Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time (31 page)

BOOK: Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time
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The adrenaline rush I experienced when Jack had revealed his plan for Morningwood was reignited as we lay in each others arms that evening. The peacefulness went unbroken now that we had the bunkhouse all to ourselves. This was going to be one of the last few nights we would have together before heading back to the city and the uncertainty of our new adventure. We made the best of it. The gentle stroking of Jack

s big, yet soft hands covered every inch of my willing body. The light flicking of his tongue on my stiffening nips was followed by a slow progression down my chest, stopping briefly to thoroughly lave my navel before descending toward its target, my now throbbing cockhead. His hot mouth engulfed me all the way to my tightening balls
and I was in heaven again. The swirling of his tongue as he plunged and withdrew drove me over the edge in far less time than I would have liked. He was rewarded with a gush of my boy-cum that caused me to scream out in sheer ecstasy as shot after shot flooded his throat.

Raising his head, our eyes met.


sweetheart, that was the best you ever gave me.

Throwing my arms around him, I pulled him to me and our lips joined in a deep, hot tongue-kiss. The flavor of my own cum only made it better. I was on fire and had to return the favor before sleep grabbed us both.

My lover knew what I wanted when I stretched out on my belly and raised my hot little ass in the air. He wasted no time in getting me ready for the fucking I wanted so badly. His hot wet tongue thoroughly prepared me for the delicious probing of his finger. The gentle stroking of my prostate drove me nuts
and I begged him to replace it with his long hard cock. He knew all the moves that made the most of a butt-fuck. Time after time
he would get right up to the brink of orgasm, stopping at just the right moment so as to prolong our pleasure. I finally could not resist giving him those final cock-squeezing clenches of my ass muscles that I knew would send him over the moon. It worked, and we fell into a steaming, sweat-soaked heap. Immediately, well earned sleep took over.

It was Monday morning. At breakfast,
ad suggested we spend the day tidying up the place in preparation for our departure on Tues
. I was cursing the fact that there was only one vehicle. It would have been nice to let the others go ahead. Jack and I could have stayed behind to do the clean-up. Of course how much work would have gotten done is up for speculation.

The trip back was uneventful. So much had changed in the last few weeks. The revelations about
ad and the other guys, the sex-fun I had, and finally discovering the miracle of falling in love with my beautiful man, Jack. It was almost too much for my young inexperienced brain to handle. Almost. I had grown up fast and was eager to continue my education in the real facts of life.

The hardest part of going home would be my separation from Jack. Some very sensitive negotiating lay ahead if we were to spend enough time together. How would
om react if I were to suggest moving in with Jack? Dad would be no problem since he was encouraging our relationship.

That evening at home, he called me into his basement study for a little man-to-man talk.

Donny, I am making things easy for you. I

ve already discussed with your mom the plan to join up with Jack in operating the cabin as a sports spa. She

s very excited for both of you and thinks it would be a wonderful way for you to get some business experience before starting college in the fall. Believe it or not she actually is in favor of you staying with Jack so that you can work on the project together full time.

I never felt so much love and admiration for my father than I did at that moment.

A quick call to Jack brought an immediate invitation to pack my necessities and get on over to his place ASAP. Mom was a little disappointed that I wasn

t at least staying a few days to be with her, but understood my excitement. After all, I was still her

little boy

My Sebring convertible looked even better after our prolonged separation. I loaded my gym bag, packed with a wad of shorts and
s, my shaving gear and my favorite bottle of jerk-off lube. That would have a better use for now on. Top down, I headed out for my new love

s townhouse. The anticipation of what was to come made me light-headed
and I nearly ran a red
light before coming down to earth.

Jack met me at the door looking sexy as ever in his favorite black silk boxers and nothing else. The minute the door was closed we fell into an embrace, him smothering my face with kisses
which I passionately returned.

He had prepared a welcoming fire and a low table set with two glasses and a bottle of champagne chilling in a silver bucket.

