Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time (28 page)

BOOK: Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time
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Our days were filled with activity. Jack spent a lot of his time fine tuning the work-out equipment and at the same time kept up his own regimen with a combination of Nautilus and free weights. He finally shamed me into allowing him to set up a program for me
and I had to admit it was just what I needed to supplement my love of swimming. What this place needed was an indoor pool. I kept busy getting things ready for our guests. It was going to be like running a hotel
and I hardly knew how to keep my bedroom clean at home.

We spent as little time at the cabin as possible, going there only to have lunch and dinner and of course, to keep in touch with the rest of the guys. It was only a twenty minute walk away
but it seemed like another world now that Jack and I had become so close.

By Saturday, everything was as ready as it ever would be. I found a sunny spot on the deck and stretched out on a chaise, hoping to get some rays on my milky white body. It wasn

t long before my rest was interrupted by Jack bounding up the steps. I looked up to the sight of his beautiful blond, furry body coming at me at full speed. He grabbed me up in his arms and carried me kicking and yelling into the gym, gently placing me in the swirling waters of the spa.

What the hell are you doing to me
I cried. His response was to put his big hands on either side of my face and pull me into a deep hard kiss, his tongue going so deep into my throat I thought I would pass out from loss of air.


ll show you what I

m doing. As soon as I drop these shorts I

m coming in there with you and we

re going to make some lovin

. We might not have much time or privacy after today.

Once we were both naked in the comforting waters, I reached down to caress his stiffening cock. It felt so wonderful in my hand, its silky skin, covering the rock hardness of its shaft. My hand moved down to his balls, caressing them as they swirled gently in the turbulence of the spa. We kissed deeply again as I was picked up and placed in front of his waiting lips. He took my eager prick in one swoop, running his tongue over and under the sensitive head as he made his way to its base, burying his nose in the wetness of my pubic hair. Knowing that we were both experiencing the pure pleasure of lover-to-lover sex, I relaxed and let myself enjoy the incredible sensations pulsing through my body, until the moment arrived
and my climax gave us both the reward we were eager for.

Later, as we lay in bed enjoying the warmth of each others

, Jack mentioned his business back in the city. For the first time, he seemed concerned about how things were going without his direction. I assured him that he probably had excellent people working for him that would take very good care of the gym and its members.


s not that I don

t trust my guys to do their jobs, but my assistant manager has only been with me for two months. He

s very capable and my trainers get along with him very well. John has my cell phone number
so he can get in touch any time he needs to. I guess I

m too much of a mother-hen and worry about nothing.

I thought for a moment; and suggested

Why don

t you call the gym and just chat about how things are – any new business, are the trainers getting some good clients? John would probably like hearing from you.


re right, hand me my cell, it

s on the nightstand on your side.

He punched the speed dial and hit the speaker phone button.

After a few rings, a deep male voice spoke

Good afternoon, Jack

ym, John Rocco speaking.

A sledge hammer couldn

t have hit me any harder. Was this the same John I knew? How many John Roccos could there be in Forsythe?

Their conversation was a blur to me as I pondered the amazing coincidence that my old study-buddy and my new lover could be working together. I had to get more information.

As soon as Jack hung up, he smiled and said

I made a good choice with John, he

s young, about your age, and smart as a whip when it comes to running a gym. He relates so well with my customers, they all admire him for his sexy good looks and knowledge of bodybuilding. You

d really like him. It

s a good thing he

s straight as an arrow.

I softly answered

I think I already do

Sunday morning. I woke up to the overly jolly sound of

s voice coming from the kitchen.

Get your lazy asses out of bed

s after eight
and we still have some work to do before the guys arrive.

I untangled myself from Jack

s burly arms and gave him a shake and headed for the john to take care of morning business. Dad had mercifully brewed some coffee and was busy doing a final inspection of the place. Satisfied, he came back into the kitchen just as Jack made his appearance.

, I hope you are as proud of Donny

s work as I am. He has really knocked himself out to impress you and the guests.

, I agree he

s a quick learner. I

m going back up to the cabin. As soon as you get dressed come on up for a final briefing.

