BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3)
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He fucked me with a stare.

I had already felt the warm dampness of my arousal in my panties on sight of that insane erection.
Could he see the wet patch forming against the white satin?

He was licking his lips, breathing hard, pupils flaring bright as he appeared to stare straight at it.

Yes. Oh yes, he could, and his noticing it was only making that patch bigger. This was

I moved fitfully between his legs.

“Like I said,” the Cult Leader’s son smirked as he crouched beside us. “Look at you all puffed up. You need to do something with that thing Thorn or your situation will be permanent.”

He poked his finger into Thorn’s forehead. “Notice how your thoughts are scattered fucktard? How you can’t think to save yourself? Your brain is fucked. All the blood is right,” he moved Thorn’s hand to his urgent bulge. “Here and will remain until you –

Thorn snarled, and pushed Cale away from us.

In the distance somewhere I thought I heard a kerthunk and a manly yelp.

Holy hell.

Thorn’s arm scooped around my shoulders and yanked me to his mouth. “Run,” he hissed against my lips. “I can handle myself.”

“Won’t you be rendered a zombie with a permanent hard on?” I mused doubtfully. “Not that I think that would be an awful fate for you Thorn. It is what you deserve for all you’ve done. Have fun fucking your album hard.”

I started to laugh at him. I couldn’t help myself.

The man’s blazing green eyes slit angrily.
“Get away from me Elena.”

I laughed harder as he struggled to his feet, wincing. His hand flashing over his zipper he yanked it down, and wrestled with the monstrous seething snake between his legs. He released a cry of pain as he loosed it from his briefs.

I wanted to cover my eyes.

I wanted to look away.

I could not.

Because I was mesmerized.


By the damned thing.

“Leave me.
!” Thorn growled. “I will not fuck you like an animal in front of these fools!”

My jaw dropped.

It was so fucking beautiful.

Seriously. A work of art. An Eiffel tower of cock.

I wanted to run my fingers along the thick rope of veins shimmering along the length and width of its impressiveness.

The thing glistened.

It was the most beautiful, hopelessly erect dick my eyes had ever been assaulted by.

“Look at that thing,” I practically panted. I reached for it as he writhed away from me. “Who said anything about fucking any one like an animal?
There are other ways you can be relieved.” I poked my tongue out and wiggled it suggestively. I was so perfectly evil to do this. So fucked in the head and stuffed full of
about the danger we were in.

“No,” he shook his head. “No! I see that filthy look in your eye Enchantress. I can almost
your dirty thoughts and I don’t like where their going.”

“How about you
it then?” I invited, gripping his slick cock. I wrapped my lips around its thick hot, pulsing tip.

Euphoric taste of salt, sugar and power.

He yelled angrily and shoved me from him. “No. I don’t want that. I don’t want any of this.”

Holy hell the man was incensed.
His face shone with humiliation. “Stop,” he gasped. “Stop this
Elena. You’ve had your fun.” He thrust his boner in the air. “Take this away witch. I am sorry I broke your fucking wedding, but please don’t break my prick.”

I stared. I had no idea what the hell he was talking about.

“The answer is simple Thornton. Fuck the witch. Give us another show. That is how we found you flouting our sacred lores in the first place. When you couldn’t keep it in your pants and fucked the Enchantress in the garden of that Hollywood movie star. See the decisions you make when the blood is in the wrong head? Imagine that …
?” Cale’s voice taunted, from the darkness.

A despairing moan fell over Thorn’s lips.

This was getting ridiculous.

“How about a shadow dance?” Cale strode into the moonlight, a smug smile lengthening his awful black lips.

Thorn roared. “I will kill all of you. I mean this. Don’t do this, I -

His head fell back and he seemed quite unable to finish his next sentence. “Ahhhh,” he groaned, rapture igniting his beautiful face.

Shadows sped up his powerful legs and stroked over his impossible hard on.

His thick thighs parted as he gripped his bobbing cock in his hand. His eyes fell shut.

“So stubborn Thorn. You have a minute to pump the witch or you will be a zombie with a hard on forever.”

His eyes popped open. A strange smile curved Thornton Darko’s dangerous, sinful mouth. “A minute to kill then,” he whispered.

I screamed as I was showered in blood.

So much blood.

An impossible, ridiculous, amount of fucking blood.

Hot and visceral.

“Fuck this.” Cale’s voice

The rumble of a motorcycle making a getaway.

“What?” I wiped at the blood trickling from my plastered wet hair into my eyes. “Did you do Thorn?”

The mist that had rolled into the field parted, blasted by headlights.

I saw a black van and heard a familiar voice. Jacob. The musician Thorn was mentoring. “Your fucking highness. Sorry, I would have been here sooner, but I was in the middle of getting laid.”

Poor Jacob sounded truly put out.
Thorn issued an animal grunt as he crouched over something.

I heard a car door open and slam shut.

“Come no closer Jacob!” Thorn cried in obvious distress. “

The plea was truly heart and reality shattering.

My eyes narrowed in on the man’s huge shaking shoulders. What was he up to now?


Bob was here! He sounded so afraid.

I watched him approach Thornton Darko. His gloved hand fell on the big man’s right shoulder and squeezed as he twisted him around to face us.

“No,” Thorn wailed angrily. “I don’t want you to see this dad.”

I wasn’t aware of falling to my knees until the ground met them with a resounding crack.

Five bodies. All the chests pried apart. A pile of glistening rose red hearts on the ground before him. I counted two, the third was gripped in his monstrous white hand.

He had already
two hearts!

Who was Thornton Darko? Death metal rock star? Warlock? Or demonic beast?