That fireplace isn

t crackling just for effect. I wanted it warm enough in here
so I could strip you out of those clothes
and we could discuss our future in comfort.

I couldn

t argue with that, so in a flash I was naked and in his arms on the thick llama fur rug
lay welcoming before the hearth. My life had become a succession of beautiful moments ever since that first night alone with Jack at the cabin.

We finished the wine and barely had the strength to make it up the stairs to bed. I lay awake for a few moments, thoughts of what tomorrow would bring when I was re-united with John Rocco at the gym. It didn

t really matter anymore what his reaction would be. I felt secure in my relationship with Jack and nothing John could say or do would change that. He was a thing of the past. I prayed Jack would see it that way.

We made the short drive to Jack

s Jym, arriving just as John was unlocking the front door in preparation for the day

s business. The look on his face was one of surprise mixed with puzzlement. Jack immediately introduced me
and John quickly recovered his composure and broke out into a big smile, slapping me on the back and exclaiming
, “

ol buddy

how the hell are ya? Damn, it

s been a while. You

re looking great.

Jack looked a little confused
but then quickly figured we knew each other from school.

So you guys know each other. Good. That will make things go a lot easier for all of us. I hope you weren

t rivals
e need team work around here.

He was smiling through all this
so I figured so far so good.

John continued the conversation:

, Donny and I were great pals throughout school, he was a big help in getting me through the tough times, what with my sports schedule conflicting with my study times. He was a super study-buddy and a great teacher. He really taught me a lot about how to relax. It made homework a lot easier to take.

After speaking those words
there was the faintest trace of a grin as he looked into my eyes. I didn

t think I

d have a problem with John. The momentary rush of blood to my cock I dismissed as just a fleeting bout with lust. Considering that he was the first male I ever tasted in that way, he would be hard to forget. We all went into the office
and Jack started filling John in on our plan to offer one or two week work-out programs at Morningwood. John was enthused right off the bat
and he and Jack started figuring out a basic outline of activities. I could see that this was going to be a long day. The gym was starting to fill up with the early-risers. Who the hell wants to bust a gut at 7:00
am? Apparently
a lot of guys. Making my way around the gym seemed a good way to pass the time and familiarize myself with the operation. The heaviest weight I had carried was my book bag
so there was plenty to learn. The eye-candy wasn

t bad
so I had to constantly remind myself that I was a married man

Bruce must have had a hand in designing the showers. No partitions here. Just one big tiled room with ten shower heads. A glass door led into a six-man steam room. Conveniently, the adjacent sauna offered a clear view of the shower room through a large glass panel. Better than TV I thought. Funny, when I had visited this place a few years ago none of this impressed me at all.

Moving on, I stopped for a smoothie at the snack bar, then back to the office. They were still at it, now working on a list of potential customers. I was eager to know how I would fit into the plan. I really didn

t want to be just a housekeeper. A note to self

talk to Jack tonight about this. Was I feeling a tinge of jealousy over Jack

s closeness to John?

My momentary depression was relieved when, sensing my approach, Jack looked up from the scattered papers on the table and with a big smile, blew me a kiss, gesturing that I should join him at his side. From that moment on, I knew that our love would continue to grow, my future would be bright and nothing would ever interfere with my happiness with Jack. After all, I was 19.





Mickey Erlach


s About Time
By Jay Barbera

My face must have lighted up like a harvest moon when I opened the front door on that Saturday morning and saw him standing on the front porch. We embraced platonically as do old friends, and I invited him in. Had it really been fifteen years since that first time? While making a pot of coffee, my mind shifted back to that time.


* * * * *


Well, I

ve been thinking about doing things like that for years,

I shyly admitted and sat back to wait for Scot, the kid next door, to continue with what he had been wanting to discuss with me. We were sitting in my recreation room where he had just confided in me about having homosexual fantasies. What the
ell, lots of people have diversified sexual fantasies. So, why not assure him they

re perfectly normal.


he said while seemingly surprised and placed a half filled glass of soda on the end table.