We finished our coffee and bagels in silence. Nothing was mentioned about my remark last night about John Rocco. Maybe he hadn

t even heard my reaction. That made me happy because I was just not ready to deal with any complications in my relationship with Jack. What the hell, the worst thing that could happen might be John making some remark about me being his jerk-off study-buddy in
high school
. It wasn

as if
we had a love affair, even if I had lunched on his tasty Italian pork a few times. Anyhow, thanks to Jack, I now know the difference between raw animal lust and real love-making.


Right on schedule, the phone rang. It was Russ letting us know he was approaching the gate and would be at the cabin in fifteen minutes.

We did a quick review of the guests

profiles. This was the first time I had been allowed any info
as to the nature of the guest-patients. Dad had omitted their last names for privacy concerns. True to what
ad had said, they were a real mixed bag. Just how mixed surprised me.

Reginald G.,
, married but no children. A stock analyst by trade. He had not had a reliable erection for over three years. No apparent physical cause of his dysfunction. Hoped to save his marriage by taking advantage of the therapy my father had developed.

Bernard L., Owner-operator truck driver,
, divorced. Wife left him for another woman. Lesbian love was better than he could give her. Two grown off-spring had long left the nest. He felt inadequate and depressed because he could not satisfy the woman he still loved.

Herman A.,
, retired Sears appliance salesman, still happily married but not able to function well in bed without the help of his wife stimulating his anus digitally. She did not like this at all
and her constant complaining did not help.

Buddy S.,
, single, pre-med student. Suffered groin injury playing soccer. A good prospect for this study since his problem was injury related
and he is young.

Louis R.,
, bachelor, zoologist. Last sexual encounter was
years ago. Claimed to be unable to get aroused unless observing animals copulating, but has no desire to participate.

Mike S.,
, ex porn star, now a producer-director of gay-straight-bi porn videos. Believes he is burned out by all his early activity.


This week was going to be more interesting than even my twisted imagination could fabricate.
ut, the best was yet to come.

As the Suburban pulled up in front of the cabin, we all went out to greet the newcomers. One by one
the guys exited and were warmly welcomed, the sixth and last guy exited backward from the left rear door. It was then that I realized to my absolute astonishment that he was a
little person.

Approaching me with his hand extended upward in greeting, he said those words that nearly sent me over the top as my mind projected a picture of the clown car at a three ring circus.

Hi, I

m Mike.

Quickly recovering my composure, I shook his hand
and we joined the group heading into the cabin. The guys seemed to be very much at ease with each other
so I guess
the trip from the airport had been a good ice-breaker. My interest in Mike, though, dominated my mind. In spite of his small stature, he was a strikingly good looking man. Dark reddish-brown hair, a sharp squared jaw line and the shoulders and chest of an athlete.
e was a stud. This guy must really have some stories to tell, but would he be willing to share them with me or this group of strangers.

My new-found professionalism took over
and I got busy offering refreshments and otherwise making everyone comfortable in the lounge.

Dad took over and introduced each of us and the role we would play in their week-long session. While this was going on, Russ had driven the
uburban up to the bunkhouse by way of a back road in order to unload the guys

carefully name-tagged gear.


s talk went on for about an hour at which point he asked me and Jack to escort the group up to the bunkhouse. The short walk along the shore would also give everyone an idea of just how beautiful the place was. By the time we arrived, Russ had each man

s bags placed in front of his sleeping area
so there would be no confusion about who slept where.

While Jack proudly showed the guys all the amenities, Russ and I got busy setting up for the evening meal. It was simple comfort food – fried chicken, scalloped potatoes and a spinach salad. Since everyone was kind of tired after their trip, thankfully everything went off without a hitch. Tomorrow, the program would get going
and I would probably not have much contact with the guys until meal times and later if they needed any



By 11
everyone had gone to bed
and Jack and I could finally have some time together. We were too tired to be horny, but just needed each other

s warm body to hold. It had been a long day
and the week had just started. As we settled into our favorite tangle of limbs, the days

events suddenly came to my mind in a rush
and I could no longer control my snickering. It was contagious.

Jack turned his face to mine and choking back laughter, said
, “
Ok Snow White, you

ve met your first dwarf, now go to sleep.