“You need to stop son,” Bob’s voice cracked on a desperate plea.

Tears were hissing down my blood splattered cheeks.

“Go away. Please. Leave me alone.”

He was seriously going to eat five fucking hearts.

This man was so irretrievably fucked in the head.

“Why is he doing this?” I wept.

Bob’s wet blue gaze lifted sharply to mine.

“To save


“Get her away from me.” Thorn snarled.

He ripped his shoulder from Bob’s tenuous grip, and turned away, hunching over his truly fucked up meal.

“Thornton?” Bob asked worriedly.

“Just get her away from me
! Before she does it to me again,” he moaned.

The truly awful procession of sounds I had heard the first time in his castle in the little alcove of horror beyond the burgundy curtain, swiftly ensued.




A desperate moan.

A grunt, and it started again.

What in the fuck was he talking about?

I shivered, the once warm blood cooling on my skin.

“Elena is not the problem, Thorn.
are. You need to stop this nonsense son.” Bob reprimanded in a shaky voice that lacked authority. He was on the verge of tears.

I reached and rubbed his arm awkwardly with my hand, the only part of me that wasn’t blood splattered.

Bob heaved a weary sigh addressing Thorn’s violent shuddering form. “
If I had the strength I would pull you by the ear away from those damnable things. You don’t need them. You cannot save me. Accept it. This will change you into everything you have fought so hard against.

‘Put her in the van. I’ll deal with her later. Please. Just … leave me in peace!”

That was all Thorn had to say.

‘How about you stop stuffing your face and deal with me now?” I challenged.

Those awful sounds ceased and Thorn’s powerful back straightened.

Bob’s hand flashed warningly to my wrist but I stalked to the front of Thornton Darko.

The man was raging.

Just not between his legs now.

Thank the Gods.

It would break my mind if he managed to maintain that insane erection after expiring 5 whatever the fuck they were from the physical plain.

His face was red, eyes aflame, strong chin blood slicked, the pulp of what had once been a heart lying glistening in his palm.

My gaze dropped to the heartless figures, smashed like broken dolls, upon the grass.

I noticed guns in the death grip of their hands.

“Witch,” he hissed. “Leave me alone. I can’t stop when I start. Don’t you understand? That is how it has to be. I saw an opportunity to get more power to save my dad from dying. I took it.”

As if to defy my severe look of disapproval, he took up the pulp and munched on it, but immediately clutched his belly. His eyes squeezed shut as he appeared to gag. Blood red tears spilled down his face.

“Eating hearts is just crazy, gross, and fucking disgusting. It’s going to make you even more insane from what Bob’s saying.” My strategy was to snap him out of this crazy with sheer audacious insensitivity.

He stopped munching. His
gaze took my breath away in its feral, urgent
. “Want to hurt me Elena? Stand there and condemn me with your cold unfeeling eyes. Fucking bitch. I will devour you next!”

My strategy clearly sucked.

Terrified, I was aware that it was just Thornton Darko and I … alone.

Bob had left me here with a fucking lunatic.

“Did you not see the guns Elena?” Thorn went on softly. “When they got close enough, their intent was plain enough. They intended to incapacitate me, lick you out, fuck you up and then eat you.”

All of my skin cringed.
“Oh,” I heard myself say hollowly.

is what they wanted to do to you, love.”

His head fell. “Please, just go away Elena.”

Why did they want to do that?”

“To hurt me.”

I saw his big hand curl around another heart.

Revulsion twitched my body to-fro. The word ‘no’ was forming on my lips, but Thorn was whispering something – so softly it barely punctuated the now freezing night air.

I fell to my knees before him.

“Help me,” he whispered.

He was staring helplessly at the heart in his hand.

Some one.


Thorn said nothing when my hand closed over his monstrous one. My fingers twined with his, rubbed over the blood slicked slender length of them.
I deftly unlocked his grip from the heart.

I threw the heart away.

His gaze fell hungrily to the final one pulsing a silent death beat before us.

I knew what to do.

I grabbed his hand and brought it to my necklace.

“Try to remove it,” I invited with a faint smile.

He frowned, gripped and pulled.

As I had anticipated his hand caught fire. I pressed it to the yellow grass and it ignited in a whoosh of indignant flame.

I picked up the remaining heart, even as he was protesting wordlessly, dark green eyes feral and wide. I tossed it into the fire.

He roared as he beat the flame from his hand. His fist smashing repeatedly against his thigh. He knelt there, staring dejectedly. His breathing, rasping in and out, as he fought for control.

Over what? His inner freak? His beast?

He had asked for my
. This was me helping. I was a little afraid he didn’t see it that way and would duly eat my face.

I stood staring down at the heart twisting and writhing to black in the searing heat of the blaze.

Thorn slid up behind me.

him before his body had even touched mine.

His dark, intoxicating energy rippled along my skin before his warmth closed in around me.

He spun me around and kissed me. His lips slanted brutally over my mouth. His tongue impatiently prodded, parted my throbbing lips and drove inside. It twisted with mine in a seductive assault. I moaned in spite of myself. I had resolved to be silent. In truth, I was, as always, weakened by the powerful thrall of this man. Hopeless desire flooded into my belly.

I became drunk on the intensity of the sensation of
wide sexy mouth expertly pulverizing mine with toxic bliss. His hands were on either side of my face. I felt the beat in the pads of his fingertips against my skin. Emerald eyes on fire. I kept forgetting to ask him what that even meant when his eyes did that. I think I hadn’t asked because on some level I didn’t want to know. But …. I did didn’t I? I wanted to know more about this intense, deranged, certifiable death metal rock star, Warlock, Hell Beast. I think I wanted to know everything.

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