to lock the door and turn the open sign to
. The barber and
oach both led me to a chair without saying a word.
oach told the barber to crop the sides as usual but leave a little length on top. He added

ot so much that I can

t see him sweat

Little did he know that I was
weating like a pig under the rubberized cape that thankfully hid my full-blown boner. Coach told me,

You are to look into my eyes the entire time, boy

I did as he said, his eyes burning into my soul. My dick twitching and leaking under the cape as the barber shaved my head. The clippers found every erotic nerve on my head. Coach grabbed a handful of my crotch through the material as he looked at me
and I him
e started massaging roughly and continued staring right through me.

He said,

I know what you did last night, I

ll always know

His gripped tightened catching my entire kit as he continued,


m gonna let it go this time, but from now on you are not to cum. Unless and until I say you can! You can beat off and milk that pretty boy dick of yours all you want
but you are not to cum, do you understand?


was all the breath I could spare with the clippers buzzing my neck, his grip on my wet equipment and those eyes, those damn eyes looking into mine, piercing mine. I was starting to shake from the need, my hips bucking back and forth as much as I dared with the crop job going on my topside. Trying to get that gripping, fuck yeah, fist
oh my God!

Fuck yeah
Please let me!

I groaned out load and tears started involuntarily leaking from my eyes.

Fuck Sir Please!

This went on only a few minutes before he said,

Okay boy, you can cum now

Just then
e wrenched my dick hard
and the barber dug his hands into my freshly cropped hair. Coach reached up to squelch my moans, covering my mouth and forcing the seed right out of my dick like a fire hose. I came violently and as noisily as I could with his hands covering my mouth.

Fuck yeah
I need it
Please I

need to fuck your fist

Yeah holy fuckin

He never took his eyes off me
letting go of my mouth
I gasped for air. He let go of my kit
and I felt a tremendous release and relief
e stood back and gave me one of those half-smiles of his. The barber finished up in a few strokes and ripped the apron right off me. I was horrified to find in the crumpled folds of my jeans, a huge wet spot that would be impossible to hide. Nodding his head to follow him, he led me through the door. Outside on the way to the car
we passed a couple
and as they looked down at my crotch I was surprised that along with my shame and humiliation, there was a sense of pride in my stain.

As we drove back in silence, I kept wanting to say something, starting out,

oach, I …
oh never mind

trying to get words out but failing at every attempt. Finally as we pulled into the parking lot
I blurted out,

Coach. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate, um, the extra attention

He stopped me before I could continue
is voice lowered an octave
and quietly he told me,

ook kid, this isn

t about your dick! The sooner you learn the better! I

m gonna let you go this afternoon
ou have a lot to think about
but I want you to show up here tomorrow at
and bring your suit – we

ll warm up in the pool.

As I grabbed my bag from the backseat
he said,

Leave those there with my stuff
ow get along and get yourself some rest


ll need it

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