Ok, so I didn

t give you all the details regarding our guests. It wasn

t secrecy, I just didn

t want you to form any opinions about the guys before you met them.

It was
ad responding to my asking why he kept the unusual nature of Mike from me.


m cool with everybody,
ad. He just took me by surprise. Mike seems to be a very likeable guy
and I think, along with all the rest, we

ll have a good week.

It was Monday morning
and the day

s activities would be getting started right after breakfast. I had awakened early and gone up to the cabin to talk with
ad. Feeling better after our conversation, I headed back up to the bunkhouse to greet my guests.

Today, each man would meet with
ad for an hour

s orientation. The program would be described to them in detail
and they would be issued their personal PROSAGE kit. Jack had set up appointments for their welcoming massage sessions and tour of the gym facility. Bruce and Russ had gone into the village for some additional supplies. I had some free time before setting up for lunch and decided to take a walk back up to my favorite rock. Gathering up my towel and water bottle, I set out along the shore.

The day was perfect for a little sunbathing and relaxation. When I arrived at the rock, I was surprised to find Marc stretched out on my favorite spot. He had never shown much interest in the natural features of the lake
so this took me slightly aback. He was wearing a red Speedo
which barely covered his tight little ass.

Resting on his stomach, facing away from me, my presence was concealed from his view.

All kinds of lascivious thoughts raced through my mind as I took in the sight, transferring themselves to my groin
which responded in its usual manner, clouding my judgment. I announced my arrival by purposely dropping my water bottle. He awoke with a start and quickly turned to face me.

Smiling, he said in his slightly French accented way
, “
, Donny.
Ca va

I responded in my mid-western accented French:

Va bien merci

He corrected me

Je vais bien, merci

This was the first time we had a chance to just have a light conversation since arriving at the cabin. I liked Marc
but since he had been my teacher and was a good friend to my dad, we had a slight barrier to overcome.

Sitting up and assuming a yoga-like position with legs crossed before him, he continued
, “

s nice to take a break on such a beautiful day. Do you come up to this rock often?

My eyes were traveling down his torso, taking in all the details of his impressive chest hair pattern, stopping at the point where the black mat disappeared beneath the thin cloth of his Speedo.

Donny? Ah! You are finding my chest hair of interest. This is not strange since you have none at all. Don

t be embarrassed. Many men and women have found it fascinating
and then adding with a smile

Or perhaps it is my new Speedo that has caught your attention.

At this point, I became tongue-tied and could only stammer out a weak-voiced

Sorry Marc, I

… was just lost in thought for a moment.

We were quiet for a few moments
and then I got up the courage to continue

Actually Marc I do find your hair pattern interesting. It forms such a perfect T, covering your upper chest; narrowing as it trails down over your belly and on to
I stopped short of mentioning his now bulging pouch.

Waiting for a response gave me a few moments of agony. Suddenly, to my happy surprise, Marc reached out and took both my hands in his and drawing them to his chest said
, “
Go ahead, indulge yourself, feel the softness, I know you want to very badly
and I really find it flattering whenever someone cares to touch me there.

He freed my hands
and I tentatively ran my fingers through the thick black fur, across his faintly muscular pectorals, lightly touching the small pink nipples hidden there in the matte, giving each one a gentle pinch, then down the center of his chest to a point just beneath his navel. I was trembling with a combination of lust; fear and expectation as my fingers barely brushed the waistband of his Speedo, wanting to go beneath the covering but not daring to.

My own stiffness was painfully caught inside my briefs
and I squirmed around until it was pointing straight up my belly. Marc caught my discomfort and laughed
, “
Donny, relax, I know you are stimulated, as am I, it is quite natural and not important. We have just shared a nice moment of intimacy between two people who very much like one another
and it is not more than that. To me, the human body is like a piece of fine artwork and should be admired and enjoyed by all lovers of beauty. I have known you since you were a little boy
and you are like a son to me. If I could make you happy by letting you explore my magnificent chest,

and here he smiled,

so be it. You are not the first man or woman to have done so and probably will not be the last.

