Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story (14 page)

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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"I love you, Jillybean," Nathan said.


"I know you do," Jill said. "I love you, too. I'll talk to you later."


"Okay." Nathan put the phone back on the base. He glanced at the clock on the stove and saw it was a quarter after seven. There was plenty of time before his first patient. Deciding to get a head start on his day, he made his way to the foyer where he removed his keys from a hook on the wall before heading out the door.


Twenty minutes later, Nathan was sitting behind his desk eating a breakfast burrito and scanning the newspaper, trying to find an article that would keep him occupied for a while. He had just come across one and was reading it when the door opened and Connie walked into the office.


"What are you doing here so early?" She asked.


Nathan glanced at her over the top of the newspaper. "I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would get a start on the day. What are you doing here? I thought you weren't scheduled to work until later."


"I wasn't, but one of the other nurses called in sick," Connie said, crossing the room. " They asked me to cover for her." She bent down and kissed Nathan on the lips. "It's been happening a lot lately. I've been spending more time here than I am at home."


"I'm sorry," Nathan said, folding the newspaper.


Connie settled on the corner of Nathan's desk. "How was the fundraiser?"


"It went well," Nathan answered. "The hospital raised the money they needed."


"Well good," Connie said. "Were you bored without me there?"


"I was until I bumped into Katie," Nathan said. "She was there with Edward." Just saying Edward's name had him seeing red. He gripped his coffee cup until his knuckles turned white.


"Did Kate tell you that she, and I met?" Connie said.


"Yes," Nathan said.


"I asked her to meet me because I wanted to see what the fuss was all about, see why you're so crazy about her." Connie cocked her head to one side and gazed at Nathan. "I didn't see it. There wasn't anything special about her. Oh she was sweet and we had a nice talk, but she's not any different from anyone else."


Nathan glared at her. "You're entitled to your own opinion."


"I'm sorry," Connie said. "I've upset you. I didn't mean to."


"Don't worry about it," Nathan said, standing. "If you don't mind I'd like to be alone. I'm not having a good morning and I don't want to take my mood out on you."


"I don't mind," Connie said.


"I do mind," Nathan said, holding onto his temper by a thread.


"We'll talk later then," Connie said. "Do you want to get together for lunch?"


"I can't," Nathan said. "I have something I need to do."


"All right," Connie said, heading for the door. "I'll see you later." She left as quickly as she had come.


Nathan's first patient of the day was Loretta Mason. She was a seventy-five year old woman who had been coming to Nathan for checkups, since he started taking on patients. She was one of his favorites, and he always enjoyed seeing her. Putting Kate to the back of his mind, for the time being, he entered the examination room. "Good morning, Loretta. How are you feeling?"


"My back aches and I have an ugly corn on my toe the size of Texas. What do you think?"


Nathan smiled. "I think I'd like to see that corn."


"I would like to get out of here before my next birthday," she said dryly.


"This won't take long," Nathan said, moving in front of her. He looked into her eyes. "Relax, Loretta. Take a deep breath and just relax."


"How can I relax when my back is killing me?" She said softly.


"How long has your back been bothering you?" Nathan asked.


"Three long days."


"Is it a pain that comes and goes, or is it constant?"


"It comes and goes," Mrs. Mason answered.


Nathan moved behind her and placed his hands on the lower part of her back. "I'm going to feel around. Let me know if it hurts." He gently pressed his hands along her back, feeling for swelling. When his hand touched the right side, he felt her stiffen and heard her sharp intake of breath. "Is that where it hurts?"




Nathan strolled to the counter and opened Mrs. Mason's file. "Have you had any accidents recently, Loretta?"


"No," she said.


"Have you lifted any heavy objects?"


Mrs. Mason glanced at the floor. "I tried to move a plant. It was heavier than I thought it would be."


Nathan sighed. "Loretta, you're not a young woman any more. You have to be more careful. Don't you have someone who can move your plants for you?"


"I have a son," Mrs. Mason said. "I suppose I could ask him to help me. It's just that I don't want to be a bother."


"I'm sure your son would rather you be a bother than see you get hurt," Nathan pointed out. "Don't ever lift something that weighs more than you." He took a prescription pad and a pen out of his pocket. "I'm going to prescribe you something that will relax your muscles and help with the pain." He quickly wrote out a prescription and tore the sheet of paper from the pad. "I want you to take it easy for a few days."


"I'll try," Mrs. Mason said, taking the piece of paper from him. "Thank you."


"Do you have someone waiting for you?" Nathan asked as he helped her off the table.


"My son is in the waiting room."


"I want to see you again in a week," Nathan said. "If the pain grows worse I want you to come in."


