Braving Fate (The Mythean Arcana Series Book 1) (28 page)

Read Braving Fate (The Mythean Arcana Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Linsey Hall

Tags: #Scottish Romance Novel, #Adventure Romance, #Love Action Fantasy, #Myth, #Fate, #hot romance, #Reincarnation, #Gods and Goddesses, #scotland, #Demons, #romance, #Cats, #Boudica, #Series Paranormal Romance, #Celtic Mythology, #Sexy paranormal

BOOK: Braving Fate (The Mythean Arcana Series Book 1)
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Her arms clutched him fiercely as a desperate energy drew them together.

She clouded his mind with her soft body, scent, and the small noises she’d begun to make as he slipped his hand beneath the back of her shirt.

She tore her mouth away from his and whispered, “Your bed. Take me to your bed.”

He swept her up into his arms. Her soft mouth found the side of his neck, her tongue dancing along his skin.

Thunder boomed. He strode across the wide wooden floor as lightning lit the interior of his flat from the windows and skylights above. Lightning continued to illuminate the room as the streetlamps from below cast a soft, steady glow through the windows.

He reached his bed and gently set her down. She rose to her knees on the mattress, the waves of honey-red hair falling from the band she’d tied around it. Her eyes were hot as she began to pull at his shirt.

“Take it
,” she demanded.

“All right, my eager Diana.” He smiled as he yanked the shirt over his head. He began to unbuckle his belt, pausing to watch appreciatively as she undid the buttons of her conservative blouse.

His breath caught as she peeled the cream silk back and revealed an expanse of lightly freckled skin. Her breasts swelled out of a pale bra, her nipples hard and visible through the lace. She slipped the silk blouse off her shoulders and it fluttered to the bed behind her.

His eyes were riveted on her as she unbuttoned her slacks to reveal matching lace. He caught sight of the fiery curls visible beneath the lace and his cock throbbed painfully against his pants. He dragged them over his aching shaft and was naked in seconds.

He wanted her. Needed
her. Now.

Once she was clad in nothing but the lace, he stalked toward her, reaching around her waist and lifting her up so that he could lay her upon her back. He climbed atop her, settling himself between her thighs, and they both gasped at the contact.

She was hot and soft and made for him.

“You’re more beautiful than anything I could imagine.” He gazed at her in awe. She smiled tremulously, as if she were nervous. Good—she should be nervous. He bit her earlobe and growled low, “I am going to torture you, my love, the same way that you tortured me. Until you are hot and desperate and aching, I am going to torture you. And even when you beg me, I might no’ give you what you desire. At least, no’ then.”

She gasped and he grinned at the sound, delighting in the way her eyes widened.

He began by tracing kisses down her neck, stopping briefly to bite her gently at the curve he knew excited her so much, and was rewarded by a moan and a shudder as he laved the spot with his tongue.

Impatient, she arched against him, rubbing her body along his to make him move faster. He chuckled low in his throat, content to let this game play out. This was their first time together, their
first time, and he was going to make her cry out and beg and tremble beneath him. He wanted her to come so many times she forgot who she was.

He needed to make this even. Needed to know that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

He trailed his mouth lower, slowly massaging one lush hip with his hand and slipping his fingers beneath the waistband of her panties as he leaned on his other hand.

He pressed his mouth to the curve of her left breast. When she moaned and squirmed beneath him, he unclipped the bra and kissed each of her nipples, stroking them with his tongue until they were shining and wet.

“Please, Cadan.”

“Please what?” His shaft dragged against the bed as he moved lower, the friction from the bedding making him grit his teeth and groan low in his throat. He didn’t know how long he could last in this little game, with her writhing and begging beneath him.

“Please,” she panted, arching her hips off the bed.

His face hovered above her center, and the rich, sweet scent of her filled his nose.

“Please touch me.”

“Here?” he asked, as he kissed her low on her stomach. He stroked the soft skin with his tongue, nipping gently when she squirmed beneath him. He reached up and grasped the low waistband of her panties, dragging them down a mere inch so that he could press kisses along the top of the curls that were barely covered.


“Part your pretty thighs for me, Diana.”

She didn’t hesitate, letting her thighs fall apart.

“Farther,” he rasped, and with both hands, he spread them wide. He raised one hand and laid his thumb against her clitoris and began to stroke, teasing her, and occasionally slipping beneath the edge of her panties.

“Please,” she cried out. “You’re torturing me.”

“That’s the point, now, isn’t it?”

Her pussy was wet now, the lace damp. He continued to press kisses along the edges of her panties, but even that was becoming too much for him. He had to taste her. Sink his tongue into her flesh and feel her quiver against him as she had in his fantasies.

His control was slipping.

Cadan yanked her panties down and threw them off the bed. He gripped her ass in his hands and pulled her to him, draping her thighs over his shoulders. He sank his tongue into her flesh, parting the soft pink folds and dragging his tongue up to the cluster of nerves at the apex. She was more than he’d dreamed she would be.

Perfect. She tasted perfect. She was his. He’d see to it. He’d mark her mind and her soul tonight so that she never forgot it.