But you seem so manly,

the boy continued with a thoughtful look in his eyes and a smile on his lips. He snuggled into the opposite corner of the sofa to hear more.

I briefly scanned downward from the sandy-brown hair, over the

s handsome face to the muscular shoulders, arms and chest that were bulging through a tight
that matched his blue eyes. The weight lifting he had been doing for the past
years had definitely paid off.


s nothing unmanly about it,

I rationalized as if being an expert on the subject. But I was quick to add,

Not that I

ve ever had sex with a guy. I just don

t see anything wrong with it.

Obviously more than mildly interested in the conversation he had been wanting to broach with me for the past several months, Scot took another sip of soda, put the glass down again and said,

But, what if you try to approach a friend and he refuses? He might go around telling everyone.

The kid glanced at the lump in my pants, saw that I noticed and shifted his eyes back to mine.

Guess you just have to be careful about that,

I said with a shrug. What a tight body he had! With some of my recurring fantasies returning, a plan started to develop in my perverted mind. This might just work out.

But I needed a little information.

Have you ever had a blow job, Scot?

I asked, that being something I had been wanting to give to a guy for years.

A gleam flashed across his eyes and quickly faded. Then he looked embarrassed while saying,


Scot picked up his glass of soda again.

I didn

t have much time for dating in high school. And now that I

ll be going to college in September, I

ll probably have even less free time.

He shot a glance at my lump again and smiled. Maybe he was thinking in the same groove as I was.

A hand job from a girlfriend?

I pressed on.

He shook his head and said,

The few girls I did go out with were all geeks. One of them didn

t even want to be kissed, and forget about feeling them up.

I was getting excited about the possibilities.

What kinds of sexual fantasies do you have?

My homosexual fantasies had been getting more and more diversified, but I was ten years his senior. And, apparently, the kid was a virgin.

Scot took another sip of soda and twirled the glass in one hand while seemingly mentally debating whether to say what he was thinking or not. After licking his upper lip, he lowered his gaze to the floor and said,

Um, well, I sometimes think about jerking … a guy off.

He paused and looked at me before adding something I hadn

t been expecting.

Well … a couple of times I thought about doing that to you, too.

He closed his eyes while a bright blush covered his handsome, boyish face.

This might definitely work out. Ironically, one of my fantasies had been to give a young guy his first blow job. And he

d never had one. I had to take a chance. Considering what we were discussing, the worse he could do was refuse.

I wouldn

t mind going that far with you, Scot.

I watched a gleam of interest invade his eyes.

How about if we just jerk ourselves off in front of each other to see if we like it?

I hesitantly asked while watching his eyes for a reaction.

You mean it,

he asked with a slightly raspy voice before dropping his gaze to my lump again. Then he swallowed, possibly to moisten his parched throat. Seeing me nodding, Scot said,

Yeah. I

d like to try that. You mean like right here? Like now?

Wondering if that question had been the manifestation of some last minute reluctance, I decided to ease off a bit. We were going to do something with each other that day, but I didn

t want to rush him.

We can do it here if you really want to.

Remembering the first hand job I got from a girl, I smiled and added,


ll be a lot nicer than both of us kneeling in front of a toilet bowl.

Scot grunted a nervous laugh before dragging out the words,

Yeah, I guess so.

He took a slow, deep breath, which caused the muscles in his chest to take on more definition, and boldly said,


m ready if you are.

This time, there was determination in his voice.

Neither of us was hard when we unzipped our flies a few minutes later

both of us were nervous. Being almost ten years his senior, the o
was probably on me to move this virgin through the paces. So I took out my penis and just held it loosely. His smile told me everything was cool so far.

Scot took his cock out while gazing into my eyes. Grunting a shy laugh, he admitted,

There were times when I thought about what it would be like to watch you masturbating.