"I will," Mrs. Mason promised. She smiled up at Nathan. "You're such a sweet young man. It's a shame you're already taken. I have a granddaughter who would be perfect for you."


"Well, if she's any thing like you then she shouldn't have a problem finding someone," Nathan said honestly.


"Like I said, you're a sweet young man and smart too."


Grinning, Nathan handed Mrs. Mason over to her son and went to see his next patient.


Kate spent the morning rearranging books in the library. Whoever put the books on the floor to ceiling shelves had not placed them in alphabetical order according to the author's last name, the way she preferred. By the time she stopped to take a break she realized it was almost noon. She left the library, closing the door behind her, and headed down the hallway. As she drew near the nursery she heard Gaby whimpering and hurried into the room.


"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Kate leaned over the crib and scooped the baby up into her arms. "You can't be hungry. Mommy fed you a little while ago."


"Maybe she has a dirty diaper," Nathan said from the doorway.


Startled, Kate whirled around, "N-Nathan, you're early."


"My last appointment didn't take as long as I thought it would." Nathan joined Kate at the crib and took Gaby out of her arms. "Let's check that diaper, baby girl." He laid her down on the changing table and opened her diaper. "You're wet. Let's get this thing off."


Kate watched as Gaby waved her tiny hands in the air and gurgled happily. "I don't know why you're so unsure about becoming a father. You're wonderful with Gaby."


"She's a wonderful baby," Nathan said. He tossed the diaper in a disposal can. Reaching for a baby wipe, he cleaned her bottom, tossed the wipe in the can, powdered her and put a new diaper on her. He picked her up and kissed her cheek before handing her back to Kate. "I'll be right back. I want to wash my hands."


While Nathan washed his hands Kate returned Gaby to her crib and covered her with a blanket. "Sleep well, sweetheart. Mommy will check on you later." She slipped out of the nursery quietly and met Nathan in the hallway.


"Is there someplace we can talk privately?" Nathan asked.


"We can go to the library," Kate said. She led the way to the library. "Don't mind the mess. I'm rearranging books."


They sat down on the brown leather sofa and Nathan turned toward Kate. "How have you been?"


"Good," Kate said. She stared at Nathan and waited for him to speak.


"Katie," Nathan muttered. "There's something, I need to tell you, but I don't know how to go about it."


"You know you can tell me anything," Kate said softly. "So just come out with it."


Nathan grasped Kate's hand and cleared his throat. "Mom and dad were having lunch at Tuscany's yesterday. They saw Edward there. He was with a woman. Katie, they were kissing."


Kate's heart knocked against her ribs. Slowly, she rose from the sofa and put some space between her and Nathan. With her back to him, she closed her eyes and took a ragged breath.
Damn you, Edward. Why can't you keep your affairs behind closed doors? Why must you make me look like a fool?
Angry, embarrassed and hurt, she couldn't bear to look at Nathan.


"Katie," Nathan said.


Kate felt his breath on her neck and shivered. "What?" She croaked.


"Look at me," Nathan whispered.


"No," Kate said.


"Katie." Nathan put his hands on Kate's shoulders and gently turned her around. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. "I'm sorry-"


"Don't," Kate said angrily. "Don't say you're sorry. I don't want your pity. I'm getting used to Edward's little liaisons."


Nathan pulled back and gaped at Kate. "You mean you knew he-"


"I'm not stupid, Nathan," Kate snapped. She placed her palms against his chest and pushed him away. "I know Edward's cheating. He's never been faithful to me."


"Good God, Katie," Nathan said stunned. "Then why in the hell are you still with the bastard?"


"I have my reasons," Kate said, crossing her arms in front of her chest.


Nathan gripped her elbows. "Reasons or not, you can't stay with him. Katie, you deserve to be with a man who will love and respect you."


"Do I really?" Kate said hoarsely.


"Yes," Nathan breathed.


Kate saw Nathan's eyes wander to her mouth and her breath caught in her throat. Electricity filled the air between them. An aching need to feel his body against hers came over Kate. Slowly, she melted against him and encircled his neck with her arms. "Kiss me, Nathan," she whispered. "I know it's wrong, and that we shouldn't, but I need you."


"Oh, Katie." Nathan lowered his head and his lips settled on hers.


Kate was unprepared for how sweet, how gentle the kiss was. It felt right being with him this way. Moaning, she tilted her head and deepened the kiss, her hands moved hungrily over his back. Feelings she had never felt before rose to the surface and brought tears to her eyes. She longed to stay locked in this heated embrace with Nathan forever.


Nathan ended the kiss a minute later and looked at Kate with desire in his eyes. "I never-"


Kate laid a finger against his swollen lips. "Please don't say anything."


Nathan examined her face. "Leave him, Katie.

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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