Sweat was pouring off my brow, a combination of the day

s heat and the crazy-wild thing Marc had just allowed me to do. It was clear to me that nothing further was going to happen
so I rose, picking up my water bottle and towel in preparation to get on back to the bunkhouse.

See you back at the cabin

and thanks.

In response, he gave me a little wave of his hand and blew me a kiss. What an unusual guy he was.
Vive la

Later that afternoon
as I passed by the cabin,
ad called to me from the deck.

I need a few minutes with you. You look like you could use a rest anyway.

Little did he know. I was still somewhat shaken by my earlier visit with Marc. Pouring myself a glass of iced tea, I joined
ad at the picnic table.

Pushing aside the papers he was working on
he spoke in a serious tone
. “
Don, I need your help with a little problem I

m having with one of our subjects, Buddy. He is not responding favorably to my attempts to get at the root of his problem. This morning I introduced him to the PROSAGE therapy with as much patience as I can afford to allow
et he seems almost frightened to accept the help he needs. It is possible that he is intimidated by my being a doctor and equates me with the callousness of a hospital experience. He may also attach some negative homoerotic overtones to the anal aspects of PROSAGE. Would you be willing to undertake a little experiment for me?

The image of Buddy, young, good-looking, athletic and studly popped into my mind.

Sure. What do you have in mind?

It seems that each time I try to get him to relax enough to introduce the PROSAGE, he tightens up
and no amount of coaxing seemed to help. He may respond better to a young non-medical guy like you helping him to accept the PROSAGE therapy. He is after all, a pre-med student and is going to have to get over his squeamishness about such things. What I propose is that you spend some time alone with him in the privacy of your room. Watch some sports – maybe soccer, that

s his game. Check the ESPN schedule. Jack has already agreed to spend the next night or two back here at the cabin. I don

t care what you have to do or how you do it but try to get the guy to relax. I will give you a porn video that should stimulate some interest.

Waiting for my response, he gave me a smile and added

I don

t think you

ll find this task too unpleasant.

I must have been blushing scarlet as I left the deck and headed up to the bunkhouse. Of course,
ad was right. Under most circumstances, what gay guy wouldn

t jump at the chance to try to get a straight
excited enough to display a hard-on in front of him. Still, something about this request was causing me to be very uncomfortable. Why had Jack agreed to

s request that he leave me for a night or two. I wanted to think that he had protested and would never give me up that easily. The feeling that I was being used by
ad and Jack just wouldn

t go away. I had to talk to Jack. I found him cleaning up after a massage session.

Dad wants me to try to coax a hard-on from Buddy. What

s your take on this?

He looked a little flustered at my confrontational tone, maybe I hoped, a little guilty.

, he brought it up to me this afternoon. I told him I didn

t think it was a good idea. It would amount to having an unsolicited sexual move put on him by another guy
and it might set him back for who knows how long, but we finally agreed that for the sake of the program we

d ask you to help out. It would be a very delicate assignment for you if you agreed. Did you?

What could I say? To tell you the truth, I feel like I would be cheating on you if Buddy and I ended up having sex.

His expression softened and wrapping his big arms around me, he said
, “

t worry about that, I think we care for each other too much to let a little medical or psychological experiment get in the way. I won

t try to make up your mind for you, but you might think of it as repaying your dad for all that he

s given you over the years. This means a lot to him
and you mean a lot to me. Besides, it will give me an excuse to make it up to you. So there!

I felt a little better about going ahead with my new duty after talking with Jack. It was after all, for the good of

s program
and I stood to benefit if it was successful. It was agreed that I would give it a try and invite Buddy to my room to catch that night

s soccer game between
ow exciting could that be
Maybe he would get bored
and we could get on with some other subjects, porn flicks for example.

Later that evening, after supper, and everyone had gone about their leisure activities
I found Buddy alone upstairs in the bunkroom. He seemed to be deeply engrossed in a copy of
Sports Illustrated
until he saw me approaching. Looking up and giving me a big smile at least made me feel welcome to his world.

Just catching up on the big world of soccer, since I can

t play anymore for awhile, I can at least enjoy the sport vicariously.

My plan was working even easier than I could have hoped for. He missed soccer, my TV would receive a satellite feed from ESPN, and there was a game going on right now.

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