Possibly unconsciously, he started to stroke his dick.

Want to just watch each other for awhile?

I was already slowly stroking myself
and it was already half hard.


he said while his unblinking eyes were gleaming brightly and his lips were curled into a smile. He started masturbating himself a little faster.


t rush,

I cautioned, not wanting him to cum too fast. And I didn

t want to cum too fast either. I was hoping to get the chance to suck him off, and I had never done that before. There was the possibility that I would lose my nerve after popping my load, that time when a man

s level of sexual arousal drops.

Agreeing with a nod, Scot slowed the pace of his pumping hand. He watched my shaft reach its full length while I watched his do the same.

This is awesome,

he said while never taking his eyes from my cock.

Suspecting the time might be right, I asked,

Want me to do you for awhile?

I was dying to feel his cock. It was kind of funny. You can go through twenty-eight years of life without having touched anyone else

s but your own. You can shake his hand, but you can

t shake his cock.

Scot smiled thoughtfully for a few seconds while staring at the rigid dick in my hand. Then he said,


ll be cool.

Why don

t you just lie back and let me do it?

When he did so, I looked at the Adonis who was stretched out on my sofa, waiting to be pleased. And I had to suppress a moan of anticipatory excitement while sitting alongside of his hip.

His youthful, six-inch cock felt warm in my hand. Although it seemed strange to be holding someone else

s, I slowly masturbated Scot and heard him sigh. His pale-pink head brightened even more and his shaft twitched.

Within a half minute, we were a lot more relaxed and smiling at each other. Both of us realized this was okay, even though his muscular chest was rising and falling from breathing slightly faster and my heart was beating as rapidly as his probably was.

I continued doing that slowly, knowing that the longer it would take him to cum the first time the more he would ejaculate. Hopefully, that would convince him that a man can please another man, something I had only heard but hadn

t been sure about.

But saliva was filling my mouth. I wanted to know what it was like to suck a cock and even feel it ejaculating into my mouth. I had often planned on tasting my own semen, but had always chickened out at the last moment. Doing it with another guy, however, seemed like an intensely erotic experience, and I was ready to go the whole nine yards.

Noticing I had slowed my pace, Scot lifted his head from the sofa

s armrest, blinked his eyes open and smiled at the sight of my fully hard cock. He didn

t need an invitation to reach for it.

I wanna do you, too,

he said, and there wasn

t a hint of shyness in his voice.


I moaned encouragingly when he closed a hand around my glans and slid it down to the base of my cock. Within seconds, we were keeping up the same slow rhythm while smiling at each other.

I hope you

re enjoying this as much as I am.

I ran the tip of a finger around the rim under his glans; he did the same to me. I gently caressed his scrotum; he did the same to mine. Judging by our lack of timidity, it was hard to believe we had never done that with each other before. So far, everything was cool.

I am enjoying it,

he chuckled.

We can do this all day.

I agreed with him, but I wanted more, and I had to go for it. Surely he wouldn

t object, judging by his apparent level of increasing excitement. It was time to take it to the next step.


I began.

I told you I

ve been having fantasies for years. I wanna know what it

s like to give someone a blow job. Would you like that?

The kid swallowed hard and squeezed my shaft nervously. He would later admit being apprehensive because he was afraid I was going to ask him to do that to me, too. Then his blue eyes suddenly gleamed like stars on a moonless night.


d love that,

he shakily whispered.

The sensation of sliding my slightly parted lips over the spongy head of a hard cock for the first time was so indescribably erotic that my moans of delight were as loud as his. I took about four inches of his shaft in while being careful to keep my teeth out of the way, gave it a half dozen lust filled sucks and drew back to the rim. Then I went down another inch, almost gagged and realized my limit while gliding up and down on that length for about a half minute.

At the same time, Scot

s hand just rhythmically squeezed my cock. He seemed unable to jerk me off because of his high level of excitement.

Oh, wow. That

s fantastic,

he whispered.

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