BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3)
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The Field

I awoke to my world tilting wildly into an upside down hell.

My tiny soul and fractured heart fell out the top of my head.

My wrists were crossed over one another, bound and dangling down a plank of black painted wood that was being shoved into a burned patch of grass in a field.

I was aware of the cool night air brushing over my very naked bits. The burn of the rope on my ankles. My legs stretched impossibly wide in a V at the apex of the cross. I was wide open. I didn’t want to think about

I blinked, dazed by the surge of terror.

I saw Thorn.

He too was bound to a black cross. It reminded me of the prop from his ill-fated music video in Mexico City.

The black jeans he had been wearing had been pulled down to his ankles.

He had a half on and it was growing, but not from arousal.

I flinched.

He was bleeding from his cock. There was a black glistening fucked up pool of blood between his legs.

His balls.

Bloody welts.


My eyes filled with hot tears of rage.

“You sick twisted fuck,” I uttered, astonished staring aghast at Snake Father.

The vile man was running a long grey tongue along a belt. The one he had just used on Thorn.

He sighed happily, lashes fluttering as an expression of ecstasy claimed his ugly face.
He continued to indulgently lick the belt clean of Thorn’s cock blood. He deftly pulled the now clean belt through the loops of his black trousers.

He wiped his mouth on the back of his wrist. His black eyes grinned at Thorn. “I am going to take the ass you haven’t claimed yet, son. You don’t have enough power to stop me.
You never will, to truly protect those love. You need me. You stubborn, prideful little prick. After tonight, if you don’t deal with her, we will. We are going to fucking kill her Thorn before she kills you. This is the end of tonight’s lesson.”

Snake Father strode toward me, a leer cracking his thin pale lips. He started unzipping his pants.

Hell no.

I shook my head. There must be something I could do with my new-found awareness of my powers. I closed my eyes, desperately trying to locate the energy drift, the traces of my subtle influences and energies.

“Don’t touch my Elena!”

Thorn’s voice was like thunder.

On the horizon, a screech.
I ignored it momentarily, feeling my lips part, a warmness flooded into my belly. I had found something.
Yes, I could control arousal, amplify it, but I could also make it work in the opposite manner.

I felt the energy of Snake Father. The ugly dark pulsating vibration of his stiffening organ being pulled from his pants.

I smiled.

It was a bit, forgive the pun, cock sure of me, but damn if Thorn and I were going down, I was going to humiliate the leader of this fucked up and misguided cult.

More screeching. My gaze travelled up.

Ravens. A black seething cluster of them exploding through the trees.
Hope swelled inside my chest at the sight.


They attacked Thorn.

I saw them viciously swoop and peck, their claws ripping his skin apart.

The rest of the black hooded figures milling around the spectacle laughed, pointing.

Shit, shit, shit, why in hell were they doing that? What the fuck had gotten into them?

“See Thorn?” Snake Father snarled. “You are already in the process of becoming your dark destiny. Not even your prized animal companions recognize you as their Raven King. You are an evil not even they can abide Son.”

“Thorn!” I screamed helplessly.

The ravens were feral.

They engulfed the man.

I only saw his emerald eyes through the frantic mass.
They were flame bright and wide with terror.

Blood started splattering up across their sleek black wings.

I took a deep breath.

I wanted to reach out to them, to compel them to help him. Enchant them. Impress my will over theirs.

But I had hold of the Snake Father’s sexual energy and I couldn’t afford to drop the thread yet. Not when I was so new at this. Well at deliberately doing it in any case.

I noticed Cale. The other black hooded figures pressed closer.

“Come on dad, we’re ready for the show,”
Cale’s black lips lengthened in a truly unpleasant smile.

I shivered.

Fuck them all to hell.

I closed my eyes, licking my lips.

I started with focusing on Snake Father’s balls.

His uttered a small hiss of dismay.

I had shoved the things so far up inside of him I was pretty sure he was going to cough them up.

He coughed.

I licked my lips in anticipation.

His eyes bulged. “What?” he croaked.

His hand drifted to his cock. “What are you doing to me whore?”

He staggered toward me and pulled my ass cheeks apart with a violence that almost made me drop his energy thread.

I held on tight.

Tears were smarting my eyes from the pressure.

Sweet Jesus.

He was whimpering softly at the expulsion of his balls.

I saw his erect cock bobbing between his legs.

I pulled on the energy and imagined scrunching it up into a small ball of pain.

He recoiled from me.

I was grinning now. I couldn’t help myself. This felt too damned good.

The horror in his black eyes. His mouth fell open in a wide pointless ‘O.’

“Dad? What is with your dick?”

I peeked a look at my handiwork and was well pleased.

Yay me, I inwardly celebrated.

His cock was a limp, shriveled up slug.

“Fucking whore!” Snake Father screamed. “What have you done to me?”

“It’s so cute,” I teased. “So snug bunched up like that. Soft and defenseless. It could get hurt, you should put that pathetic thing away.”

My gaze swung to Thorn and his new coat of Ravens.

My heart exploded in delight.

He was free of the cross.

The Ravens had pecked the ropes away.

They had freed him.

They had been helping him after all.

Clever little creepy fuckers had, I realized, reading their manic energy trace, only pretended to attack Thorn so they would be left alone to free him.

He was their King.

They loved him.

It beat in their strange ugly little hearts.

I thought I might cry.

Some Ravens darted to his ankles and pulled his black jeans back up.

I saw his belly clench and a flash of pain on his face as they moved up over his groin.

The zipper was pulled, a button deftly fastened.

Thorn grunted, and surged forth.