Diana’s hips arched up off the bed at the first touch of his mouth. Pleasure raced up her spine as his tongue stroked her.

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God

Diana squirmed beneath the onslaught of Cadan’s mouth, his hands firm on her ass and his tongue plunging into her sex. She shuddered beneath him, overwhelmed by the vulnerability of being held so tightly by such a huge man while he played her body with his mouth.

Hot. So hot.

Not just the feeling of his tongue, which felt like magic running back up to her clitoris and making chills and heat break out alternately along her body, but the feeling of being helpless beneath him as he took her toward orgasm.

She could push him off and climb on top, but she didn’t want to. Not now. She liked the feeling of him positioning her body, looking at her with hot eyes, and stroking his tongue along her sex.

“You’re going to come for me,” he growled against her, and she swore she could feel the vibration of his gravelly voice.

. He flicked his tongue against her clitoris repeatedly and she fisted her hands in the sheets. She pressed herself against his mouth.

“Please.” Her voice shuddered.

“Please what?” He gave one long lick. “You’re going to have to tell me what you need.”

Her cheeks burned briefly. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. But the need was too great to be ignored. “I need you,” she panted, “inside me.”

She looked down to see him grin up at her. “You’ll come against my mouth,” he told her, and then bent his head back to her.

This is happening. This is happening.
She gasped as she felt his fingers against her. He slipped one inside her, gently but inexorably pushing forward, and her hips jerked as he curled his finger upward to rub against the sensitive pad of nerves. It was hot and rough and delicious, and as he laved her clitoris with his tongue, he began to push a second finger inside her.

“Gods, you feel good,” he said.

He sounded pained, and she wanted to fix that, but more than anything she wanted him to put his mouth back on her.

All thought left her head when she felt his mouth again and he began to thrust his fingers. Her breath strangled in her throat as she felt the orgasm begin to coil in her core. Her thighs trembled uncontrollably as it broke through her.

She writhed, eyes blind, as it wracked her body and Cadan worked her through it.
Too much.
Her legs fell apart weakly when it was over, but rather than rise up away from her, Cadan set back in against her sex.

“No.” She tried to push him away. “I want you inside me.”

“You’re no’ finished.”

He bent to her again, his tongue both rough and soft, and she jerked as it swept over her sex. He pinned her down until she began to clench around his fingers, this orgasm more powerful than the last. By the time it had faded, she was panting and desperate for him.

She needed him inside her. Now.

Diana grasped his hard shoulders and tried to pull him up toward her, but he wouldn’t budge, his tongue continuing to swirl and stroke.

She tugged again and he looked up at her, his full lips gleaming from her wetness.

“Please.” She felt like her soul was in that one word. “I need you.”

He gave her one burning look and rose up along her body, dragging his well-muscled form against her softer one, and fit himself to her perfectly.


Fear and excitement made her breath short as she looked at him above her, dark and strong, an angel of destruction and her salvation.

The hard, hot length of his cock pressed against her. She reached up and clasped his face. He pressed his mouth hard against hers until she could taste herself on his lips, then grinned down at her with a soul-stealing, beautiful smile.

She stared into his eyes as he reached down and positioned his cock at her entrance, the broad head pressing against her sensitive sex. He thrust gently and she gasped. He pushed farther in, his hot, hard flesh parting hers easily. She bit her lip and shifted beneath him, adjusting to accommodate his size. He hesitated, giving her time to adjust, but she thrust up to take more of him. She winced. Maybe that hadn’t been the best idea.

He noticed the small movement and looked down at her with fierce concern in his eyes. “Are you sure this is okay?”

“Yes.” She wanted this, wanted to know where it would go when it was with someone who mattered. He reached down between them and stroked her clitoris as he began to thrust slowly. Her flesh soon grew slicker and there was only pleasure.


Cadan rose up above her on his knees and jerked her toward him. He was illuminated in the streetlights from below, his face a work of art cast in shadow and light as he gazed down at her. The muscles of his arms bulged as he worked her hips.

So close.

Cadan bit back a groan as Diana writhed beneath him. He had her lush hips clamped between his palms and he feasted his eyes on her small form. A bolt of lightning highlighted her quivering breasts and the need in her eyes.

He wanted her to lose control. The feel of her, tight and wet around him, made him want to fuck her hard, pounding into her until he came in an explosive rush. He was so
. He bit his lip hard, hoping the feeling of his teeth sinking in would stave off the orgasm. She
come. He wanted her as wild and frenzied beneath him again as she had been before.

Diana had been more delicious than he’d imagined, her flesh warm and soft and sweet. When she’d clenched around his finger in orgasm he’d nearly lost himself on the sheets. She’d been tight when he’d first thrust into her and he’d tried to go slow, but it had been one of the most difficult things he’d ever done.

He needed her now, hard, and the sight of her stretched out before him was almost more than he could bear. He reached down and yanked her up against him so that she sat in his lap, he upon his knees.

“Faster,” she demanded.

He growled as she gripped his hair and forced him to stare straight into her eyes.

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