He wore some of the Ravens as a rippling black cloak. They fell over his powerful back.

The remaining animal companions fluttered after him as he stalked toward us.

His beautiful demonic flame green gaze pinned the cult leader in the back of the head.

Thorn nodded slightly at me, arching a brow, he offered a Raven to me upon his outstretched palm, his lips moved over words.

‘Do it.’

I had no idea.


I looked from the raven to the Cult Leaders limp dick.


We made a good fucking team.

I winked at him to signal my understanding.

But I had to throw a bonus round in.

I couldn’t have all these mindless cult fuckers attacking Thorn when the man was finally going to end his nemesis.

I squeezed my eyes shut, concentrating, reaching out to their energies, I gathered them all and pulled,

I literally forced their balls up into their throats.

A chorus of wheezing, coughing and spluttering.

So sweet.

I looked at the Raven.

It cocked its head at me.

Thorns fingers stroked over it and he muttered in soothing tones

something in another language.

I snared it and flung its energy toward Snake Father’s unfortunate tiny slug.

It gave a feral cry and swooped in on it.

He screamed when the raven took hold of his cock and broke the thing.

I could hear sinews pop, skin cracking,

It removed a chunk of dick, and went in again.

It was shot dead by Cale who was now astride the motorbike he had stolen from Thorn. He grunted, pulling his struggling father up onto the bike. He flashed a strange smile at Thorn before swinging around and taking aim at me.

Snake Father stayed his son’s hand. “No, no, you can’t. Not yet. I meant what I said. This is the end of the lesson. We will kill her another day. Right after I mutilate her pussy in front of Thorn. We will wipe her filth clean from this earth.”

Holy hell.

After the bike roared away the black hooded followers melted into the night and made themselves scarce.

I noticed the Ravens.


They rippled toward me, yellow eyes aglow with hate.

If I was truly foretold to kill their King, why wouldn’t they just take me apart right now?
To my relief they freed me of the rope binding me to the black cross.

I held my body for a moment in a perfect hand stand, toes pointed to the sky, and then toppled backwards, falling flat on my ass.

Thorn’s immense presence wrapped around me at once. He gathered me to his chest, lifted me, and buried his beautiful tortured face in my neck.
“I am sorry, I am sorry, I am so sorry,” he mumbled thickly. “This will never
happen again.”


“Get out of my face.”

Thorn slapped Aaron away with his angry rebuff as he stormed past him and Clarissa in the grand entrance of the hotel.

I, on the other hand was very pleased to see that they were all right.

The bar had exploded into mayhem when the bomb threat had been issued.

“What the fuck man? I asked Elena what happened? I am not interested in hearing anything from
.” My friend exploded, his face red and puffy.

“A lot of fucked up shit happened,” I wriggled in protest to Thorn’s choking embrace. He insisted on carrying me. His huge inked arms wrapped themselves around me strategically to conceal as much of my being naked as possible.

He grunted, his fierce grip only tightening.

I rolled my eyes. He wasn’t letting me go.
“Talk in the morning?”

My gaze dropped to the bags at their feet.

I heard the toot of a horn outside.

“You’re leaving me?” I accused.

“My work here is done.” Clarissa shrugged, first to speak. “I helped you become aware of your powers Enchantress.”

“She did very well tonight,” Thorn murmured. His eyes shone with pride and adoration. “She was outstanding. Elena was the warrior for both of us.”

He dipped his forehead to mine gently then drew back.

I think my heart exploded.

“I need to get back to Daniel, babe,” Aaron huffed impatiently. “He told me since that incident with Mason the lead from
Licked Forever
, he has been binge eating ice-cream and drinking beer. That has been the gorgeous man’s diet since our fight. I love that man. I am not going to let him fuck up his life because of my bullshit. He is on the brink of a movie deal and that body needs the good stuff. Superior fuel. Not fucking ice cream and beer.”

“Holy hell,” I muttered. Impossible to think of Daniel having a blow out like that. But then again, I didn’t doubt the depth of love he had for Aaron. He would have been beside himself after the
Licked Forever

“Maybe you can be happy blimps together,” Thorn snarled. “I am bored by this conversation. Elena?” His dark brows arched as he balanced me on his hip, finger hovering over the lift button.

“Wait,” I begged him softly. “I need to speak with my best friend alone, I will see you soon.”

He shook his head. “Not happening.”

I narrowed my eyes on him.
“Thornton Darko, if you don’t put me down I will need to give you a personal demonstration of what I learned out there in that field.”
The man’s eyes widened and he reluctantly relaxed his grip.

I slid out of his arms and tumbled gratefully into a bath robe being offered by one of his freak army.

“Thank you,’ I muttered, feeling a blush sting my cheeks.

They nodded deferentially and nearly skidded on the marble floor in their apparent eagerness to get away from me.

I gripped Aaron’s elbow and pulled him as far away as I could from the glowering face of Thornton Darko who sighed, whirling back to the lift. He jabbed at the button angrily.

The taxi outside blasted its horn impatiently.

Clarissa descended on me and wrapped me up in a firm hug. “Love you, call me if you need me, but you sound like you did really good tonight in your newbie state. Well done you. So proud of you gorgeous,” she gushed.

Her gaze slid to Aaron. “Be quick. I’ll tell them to wait a minute or two all right.” Then she stared hard into my eyes. “Be careful around Thorn Elena. I meant what I said. You can’t trust him. He doesn’t know how to play with his toys without breaking them.”

“I think,” I felt my chest puffing up in indignation. “I am
than just a toy to him, Clarissa.”

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